Last week, we were fortunate to welcome Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell to Iowa. They travelled to Davenport, Coralville and West Des Moines and addressed packed crowds at each event. Both spoke about the need to reaffirm the American Dream for our children and grandchildren and how the fiscal path our nation is currently on is unsustainable. I enjoyed meeting both Governors and I am sure we will see them back in Iowa in the future.

Governor McDonnell and Governor Jindal speak at the Coralville Victory Office

On Saturday, Florida Senator Marco Rubio was scheduled to speak at the Capitol in Des Moines but unfortunately he was unable to make it due to plane trouble. That didn't stop a large crowd from gathering in the rain to hear Governor Branstad speak! Senator Rubio was able to address the crowd by phone and we hope to have him in Iowa soon.

Governor Branstad addresses the crowd in front of the Capitol

This Saturday is Super Saturday all across the nation. Join Republicans in every state as we embark on a massive phonebanking and doorknocking effort. Find the closest Victory Office at the bottom of this email and sign up for a shift! Our Victory Offices help all Republicans up and down the ticket so it is important that we make as many voter contacts as possible.

To Victory,

A.J. Spiker
Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa
There is a lot of discussion right now in both Washington and Des Moines about raising taxes. The Republican Party of Iowa believe we must continue to be the party for limited government and less regulation. We believe we elected Republicans in order to lower our taxes and restore our individual freedoms.

Please click here to take a quick poll on your stance on taxes in Iowa including the possibility of increasing taxes on all Iowa residents.

Last Thursday the Republican Party of Iowa opened another Victory Office, this time in Dubuque. The office is located at 2600 Dodge Street Unit NW 2, Dubuque, IA 52003. Jason Joseph, runs the Dubuque office so be sure to give him a call to sign up to door knock or make phone calls: 563-503-9107.

At the office opening 1st Congressional District candidate Ben Lange was on hand, as well as all the local candidates and National Committeman Steve Scheffler, to help fire up the crowd.

Volunteering through these Victory Offices is the single best way to help our Republican candidates up and down the ticket this fall, so be sure to sign up at the Victory office closest to you. We are planning future office openings for the next few weeks so be sure to stay tuned!
Dubuque Office Opening- despite what Steve may tell you, I made more calls than him!

Are taxes too high? Do you support raising them? Please click here so we can take your concerns to our Iowa elected officials.

On Friday I issued the call for a Special Nominating Convention for House District 33 in Des Moines. It will take place on Wednesday August 1 at 7 p.m. here at RPI headquarters. Our goal is to have Republican candidates for all seats on the ballot, even in some of the most challenging districts. No Democrat should be running unopposed this fall!

Last week we also announced that 6 young Republicans from Iowa were chosen to attend the National Convention in Tampa as pages. Congratulations to Collin Brecher, (Black Hawk), Thomas Day (Scott), Bradley Hobart (Pottawattamie), Eric Koch (Pottawattamie), Spencer Oh (Story), and Taylor Ryan (Dubuque)!

All of these individuals should be proud of their many accomplishments and I know that they will have an amazing time in Tampa. It is motivated young people like Collin, Thomas, Bradley, Eric, Spencer and Taylor that show just how strong the future of our party is.

And remember, click here to fill out our quick survey designated to hear your opinion on raising taxes in Iowa.

To Victory,

A.J. Spiker
Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Last Tuesday I had the honor of joining my good friend, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus in "welcoming" President Obama back to Iowa with a new website: Ben Lange and I joined Reince in Cedar Rapids mere steps away from where President Obama spoke to unveil this new website which highlights all the the stimulus money that was spent overseas.

Ben Lange, Reince Priebus, and A.J. Spiker in Cedar Rapids

I encourage everyone to check out and share it with friends. It is truly astonishing how much of our money President Obama gave away to companies that not only do business overseas but weren't financially sound to begin with. Rather than talk about his own failed record, the president keeps talking about Governor Romney's tax records, but I am bewildered as to why I should care more about what Governor Romney does with his money than what President Obama does with mine.

In case you missed it, last Friday President Obama made an astounding statement about our nations innovators and job creators, saying "if you have a business, you didn't build that. Some one else made that happen." This is a slap in the face to every small business owner in American who risks capital and puts in long hours in order to make their business grow and create jobs. How can we expect our economy to grow if this is how the President of the United States speaks to our nation's job creators? It's time for a new President now, more than ever.

The Republican Party of Iowa's Legislative Campaign Committee, which is made up of 5 Senators, 5 Representatives, and 5 State Central Committee members, met last week and unanimously passed the House/Senate Majority Fund budgets/plans designed to retake the Senate and increase our House lead. This Monday I signed off on these budgets/plans. Thanks to everyone on the committee for their hard work. I am sure that with this budget plan in place we will be successful in our efforts this fall.

