

It has been another busy week here at the Republican Party. We had a very successful Lincoln Dinner on Saturday at Veterans Auditorium. We got to hear from a number of speakers including Congressman King, Congressman Latham, Senator Grassley, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Secretary of State Schultz, Senate Minority Leader Behn, Majority Leader Upmeyer and of course our featured speaker, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Mr. Cuccinelli spoke about his challenge to Obamacare and how we must defeat President Obama in November and repeal this atrocious law. Our nation can never hope to recover if it is saddled down by Obamacare. He also spoke about the need for individuals to fight for limited government at the local as well as national level.  I particularly enjoyed seeing lots of old and new friends and want to thank our speakers and everyone who attended for helping to make it a great event.


The committees for our state convention in June also met this past weekend. I would like to thank all the grassroots individuals who served on the platform, nominating, rules and credentials committees. The nominating committee put together a slate of delegates and alternates for the national convention. This slate will be voted on by delegates to the state convention in June.


The slate of delegates is as follows:


Terry Branstad- Boone

Chuck Grassley- Butler

Margaret Stoldorf- Montgomery

Michelle Bullock- Polk

James Mills- Floyd

Steve Anders- Pottawattamie

Roger Leahy- Jefferson

Mark Hansen- Pottawattamie

Will Johnson- Dubuque

Lexy Nuzum- Madison

Andrea Bie- Allamakee

David Fischer- Polk

Drew Ivers- Hamilton


The slate of alternates is as follows:


Kim Reynolds- Clarke

Cody Hoefert- Lyon

Sam Clovis- Plymouth

Jeff Jorgenson- Pottawattamie

Lisa Smith- Wapello

Brad Zuan- Polk

David Wiederstein- Cass

Mmike Gresham- Fremont

Jennifer Bowen- Dallas

John Bowery- Page

Ruth Long- Union

Tracee Knapp- Ringgold

Therese Davis- Guthrie


Just a reminder our monthly Chairman's Lunch is May 30th at the Republican Party of Iowa headquarters. The event begins at noon and will feature guest speakers Lt. Governor Reynolds and Senate Minority Leader Behn. The cost is $20 and you can reserve your spot by emailing Please consider joining us for this event. It is vital to have open communication between elected officials and Iowans if we are to succeed this fall.


To Victory,

A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Paid for by the Republican Party of Iowa and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Des Moines Register

By Jennifer Jacobs

May 8th, 2012


Those who know Bruce Braley well say one of his defining personality traits is doggedness. The former trial lawyer follows projects from start to finish, and staffers say he insists they do the same.


Braley's name is bandied about as a future U.S. Senate candidate (to replace Democrat Tom Harkin if he chooses not to run again in 2014, or to replace Republican Chuck Grassley, who is up for re-election in 2016).


"I think Braley is a rising star in the Democratic Party," said state Rep. Clel Baudler, R-Greenfield. "I believe he has shown some common sense in picking his fights. He doesn't run off willy-nilly at the head."


A panel of eight Iowa and Washington-based journalists organized by The Des Moines Register ranked Braley fourth in effectiveness out of Iowa's seven congressmen. That placed the three-term Braley above two colleagues with more seniority in the House ? Republican Steve King and Democrat Leonard Boswell ? as well as Dave Loebsack, who was elected at the same time as Braley.


Braley got off to a fast start in proposing and steering passage of legislation during his first two terms, when Democrats were in power. That's tougher this term, now that he's in the minority.


One accomplishment that Braley points to when he was part of the majority is reforming the way Medicare pays Iowa doctors, who have historically seen lower payments from Medicare than doctors in larger states. Iowans in Congress had sought to change the formula for years. At 3 a.m. on a Saturday in 2010, after hours of negotiations with Democratic leaders over the health care reform law, he helped secure an agreement to change the payment structure.


