March 5, 2012
(Atlanta) A career Navy veteran is the latest high-profile congressional candidate to join "9-9-9 The Revolution". Businessman and former presidential frontrunner Herman Cain today announced the official commitment of North Carolina Republican Bill Randall to make "9-9-9" the law of the land.
Randall is one of three Republican candidates running for Congress in North Carolina's open 13th district - an area of the state that saw big support for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election but has turned Republican due to redistricting. Randall is also the first candidate in the Tar Heel state to join "9-9-9", Cain's economic growth and jobs program.
"First, he chose nation before himself with an entire career in the United States Navy. Now, Bill Randall has shown he is truly dedicated to restoring this country's greatness with his vow to throw out the current miserable federal tax code," Cain said. "Bill Randall is a person we want not only in the trenches of literal warfare, but a person we want leading our 'Army of Davids'  against the 'Goliath' that is our giant, bloated, ineffective government."
Randall is not without campaign battle victories and scars of his own. A Tea Party favorite, he ran for Congress in 2010 in which he was outspent by a four-to-one margin and still got nearly half the votes. He also fell victim to nasty campaign tactics when a vandal defaced a billboard, a circumstance that gained national attention on a website founded by the late Andrew Breitbart.
This time around, Randall's embrace of '9-9-9' only adds to his cache of intellectual weaponry.  "The clock is ticking, and it is no secret that financial Armageddon is upon us," Randall stated. "Amidst this gloomy climate has emerged a bright ray of hope: Herman Cain's '9-9-9 Plan." Posterity will look back at our ineptness for not adopting '9-9-9', or with pride and gratitude for adopting it, thus helping to pull us back from the precipice of financial ruin. "
Randall's support for '9-9-9' brings the number of candidate commitments to 23, up from just 12 last week. These are 2012 U.S. Candidates who are committed to thoroughly reading the '9-9-9' bill that is being drafted, and then working to sponsor, introduce and pass '9-9-9' legislation.
Candidate commitments to '9-9-9' are a part of the much broader Cain's Solutions Revolution. To learn more, including the April 16, 2012 event "Revolution on the Hill", please visit www.cainconnections.com.

Democrat's Budget rewards politicians who raised taxes

Rock Island... Last January, Democrat Governor Pat Quinn and Representative Pat Verschoore pushed through a 67% increase in the state's income tax, now they feel they deserve a pay raise.  Based upon the budget introduced by Governor Quinn, legislators and the Governor himself would receive thousands in new pay raises and that is out-of-line and out-of-touch according to Jonathan Wallace, Republican candidate for State Representative.

"Raising taxes to pay for politician's lofty salaries is unacceptable and tone deaf to the issues facing working families," Wallace stated.  "Illinois faces nearly $9 billion in unpaid bills, a number that could grow to over $20 billion in a few short years and yet the Democrat budget is prepared to spend thousands on pay raises for legislators and even the Governor."

Further examination of the Governor's proposal has uncovered pay increases for the State's constitutional officers and legislators, including the Governor's own salary.  Under the proposal Governor Quinn would see his salary jump by $1,600 to $179,100.  In all, the proposal includes over $250,000 in pay increases for these elected officials, which is nearly $1 million dollars higher than it was in FY2011.  

The Governor's proposal stands in direct contrast to Wallace's plan to cut the salary of all Illinois House Representatives by 25%.

"I signed a 'Contract with the 72nd',  in which I pledged to take a 25% salary cut and author legislation requiring other legislators to do the same. The average family in Illinois paid over $1,000 more in taxes last year, but the Governor and legislators would use that tax money to provide themselves with pay raises," Wallace added.  "While the Governor talks about shared sacrifice, it seems the only people sacrificing are those paying for the politicians pay raises."


Friends, supporters, and fellow patriots;

February 17th, 2012 was the third anniversary of Barack Obama's $1.2 trillion "stimulus" bill. To say the effort has been a disaster for Americans is massive understatement. It was not just unsuccessful in jump-starting the economy, it has been an abject failure in every sense of the word.

Take a moment to check out our latest video "This Is The Economy On Stimulus " video here.

To better educate and illustrate the damage this bungled scheme has caused our nation, we've launched a new initiative, called; Sick of Stimulus to point out these failures at www.sickofstimulus.com.

We need solutions and not more rhetoric coming from Washington. The first step to bring this about is to sign the pledge and say "We the people are Sick of Stimulus!" 

