Iowa City, IA - Congressman Dave Loebsack delivered the following remarks this evening after winning the Democratic nomination in Iowa's Second Congressional District.  Below is the text of his remarks, as prepared for delivery.

"Thank you all so much!

"I want to thank all of the great volunteers who have been making phone calls, displaying yard signs, and supporting my campaign.

"I truly could not do any of this without you and I'm incredibly honored by all of the support and enthusiasm you have shown.

"One of the traits of our Democratic Party that makes us great is that we're a big tent - we include folks with all sorts of views and we're stronger for it.

"Senator Seng has served Davenport and our state for years, and I'd like to thank him for his dedicated service and for the respectful primary that was run.

"There are many things he and I agree on and I hope to have his support as we work towards November.

"Because I think we all know that the tough work begins tomorrow.

"We've already seen SuperPacs and national political groups taking an interest in this race.  And it's only going to increase starting tomorrow.

"We have our work cut out for us.

"Because November 6th is going to be about choices.

"Do Iowa families come before special interests?

"Do seniors have a safety net in retirement or will their Social Security be privatized and their Medicare turned into vouchers?

"Will Iowa families be able to send their kids to college?

"And will we live in a country where women are paid equal wages for equal work?

"These are the choices that will be made in November.

"And over the next five months, we need to tell Iowans what's at stake.

"It's going to take a lot of work but I'm ready to get to work and I know you are too!

"And it's going to be worth it.  Because this election is critical.

"Iowans are hurting.

"And we've been hurting for way too long.

"We're not just worried that our kids and grandkids aren't going to have the same opportunities we had to work hard and succeed; we're worried about jobs and what each day holds for middle-class families who just can't catch a break in this economy.

"But the Republican Congress and their nominee to run our great nation are far more focused on rewarding their special interest backers, ending Medicare as we know it, and declaring a war on women than they are in creating jobs, making sure families can send their kids to college, restoring the American Dream, and rebuilding an economy that works for ALL Iowans.

"That's not just misguided priorities - it's flat out wrong.

"My priority is, and always will be, supporting and strengthening working families and getting Iowans back to work - creating good jobs for hard-working Iowans.

"Iowa's best days are ahead of us.

"And if we fight together, we'll make those better days a reality for everyone.

"Because, if we don't, the Republicans will win and Iowans will lose.

"Our priorities are Iowans' priorities.

"And we must fight together to make those priorities heard.

"I cannot thank all of you enough for your support today and over the past weeks and months.

"I'm looking forward to working shoulder to shoulder with you all the way to victory in November!

"Thank you again!"
Waterloo, IA - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) released the following statement tonight after securing the Democratic nomination for Iowa First District US Representative:

"I'm honored be the Democratic nominee in the First Congressional District.  Over the next five months, I look forward to a spirited campaign focused on my record of creating jobs and new economic opportunities for Iowa, making education more affordable and accessible, and honoring the sacrifice of our veterans long after they return home. 

"I learned about hard work and Iowa common sense growing up in Poweshiek County.  I'm running for re-election because there is still work to do.  And the only way we're going to fix the mess in Washington is by sending people there who have the experience to bring people together and get things done."

# # #

DES MOINES - Today, the Senate voted down the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would have closed loopholes that prevent women from fighting for equal pay and help stop pay discrimination before it starts. Former Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge and Iowa Women for Obama Steering Committee member released the following statement after the vote:

"We are disappointed that the Paycheck Fairness Act did not pass the Senate floor.  It would have helped ensure that all women receive equal pay for equal work.  The Act would have built on efforts by President Obama to protect and advance policies that promote fairness, equal opportunity and a level playing field for all Americans, like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

"The result of this vote could have been different if Mitt Romney had showed leadership and stood up for women and stood up to Republicans in Washington who deny millions of women a fair shot at what we've earned.  To this day, Mitt Romney has refused to support for the Paycheck Fairness Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act.  Iowans were watching to see if Romney would come out on the side of women and equal rights, but instead we saw yet another example of his failed leadership on women's issues."

"Congress needs to remember that denying equal pay for equal work doesn't just discriminate against women - it also jeopardizes the economic security of families across the country."

DES MOINES - Tomorrow, Attorney General Tom Miller and Rob Dolan, the Mayor of Melrose, MA will hold a media conference call to discuss Mitt Romney's economic philosophy, his failed economic record in Massachusetts and why he's the wrong choice for Iowans.  Mayor Dolan, first elected in 2001, served with Mitt Romney in Massachusetts and before that he was an Alderman-at-Large.