His staff noted practical accomplishments to benefit his district. When the 2008 floods washed out a bridge over the Cedar River in Waterloo that the Iowa Northern short-line railroad company used to carry goods, the rail cars had to make a 300-mile detour. That increased costs for manufacturers and farmers. Braley successfully pushed for money to repair rail lines knocked out by natural disasters. The railroad bridge reopened in late 2009.


Braley is also into plain talk. Lawmakers have made numerous attempts over the years to require the government to write forms and documents in easy-to-understand language, but Braley's bill, the Plain Writing Act, was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010.


He helped secure a tax credit for small businesses that hired unemployed workers. In Iowa, the credit assisted in the hiring of 104,000 people through the end of 2010, his aides said.


Braley ranks 87th in the lineup of the National Journal's most liberal to least liberal members of the House. He is more liberal than 80 percent of the House on social issues and 84 percent on foreign issues, according to the Journal analysis of votes cast in 2011.


Braley, whose father fought on Iwo Jima, champions veterans issues, and he has a remarkably good working relationship with Republicans on the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, congressional insiders said. For example, Braley and a freshman Republican from Indiana did two field hearings last fall, one in Iowa and one in Indiana, on unemployment among veterans.


To help disabled veterans retrofit their homes, Braley co-sponsored a bill to expand a grant program. He worked with U.S. House Speaker John Boehner to help win House approval of the Andrew Connolly Veterans Housing Act in 2011. The proposal is now stuck in the Senate.


Meanwhile, to keep in touch with Iowans, Braley does a conference call with Iowa reporters on Wednesday mornings and sent out 278 news releases in 2011. He has visited every county in the 1st District in the past 12 months.


"He just does everything that he could possibly do. He has been fantastic," said Pat Sass, chairwoman of the Black Hawk County Democrats. "You couldn't find anyone that's more active."

The Softer Side of Mitt Romney
If Voters Understood his Religion, They'd Warm to Candidate,
says Mormon Author

Critics say the presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney seems "stiff" and out of touch. Some say it's because of his immense wealth. Ross H. Palfreyman, a Mormon author of Two Years in God's Mormon Army (, thinks it's something else.

"People get distracted by religion, especially the Mormon religion, because, hey, we do some quirky stuff," Palfreyman says. "I think Romney has stayed away from the personal stuff because much of it has to do with being Mormon. But if people knew about his experiences as a Mormon, they'd see his softer side."

Like Palfreyman, Romney served two years as a Mormon missionary, a rite of passage that teaches young men compassion and self-discipline, among other values, Palfeyman says. That time away from home - no visits allowed and only two phone calls a year on Mother's Day and Christmas - can be the most memorable in a Mormon's lifetime, he says.

Palfreyman offers facts for voters about Mormonism and Romney's relationship to it:

• Romney served his two-year mission in France. No matter where a young man serves his mission "it prepares you for a life of service," Palfreyman says. The missionaries witness abject poverty, learn selflessness and hard work, and learn how to accept rejection.

• Romney also served five years as bishop of his congregation in Belmont, Mass. It was an unpaid position where he managed nuts-and-bolts-type issues like administrative tasks and more delicate duties, including financial counseling and assistance, and marriage relationship help.

• Mormons revere and exalt the Bible, and see it as the bedrock of Christianity. They also believe in a revelation given from God to Joseph Smith, which is found in the Book of Mormon.

• Children are baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at age 8. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a potential running mate for Romney, was baptized into the LDS Church while living in Utah with his family. Rubio converted to Catholicism as a teenager.

• Mormons believe God wants human beings to follow a health outline called "The Word of Wisdom," which discourages use of alcohol, tobacco or coffee. Adherence to this health code is especially important for baptism, full-time missionary work, church school attendance and entry into the church's temples. Violation of the code is not grounds for excommunication or other disciplinary measures. Other guidelines include limited meat consumption, the restriction of narcotics and an emphasis on eating herbs, fruits and grains.

