Herman Cain to Join Joe Wurzelbacher for Ohio Events
(Atlanta)  A familiar name has joined Herman Cain's ever-growing "9-9-9 The Revolution". The former businessman and former presidential frontrunner today announced that Joe Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. 'Joe the Plumber', has pledged his support for Cain's 9-9-9 economic growth and jobs plan.
Wurzelbacher is running as a Republican in Ohio's 9th Congressional District. The seat has been held by Democrat Marcy Kaptur for 30 years, and due to redistricting, she will face 10th District Representative Dennis Kucinich in the March 6th Primary election.
A simple, honest and bold question posed in 2008 to then-candidate Barack Obama about his small business tax plan launched the Ohio plumber into the national spotlight. Obama's answer that  spreading the wealth around is "good for everybody" exposed the presidential hopeful for harboring a dangerous socialist agenda. Now, as a Congressional candidate, 'Joe the Plumber'   wants to fight back after spending the "last 3 years watching now-President Obama make good on his threat of spreading the wealth around."
On this battle, Wurzelbacher has an ally in Cain. In fact, a January 14, 2012 post in the Daily Beast favorably compared the two:
"Wurzelbacher shares with Cain an appetite for devolving power from the federal government to the states?and a zeal for tax reform. He, too, would like to blow up the federal income tax...In its place, Wurzelbacher favors a fair tax and a flat tax, and proclaims that Cain's infamous "9-9-9" plan is better than "what we have now."
Cain agrees and welcomes 'Joe the Plumber''s simple, honest and bold attitude to "9-9-9 The Revolution".
"Joe is an unconventional candidate, just like I was," Cain remarked. "He shows a true working man's appreciation for what it is to be a good steward of the hard-earned money the government takes from us in the form of taxes."
"Joe the Plumber agrees that 'blowing up' the current federal tax code is paramount to the success of this nation." Cain also joked, "And we have seen first hand he's not afraid to tell the president so."
Wurtzelbacher's support adds his name to a list of more than a dozen 2012 U.S. Candidates who are committed to thoroughly reading the '9-9-9' legislation that is being drafted, and then working to make '9-9-9' the law of the land.
Cain and Wurtzelbacher will ride the "Cain Revolution" bus through Ohio on Friday, February 24 for a series of scheduled stops on Joe the Plumber's "Jobs for Ohio" tour. Among the appearances:
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM                                      5:45 PM - 6:30 PM
Private Reception                      Chairman's Reception
Don Umerley Memorial Hall                            Stranahan Theater
21016 Hilliard Blvd.                                        4645 Heatherdowns Blvd.
Rocky River, OH                                 Toledo, OH
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM                                        6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Public Rally                          Lincoln Day Dinner
Don Umerley Memorial Hall                            Stranahan Theater
21016 Hilliard Blvd.                                        4645 Heatherdowns Blvd
Rocky River, OH                                Toledo, OH
8:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Oak Harbor Rally
Open to Public
Ottawa County Fair Banquet Facility
7880 W SR 163
Oak Harbor, OH
Candidate commitments to '9-9-9' are just a part of the much broader Cain's Solutions Revolution. To learn how this revolution is coming to life  - across the nation, in our states and in our local communities, please visit www.cainconnections.com.
Cain: "Another Voice Will Boldly Speak for 'We the People' in Washington, D.C."

(Atlanta) "9-9-9 The Revolution" has added yet another name to its ever-growing "army of 'Davids'"". Today, businessman and former presidential frontrunner Herman Cain announced that U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra (R-Holland) has pledged support for Cain's 9-9-9 tax reform plan.  

Hoekstra is running for the Senate seat currently held by Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat who Cain says has only perpetuated the failures of the Obama administration. "With her consistent voting pattern on economically disastrous legislation such as Obamacare and stimulus, Sen. Stabenow has a proven track record of aligning with failure," Cain said. "This is why we need bold leadership to stand up to the Goliath that has become our government. This is why we need candidates who are not afraid to give their power back to the people where it belongs."

"Adopting my '9-9-9' tax plan is one way to do just that," Cain added. "I'm delighted to have Pete on board with '9-9-9' The Revolution."

Hoekstra's formal support means he is committed to thoroughly reading the '9-9-9' legislation that is being drafted, and then working to make '9-9-9' the law of the land.

"I have long been a supporter of the fair tax but have to give Herman Cain credit for coming up with a simple solution to improve our tax code that the American people can support," Hoekstra said. "I'm ready to do what I can as a member of the U.S. Senate to bring common sense solutions like '9-9-9' to the American People and end the tax code as we know it."

Hoekstra's formal endorsement brings the number of '9-9-9'-supporting candidates to more than a dozen - a number that continues to grow on a near-daily basis.