If you'll remember, President Obama promised the stimulus would "save or create 3.5 million jobs," yet since the stimulus was passed, we've lost 1.1 million jobs, poverty and food stamp usage has reached an all-time high, the percentage of Americans even trying to find work is at a 30-year low, and the debt has increased by nearly $5 trillion.

And amazingly, even though Barack Obama's "Stimulus" efforts are a total fiasco, the White House and their colleagues in Congress want to spend even more of your hard earned tax dollars for more of the same!!

We must fight this outrageous agagenda which is sending our country's fiscal house off a cliff. But we can't do it alone -so be sure to sign the pledge and visit www.sickofstimulus.com often to see future videos.. 

I happen to believe we can win this folks! I am Sick of Stimulus!  Will you pledge the same?


Herman Cain

Foolish Ways to Lose an Election

While GOP candidates and party faithful focus on who can best beat President Obama in November, Craig Copland is rallying conservatives to take over the country - one dog catcher at a time.

"In November 2012 we can take back the White House, majority control of the Senate, more governors' offices, scores of state legislative seats, and countless local level offices," says Copland, author of the just released 2012 Conservative Election Handbook (www.conservawiki.com), a guide to winning campaigns at any level.

"It doesn't start with the office of president," he says. "That's where it ends."

Citizens who want to see conservative governance and policies throughout the fabric of the United States can make it happen by running for local office or volunteering campaign help for conservative candidates, Copland says.

"There are 600,000-plus elected offices in this country," he says. "If America is to remain a beacon of freedom and prosperity, then conservatives need to be elected as county clerks, judges, water commissioners, mayors, school board trustees, state legislators, and every other rank of public office in the country."

His new guide, researched and written with insights gleaned from his years of managing political and non-profit campaigns, lays out clear instructions for both political veterans and newbies, stepping up to do their part for the conservative cause.

Among them: Some foolish ways to lose an election.

• Sex: Voters will forgive divorce; they won't forgive active adultery. Don't get carried away by the headiness and pressures of the campaign trail and screw up.

• Lies: Do not lie. Not about anything. You will always be found out. Your credibility will be attacked. You will lose.

• Videotape: Once you become a public figure, everything you say will be on the public record - somewhere. If not on videotape, then audiotape, in print, or in a notebook. Emails, Facebook posts and tweets live forever. So be consistent, think before you speak, and don't let your guard down. It will reappear at the worst possible time.

• Do NOT Break the rules: Every election, every state, every district and every campaign will be faced with a staggering list of rules. Learn them. Follow them. Bring accountants and lawyers on board who are experienced with the rules. If you are caught breaking even one, it could derail your campaign.

• Avoid conflicts of interest: Never let yourself be caught supporting a political action in which you have an obvious interest. Voters will respect a candidate who believes in something because it's the right thing. But if you appear to be lining your pockets, it's game over.

• Do NOT fight losing battles: Don't waste a nickel or a minute trying to appeal to the group trying to repeal marijuana laws - they'll never vote for you. And you're not going to win a precinct that voted 90 percent liberal in the last election. Focus your time and money where you can make a difference in the vote.

Raising money, of course, is a big part of winning a campaign, but it doesn't take a lot to win a less dazzling local office. It's a good place to learn the ropes of fundraising and get some practice running a campaign without a lot of pressure, he says. And there's value in winning even the most down-ballot office.

"If conservatives set out to win every elected post in the country, all 600,000-plus of them, then America will be a truly conservative country," he says, "from dogcatcher to president."

About Craig Copland

Craig Copland is a retired entrepreneur with a long history as a volunteer and professional consultant with expertise in fundraising and managing political campaigns. He spent many years as an executive and CEO of international humanitarian aid agencies, helping establish and run disaster response programs for children in Africa, Bosnia, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, among other locations. As founder and president of Conservative Growth Inc., he helps elect conservatives to all levels of public office.
The Ron Paul Illinois grassroots campaign is pleased to announce that Chris True will be serving as county leader for Rock Island County. Chris True will be available to answer questions, provide supporters with Ron Paul campaign literature and yard signs, and organize the county for Ron Paul.

Twelve-term Congressman Ron Paul of Texas is one of four candidates running for the Republican nomination to oppose President Barack Obama.

Ron Paul is the man needed today to make America again the land of freedom and personal responsibility.