Romney is far more than the stiff businessman in a suit often seen in public, Palfreyman says.

"Clearly, there's a softer and more developed side to Mitt Romney, because he was a great bishop from all I've heard," he says. "His religion is the elephant in the room, but he's got to keep it from distracting from his message about what he would do as the nation's leader."

About Ross H. Palfreyman

Ross H. Palfreyman is a Laguna Beach, Calif., lawyer who began his mission work in 1973 in Thailand, during the Vietnam War and the Thai Revolution of '73. Two years of trying to convince devout Buddhists that they'd be better off as Mormons was trying enough, he also was threatened at gunpoint and fended off parasites and rabid dogs during his "indentured servitude." He initially wrote about his experiences for his six children. Palfreyman's youngest son returns from his mission in Mexico in August.

DAVENPORT - Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz announced today that absentee ballots are now available
for the June 5, 2012 Iowa Primary Election. Absentee ballots can be voted in the Auditor's Office, or voters may
request ballots be mailed to them. A fill-able Official Absentee Ballot Request form is available at the Auditor's
webpage Voters can also call the Auditor's Office at 326-8631 and
request that a form be mailed to them. Once the form is completely filled out voters need to sign the form and
return it to the Auditor's Office, 600 West 4th Street, Davenport, Iowa 52801. Ballots are mailed within 24 hours
of receipt of the request.

Primary elections are elections conducted by the State for the benefit of the two major political parties. The
winners of the primary election then become their party's nominee for office in the November General Election.

Iowa primary elections are "closed primaries" meaning that only voters who publically affiliate through their
voter registration status with a particular party can vote in that party's primary election. Voters may declare
or change party affiliation at the polls on election day by filling out a Change of Party Affiliation Form provided
by the precinct election officials. Absentee voters may change their party affiliation by selecting to receive the
ballot for the party of their choice.

Several nominations for office are contested during this primary election. On the Democratic Party ballot there
is a contested election for the nomination for United States Representative from Iowa's Second District between
incumbent Congressman Dave Loebsack and Iowa State Senator Joe Seng. There is also a contested election for
the nomination for State Senate District 49 between Rita Hart and Dorothy O'Brien.

On the Republican Party ballot there is a contested election for the nomination for United States Representative
from Iowa's Second District between John Archer and Dan Dolan. There is also a contested election for the
nomination for State Senate District 46 between State Senators Jim Hahn and Shawn Hamerlinck. These two
incumbent State Senators were placed into the same State Senate District through the redistricting process.

For more information contact the Scott County Auditor's Office at 563-326-8631.

I hope everyone is enjoying the nice spring weather! We had a great week at the Republican Party of Iowa. Last Wednesday we had over 40 people attend our Chairman's Lunch here at the headquarters. Unfortunately our original speakers Majority leader Upmeyer and House Speaker Paulsen were unavailable since they were busy battling the Democrats over the budget at the Capitol. Luckily Senator Zaun, Rep. Kaufman, and Agriculture Secretary Northy were able to join us for a great discussion about how we can continue to strengthen the Party this year.

Last Thursday I also had the opportunity to speak at the Green County GOP fundraiser. I want to thank Greene County GOP Chairman Roger Olhausen and co-chairman John Meyer for inviting me. I enjoyed meeting everyone in Greene County and it was great to see so many enthusiastic republicans.

Yesterday the Iowa Secretary of State released the latest voter registration numbers. I am pleased to report that we have increased our lead over the democrats! We now hold an almost 9,000 voter lead on the democrats in the state. The Republican Party will continue to reach out to disaffected democrats in the coming months and I am confident that this trend will only continue.

