Wallace: "It is time for a new generation of leadership..."

Rock Island, IL...Jonathan Wallace, candidate for State Representative in the 72nd District, will be hosting a meet greet at 5:30pm to 7:00pm Saturday, January 28. The event will be held at City Limits Bar Saloon and Grill, 4514 9th Street, Rock Island, Illinois. Open to the public. Suggested donation is $25.

"It is time for a new generation of leadership," said Wallace. "New people to cope with problems and opportunities, new people not bound by old rivalries or machine politics. These Young Guns have committed to something larger than themselves by running for public office."

Attending the event along with Wallace will be candidates Jim Wozniak for State's Attorney, Marc Ramirez for County Coroner, Tony Holland for County Recorder, Drue Mielke for County Board, Michael Zeitler for County Board, Mark Archibald for County Board, and Kevin Gouveia for County Board.

Wallace continued, "It takes courage to step forward and humility to serve. I expect nothing less from this group of candidates."

Jonathan Wallace is the new person running for State Representative in the 72nd District.

For more information about Wallace visit http://www.jonathanwallace2012.com.


DES MOINES -- On Tuesday, January 24th supporters of President Obama across the country will host more than 2,500 parties to watch the President deliver the annual State of the Union address, in which he will lay his vision, priorities and important policies for the year.


Across Iowa, supporters of the President will gather in their neighborhoods to watch the speech, celebrate their work so far, and to build on their organizing plans for the coming year.


***Media interested in covering the event should RSVP to press@ofaiowa.com ***


WHAT:           State of the Union Address Watch Party

WHEN:           Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 7:30PM



Tally's Restaurant, 2712 Beaver Avenue, Beaverdale

Bennigans, 4800 Merle Hay Road, Urbandale



Home of Rebecca Lain, 222 9th Street NW, Cedar Rapids

Home of Denny and Karla Goettel, 3440 Grant Wood Forest Lane SE, Cedar Rapids



The Mill, 120 E. Burlington Street, Iowa City



Home of Natalie Surigra, 1708 Quail Ridge Rd, Cedar Falls



Home of Dianne Roche, 5451 Meadow Ct, Asbury



Mary Sue's Café, 1615 N. Harrison St., Davenport

Buzz Coffee Shop, 116 W. Davenport St., Eldridge



Home of Chuck Rensink, 15460 Crestview Dr., Council Bluffs



Home of Linda Smoley, 6836 Cypress Point, Sioux City



Jim Hancock has announced his intention to seek re-election to the Scott County Board of Supervisors.

Hancock has thirty years of business experience, owning and operating Gentleman Jim's, the Tick Tock and the Italian Village Restaurants.

Jim has had twenty five years of government experience, serving on the Davenport City Council and the County Board of Supervisors. He has also served as president of the Downtown Development Association and was appointed to the Grow Iowa Values Fund Board. He is currently serving as vice-chairman on the County Board, the EMA committee and the solid waste commission.

"I have worked for twenty years with an outstanding team that has kept taxes low and services high. A few of the challenges in the future are mental health funding, the commercial property tax issue and the road use tax fund. The board has always been known for its fiscal responsibility, inter-governmental collaboration and long range planning. I have always been proud to have been a part of this and will continue to work hard to maintain the balance and forward thinking of the board."

(Washington, D.C.) The Tea Party Express has selected businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain to provide a response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 24th.

"Herman Cain has been a steadfast advocate for Tea Party values of smaller government and more personal liberty while fighting for practical solutions to the issues facing our nation," said Sal Russo, Chief Strategist for the Tea Party Express,  in a prepared statement. "Americans are fed up with the Washington politics that fails to address America's fiscal woes."

This marks the second year the Tea Party has added another voice to the traditional rebuttal of the president's speech. Last year, Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann delivered the Tea Party response, declaring that "the Tea Party is a dynamic force for good in our national conversation."

