Good Afternoon! As I am sure all of you are aware today is Tax Day. While I felt this year was especially painful, the next few years could be even worse if we don't work together to fight proposed tax increases. Please consider coming to one of the events listed below to hear how we can fight back.

Our Lincoln Dinner is fast approaching.  Come out on May 5 at 7 p.m. to hear featured speaker Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the first state Attorney General to file a legal challenge to Obamacare. Other speakers will include Governor Brandstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham, and Congressman King. Because this falls on Cinco de Mayo, we will have a reception from 6-7 pm complete with a margarita and daiquiri bar and live band. The event will be held at Vets Auditorium Ballroom and tickets cost $75. To purchase tickets please call 515-282-8105 or visit

Yesterday, the US Senate narrowly voted down President Obama's Buffet Tax. This is nothing more than a political gimmick designed to distract voters from President Obama's economic record. Please read my statement below praising the Senate for rejecting this measure.

"There is one thing you need to know about President Obama's Buffett Tax - it won't help a single Iowa family find a job. The facts are simple, President Obama has once again chosen politics over fixing the economy

"The President's hard sell on this tax has been all over the place. First, Obama claimed the Buffett Tax would, 'stabilize our debt and deficit for the next ten years,' and when that was proven false, he claimed it wasn't meant for deficit reduction. President Obama has changed his explanation for this tax no less than six times, but not once did he claim this tax would improve the economy or help folks find a job - and that's what this all boils down to - a shiny object that does nothing to help struggling Americans.

"President Obama should be focused on fixing the economy, but he's spending his time rolling out political gimmicks. This President is focused on saving one job - his own- and he's resorted to the politics of division and envy to achieve his goal.

"I applaud the Senate for voting down Obama's Buffett gimmick. Iowa families deserve better; they deserve real leadership and someone who is focused on helping Americans struggling in this economy."

Don't miss the Chairman's lunch, held at 12 p.m. April 25 at the Republican Party of Iowa Headquarters. The cost is $20 and to reserve a spot, please RSVP to This month's speakers will be House Speaker Kraig Paulsen and House Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer. The Chairman's Lunch is held the last Wednesday of every month and is a great opportunity to increase communication between Iowans, elected leaders, and party officials.

To Victory,


A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack today announced that he will continue his Rural Economy Tour, TOMORROW, April 14th at locations in Cedar and Muscatine Counties. Throughout the year, Loebsack has visited farms and businesses that have a direct impact on the rural economy to hear firsthand about the needs of rural Iowans. Media is invited to attend.


"Rural areas in Iowa are the backbone of our state's economy," said Loebsack.  "We have to ensure they have the tools necessary to thrive."


Rural Economy Tour


Cedar County Stops


T&M Clothing

407 Cedar St.




City Hall Steakhouse

509 Cedar St.




Stuefen Overhead Door Manufacturing open house

Industrial Park

1707 HWY 130



Muscatine County Stop


Geertz's Family Farm

1118 North Walnut Street

West Liberty


Braley will report raising over $323,000 in 1st Quarter, $828,000 cash on hand

Waterloo, IA - The Bruce Braley for Congress campaign announced today that it will report having raised over $323,000 when it files its first quarter 2012 Federal Election Commission report, due April 15th.  The report will also show that the campaign has raised more than $1.4 million during the 2012 election cycle, and currently has more than $828,000 total cash on hand.  More than 2,000 Iowans have contributed to Braley's campaign this cycle.

"Thanks to the support of more than 2,000 Iowa donors, Braley for Congress had the best first quarter we've ever had," Braley for Congress campaign manager Molly Scherrman said.  "A record year followed by another record quarter shows just how much Iowans want someone in Congress working for us to break through the gridlock and create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and stand up for veterans."

Braley raised more in the first quarter of 2012 than he has in any other comparable quarter since first running for Congress in 2006.

In January, Braley for Congress reported raising $1.1 million during 2011, the most ever raised by a 1st District Congressional candidate during a non-election year.
(Moline)Illinois House Republican Leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego), U.S. Congressman Aaron  Schock (IL-18), and State Rep. Rich Morthland (R-Cordova)  are holding a press conference in Moline on Friday, April 13th at 1:45 p.m. to highlight the additional financial burden the implementation of Obamacare will place on Illinois' budget.  

Time:                         1:45 p.m.
Date:                         Friday, April 13, 2012
Location:                   Quad Cities International Moline Terminal, 2200 69th Avenue, Moline, IL
Santorum's out. That means the 2012 general election is on.