Mitt Romney claims his experience as a corporate buyout specialist will bring positive economic results for the nation. He made the same economic promises when he ran for governor of Massachusetts that he makes today -- more jobs, less debt and smaller government. Once in office, he broke all those promises and more - Massachusetts plummeted to 47th out of 50 in job creation, manufacturing jobs fell at twice the national average, taxes and fees were raised by $750 million a year, and Romney left Massachusetts taxpayers with more debt per person than in any other state.  Now we are seeing the same promises out of Mitt Romney on the presidential campaign trail and America can't afford the same results.

Friday, June 1

11:30 AM

WHAT: Remarks on Mitt Romney's failed economic policies in Massachusetts

By Chuck Hassebrook,, Center for Rural Affairs

It's election year and the perfect time to talk to candidates about critical rural issues.   An elected official is most likely to make a commitment to you when seeking your vote.   So seize the opportunity.  Commitments are harder to get after the election.

There are a few simple steps you can take.  None requires detailed policy knowledge or expertise.

First, tell them who you are - a voter in their district and current or potential constituent.  That gives you credibility.  If you are an elected official, farmer, community developer, community volunteer or small business person - tell them that too.

Ask for a commitment.  If you want Congress to cap payments to mega farms and invest in rural development, conservation and beginning farmer programs, first tell them what you want.   But don't stop there.  Ask them, "Will you promise to support funding for rural development?" or whatever else you request.

Finally, establish a personal relationship and follow-up.   Stay after the formal meeting to shake the candidate's hand, thank him/her for coming and provide your business card or your name and address scribbled on a scrap of paper.  Ask who on their staff you should contact when the issue comes up in the future.  When it does, get back to that person and, if you got a commitment, tell them.

You can make a difference.  It takes a little effort, but you can do it.  Campaign season is the best time to extract a commitment from an elected official to support good legislation.
Dear Fellow Americans,

Today we have the great honor to inform our generous and devoted constituents, the media, independent journalists and the proper Elections Departments in each State of the Union, that after long deliberations with my campaign advisors, family and friends, I have nominated my running mate for the position of Vice President for the coming 2012 Presidential Election, Mr. Steve McAllister.

Mr. McAllister kindly accepted the nomination after consulting with his family and friends. We are so proud to have Steve on board, a patriot, a person that will work hand in hand to preserve our founding fathers' values, defend our rights for a free and democratic nation, he will work with all sectors of our country without discrimination. An entrepreneur that has dedicated a great part of his life to help others and disseminate the profound values of our Christian faith and a proud direct descendant of the Abraham Lincoln family. We are honored to have his unconditional support. Welcome to our team, Steve!

God bless America!


Paul Chehade
Candidate for President of  the United States of America 2012.

P.S.: Spread the word, forward this message to your friends and colleagues, it is a great way to help to this campaign.

"Just one day after Colin Powell reprimanded Mitt Romney for his reckless foreign policy rhetoric and called his extreme foreign policy advisors into question, John Bolton is headed to Iowa to campaign for Romney - the same John Bolton who 'cherry-picked' intelligence to lead us into Iraq and has advocated against nuclear non-proliferation. Romney has rejected the counsel of mainstream foreign policy experts and surrounded himself with the same people who weakened America's standing in the world over the last decade. Romney and his advisors have repeatedly criticized our allies on the campaign trail -- calling Europe a 'second-tier nation,' criticizing the British Prime Minister for political purposes, and labeling Russia our 'number one geopolitical foe' -- all while failing to lay out a coherent foreign policy agenda and instead embracing the radical views of John Bolton. America can't afford Mitt Romney as Commander-in-Chief."?Erin Seidler, campaign spokesman




Huffington Post Headline: "Colin Powell Trashes Mitt Romney's Team Of Foreign Policy Advisors." [Huffington Post, 5/23/12]


Colin Powell Said Romney's Foreign Policy Advisors Are So Far To The Right That Advice They Give "Deserves A Second Thought." Colin Powell: "I don't know who all of his advisers are, but I've seen some of the names and some of them are quite far to the right. And sometimes they, I think, might be in a position to make judgments or recommendations to the candidate that should get a second thought."  [MSNBC, 5/23/12; Huffington Post, 5/23/12]


MSNBC Headline: "Powell To Romney On Foreign Policy: 'Come On, Mitt, Think.'" [MSNBC, 5/23/12]