Mr. Cain agrees and the 'Unconventional Candidate" is eager to re-direct the national conversation.  "America is Broke...and Broken. This is not a Democrat problem. This is not a Republican problem. This is an American problem. It's time for 'We the People' to demand our candidates commit to real, bold solutions to the problems that are endangering our nation.

As was the case in 2011, The Tea Party response will follow the Republican remarks, to be made this year by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Mr. Cain says his own speech will complement the message he expects from Governor Daniels. "I highly regard Mitch Daniels and the reforms he has made as governor of Indiana. The intent of my remarks is not to dismiss or downplay what I expect to be an excellent and pointed Republican response, but to include the voice of the people...the ones who are truly in charge of this country and who are yearning for leadership and solutions."

Mr. Cain believes "this administration has not been honest with America and is leading our nation down a pathway to financial ruin." Cain said. "The American people deserve more than a smokescreen to cover up a crisis. They deserve to hear the truth from our president, and believe that our elected officials will actually advance real solutions to our problem, not just pay lip-service in an election year."

The Tea Party response to the State of the Union address will take place at 10:30 p.m. EST at the National Press Club. You can watch online at TeaPartyExpress.org.

The Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Political Action Committee announced today, January 20, 2012, its endorsement of Mike Smiddy in the Democratic primary for the 71st House District.

The AFFI represents over 15,000 members in 211 communities across the state. The firefighters said Smiddy will be the best advocate for public safety and ensure Illinois firefighters have the resources necessary to keep the citizens and first responders safe.

"Mr. Smiddy impressed us with his depth of knowledge on issues important not only to firefighters, but to all working men and women in his district and the state," said Pat Devaney, President of the AFFI. "At a time when financial resources are at a premium, it's good to know the voters have an opportunity to elect someone with fiscal integrity as well as concern for public safety."

AFFI Legislative Representative Chuck Sullivan stated that  " Mr. Smiddy's previous life experiences and work history lends credence to the fact that he understands the working middle class and is willing to stand up for all workers and their families."

The AFFI is among the most respected advocacy groups before the Illinois General Assembly and represents firefighters' efforts statewide in protecting lives and property from fire and other catastrophic events.

Occupy Wall Street Protester Runs for Mayor

Portland, Ore.-- On January 18th, Cameron Whitten, 20, an Occupy Wall Street activist entered his name into the race for Mayor of Portland. Whitten gathered the papers to register on November 14th, the day after he was arrested during the Occupy Portland eviction.

Whitten says he is running because City Council is on uneasy terms with many Portland residents, "Portland has a history of economic and racial oppression which is still apparent in its highly segregated neighborhoods. Although the city flaunts its liberal, progressive politics, it is lagging behind in employment and education in comparison to the rest of the country."

Whitten's vision is to help Portland address its crisis, ranging from economic equality, police accountability, political transparency, and foreclosure reform. He requests that all person and non-person entities contribute no more than $200 dollars to his campaign, giving all income levels proper access to their public officials.

While Portland politicians voice support with concerns raised by the Occupy Movement, they have done little in action, with behaviors that include promoting unlimited campaign contributions despite state laws which prohibit corporate fundraising and enforces individual fundraising caps, calling for massive budget cuts to vital programs while spending millions in pet projects, and blaming poor policy decisions on unarmed civilians, resulting in over $1.76 million wasted on the overtime of a federally investigated police force.

The Occupy Movement has confirmed a lot about the global narrative. Politics on all levels, whether local, state, or federal, have for too long been subject to interference from private interests. Occupy has brought light of that to the public, and now that people are aware, they need to act.

Voting participation and civil engagement in the nation has suffered over the years. However, the federal electoral system has been guilty of perpetuating a bipartisan regime of watered down, bickering candidates who fail to adequately represent a majority of the American population. Occupy has given America the opportunity to practice its democratic roots, and promote people who honor the Constitution written by our founding fathers. Social Media has become a powerful asset in grassroots outreach, and nonpartisan efforts no longer have to challenge corporate media for fair representation.