Be sure to stay tuned for exciting announcements in the coming weeks as we plan new programs so the Republican Party of Iowa has the best tools to ensure Republicans can win in November.

To Victory,

A.J. Spiker
Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Don't miss these upcoming events:

Thursday: Dubuque Victory Office Opening 5 p.m.
2600 Dodge Street Unit NW 2, Dubuque, IA 52003.
Contact: Jason Joseph Cell: 563-503-9107

Friday: Sioux City Victory Office Opening 10:00 a.m.
4133 Gordon Dr. Sioux City, IA 51106
Contact: Ben Sharp Cell: 813-784-1219

Good Afternoon!

As I am sure you are all aware, last week week the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is constitutional. While most of us strongly disagree with this decision, it should light a fire in all of us to get to work. The only way to ensure that Obamacare is repealed in full is to send President Obama and the rest of the Democrats packing in November. Please donate to help us ensure victory in 2012.

Please see my statement below in response to the ruling:

"President Obama clearly lied to the American people when he promised not to raise taxes on middle class Americans. Obamacare not only raises taxes on every single Iowan, but also guarantees higher health care costs and deficits in perpetuity. The winners today are big corporate health insurance companies who lobbied vigorously for this law and government bureaucrats, while patients have lost control over their personal heath care decisions.


"The Supreme Court's decision today is a set back for believers of individual liberty and smaller government all across Iowa, but rest assured this will only energize us even further. The Republican Party of Iowa will be working tirelessly to send Mitt Romney to the White House along with a full Republican delegation to Congress in order to repeal Obamacare in its entirety and replace it with meaningful market-driven reforms that will reduce costs, protect patients and increase quality of care."

There is a vacancy in the Iowa Delegation for an alternate delegate spot to the National Convention in Tampa. The State Central Committee will be filling this opening so please contact a member of the Committee if you are interested. Their contact information can be found here. We hope to fill this vacancy soon as the Convention is just around the corner!

Last month the Republican Party of Iowa added an incredible 11,000 new voters across the state. We now hold an over 21,000 voter registration lead on the Democrats! I know that this trend will only continue as we work hard to reach out to the disaffected Democrats across the state who have been hurt by President Obama's failed policies. This is certainly good news as we hope to build on this positive momentum as we head into November.

Please be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter.

To Victory,

A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Paid for by the Republican Party of Iowa. 621 E 9th Street. Des Moines, IA 50309 515-282-8105,

We had another busy week here at the Republican Party of Iowa. I would first like to congratulate our Organization Director, Ryan Gough on his new position as Iowa Victory Director. The Victory program is a joint effort with the RNC that will work with local grassroots supporters to elect Republican candidates on the national, state, and local level. I am confident that Ryan's leadership will help achieve victory this November. I think it speaks volumes of our staff here at RPI that so many have been recruited to take on larger leadership roles within our party.

Unfortunately the Chairman's Lunch for May has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict with the Lt. Governor. We look forward to rescheduling for a later date.

I just want to again reiterate the great success we have had in the pass few months, surpassing and now increasing our voter registration lead on the democrats in Iowa. We expect this lead to only increase as more and more Iowans reject President Obama's failed economic policies. The Republican Party of Iowa will be reaching out to disaffected democrats in the weeks and months ahead to grow our party even more.

As we ramp up our efforts for the fall, please consider donating $20.12 for Victory in 2012.

To Victory,

AJ Spiker, Chairman Republican Party of Iowa



It has been another busy week here at the Republican Party. We had a very successful Lincoln Dinner on Saturday at Veterans Auditorium. We got to hear from a number of speakers including Congressman King, Congressman Latham, Senator Grassley, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Secretary of State Schultz, Senate Minority Leader Behn, Majority Leader Upmeyer and of course our featured speaker, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Mr. Cuccinelli spoke about his challenge to Obamacare and how we must defeat President Obama in November and repeal this atrocious law. Our nation can never hope to recover if it is saddled down by Obamacare. He also spoke about the need for individuals to fight for limited government at the local as well as national level.  I particularly enjoyed seeing lots of old and new friends and want to thank our speakers and everyone who attended for helping to make it a great event.


The committees for our state convention in June also met this past weekend. I would like to thank all the grassroots individuals who served on the platform, nominating, rules and credentials committees. The nominating committee put together a slate of delegates and alternates for the national convention. This slate will be voted on by delegates to the state convention in June.