Now that it's clear Mitt Romney is their nominee, Republicans will focus their unified resources toward defeating President Obama.

Applications must be submitted to the Republican Party of Iowa by April 13.

The 2012 Republican National Convention will be here before we know it. Once again, the RNC is organizing the Convention Page Program this summer in Tampa, Florida. The mission is to develop a program that provides young adults with positive educational experiences while fostering a new generation of Republicans through participation and community service.

Page duties will involve vital convention-related activities such as acting as floor runners, assisting with caucus meetings, and distributing official convention materials. In addition, there will be several other activities planned and duties may differ each day. Please be aware that pages are not assured floor credentials. The tasks they are assigned to perform at the convention will determine their access during any given session.

Pages must be 16 to 25 years old and must arrive prior to the start of the convention on Saturday, August 25, 2012 and remain in Tampa until the morning of Friday, August 31, 2012. They are expected to attend an orientation, work a full day, and attend all scheduled events. Those who do not report for scheduled activities may be asked to leave.

Pages will be responsible for paying for their own transportation to and from Tampa (including airport transfers to and from their hotel), lodging expenses, and any incidentals. The Committee on Arrangements (COA) will cover the costs of the ties and scarves for the men and women, respectively. Pages will be assigned a roommate and will be housed at a nearby hotel during the week. Upon acceptance, further information on the specific hotel and transportation fees will be sent to the participants.

Up to 2 Pages will be selected per state.  Therefore, Iowa will receive up to 2 slots for Pages at the National Convention.

For an application please email with the subject: Page Program

Paid for by the Republican Party of Iowa and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate Committee

621 East 9th Street Des Moines, IA 50309 | | 515-282-8105

More than 50 people packed the inaugural Chairman's Lunch last week at RPI headquarters.  Governor Branstad and State Senator Jack Whitver gave us legislative updates and insights into what to expect next legislative session.  Many thanks to the Governor and Senator for giving Iowa Republicans an inside look on the legislature!

Don't miss the next Chairman's Lunch, April 25 at 12 p.m. at the Republican Party of Iowa Headquarters. Cost is $20, RSVP to email address Please consider joining us to greet this month's speakers, Speaker of the House Kraig Paulsen and Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer. This is a great way to catch up with friends as well as share a dialogue with elected leaders and party officials to continue strengthening our Party and its successes.

RPI announced ObamaCare's greatest foe, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, as the keynote speaker for the annual Lincoln Dinner. Cuccinelli was awarded the CPAC "Defender of the Constitution" award in 2012. He has been a leading opponent of ObamaCare and with the upcoming Supreme Court decision, Cuccinelli should be a great headliner for our dinner. Other speakers include Governor Branstad, Lieutenant Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, Congressman Latham and Congressman King. Mark your calendars for May 5 at 6 p.m. The event will be held at the Veterans Auditoritum Ballroom, Des Moines. Tickets can be ordered online at or by calling 515.282.8105.

The Secretary of State's office just released voter registration numbers. I am thrilled to pass along that for the first time in 6 years, Iowa Republicans outnumber Iowa Democrats. The failed policies of the Obama presidency and the Obama Democrats have opened the eyes of many voters to the benefits of the Republican Party ideals including lowering taxes, lessening government intrusion, and protecting individual liberty. More than 1 in 10 Democrats have fled the Iowa Democrat Party since Barack Obama was elected President. Iowa Republicans will continue to work hard to promote these ideals to earn the support of even more Iowans this November.

To victory,


A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

P.S. Tickets to our annual Lincoln Dinner can be ordered online at or by calling 515.282.8105.


Paid for by the Republican Party of Iowa and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate Committee

621 East 9th St. Des Moines, IA 50309 | | 515-282-8105

Braley running for Congress to continue work to create jobs, stand up for veterans

Waterloo, IA - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) formally announced today that he is running for re-election in the new First Congressional District of Iowa in his hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa.  

Braley made the announcement on the first day of a three-day, six-city "Works for Iowa" tour that will take him to Brooklyn, Cedar Rapids, Decorah, Dubuque, Marshalltown, and Waterloo.

"I learned about Iowa common sense from my parents growing up in Poweshiek County," Braley said.  "They taught me to work hard, to spend money wisely, and to help other people when they needed help.  

"To me, being a representative means working as hard as the people who elected you - to create jobs, stand up for our veterans, and get this economy back on track.  