Whitten states, "This is a call to the disenfranchised masses. You have lost faith in a broken system. You have been abused by excessive police violence and kept afraid in your homes, trying to exercise your unalienable rights against these corrupt institutions that put profits over people. They do not deserve that power. This action will not repair the system so many people are frustrated with, but it will disrupt the  power of those willing to use that system to continually oppress us. Do  not support the private agenda of professional politicians. No matter  where you are, demonstrate the power of direct democracy, and its  ability to influence the  culture of government. Recall your misguided  politicians. Occupy the White House. Occupy Congress. Occupy City Hall.  Occupy the Ballot."

Occupy Wall Street continues to be a nonpolitical, leaderless movement, encouraging the creative actions of autonomous individuals to nonviolently advocate for change.

Press Conference: January 20th, 10:00 AM on the steps of the Multnomah County Justice Center. 1120 SW 3rd Ave Portland, OR 97204

For more information, visit: www.cameronwhittenforunity.com

- END -

Endorsement Announcement:  January 20, 2012

Location: Moline Public Library Gold Room

Time: 10AM

The Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Political Action Committee announced today its endorsement of Mike Smiddy in the Democratic primary for the 71st House District.

The AFFI represents over 15,000 members in 211 communities across the state. The firefighters said Smiddy will be the best advocate for public safety and ensure Illinois firefighters have the resources necessary to keep the citizens and first responders safe.

"Mr. Smiddy impressed us with his depth of knowledge on issues important not only to firefighters, but to all working men and women in his district and the state," said Pat Devaney, President of the AFFI. "At a time when financial resources are at a premium, it's good to know the voters have an opportunity to elect someone with fiscal integrity as well as concern for public safety."

AFFI Legislative Representative Chuck Sullivan stated that  " Mr. Smiddy's previous life experiences and work history lends credence to the fact that he understands the working middle class and is willing to stand up for all workers and their families."

The AFFI is among the most respected advocacy groups before the Illinois General Assembly and represents firefighters' efforts statewide in protecting lives and property from fire and other catastrophic events.

Mike Smiddy (38), candidate for State Representative in Illinois' 71st District received an enormous boost in his bid to become the democratic nominee when on Thursday he received the endorsements of the Northwest Illinois Building Trades and the Illinois AFL-CIO.  The Northwest Illinois Building Trades represents unions in Whiteside County the northern part of the 71st District while the Illinois AFL-CIO represents 1,500 local unions and nearly one million union members throughout the State of Illinois.

"Growing up in a middle class family and being the son of a UAW retiree I am extremely proud to have received these organizations support.  It is the hard work of organized labor that created the middle class in America and I plan to be a voice in the Illinois Legislature for those values and Ideals."

Smiddy, a member of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local #46 at the East Moline Correctional Center believes that each generation is suppose to do better than the previous one.  If Illinois continues down its current path, our children and grandchildren may not be able to reach their potential because of our failures.

"We must demand more from our elected officials.  Being able to believe in the American Dream that we can achieve our goals by hard work and dedication is what our communities were built on. Illinoisans need to be able to trust those that they elect and send to Springfield.  Citizens need to have the confidence that the decisions that are being made by our leaders are done for the right reasons."

Since announcing his candidacy back in September, Smiddy has also received endorsements from the following organizations:


Laborers Local #309 (Rock Island)

The Quad City Federation of Labor

The Tri-City Building Trades

The Great Plains Laborer's District Council (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana)

Rock Island Firefighters Association Local #26

Illinois AFL-CIO

Northwest Illinois Building Trades

Quad City - Illinois UAW CAP Council Endorsement Recommendation

Dear Patriots,

The time to restore Conservative values in America is NOW! 

As the conference's keynote speaker on Thursday, January 19th, 2012, I will make an "unconventional endorsement" in Charleston, South Carolina at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, and I want YOU to join me!

I have teamed up with the organizers of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference to offer you an EXCLUSIVE, DISCOUNTED ONE DAY PASS rate!  For only $25, you can join me on Thursday afternoon for my speech and then attend the globally televised CNN Presidential Debate on Thursday evening! 