The slate of delegates is as follows:


Terry Branstad- Boone

Chuck Grassley- Butler

Margaret Stoldorf- Montgomery

Michelle Bullock- Polk

James Mills- Floyd

Steve Anders- Pottawattamie

Roger Leahy- Jefferson

Mark Hansen- Pottawattamie

Will Johnson- Dubuque

Lexy Nuzum- Madison

Andrea Bie- Allamakee

David Fischer- Polk

Drew Ivers- Hamilton


The slate of alternates is as follows:


Kim Reynolds- Clarke

Cody Hoefert- Lyon

Sam Clovis- Plymouth

Jeff Jorgenson- Pottawattamie

Lisa Smith- Wapello

Brad Zuan- Polk

David Wiederstein- Cass

Mmike Gresham- Fremont

Jennifer Bowen- Dallas

John Bowery- Page

Ruth Long- Union

Tracee Knapp- Ringgold

Therese Davis- Guthrie


Just a reminder our monthly Chairman's Lunch is May 30th at the Republican Party of Iowa headquarters. The event begins at noon and will feature guest speakers Lt. Governor Reynolds and Senate Minority Leader Behn. The cost is $20 and you can reserve your spot by emailing Please consider joining us for this event. It is vital to have open communication between elected officials and Iowans if we are to succeed this fall.


To Victory,

A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Paid for by the Republican Party of Iowa and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

I hope everyone is enjoying the nice spring weather! We had a great week at the Republican Party of Iowa. Last Wednesday we had over 40 people attend our Chairman's Lunch here at the headquarters. Unfortunately our original speakers Majority leader Upmeyer and House Speaker Paulsen were unavailable since they were busy battling the Democrats over the budget at the Capitol. Luckily Senator Zaun, Rep. Kaufman, and Agriculture Secretary Northy were able to join us for a great discussion about how we can continue to strengthen the Party this year.

Last Thursday I also had the opportunity to speak at the Green County GOP fundraiser. I want to thank Greene County GOP Chairman Roger Olhausen and co-chairman John Meyer for inviting me. I enjoyed meeting everyone in Greene County and it was great to see so many enthusiastic republicans.

Yesterday the Iowa Secretary of State released the latest voter registration numbers. I am pleased to report that we have increased our lead over the democrats! We now hold an almost 9,000 voter lead on the democrats in the state. The Republican Party will continue to reach out to disaffected democrats in the coming months and I am confident that this trend will only continue.

There is still time to get your tickets to the Lincoln Dinner! Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Obamacare's greatest foe is our featured speaker. Cuccinelli was the first state Attorney General to file a legal challenge to Obamacare. Other speakers will include Governor Branstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham, and Congressman King. Because this falls on Cinco de Mayo, we will have a reception from 6-7 pm complete with a margarita and daiquiri bar and a live band. The event will be held at Vets Auditorium Ballroom and tickets cost $75. To purchase tickets please call 515-282-8105 or visit

To Victory

A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa



I hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Things have been pretty busy here at the Republican Party of Iowa. This past weekend we held our district conventions in Fort Dodge, Grinnell, Stuart, and Mount Pleasant. It was great to see so many enthusiastic republicans participating in the most open grassroots caucus to convention process in the nation. Please join me in congratulating the new members of our State Central Committee who were elected this weekend. I look forward to working with the Committee to take back the Iowa Senate, grow our House majority, send a full Republican delegation to Congress and help send President Obama back to Illinois.

Iowa GOP State Central Committee Elect (term begins 6/16/12)

District One: Dave Cushman, Loras Schulte, Tony Krebsbach, and David Chung

District Two: Jeff Shipley, Marcus Fedler, Mark Doland, and Bob Anderson

District Three: Gopal Krishna, Joel Kurtinitis, Wes Enos, and John Kabitzke

District Four: Kris Thiessen, Tim Moran, Jamie Johnson, and Chad Steenhoek

Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Arizona to attend the RNC Chairman's meeting. It was great to meet other chairman from around the country. I heard from Governor Jan Brewer, Senator John McCain, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Governor Mitt Romney. I also had the opportunity to speak to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus  about Iowa and our importance in taking back everything from the Courthouse to the White House.

Just a reminder our monthly Chairman's Lunch is tomorrow, April 25th at the Republican Party of Iowa headquarters. The event begins at noon and will feature guest speakers Majority leader Upmeyer and House Speaker Paulsen. The cost is $20 and you can reserve your spot by emailing Please consider joining us for this event. It is vital to have open communication between elected officials and Iowans if we are to succeed this fall.