Ron Paul:

  • Never votes for legislation unless it is expressly authorized by the Constitution
  • Never raised taxes or voted for bailouts or raising of the debt ceiling
  • Will not cut Social Security
  • Has received the most support from our troops
  • Is the only candidate who wants to gradually reduce federal income tax to ZERO
  • Is only one who predicted housing bubble collapse -- 5 years before it happened
  • Wants to bring the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq
  • Is only candidate who can beat Obama in November
  • Has dangerous foreign policy? Declare war, fight, win, come home! Not so crazy.
  • Has plan to eliminate five unconstitutional departments
  • Will trim $1 Trillion his first year as President and balance the budget in three years
  • Has never flip-flopped (known as 'Dr. No' on the House floor)
  • Is only one who would create more Allies for America -- all others create more enemies
  • Has delivered over 4,000 babies as a medical doctor and been married 55 years
  • Is the only candidate who gives tough love to the USA

Please call or email Chris True if you have questions about Ron Paul or would like to volunteer to help Ron Paul win in Illinois.

Contact information:

Chris True

Dear Patriot,
You have an opportunity!
You have the opportunity to be part of the first step to truly take the power from politicians in Washington D.C.and return it to We the People!
I am excited to announce that April 16th of this year will be more than just another Monday in Washington. It will mark another step in a surging revolution: Cain's Revolution on the Hill!  Cain's Revolution on the Hill will be taking place at our great Nation's Capital on Monday, April 16th.  I am searching for 435 Representatives from congressional districts across the country to join us for all day,
Tax Day Event that will focus on empowering attendees to be true citizen activists and equip them with the knowledge and tools needed to bring about REAL Change in Washington.
While I want everyone to attend the rally on the 16th, space is limited for the 9-9-9 Patriot Summit that runs from the evening of 15th to the morning of the 16th, so please register today by clicking the button below. Cain's Revolution on the Hill will be a celebration of REAL Tax Reform.  I want you to be one of the first revolutionaries to show Congress that we want Real Reform, and we want it NOW! I happen to believe we can do this folks! We the People are still in charge of this great nation and it's about time that those in Washington D.C. were reminded of that. Join me April 15th and 16th as we take the first step in promoting the greatest return to power this nation has seen since its founding: 9-9-9 The Revolution!
Herman Cain
Jerome White to Speak in Champaign, Illinois

Jerome White, the Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president in the 2012 elections, will hold a press conference near the main entrance of the Champaign public library at 6pm Tuesday, February 28. White will issue a statement supporting a socialist program and urging broader community mobilization.

White has written extensively on workers struggles, most recently on the Cooper Tire lock-out in Ohio, and has interviewed many workers as a reporter for the World Socialist Web Site. (See http://bit.ly/A7zKeI).

White announced his candidacy for president as a member of the SEP last Monday. His campaign calls for a political movement of the working class in opposition to both Democrats and Republicans. The SEP also advocates rank-and-file committees independent of the trade unions, including the AFL-CIO, Illinois Federation of Public Employees, the USW, UAW, SEIU and UNITE HERE.

After issuing a statement, White will take questions from the media. A map of the approximate location of the press conference can be found here: http://bit.ly/wKqDiD


On behalf of the Quad City Federation of Labor,

You are invited to attend a Chili Supper for


Candidate for State Representative

Mike Smiddy

Featuring Special Guests

Rock Island Sherriff Jeff Boyd

IL AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Tim Drea


Thursday, March 1st,  5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Laborer's Hall, 2835 7th Avenue, Rock Island



Suggested Contribution:

Individual: $10

Family: $15

Sponsor: $100

Host: $250



Please make your check payable to:

Mike Smiddy for State Rep.
PO Box 171
Hillsdale, IL 61257


Please RSVP to Brian at (563) 210-8979 or at brian@mikesmiddy.com


Remember Joe the Plumber? We met him four years ago when he asked then-candidate Barack Obama about taxing small businesses.

New for 2012: Meet Joe the Builder. He's got something to say, too, but he's talking to voters.

Joe Scott, a successful Massachusetts general contractor, is the author of The Joe Dial (www.friendesha.com), a book that boils down observations gleaned from hundreds of thousands of business deals, negotiations and other interpersonal transactions into a simple rule for human analysis. It's easily applied to every person in the world and it's "a tried-and-true compass for navigating many a sticky social and family situation," Scott says.

Apply his Joe Dial to the election process and making a decision couldn't be easier.

