It's called the "The Eleventh Commandment," and it was popularized by former President Ronald Reagan. The commandment states, "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

As the 2012 Republican primary season nears its boiling point, some conservatives are concerned poisonous rhetoric among candidates is alienating middle-of-the-road voters.

"You have to move the mushy middle," says Craig Copland, author of 2012 Conservative Election Handbook (, a guide to winning campaigns at any level. He contends it is always better to elect a "soft conservative" over a "soft liberal." Those are two categories of voters, along with independents, rounding out the "mushy middle."

With more than 600,000 elected offices at stake throughout the United States, "the GOP has got to stop circling the wagons and shooting inwards," Copland says. His goal is to fill every one of those positions with a conservative.

Here are ways to get more conservatives elected:

• The "Four Box" method: This includes talking points that can be used for and against your candidate, and points used for and against his or her opponent. This method allows campaign managers to easily navigate and accentuate key points. Knowledge is power.

• Narrative & Emotion: In politics, "a good story always beats a rational argument," says Copland.Use strong emotions to move people into action. A compelling anecdote about wasteful tax-and-spend liberals elicits deeper feelings than a list of budget items.

• Target, Target, Target: Among the five categories of voters, two are predictable - hard-core conservatives and hard-core liberals. Those votes are taken, which is why it is essential to focus a proactive conservative message on soft conservatives, independents, and soft liberals. Fight for what is available.

• Media cluster: Getting the word out most effectively means using all tools at your disposal, including television, radio, print, media events, debates, speeches, and the internet.

• Content matters: There is a common denominator between Google searches and a campaign message - content. A candidate's visibility matters only if his or her message is properly managed.

"You may have the purest conservative credentials," says Copland. "But if you can't win the election, then you're only entertainment."

Entertainment value has been a key ingredient during this primary cycle, with nearly every conservative candidate enjoying front-runner status, at least for a short while. Copland is skeptical, however, about whether all publicity is good publicity.

"In politics, a single gaffe can end an election and ruin a career," Copeland says.

Along with proactive measures are the missteps to avoid. These mistakes include adultery, conflicts of interest, lies, breaking election rules, and embarrassing records such as video footage, emails, tweets, and Facebook posts.

"This is a handbook," says Copland. "It contains no theory, no stories - only instructions. It tries to be honest and blunt."

About Craig Copland

Craig Copland is a retired entrepreneur with a long history as a volunteer and professional consultant with expertise in fundraising and managing political campaigns. He spent many years as an executive and CEO of international humanitarian aid agencies, helping establish and run disaster response programs for children. After searching for a guide to elect conservatives to office and not finding one, he authored "2012 Conservative Election Handbook." As founder and president of Conservative Growth Inc., he helps elect conservatives to all levels of public office.

HILLSDALE - Today, Mike Smiddy celebrates his primary election to be the Democratic nominee for the Illinois State House. Smiddy received the support of the Moline Dispatch, AFSCME Council 31, Laborers Local 309, Quad City Federation of Labor, Tri-City Building Trades, Illinois Association of Fire Fighters, Illinois Education Association, SEIU, Personal PAC, Planned Parenthood, and Equality Illinois.

"Tonight we achieve our first goal of this campaign. This is not just a victory for me, but for all working class families who believe that creating jobs should be our priority," Smiddy commented during his remarks to supporters. "Now, in the days and months to come, we will let incumbent Republican Morthland know it's time to put working families first."

Tonight we celebrate our victory, and tomorrow we begin our campaign for the general election

Rock Island, IL...Jonathan Wallace, Republican candidate for State House District 72, released the following endorsements from Republican elected officials and local business leaders:

"I am proud to be endorsed local leaders and elected officials who have worked hard to make our communities a better place," Wallace stated. "We are working tirelessly to make Illinois a better place for job creation and the following generations. With your support, we will move onward to victory in November as well."

