I hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Things have been pretty busy here at the Republican Party of Iowa. This past weekend we held our district conventions in Fort Dodge, Grinnell, Stuart, and Mount Pleasant. It was great to see so many enthusiastic republicans participating in the most open grassroots caucus to convention process in the nation. Please join me in congratulating the new members of our State Central Committee who were elected this weekend. I look forward to working with the Committee to take back the Iowa Senate, grow our House majority, send a full Republican delegation to Congress and help send President Obama back to Illinois.
Iowa GOP State Central Committee Elect (term begins 6/16/12)
District One: Dave Cushman, Loras Schulte, Tony Krebsbach, and David Chung
District Two: Jeff Shipley, Marcus Fedler, Mark Doland, and Bob Anderson
District Three: Gopal Krishna, Joel Kurtinitis, Wes Enos, and John Kabitzke
District Four: Kris Thiessen, Tim Moran, Jamie Johnson, and Chad Steenhoek
Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Arizona to attend the RNC Chairman's meeting. It was great to meet other chairman from around the country. I heard from Governor Jan Brewer, Senator John McCain, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Governor Mitt Romney. I also had the opportunity to speak to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus about Iowa and our importance in taking back everything from the Courthouse to the White House.
Just a reminder our monthly Chairman's Lunch is tomorrow, April 25th at the Republican Party of Iowa headquarters. The event begins at noon and will feature guest speakers Majority leader Upmeyer and House Speaker Paulsen. The cost is $20 and you can reserve your spot by emailing Please consider joining us for this event. It is vital to have open communication between elected officials and Iowans if we are to succeed this fall.
There is still time to get your tickets to the Lincoln Dinner! Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Obamacare's greatest foe is our featured speaker. Cuccinelli was the first state Attorney General to file a legal challenge to Obamacare. Other speakers will include Governor Branstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham, and Congressman King. Because this falls on Cinco de Mayo, we will have a reception from 6-7 pm complete with a margarita and daiquiri bar and a live band. The event will be held at Vets Auditorium Ballroom and tickets cost $75. To purchase tickets please call 515-282-8105 or visit
To Victory,
A.J. Spiker
Republican Party of Iowa