Here's how it works:

"Every person falls into one of three basic categories," he says. "They're either a taker, a giver or a take-and-giver. Figuring out which category a person - or company, community, organization - falls under tells you what your basic approach for dealing with them should be."

Most people fall somewhere in the middle of the dial. But there are small clusters at both extremes.

• The pure taker: The person who thinks only of himself and what he can get out of another person or a situation. He's willing to do just about anything to get what he wants. The first signs of a taker are arrogance, lying, exaggerating, bullying and manipulating.

• The pure giver: The generous, empathetic, self-sacrificing person. Pure givers think only of others and will give everything they have, emotionally, physically and financially, to fill a perceived need.

• The giver-takers: They care about themselves and other people, to greater or lesser extents depending where they fall on the spectrum. They may be basically takers with an occasional giving impulse, or people who tend to be empathetic and sharing with a definite streak of selfishness. The most balanced, are people who bob back and forth between the least extreme qualities on the give and take scales: sharing, tolerant and helpful, but not necessarily self-sacrificing, or selfish, expectant and happy to receive but not bullies or thieves.

Scott says once you decide where on the scale a person falls, you know how to deal with them because you can anticipate how they'll respond.

Scott applied the Joe Dial to politics and found the takers are easily identified: They're voters who want something for nothing and the politicians willing to say and do anything to get votes.

"Don't vote for the politician whose message is basically, 'Vote for me, I'll give you free,' " Scott says. "They're the candidates who offer lots of freebies, promises they know they can't deliver. But, because they're takers, they don't think twice about lying to get what they want."

There may also be some extreme givers who believe everyone deserves to have certain things, whether or not they work for them.

"Unfortunately, politicians learned a long time ago that the easiest way to win votes is to promise people free stuff. Not only do they satisfy the existing takers, they create new ones, which means more votes," Scott says.

Giving more and more freebies -- housing, food, medical care -- is financially unsustainable, he says. Taxing the rich to feed the power ultimately saps the economy of investors and job creators.

Listen for the giver-takers, Scott says. They're the politicians who may see a need for government intervention but they recognize it must be paid for - by all who benefit. And they have a feasible plan for that.

"I don't advocate for a particular candidate or even a particular party," Scott says. "I'm just using the basic rule of human analysis that's helped me thrive as a builder and a real estate developer."

About Joe Scott

Joe Scott owns a multi-million-dollar construction and development company, Scott Construction, in Haverhill, Mass. He's a master carpenter, master mason and real estate developer who's also a boat captain, licensed jet pilot, lobsterman and father of five. Catch the popular "The Joe Dial Show" on YouTube.

Josh Mandel, US Senate Candidate from Ohio
It is the focus of the Tea Party Express to take conservative control of the U.S. Senate, and we are proud to announce our endorsement of Treasurer Josh Mandel in Ohio's U.S. Senate race. Josh is the perfect candidate to replace Sherrod Brown, Washington's most liberal senator according to National Journal.
Josh Mandel accepting the Tea Party Express endorsement from Chairman Amy Kremer and Chief Strategist Sal Russo at a press conference in Cincinnati, Ohio
Sherrod Brown is grossly out of touch with the citizens of Ohio and Americans across the nation.  Brown has consistently voted for more spending like ObamaCare and the failed $800 billion stimulus while ignoring the nation's $15 trillion debt and growing budget deficit.  We need conservative legislators in Washington who understand the dire fiscal situation of our nation and who are willing and able to fix it. As State Treasurer, Josh Mandel was recognized for successfully implementing conservative investment strategies and sharp management of the state's finances. While our nation under Obama's leadership was receiving a credit downgrade, Ohio received a credit upgrade thanks to Mandel!
US Senator Sherrod Brown, a steady supporter of President Obama, Obamacare and the failed stimulus packages
However, on top of getting our fiscal house in order, we must implement policies that encourage economic growth. Mandel not only campaigns as a conservative, he has the courage to legislate as one. As a city councilmember, Mandel successfully led the charge for one of the state's only property tax rollbacks ever. He has been a proponent of oil and gas exploration in Ohio that could create up to 200,000 new jobs and has shown commitment to improving the business climate by cutting taxes and letting taxpayers keep more of their hard-earned money.
Mandel is added to a distinguished list of Senate endorsements from the Tea Party Express for the 2012 election, including Attorney General Jon Bruning in Nebraska, Treasurer Richard Mourdock in Indiana, and former Solicitor General Ted Cruz in Texas.