There is still time to get your tickets to the Lincoln Dinner! Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Obamacare's greatest foe is our featured speaker. Cuccinelli was the first state Attorney General to file a legal challenge to Obamacare. Other speakers will include Governor Branstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham, and Congressman King. Because this falls on Cinco de Mayo, we will have a reception from 6-7 pm complete with a margarita and daiquiri bar and a live band. The event will be held at Vets Auditorium Ballroom and tickets cost $75. To purchase tickets please call 515-282-8105 or visit

To Victory

A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

New Ad Scrutinizes Wasteful Use of Taxpayer Dollars

IOWA CITY, IOWA - Today Americans for Prosperity (AFP), the nation's largest advocate for economic freedom, held a conference at the National Press Club announcing the release of a $6.1 million ad buy. The new ad is launching along with nationwide grassroots action that holds President Obama accountable for his wasteful use of taxpayer dollars.

Titled "Wasteful Spending," the ad highlights billions of stimulus dollars that were given to foreign companies, mostly to subsidize their own green energy projects.

CLICK HERE to view and download the Wasteful Spending ad:

"The white house continues to let ideology, government cronyism, and bad judgement influence economic policies that are hurting hard working iowans." said AFP-IA State Director Mark Lucas. "Energy prices are rising as the administration pays off their friends in the green energy market. This is evidenced by giving $530 million to the now-bankrupt Solyndra. Iowans deserve a much better return on their hard earned tax dollars."

Over the next two weeks, the ad will air in the following eight states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Virginia. As the ad kicks off, AFP will launch a tour featuring rallies and educational townhalls throughout the country. In Iowa, rallies and educational events will take place in Iowa City and Des Moines.

In the past, AFP has focused on President Obama's willingness to risk taxpayer dollars in other green energy schemes. The group launched two ads focused on the Solyndra failure, dedicating $6.5 million combined.  At $6.1 million, this latest effort is the largest to date.

To interview Mark or learn more about the ad, please call 319-333-9124 or email

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual's right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. Americans for Prosperity does not support or oppose candidates for public office. For more information, visit


Braley introduced bill in January to stop student loan interest rate increase

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) today issued the following statement on President Obama's visit to the University of Iowa:

"President Obama's trip to Iowa today is drawing much-needed attention to the plight of students facing a sharp increase in college costs this summer.  Unless Congress acts before July 1st, student loan interest rates will double, adding thousands of dollars to the cost of a college education.


"Iowa college graduates already have the 3rd highest debt load in the county.  Piling on more debt just puts Iowans further behind at graduation.


"Congress should put aside their differences and act immediately to stop the July spike in student loan interest rates.  Our colleges are avenues of economic opportunity.  If we're going to succeed in the global economy, we need to keep higher education affordable for everyone who wants to attend."


Unless Congress takes action, student loan interest rates will double to 6.8 percent on July 1, 2012.  Such an increase would mean a student taking out the maximum Stafford student loan of $23,000 over four years of college would pay an additional $11,000 of interest over the 20 year repayment period of the loan.

In January, Braley introduced legislation to permanently keep the interest rate for federally subsidized Stafford loans at 3.4 percent, their current rate.

More information about Braley's bill can be found at the following link:

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I hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Things have been pretty busy here at the Republican Party of Iowa. This past weekend we held our district conventions in Fort Dodge, Grinnell, Stuart, and Mount Pleasant. It was great to see so many enthusiastic republicans participating in the most open grassroots caucus to convention process in the nation. Please join me in congratulating the new members of our State Central Committee who were elected this weekend. I look forward to working with the Committee to take back the Iowa Senate, grow our House majority, send a full Republican delegation to Congress and help send President Obama back to Illinois.

Iowa GOP State Central Committee Elect (term begins 6/16/12)

District One: Dave Cushman, Loras Schulte, Tony Krebsbach, and David Chung

District Two: Jeff Shipley, Marcus Fedler, Mark Doland, and Bob Anderson

District Three: Gopal Krishna, Joel Kurtinitis, Wes Enos, and John Kabitzke

District Four: Kris Thiessen, Tim Moran, Jamie Johnson, and Chad Steenhoek

Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Arizona to attend the RNC Chairman's meeting. It was great to meet other chairman from around the country. I heard from Governor Jan Brewer, Senator John McCain, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Governor Mitt Romney. I also had the opportunity to speak to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus  about Iowa and our importance in taking back everything from the Courthouse to the White House.