·         GOP Foreign-Policy Heavyweight "Colin Powell Took Mitt Romney To Task For Calling Russia The United States' 'Number One Geostrategic Threat.'" "One of the GOP's foreign-policy heavyweights, Colin Powell, took Mitt Romney to task for calling Russia the United States' 'No. 1 geostrategic threat.' 'Come on, Mitt, think. That isn't the case,' Powell, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning." [MSNBC, 5/23/12]


Colin Powell: "[Romney]'s Been Catching A Lot Of Heck From The More Regular GOP Foreign Affairs Community." Colin Powell: "[Romney's] been catching a lot of heck from the more regular GOP foreign affairs community. We're kind of taken aback by it. How can you--? Come on. Look at the world. There is no pure competitor to the United States of America." [MSNBC, 5/23/12]


Powell: BOlton is problematic official


Colin Powell Was Reportedly In Opposition To Bolton's Appointment To The United Nations. "A more ideological appointment to the U.N. post would be John Bolton, who held senior State Department positions under Reagan and Bush's father. The right-wing Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute are reportedly lobbying hard for Bolton, a career right-winger who has been among the foremost and most vociferous critics of the world body. Powell, however, is reported to oppose his nomination." [IPS, 01/03/01]


·         Powell Told Republican Senators That Bolton Is A Very Problematic Official. "Former secretary of state Colin L. Powell is emerging as a behind-the-scenes player in the battle over John R. Bolton's nomination as ambassador to the United Nations, privately telling at least two key Republican lawmakers that Bolton is a smart but very problematic government official, according to Republican sources." [Washington Post, 04/22/05]


mitt romney has embraced john bolton's neo-con views on foreign policy


Romney Adviser John Bolton Has Had A Large Influence Over Romney. "The loudest signal emerging from the noise of Romney's foreign policy team is that Bolton's influence might be larger than I would have suspected.  The fact that Grenell was Bolton's spokesman at the UN, and that his Russia views sound like Bolton, are distressing signals.  The fact that one of Romney's concrete budgetary criticisms of the Obama administration this week was that, '[i]n 2010, 17 federal government agencies gave $7.7 billion to more than 25 United Nations programs, billions of it voluntarily,' sounds... Boltonish. The fact that all of Romney's foreign policy factions are gabbing to the press and, er, people like me further suggests that the divisions run deep."   [Foreign Policy, 5/18/12]


"What Has Struck Both [Romney's] Advisers And Outside Republicans" Was How Romney's Comments On Foreign Policy "Have Usually Rejected Mainstream Republican Orthodoxy" And Sounded "More Like The Talking Points Of The Neoconservatives ? The 'Bolton Faction.'" "But what has struck both his advisers and outside Republicans is that in his effort to secure the nomination, Mr. Romney's public comments have usually rejected mainstream Republican orthodoxy. They sound more like the talking points of the neoconservatives ? the 'Bolton faction,' as insiders call the group led by John Bolton, the former ambassador to the United Nations. In a stormy tenure in the Bush administration, Mr. Bolton was often arguing that international institutions, the United Nations included, should be routed around because they so often frustrate American interests." [New York Times, 5/12/12]


Former Sen. Jim Talent, A Romney Surrogate: "Ambassador Bolton Is A Forthright Advocate For American Strength And American Security, Which Is Identical With Governor Romney's Position." Talent: "Ambassador Bolton is a forthright advocate for American strength and American security, which is identical with Governor Romney's position. I mean, there's one thing at the core of Mitt Romney's foreign policy, it's America should be strong, should stand with its allies, stand up for its interests, work internationally to protect American security. And that's what Ambassador Bolton believes." [Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC, 1/12/12]


BOLTON is known for his extreme foreign POLICY VIEWS


The Economist Labeled John Bolton "The Most Controversial Ambassador Ever Sent By America To The United Nations." "So, after Donald Rumsfeld, another neocon hero bites the dust. 'I am not happy,' said George Bush; but he reluctantly accepted the resignation of the most controversial ambassador ever sent by America to the United Nations. John Bolton had done a 'fabulous job', he insisted, serving his country with extraordinary dedication and skill and assembling coalitions that addressed some of the most consequential issues of the day. The stubborn obstructionism of those who had chosen to block his reappointment, Mr Bush maintained, 'ill serves our country'." [Economist, 12/7/06]