"I'm running for re-election because there's still work to do.  The only way that we're going to fix the mess in Washington is by sending people there who have the experience to bridge the divide and get things done."

Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa.  He took his first job in 2nd grade and has been working ever since.  Braley worked his way through college at Iowa State and law school at the University of Iowa waiting tables, bartending, and building roads and bridges for the Poweshiek County Roads Department.  Braley worked as an attorney in Waterloo for 23 years, representing people against some of the most powerful corporations in the world.  Braley also volunteered for years in the Waterloo community, as a football coach, with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, with the Waterloo Historic Preservation Commission, and more.

Bruce lives with his wife Carolyn in Waterloo, Iowa.  They have three children - Lisa, David, and Paul - who all graduated from West Waterloo High School, where Carolyn works as a social studies teacher.

Braley was joined in Brooklyn and Cedar Rapids by his mother, Marcia, who still substitute teaches in Poweshiek County.

# # #
D.C. Blockbuster Event set for Tax Week; Will Honor Andrew Breitbart
For More Immediate Release:
April 2, 2012
(Atlanta)  It is time to turn the tide against oppressive taxation. And what better time to start than Tax Week 2012? Cain Solutions, founded by businessman, former presidential frontrunner and the father of 9-9-9 Herman Cain, has announced a two-day blockbuster event to take place in Washington D.C. - aimed at assembling and empowering "We the People" to take our power back from government.
The events, titled "Cain's Revolution on the Hill" and the "9-9-9 Patriot Summit", will take place April 15th and 16th. The Patriot Summit kicks off with a reception honoring the late Andrew Breitbart.
"Andrew Breitbart was a friend and an unconventional freedom warrior who rewrote the rules," Cain said. "I feel especially honored to dedicate an event of such magnitude to his memory. I truly believe he lit the torch of righteous indignation for thousands of Americans, and we fully intend to take our torches to Capitol Hill on April 15th and 16th to demand an end to a repressive tax code, and demand the simplicity of 9-9-9."
The two-day event will also feature an educational campaign, and a powerful "Cain's Revolution on the Hill Rally" with a complete slate of speakers including celebrated journalists, entertainers and professional political rabble-rousers among others. It will conclude with an Army of Davids descending upon congressional offices to encourage elected officials to push for the bold common sense of 9-9-9.
Here is a brief summary of this exciting event:
2012 Cain's Revolution on the Hill
When: April 15th & 16th, 2012
Location: The Renaissance Arlington Capitol View Hotel
2800 South Potomac Ave
Arlington, Virginia 22202 USA
More details will be released in the coming days including activities and confirmed guests.
Braley visiting cities across new 1st District during "Works for Iowa" tour
Waterloo, IA - Starting next Tuesday, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) will formally launch his reelection campaign during a three-day "Works for Iowa" tour across the new 1st Congressional District, starting in his hometown of Brooklyn and continuing to Cedar Rapids, Decorah, Dubuque, Marshalltown, and Waterloo.
Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa.  He took his first job in 2nd grade and has been working ever since.  Braley worked his way through college at Iowa State and law school at the University of Iowa waiting tables, bartending, and building roads and bridges for the Poweshiek County Roads Department.  Braley worked as an attorney in Waterloo for 23 years, representing people against some of the most powerful corporations in the world.

Since 2007, Braley has been working for Iowa in the US House, standing up for veterans, strengthening the middle class, and working to create jobs here in Iowa.
Tuesday April 3, 2012
11:00am  Braley Formally Announces Campaign for US House
Community of Flags Park
Corner of E. 3rd St. and Jackson St.
Brooklyn, Iowa
2:30pm Braley Announces Campaign for US House in Cedar Rapids
Mays Island Memorial Plaza
51 2nd Ave.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Wednesday April 4, 2012
11:00am  Decorah Meet and Greet
Java John's Coffee House 
400 W. Water St.
Decorah, Iowa
3:00pm Dubuque Campaign Kickoff Event
Veterans Memorial Plaza 
1801 Admiral Sheehy Dr.
Dubuque, Iowa

Thursday April 5, 2012
12:00pm  Marshalltown Meet and Greet
Orpheum Theater Center and Coffee Shop
220 E. Main St.
Marshalltown, Iowa
3:00pm Waterloo Campaign Kickoff Event
Jameson's Public House
310 E. 4th St.
Waterloo, Iowa
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