Petition drive launched in response to Senator Grassley's call for a boycott on his own constituents

DES MOINES, IOWA - In response to Senator Chuck Grassley advocating a boycott on Coca-Cola, which operates two bottling plants in Iowa, Progress Iowa today launched a petition drive to 'Send Chuck a Coke' at

On April 4th, Coca-Cola publicly announced it would end its financial support of the American Legislative Exchange Group (ALEC), the right-wing front group backing controversial legislation such as the "Stand Your Ground" laws, which have been implicated in the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

This weekend, Senator Grassley tweeted "U might think abt not drinking Coca Cola since company sucombed to pressure fr Leftist not to support ALEC". Read the original tweet here. Atlantic Bottling Company operates in Atlantic and Waukee, and has bottled Coca-Cola products in Iowa for three generations.
"We want Iowans to send Senator Grassley a message: he should be standing up for his constituents, not ALEC, an out of state corporate front-group," said Matt Sinovic, executive director of Progress Iowa. "For every petition signature we receive, we will deliver a Coca-Cola, bottled right here in Iowa, to Senator Grassley."

For more information about the campaign, visit, where you can sign the petition and respond directly to Senator Grassley's tweet.


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