Bolton: If U.N. Building Lost 10 Stories "It Wouldn't Make a Bit of Difference." "'The Secretariat building in New York has 38 stories. If it lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference,' Bolton said. And in 2000, Bolton told National Public Radio that the U.N. Security Council needed only one permanent member, the United States, 'because that's the real reflection of the distribution of power in the world.'" [Los Angeles Times, 3/8/5]


Bolton Made No Secret Of His Distain For The U.N. Saying "There Is No Such Thing As The United Nations." "Bolton has made no secret of his disdain for the U.N. 'There is no such thing as the United Nations,' Bolton said at a Global Structures conference in 1994. 'There is an international community, that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world and that is the United States when it suits our interest and when we can get others to go along.'" [Los Angeles Times, 3/9/05] 


Bolton Has Advocated Against Non-Proliferation In Favor Of A "Counter-Proliferation" Strategy. Bolton wrote in the Financial Times: "The Bush administration is reinventing the non-proliferation regime it inherited, crafting policies to fill gaping holes, reinforcing earlier patchwork fixes, assembling allies, creating precedents and changing perceived realities and stilted legal thinking. The frontlines in our non-proliferation strategy must extend beyond the well-known rogue states to the trade routes and entities engaged in supplying proliferant countries. This can properly be described not as 'non-proliferation', but as 'counter-proliferation.'" [Bolton op-ed, Financial Times, 09/07/04]


Bolton Attacked European Allies, Saying "Some Europeans Have Never Lost Faith in Appeasement as a Way of Life." "It is unclear what the Bush Administration has in mind by shipping Bolton to New York. The appointment has been spun as 'Nixon goes to China.' Nixon, however, actually went to China: the visit was compatible with his world view. Bolton, by contrast, seems averse to compromise, and is apparently committed to the belief that the U.N. and international law undermine U.S. interests... He will have to work with European states, even though he believes that 'some Europeans have never lost faith in appeasement as a way of life.'" [Star-Tribune, 08/05/96]




Former Cheney Aide: Bolton Worked As Part of Secretive Cheney Office Which Cherry Picked Intelligence As Iraq War Neared. "As the campaign against Iraq intensified, a former aide to Cheney [said], the Vice-President's office, run by his chief of staff, Lewis (Scooter) Libby, became increasingly secretive when it came to intelligence about Iraq's W.M.D.s. As with [Dep. Defense Secretary Paul] Wolfowitz and [Dep. Secretary of State John] Bolton, there was a reluctance to let the military and civilian analysts on the staff vet intelligence. 'It was an unbelievably closed and small group,' the former aide [said]. Intelligence procedures were far more open during the Clinton Administration, he said, and professional staff members had been far more involved in assessing and evaluating the most sensitive data. 'There's so much intelligence out there that it's easy to pick and choose your case,' the former aide [said]. 'It opens things up to cherry-picking.'" [The New Yorker, 10/27/03]


·         After Weapons Of Mass Destruction Were Not Found In Iraq, Bolton Said That Whether Saddam Possessed WMD "Isn't Really The Issue." "In an interview with The Associated Press, John Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms control, said that whether Saddam's regime actually possessed weapons of mass destruction 'isn't really the issue.' 'The issue I think has been the capability that Iraq sought to have ... WMD programs,' Bolton said at the U.S. Embassy in Paris. Bolton said that Saddam kept "a coterie" of scientists he was preserving for the day when he could build nuclear weapons unhindered by international constraints. That fact, combined with Iraq's history of deceiving U.N. inspectors, showed that Saddam could not be trusted to abandon his ambition to develop unconventional weapons, Bolton said. 'Whether he possessed them today or four years ago isn't really the issue,' he said. 'As long as that regime was in power, it was determined to get nuclear, chemical and biological weapons one way or another...'Disarming Saddam Hussein was the Bush administration's top rationale for the war, which started in March, and officials said beforehand that they knew where weapons were hidden." [Associated Press, 09/04/03]