Full list of endorsements and recommendations:

Bob Westpfahl - Rock Island County Board Member

Richard L. Meredith- Moline Alderman

Kevin Schoonmaker  - Moline Alderman

Darren Woeber - Trustee, Village of Andalusia

Louie Alongi - Trustee, South Rock Island Township

Ray Choudhry - GOP Precinct Committee, MidAmerica Law Offices

Ronald Camper - GOP Precinct Committee, candidate for County Board

Chicago Tribune

Moline Dispatch/Rock Island Argus

Illinois Home School PAC

Fiscal Accountability PAC
Illinois Liberty PAC

NRA Victory Fund - Pro-gun candidate based on survey

Illinois Family Institute - Recommended


Jonathan Wallace is the endorsed Republican for State Representative. Wallace is endorsed by dozens of Republican leaders and groups for his pro-job creation, limited government agenda.



Who: Mike Smiddy, Democratic Candidate for the IL 71st State House District, will hold an Election Night Party at the Hampton Heritage Center to watch the election results with friends, family and supporters.

What: Election night party for Mike Smiddy

When: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 starting at 7 PM

Where: Hampton Heritage Center, 251 S State Ave., Hampton, IL 61256

Why: This event will be held to celebrate the accomplishments of Mike Smiddy and Tracy Nesseler.

CHICAGO - On Thursday, Obama for America announces watch parties across Iowa for the premiere of award-winning director Davis Guggenheim's documentary "Road We've Traveled."


"Road We've Traveled" is narrated by Tom Hanks and includes appearances by Vice President Joe Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren and others. The film is an opportunity to put into perspective the challenges the country faced when President Obama took office, the tough decisions he made in the face of those challenges and the progress we've made in rebuilding an economy that's meant to last and strengthening and securing our nation.




Obama for America Announces Screening Parties Across Iowa


WHERE: (Please see all locations below)


Cedar Rapids

Linn County Democratic Headquarters

2857 Mt. Vernon Rd SE

Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

Time: 5:30PM

Council Bluffs

Organizing for America Office

1851 Madison Ave, Suite 550

Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503

Time: 6:00PM


Democratic Headquarters

1706 Brady St. #205

Davenport, IA 52803

Time: 7:00PM


Des Moines

Private Residence (Location will be provided following RSVP)

Time: 6:00 pm


Iowa City

Johnson County Democratic Headquarters

321 Market Street

Iowa City, IA 52245

Time: 6:00PM



IOWA - Obama for America announced today the launch of Nurses for Obama in Iowa, a campaign initiative designed to mobilize nurses across the country.

As we approach the two-year anniversary of President Obama's landmark health reform, Obama for America is engaging our supporters to talk about how health reform has already changed lives for the better. On today's call, National Press Secretary Ben LaBolt and local Iowa nurse Mary Burke, emphasized how the Affordable Care Act has affected Iowans since 2009. The statements below were prepared for delivery by Ben LaBolt and Mary Burke.

"Approximately 2 Million Iowans are now protected against the worst insurance company abuses, like denying health care to the sick, excessive premium increases, and lifetime caps on the amount of care a patient can receive, said National Press Secretary Ben LaBolt. "Soon, insurance companies won't be able to charge women higher premiums just because of their gender.

"This is just the beginning. As the reforms continue to phase in over the coming months, so will more of its benefits, said LaBolt. "New reforms will lower costs even further and raise the quality of care.  Seniors will see their Medicare coverage continue to improve, and they'll see the doughnut hole completely close so they can afford the medicine they need."

A significant part of that effort will be Nurses for Obama, a program that will mobilize nurses across the country and provide resources and effective ways they can be advocates for health care reform in their communities. Because nurses are on the frontlines of our health care system, they are involved in every step of the way from prevention to patient care and have seen firsthand how health care reform has already benefited their patients.

"I saw insurance companies tell my patients and my family members that they'd have to wait weeks before getting treated, or that they wouldn't cover anything at all, said Mary Burke, a local nurse in Iowa. "But thanks to President Obama's health insurance reforms, all that's starting to change. Now my patients won't have to worry about not getting insurance because of a preexisting condition. They won't have to worry about going over some insurance company's arbitrary cap on how much care they can get."

For additional information about Nurses for Obama, please visit Also be sure to check out the campaign's new online tool highlighting health reform's benefits.