Just a reminder our monthly Chairman's Lunch is tomorrow, April 25th at the Republican Party of Iowa headquarters. The event begins at noon and will feature guest speakers Majority leader Upmeyer and House Speaker Paulsen. The cost is $20 and you can reserve your spot by emailing Please consider joining us for this event. It is vital to have open communication between elected officials and Iowans if we are to succeed this fall.

There is still time to get your tickets to the Lincoln Dinner! Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Obamacare's greatest foe is our featured speaker. Cuccinelli was the first state Attorney General to file a legal challenge to Obamacare. Other speakers will include Governor Branstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham, and Congressman King. Because this falls on Cinco de Mayo, we will have a reception from 6-7 pm complete with a margarita and daiquiri bar and a live band. The event will be held at Vets Auditorium Ballroom and tickets cost $75. To purchase tickets please call 515-282-8105 or visit

To Victory,


A.J. Spiker


Republican Party of Iowa

Petition drive launched in response to Senator Grassley's call for a boycott on his own constituents

DES MOINES, IOWA - In response to Senator Chuck Grassley advocating a boycott on Coca-Cola, which operates two bottling plants in Iowa, Progress Iowa today launched a petition drive to 'Send Chuck a Coke' at

On April 4th, Coca-Cola publicly announced it would end its financial support of the American Legislative Exchange Group (ALEC), the right-wing front group backing controversial legislation such as the "Stand Your Ground" laws, which have been implicated in the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

This weekend, Senator Grassley tweeted "U might think abt not drinking Coca Cola since company sucombed to pressure fr Leftist not to support ALEC". Read the original tweet here. Atlantic Bottling Company operates in Atlantic and Waukee, and has bottled Coca-Cola products in Iowa for three generations.
"We want Iowans to send Senator Grassley a message: he should be standing up for his constituents, not ALEC, an out of state corporate front-group," said Matt Sinovic, executive director of Progress Iowa. "For every petition signature we receive, we will deliver a Coca-Cola, bottled right here in Iowa, to Senator Grassley."

For more information about the campaign, visit, where you can sign the petition and respond directly to Senator Grassley's tweet.


"A rising tide of Republicans who share Ron Paul's philosophy of limited government are flooding into GOP party roles in Iowa." - Des Moines Register
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - Supporters of 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul were elected last night to state Republican Party positions helpful for his delegate-attainment strategy, and for ensuring that constitutionally-limited government has a voice in the state party.  At four district conventions held Saturday, party activists tied to Paul won seats in the state nomination committee that selects at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, and in the state central committee, writes the influential Des Moines Register.

Ron Paul backers sweep into GOP party roles in Iowa
by Jennifer Jacobs
Des Moines Register

A rising tide of Republicans who share Ron Paul's philosophy of limited government are flooding into GOP party roles in Iowa.

Like the anti-abortion movement and tea partiers that made in-roads into GOP politics here in recent years, Paul loyalists want to send a message to party leaders, the governor, the state legislature and the nation, they said Saturday.

Six of the new Iowa GOP state central committee members elected Saturday have publicly expressed support for Paul, a libertarian-leaning presidential candidate: Joel Kurtinitis, Kris Thiessen, Dave Cushman, Jeff Shipley, John Kabitzke and Marcus Fedler.  Two more have close ties.

"Ron Paul's display of strength is to encourage their followers to say, 'We have the numbers. Join us and we can accomplish even more,'" said Gopal Krishna, a popular longtime central committee member who has declined to reveal his caucus vote.  "Because once they're a force to be reckoned with, everybody starts to cater to them."

To read the full article online, please click here.