John Bolton Was Said To Have Been "Cherry-Picking" Intelligence Reports That Were Given To Him And Tried To Have Intelligence Analysts Who Resisted His Viewpoint Removed From Their Posts. "The Senate Foreign Relations Committee sent the controversial nomination of John R. Bolton for U.N. ambassador to the full Senate. ... A man known for politicizing intelligence about 'rogue' states is being pushed by the White House toward another high post, even as the North Korean situation reminds us how little we know of that country. The last thing the United States needs is political twisting of intelligence on 'axis of evil' countries such as Iran or North Korea. The Iraq intelligence debacle should have taught that lesson. ... A stream of witnesses, including senior Republican appointees and top intelligence officials, told Senate staffers how Mr. Bolton tried to pressure intelligence analysts who disagreed with his conclusions - on Cuba, Syria and other issues. If the analysts refused, Mr. Bolton tried to get them removed from their posts. ... Robert L. Hutchings, the former chairman of the government's National Intelligence Council, explained Mr. Bolton's technique to Senate staffers: 'I wouldn't say he was making up facts. Let's say that he took isolated facts and made much more of them to build a case than I thought the intelligence warranted. It was a sort of cherry-picking of little factoids ... that were drawn out to present the starkest possible case.'"  [Trudy Rubin, Baltimore Sun, 5/17/05]


·         Former Chairman Of The National Intelligence Council On Bolton: "I Wouldn't Say He Was Making Up Facts.  Let's Say That He Took Isolated Facts And Made Much More Of Them To Build A Case Than I Thought The Intelligence Warranted.  It Was A Sort Of Cherry-Picking Of Little Factoids ... That Were Drawn Out To Present The Starkest Possible Case." [Trudy Rubin, Baltimore Sun, 5/17/05]


·         The "Bolton Approach" Was To Suppress Alternative Views From Intelligence Analysts "In Favor Of His Own." "Rather than encourage alternative views from intelligence analysts, the Bolton approach was to suppress them in favor of his own. The risk of this was laid out bluntly to me by Wayne White, head of the State Department's Iraq intelligence team from 2003 to March 2005: 'When political spin and hype is allowed to enter the intelligence stream, we take the first step down the road to policy failure.'"  [Trudy Rubin,Baltimore Sun, 5/17/05]


John Bolton Ignored Iraq Intelligence Assessments By Career Intelligence Officials And "Seemed To Be Troubled" When They Were "Not Telling Him What He Wanted To Hear." "A few months after George Bush took office, Greg Thielmann, an expert on disarmament with the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, or INR, was assigned to be the daily intelligence liaison to John Bolton, the Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control, who is a prominent conservative. ... 'Bolton was the guy with whom I had to do business,' Thielmann said. 'We were going to provide him with all the information he was entitled to see. That's what being a professional intelligence officer is all about.'  But, Thielmann told me, 'Bolton seemed to be troubled because INR was not telling him what he wanted to hear.' Thielmann soon found himself shut out of Bolton's early-morning staff meetings. 'I was intercepted at the door of his office and told, "The Under-Secretary doesn't need you to attend this meeting anymore."'  When Thielmann protested that he was there to provide intelligence input, the aide said, 'The Under-Secretary wants to keep this in the family.'  Eventually, Thielmann said, Bolton demanded that he and his staff have direct electronic access to sensitive intelligence, such as foreign-agent reports and electronic intercepts. In previous Administrations, such data had been made available to under-secretaries only after it was analyzed, usually in the specially secured offices of INR. The whole point of the intelligence system in place, according to Thielmann, was 'to prevent raw intelligence from getting to people who would be misled.' Bolton, however, wanted his aides to receive and assign intelligence analyses and assessments using the raw data. In essence, the under-secretary would be running his own intelligence operation, without any guidance or support. 'He surrounded himself with a hand-chosen group of loyalists, and found a way to get C.I.A. information directly," Thielmann said."  [The New Yorker, 10/27/03]




Romney Advisers: "Dozens Of Subtle Position Papers" On Foreign Policy In Romney's Policy Shop "Seem To Have Little Influence On Mr. Romney's Hawkish-Sounding Pronouncements." "It was just one example of what Mr. Romney's advisers call a perplexing pattern: Dozens of subtle position papers flow through the candidate's policy shop and yet seem to have little influence on Mr. Romney's hawkish-sounding pronouncements, on everything from war to nuclear proliferation to the trade-offs in dealing with China." [New York Times, 5/12/12]


·         New York Times: "In Seeking To Define Himself In Opposition To President Obama, Mr. Romney Has Openly Rejected Positions That George W. Bush Came Around To In His Humbler Second Term." [New York Times, 5/12/12]


Romney "Has Made Little Effort" To Court Republican Foreign Policy Realists Like Brent Scowcroft, James A. Baker III Or Henry A. Kissinger. "Curiously for a Republican candidate with virtually no foreign policy record, Mr. Romney has made little effort to court the old-timers of Republican internationalism, from the former national security adviser Brent Scowcroft to the former secretaries of state James A. Baker III, George P. Shultz and even the grandmaster of realism, Henry A. Kissinger." [New York Times, 5/12/12]