There is still time to get your tickets to the Lincoln Dinner! Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Obamacare's greatest foe is our featured speaker. Cuccinelli was the first state Attorney General to file a legal challenge to Obamacare. Other speakers will include Governor Branstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham, and Congressman King. Because this falls on Cinco de Mayo, we will have a reception from 6-7 pm complete with a margarita and daiquiri bar and a live band. The event will be held at Vets Auditorium Ballroom and tickets cost $75. To purchase tickets please call 515-282-8105 or visit

To Victory,


A.J. Spiker


Republican Party of Iowa

Good Afternoon! As I am sure all of you are aware today is Tax Day. While I felt this year was especially painful, the next few years could be even worse if we don't work together to fight proposed tax increases. Please consider coming to one of the events listed below to hear how we can fight back.

Our Lincoln Dinner is fast approaching.  Come out on May 5 at 7 p.m. to hear featured speaker Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the first state Attorney General to file a legal challenge to Obamacare. Other speakers will include Governor Brandstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham, and Congressman King. Because this falls on Cinco de Mayo, we will have a reception from 6-7 pm complete with a margarita and daiquiri bar and live band. The event will be held at Vets Auditorium Ballroom and tickets cost $75. To purchase tickets please call 515-282-8105 or visit

Yesterday, the US Senate narrowly voted down President Obama's Buffet Tax. This is nothing more than a political gimmick designed to distract voters from President Obama's economic record. Please read my statement below praising the Senate for rejecting this measure.

"There is one thing you need to know about President Obama's Buffett Tax - it won't help a single Iowa family find a job. The facts are simple, President Obama has once again chosen politics over fixing the economy

"The President's hard sell on this tax has been all over the place. First, Obama claimed the Buffett Tax would, 'stabilize our debt and deficit for the next ten years,' and when that was proven false, he claimed it wasn't meant for deficit reduction. President Obama has changed his explanation for this tax no less than six times, but not once did he claim this tax would improve the economy or help folks find a job - and that's what this all boils down to - a shiny object that does nothing to help struggling Americans.

"President Obama should be focused on fixing the economy, but he's spending his time rolling out political gimmicks. This President is focused on saving one job - his own- and he's resorted to the politics of division and envy to achieve his goal.

"I applaud the Senate for voting down Obama's Buffett gimmick. Iowa families deserve better; they deserve real leadership and someone who is focused on helping Americans struggling in this economy."

Don't miss the Chairman's lunch, held at 12 p.m. April 25 at the Republican Party of Iowa Headquarters. The cost is $20 and to reserve a spot, please RSVP to This month's speakers will be House Speaker Kraig Paulsen and House Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer. The Chairman's Lunch is held the last Wednesday of every month and is a great opportunity to increase communication between Iowans, elected leaders, and party officials.

To Victory,


A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

More than 50 people packed the inaugural Chairman's Lunch last week at RPI headquarters.  Governor Branstad and State Senator Jack Whitver gave us legislative updates and insights into what to expect next legislative session.  Many thanks to the Governor and Senator for giving Iowa Republicans an inside look on the legislature!

Don't miss the next Chairman's Lunch, April 25 at 12 p.m. at the Republican Party of Iowa Headquarters. Cost is $20, RSVP to email address Please consider joining us to greet this month's speakers, Speaker of the House Kraig Paulsen and Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer. This is a great way to catch up with friends as well as share a dialogue with elected leaders and party officials to continue strengthening our Party and its successes.

RPI announced ObamaCare's greatest foe, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, as the keynote speaker for the annual Lincoln Dinner. Cuccinelli was awarded the CPAC "Defender of the Constitution" award in 2012. He has been a leading opponent of ObamaCare and with the upcoming Supreme Court decision, Cuccinelli should be a great headliner for our dinner. Other speakers include Governor Branstad, Lieutenant Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham and Congressman King. Mark your calendars for May 5 at 6 p.m. The event will be held at the Veterans Auditoritum Ballroom, Des Moines. Tickets can be ordered online at or by calling 515.282.8105.

The Secretary of State's office just released voter registration numbers. I am thrilled to pass along that for the first time in 6 years, Iowa Republicans outnumber Iowa Democrats. The failed policies of the Obama presidency and the Obama Democrats have opened the eyes of many voters to the benefits of the Republican Party ideals including lowering taxes, lessening government intrusion, and protecting individual liberty. More than 1 in 10 Democrats have fled the Iowa Democrat Party since Barack Obama was elected President. Iowa Republicans will continue to work hard to promote these ideals to earn the support of even more Iowans this November.

To victory,


A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

P.S. Tickets to our annual Lincoln Dinner can be ordered online at or by calling 515.282.8105.


Paid for by the Republican Party of Iowa and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate Committee

621 East 9th St. Des Moines, IA 50309 | | 515-282-8105