My mission is still to defeat Barack Obama and get the Republican nominee for the Presidency elected, and we cannot win this fight without YOU!

In addition, the Southern Republican Leadership Conference is also providing all registrants with a discounted hotel rate for their stay in Charleston. Don't miss this opportunity!

America's best days are ahead of her.  I hope you will consider joining me in Charleston as we take America back.  May God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.


Herman Cain


WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley has meetings scheduled with Iowans in 16 counties next week.

Beginning on Monday, Grassley will be in Centerville, Albia, Chariton, Corydon, Garden Grove, Mt. Ayr, Creston, Osceola, Winterset, Greenfield, Panora, Grimes, Grand Junction, Boone, Ames, and Le Grand.

Already this month, he has traveled to 20 counties for dialogue with Iowans.  Grassley has held at least one meeting in each of Iowa's 99 counties every year since he was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1980.

"I look forward to these meetings to hear directly from Iowans and to have the dialogue that's so important to the process of representative government.  This process is a two-way street.  I go to people to answer questions and listen to comments, and they come out and participate in the discussion," Grassley said.

Grassley encourages Iowans to communicate with him on a regular basis.  In turn, he plans regular, face-to-face meetings in Iowa and with Iowans in Washington, and he responds to every letter, email and phone call from Iowans.  Grassley also communicates via Facebook, Twitter and at http://grassley.senate.gov.

Below is more information about this month's meetings.  The town meetings are open to the public.  Local hosts should be contacted regarding other meetings.  Grassley will be available for interviews with local reporters for 15 minutes after every meeting.

Earlier this month, Grassley held meetings in Riceville, Charles City, New Hampton, Waverly, Waterloo, Clarion, Dakota City, Algona, Forest City, Garner, Hampton, Mason City, Manly, Osage, Calmar, West Union, Independence, Manchester, Vinton, and Gladbrook.


Monday, January 16

5-6 p.m.

Appanoose County Weekly Meal at Faith United Methodist Church, Q&A with Attendees

23851 Highway 5 South in Centerville 


Tuesday, January 17

7:30-8:30 a.m.

Monroe County Town Meeting

Albia Area Chamber of Commerce

18 South Main Street in Albia


10:15-11:15 a.m.

Lucas County Town Meeting

Carpenter Hall

1215 Court Street in Chariton


12-1 p.m.

Wayne County Town Meeting

Wayne County Courthouse

100 North Lafayette in Corydon


2-3 p.m.

Speak to Government Class

Mormon Trail Jr./Sr. High School

502 East Main Street in Garden Grove


4:30-5:30 p.m.

Ringgold County Town Meeting

Jamie's Coffee Mill & Deli

118 West Adams Street in Mt. Ayr


Wednesday, January 18

7:30-8:30 a.m.

Union County Town Meeting

City Hall/Restored Depot, City Council Chambers

116 West Adams Street in Creston


9:45-10:45 a.m.

Q&A with Students

Clarke County High School

800 North Jackson in Osceola


12-1 p.m.

Madison County Town Meeting

Winterset Public Library, Meeting Room

123 North 2nd Street in Winterset


2-3 p.m.

Adair County Town Meeting

Andrews Memorial Adair County Health & Fitness Center, Meeting Room

202 North Townline Road in Greenfield


4:15-5:15 p.m.

Guthrie County Town Meeting

Panora Community Center

115 West Main Street in Panora


Thursday, January 19

8-9 a.m.

Q&A with Students

Dallas Center-Grimes Middle School

1400 Vine Street in Grimes


10:30-11:30 a.m.

Greene County Town Meeting

Grand Junction Community Center

212 Main Street in Grand Junction


12:30-1:30 p.m.

Boone County Town Meeting

Boone County Historical Center

602 Story Street in Boone


2:30-3:30 p.m.

Tour Facility and Q&A with Employees

Becker Underwood

801 Dayton Avenue in Ames


5-6 p.m.

Marshall County Town Meeting

Le Grand Area Community Center

206 North Vine Street in Le Grand