Romney Advisers: Romney Has A "Tendency To View Foreign Policy Conflicts As Zero-Sum Negotiations." "Some advisers close to Mr. Romney, who declined to be quoted or identified by name, say Russia is a good illustration of his belief that national security threats are closely tied to economic power ? in this case stemming from Russia's oil and gas reserves, which it has used to muscle European countries dependent on energy imports. They also cite his tendency to view foreign policy conflicts as zero-sum negotiations. Mr. Romney, an accomplished deal-maker at Bain Capital, views his negotiating skills as an advantage he holds over Mr. Obama." [New York Times, 5/11/12]



Romney's Claim That Russia Was America's "No. 1 Geopolitical Foe" Fanned "Concerns Among Both Romney Supporters And Nonpartisan Foreign-Policy Experts That Mr. Romney's Desire To Contrast Himself With President Barack Obama Has Led The GOP Candidate To Take Positions That Would Be Difficult To Maintain If He Wins The Presidency." "Mitt Romney's labeling of Russia this week as America's 'No. 1 geopolitical foe' has drawn attention to his emerging hawkishness on several foreign policy fronts, from China's monetary policy to the war in Afghanistan?a trend that contrasts to his more muted style on domestic issues. The Russia remark has fanned concerns among both Romney supporters and nonpartisan foreign-policy experts that Mr. Romney's desire to contrast himself with President Barack Obama has led the GOP candidate to take positions that would be difficult to maintain if he wins the presidency." [Wall Street Journal, 3/29/12]


·         New York Times Editorial: That Romney Considers Russia To Be America's "No. 1 Geopolitical Foe" Showed "Either A Shocking Lack Of Knowledge About International Affairs Or Just Craven Politics." "Two decades after the end of the cold war, Mitt Romney still considers Russia to be America's 'No. 1 geopolitical foe.' His comments display either a shocking lack of knowledge about international affairs or just craven politics. Either way, they are reckless and unworthy of a major presidential contender." [Editorial, New York Times, 3/29/12]


·         Sen. Lindsey Graham: "I Don't See [Russia] As Our No. 1 Strategic Foe." "On Capitol Hill, top Republicans have little praise for Medvedev or Russia and maintain that Moscow has played an unhelpful international role and represses its own citizens. But these lawmakers see Russia as a power in decline and therefore not worthy of the title of America's 'No. 1 geopolitical foe.' 'I don't see them as our No. 1 strategic foe because they've got a weak economy and structurally are not very strong. China could potentially be more harming to our interests because of the growth of their economy and the growth of their military,' Senate Armed Services Committee member Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told The Cable." [Foreign Policy, 3/28/12]


·         Sen. John McCain Would Not Say Russia Was The No. 1 Geopolitical Foe Of The United States And Said Russia Was "In Many Ways ... Declining." "Senate Armed Services Committee ranking Republican John McCain (R-AZ) told The Cable that he agreed with Romney that Obama's comments about flexibility on missile defense were alarming, but he wouldn't say Russia was the No. 1 geopolitical foe of the United States. 'I think they are a strategic challenge,' McCain said. 'They continue to supply [Syrian President] Bashar al Assad while he slaughters Syrians and they continue to obviously oppose our missile-defense systems. They continue to be an oppressive and repressive regime.' 'Fortunately in many ways they are declining. But this recent consolidation of power shows a lack of democracy there," McCain said." [Foreign Policy, 3/28/12]




Senior Advisors To Romney Bitterly Criticized British Prime Minister David Cameron For Complementing President Obama During A Banquet In Washington D.C. "Senior advisers to Mitt Romney have bitterly criticised David Cameron's recent White House 'love-in' with Barack Obama before Romney's first visit to London for the opening of the Olympic Games. Referring to Cameron's highly flatttering toast to Obama during a banquet given in the prime minister's honour when he visited Washington in March, a senior aide said: 'You don't take sides in an election year'." [Guardian, 5/2/12]


·         Senior Advisors To Romney Attacked British Prime Minister David Cameron Saying His Complements Of President Obama Showed A "Lack Of Experience" And Was "Not Very Skillful" Adding That Cameron Had "Infringed" This Relationship Between US And Britain. "Senior advisers to Mitt Romney have bitterly criticised David Cameron's recent White House 'love-in' with Barack Obama before Romney's first visit to London for the opening of the Olympic Games. Referring to Cameron's highly flatttering toast to Obama during a banquet given in the prime minister's honour when he visited Washington in March, a senior aide said: 'You don't take sides in an election year'... Cameron's performance smacked of a 'lack of experience' and was seen as 'not very skilful', the aide said. Romney advisers responsible for European policy were said to have been so alarmed that their initial reaction was to complain Cameron had 'infringed' the special relationship between the US and Britain." [Guardian, 5/2/12]