CHICAGO - March 14, 2012. Lt. Governor Sheila Simon expressed disappointment in Tuesday's federal court injunction that blocks one part of landmark campaign finance reform she advocated for as a member of the Illinois Reform Commission and emphasized that many of the limits on campaign contributions are still intact under state law.


Simon said: "Illinois passed the state's first-ever limits on campaign contributions in 2009 to reduce the influence of big money donors on elected officials and ward off perceived or actual corruption. The caps on the amount of money individuals, businesses and political action committees may contribute to candidates or their campaign organizations are still intact. However, the federal court injunction will allow independent political action committees, so-called Super PACs, to raise unlimited amounts of money and influence campaigns. This decision is consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizen's United case, which unfortunately allows more money than ever before into our political process. Unlimited money should not be the strongest voice in our democracy."


Dear Co-conspirators in the 9-9-9 revolution:
You may have been learning over the last many weeks about the candidates for Congress who have joined on with 9-9-9 The Revolution. They pledge to become part of an "Army of Davids" and promise to go to Washington and slay our modern Goliath: The federal tax code. I just wanted to shoot you a quick follow up note, reminding you that they could use your help.
Here are the websites for some of them. Many more are on board and will be announced in the days that follow. I encourage you to take a look at their campaigns and think hard about what you can do to get them where we need them to go.
All the best,
Herman Cain
Craig Miller (FL-6) -
Bill Randall (NC-13) -
Brian K. Hill (CT-SENATE) -
Pete Hoekstra (MI-SENATE) -
Martha Zoller (GA-9) -
Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher (OH-9) -
Travis Grantham (AZ-9) -
Dan Hughes (CA-SENATE) -
Corrogan Vaughn (MD-SENATE) -

The Moline Dispatch/Argus endorsed Jonathan Wallace, Republican candidate for State Representative.


The Dispatch/Argus praised Wallace's experience and expertise:


"Mr. Wallace, who was home-schooled while growing up in Port Byron and studied political science and economics at Augustana College, demonstrated an astute awareness and knowledge of important issues facing the state. He also was not afraid to speak out about the need for ethics reform and to end the culture of corruption and the good old boy network in Springfield."


Jonathan Wallace is the endorsed Republican for State Representative. The Chicago Tribune and the Illinois Home School PAC endorsed Wallace earlier this week.


"I am thankful for the endorsement of the Dispatch/Argus," stated Jonathan Wallace. "These endorsements and our incredible grassroots network give us the edge that we need, so that we can begin to make Illinois a better place for job creation and the next generation."

MORRIS, IL -- The Illinois Homeschool PAC today announced its endorsement of Republican Jonathan Wallace in the 2012 Primary Election in the 72nd State Representative District. ILHPAC also launched to showcase the completed questionnaires of 37 General Assembly candidates.

"We're pleased to endorse Jonathan, who has has demonstrated a clear distinction from his opponents in terms of a commitment to protect homeschool freedom," said Curt Mercadante, chair of the Illinois Homeschool PAC. "We urge home educators to support Jonathan, and to visit to view the completed questionnaires of 37 candidates for the Illinois General Assembly."

ILHPAC's also today announced its full endorsement list for the 2012 Primary Elections:

  • Lennie Jarratt, 31st State Senate District (Homeschool Parent)
  • Sen. Sam McCann, 50th State Senate District (Incumbent/Homeschool Parent)
  • Mark Minor, 59th State Senate District
  • Garrett Peck, 49th State Senate District


  • Liandro "Li" Arellano, Jr., 90th State Representative District
  • Jonathan Wallace, 72nd State Representative District (Homeschooler)

These endorsements are for the 2012 Primary Election only and are based on candidate responses to the ILHPAC legislative questionnaire. In some cases, the candidates are either home educators or were home educated. All of these candidates have contested Primary Elections, and there is a clear and demonstrable difference between these candidates and their opponents in their support for homeschool freedom.

"Just because a candidate is not endorsed does not mean he or she is not pro-homeschooling," added Mercadante. "We invite you to visit to see if your candidate has completed our legislative questionnaire."

The Illinois Homeschool PAC is the only Illinois political action committee that is singularly focused on protecting the rights of Illinois home educators.

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