Romney Called Europe "A Second-Tier Military And A Second-Tier Nation," Romney: "The question is whether we're going to become a stronger nation leading the world or whether we're going to follow the path of Europe and become a second-tier military and a second-tier nation," [Toby Harnden- Daily Telegraph (London), 10/31/07]

MOLINE, ILLINOIS - The Cities with Jim Mertens, WQPT's public affairs program interviews all of the candidates for Iowa's 2nd Congressional District. Incumbent Dave Loebsack(D) and his primary challenger, State Senator Joe Seng, and Republican candidates attorney John Archer and builder Dan Dolan talk about why they are running for office and the current state of Washington politics.

"We always want to add more light than heat to any political discussion," said host Jim Mertens.  "The Cities will be focusing on all of our local contests, both on the Illinois and Iowa sides of the river."

The Cities can be seen on WQPT on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm and Sundays at 5:30 pm. Each episode is also available at after the program airs on WQPT.

WQPT is a media service of Western Illinois University located in Moline, Illinois. The Cities is taped at Stratus Broadcasting.

DAVENPORT - Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz is reminding those interested in voting in the upcoming
Iowa Primary Election that the deadline to pre-register to vote is Saturday, May 26, 2012. Those interested can
register at the Scott County Auditor's Office which will be open on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The
Auditor's Office is located on the fifth floor of the Scott County Administrative Center, 600 West 4th Street,
Davenport, Iowa.

The Iowa Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The primary election will determine the candidates for the two major political parties who will appear on this
November's General Election ballot. Voters must be affiliated with one of these parties in order to cast a ballot.
Ballots will be available for the Democratic and Republican parties. Voter may declare a party affiliation at the

After Friday, those interested in voting, but who are not pre-registered, may register to vote at the polls on
Election Day or at the Auditor's Office and vote an absentee ballot prior to Election Day. Those registering
in this manner are required to provide proof of their identity through a picture identity card, such as a valid
driver's license, and proof of their residency if the identity card does not list a current address. Details for
Election Day registration are available on the Auditor's webpage,

For more information contact the Scott County Auditor's Office at 563-326-8631.
DES MOINES - Obama for America Iowa today released a new ad called "Personal" that highlights the President's commitment to preserving Medicare for today's seniors and for future generations. As a president who was raised by his grandparents, he understands the importance of Medicare - which is why fighting Medicare fraud has long been a top priority for him.

As part of that effort, President Obama is leading the most successful crackdown on health care fraud in our country's history. The Obama Administration extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by, among other measures, cutting waste and subsidies in addition to recovering more than $4 billion dollars from health care scams last year alone.

While President Obama is standing by America's seniors and strengthening Medicare, Mitt Romney would end the program as we know it and likely make seniors pay more for health care. Romney wants to turn Medicare into a voucher program to help pay for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, which would move our country backwards and hurt the middle class. That's why President Obama is running for re-election -- to move our country forward because America cannot afford to go back.

Please click HERE to watch the ad.



Back Up

Senior couple walking outdoors

Female VO: To you and your loved ones...



Senior woman looking into camera

...Medicare is personal.


President Obama with his grandparents

And to a President raised by his grandparents...

Obama's Grandparents Raised Him From The Age Of 10, "The Stable Center Of His Life." "Obama was 10 years old when he moved in with his two middle-American grandparents who would raise him and become the stable center of his life. Looking at a photo, Obama said he saw the joy of his early childhood. Both grandparents came from Kansas. His grandfather was a World War II veteran who had come to Hawaii to find better work." [ABC News, 9/26/08]

President Obama at Oval Office desk's personal, too.

President Obama: My Grandparents "Relied On Medicare And Social Security" To Supplement Their Income When They Got Old. "My grandparents relied on Medicare and Social Security to help supplement their income when they got old." [Facebook Town Hall Meeting, 04/20/11]

President Obama shaking hands with senior woman


Men talking in silhouette


"Obama Gets Tough on Health Care Fraud"

New York Times, 3/10/2010



And starts with protecting your Medicare from health care scam artists who prey on seniors.

New York Times Headline: Obama Gets Tough On Health Care Fraud. [New York Times, 03/10/10]


Between 2009 And 2011, Convictions Under The Health Care Fraud And Abuse Control Program Increased By Over 27 Percent And The Number Of Defendants Facing Criminal Charges Filed By Federal Prosecutors In 2011 Increased 74 Percent Compared With 2008. "Convictions under the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program increased by over 27 percent (583 to 743) between 2009 and 2011, and the number of defendants facing criminal charges filed by federal prosecutors in 2011 increased by 74 percent compared with 2008 (1430 vs. 821)." [, 02/14/12]

President Obama in Rose Garden


Law enforcement officials leading handcuffed inmate down prison hallway



President Obama

The Most Successful Crackdown

on Health Care Fraud in U.S. History

BusinessWeek, 2/14/12

President Obama is leading the most successful crackdown on health care fraud ever.

Businessweek: The Obama Administration Recovered $4.1 Billion In Health Care Fraud, "A Record." "Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims. The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009." [BusinessWeek, 02/14/12]

In Fiscal Year 2011, Federal Prosecutors Filed Criminal Charges Against 1,430 Defendants For Health Care Fraud Related Crimes, The Highest Number Of Health Care Fraud Defendants Charged In A Single Year In The History Of The Justice Department. "Including strike force matters, federal prosecutors filed criminal charges against a total of 1,430 defendants for health care fraud related crimes.  This is the highest number of health care fraud defendants charged in a single year in the department's history." [Department of Health and Human Services, 02/14/2012]

Courtroom interior





Fight Against Health Care Fraud

Recovers $4.1 Billion

USA Today, 2/14/12

Already recovered four-billion dollars from health care scams last year alone...

USA Today: The Obama Administration Recovered A "Record-Breaking $4.1 Billion In Health Care Fraud Money During 2011." "Investigators recovered a record-breaking $4.1 billion in health care fraud money during 2011, a reflection of the Obama administration's increased focus on fighting fraud, Justice Department officials announced Tuesday." [USA Today, 02/14/12]

In Fiscal Year 2011, The Obama Administration Recovered Approximately $4.1 Billion In Health Care Fraud, The Highest Annual Amount Ever Recovered. "Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released a new report showing that the government's health care fraud prevention and enforcement efforts recovered nearly $4.1 billion in taxpayer dollars in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011.  This is the highest annual amount ever recovered from individuals and companies who attempted to defraud seniors and taxpayers or who sought payments to which they were not entitled. " [Department of Health and Human Services, 02/14/12]


Grandparent cooking with grandchildren preserve Medicare now and for the future.

The Affordable Care Act's Reforms To Crack Down On Fraud And Abuse In Medicare Are Among A Number Of Measures To Save Medicare $200 Billion Through 2016. "The Affordable Care Act: Achieves short-term savings of over $200 billion in Medicare through 2016 according to the independent CMS Actuary...resulting in immediate benefit to the Medicare Trust Fund...A number of critical Medicare policies in place now are achieving huge savings for beneficiaries and taxpayers while laying the foundation for long-term success and sustainability of the program. These steps reward quality, get better value for beneficiaries and promote savings through innovation....Fighting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse and Getting Better Value for Durable Medical Equipment: $7.8 Billion in Savings." [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 04/23/12]


Acting CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner: The Affordable Care Act Gives The Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services The Ability To Work To Guarantee The Future Of Medicare, "With Tools To Lower Costs, Fight Fraud, And Change Incentives So That Medicare Pays For Coordinated, Quality Care." "'The Trustees Report tells us that while Medicare is stable for now, we have a lot of work ahead of us to guarantee its future,' said Acting CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner.  'The Affordable Care Act is giving CMS the ability to do this work, with tools to lower costs, fight fraud, and change incentives so that Medicare pays for coordinated, quality care and not the number of services.'" [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 04/23/12]

President Obama walking at White House

A commitment to Medicare...

President Obama: "I View Social Security And Medicare As The Most Important Social Safety Nets" We Have. "I view Social Security and Medicare as the most important social safety nets that we have. I think it is important for them to remain as social insurance programs that give people some certainty and reliability in their golden years." [Press Conference, White House Briefing Room, 07/15/11 accessed via Lexis]

Senior couple, holding hands personal as yours.


President Obama, speaking with seniors around table




Approved by Barack Obama.  Paid for by Obama for President.

POTUS: I'm Barack Obama, and I approve this message.