Mr. Cain will join Hoekstra for the launch of his 'Patriots for Pete Tour' with Herman Cain on Thursday, February 23. Scheduled grassroots event stops include : 

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM                                     4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Kent County GOP Headquarters                   Big Sky Diner
725 Lake Michigan Drive NW                       1340 Ecorse Road
Grand Rapids, MI                                          Ypsilanti, MI
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM                                     7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Radisson Hotel                          Polish Cultural Center
100 West Michigan Ave.                               2975 East Maple Road
Kalamazoo, MI                                             Troy, MI

Candidate commitments to '9-9-9' are just a part of the much broader Cain's Solutions Revolution. To learn how this revolution is coming to life  - across the nation, in our states and in our local communities, please visit www.cainconnections.com.
Holds largest margin of victory among GOP rivals
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul beats President Barack Obama in a head-to-head matchup in the key swing state of Iowa according to the latest Des Moines Register Iowa Poll.

Congressman Paul bests President Obama 49-42 percent, the largest margin of victory for any of the other GOP contenders. Obama would beat Newt Gingrich 51 percent to 37 percent, while Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney would beat Obama by four percent and two percent, respectively, both within the +/- 4 percent margin of error for the poll. In 2008 President Barack Obama beat Senator John McCain by nearly 10 percent in Iowa.

Notably, Paul wins 55 percent of the under-30 vote, a demographic that Obama won 66 percent of in Iowa in the 2008 general election.

"This is just more evidence of the fact that Ron Paul is the only candidate who can beat Barack Obama," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "In order to win back the White House Republicans must nominate a candidate who can provide stark contrast with the failings of the current administration and Ron Paul is the only candidate advocating for something other than the dismal, status quo policies."

The poll surveyed 611 likely Iowa voters between February 12th and 15th.

Full poll results can be found here.


Neal Boortz Tags Herman Cain as Guest Radio Show Host

(Atlanta) Listeners of the Neal Boortz Radio Show who enjoy Herman Cain's twice-weekly chats with Boortz get an extra treat this week from the golden voice. The businessman and former presidential frontrunner will command the Boortz microphone for a full three hours this Friday, February 17.

Mr. Cain will guest-host for Boortz from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST, based at the Atlanta studios of News/Talk WSB and heard by more than 4 million people on 250 radio stations nationwide.

"Mr. Boortz may be the 'Mighty Whitey', but as his listeners know I'm the 'The Dean of the University of Common Sense.' and I'm color blind," joked Cain of his old friend and radio colleague. "I spent three years hosting my own talk show at WSB. It will be good to be back 'home'. I promise that Boortz's listeners will not be disappointed."

In fact, listeners will be treated to Mr. Cain's startling take on President Obama's newly proposed budget. "I have this budget pegged for the atrocity that it is, in just three numbers," Cain said. "And they're not 9-9-9.

Be sure to mark your calendars as well in March. Mr. Cain will again guest host the Neal Boortz Radio Show March 1st, 3rd, 19th and 20th.

Don't miss these opportunities to hear the opinions, analysis and solutions that made Mr. Cain so popular on the campaign trail and in even more demand now. If you cannot tune in via radio, there are many other ways to listen in:

  • Click here to listen live on your computer
  • Click here to find stations that carry the Boortz Show
  • Click here to download an app to listen to the Boortz Show on your mobile device

In addition to his Monday and Friday appearances with Boortz, Mr. Cain's golden voice is heard twice a day on WSB with two-minute nuggets of commentary and political analysis to the theme of "We are not stupid", highlighting ways in which government seeks to distort, distract and disarm the American people.

Mr. Cain is also currently working to help the American people -- 'we the people' -- take back our government through Cain's Solutions Revolution. Discover how these solutions will come to life - across the nation, in our states and in our local communities by visiting www.cainconnections.com.

The program has a new time and we added an hour!

Tonight, is another broadcast of the Tea Party Express Hour and it starts at 8:00 PM PST and goes until 10:00 PM PST.
Listen live at 8:00 PM PST/11:00 EST here
We really want to hear from Tea Party Express members and supporters and would love for you to call into the show and let us know what is on your mind. Last week, we had some great calls from around the nation.
We will be taking calls from around the country on our studio line at 1-888-344-1170.
This is your show and we want to hear what issues are important to Tea Party members and what is going on in their communities.
Tonight's Program
Tonight's program will be hosted by Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer.

Tonight's host Amy Kremer

Joining Amy will be Ali A. Akbar. Mr. Akbar is currently the Vice President of Digital Strategy with Vice and Victory Agency, a new firm specializing in political marketing on the digital medium as well as general public affairs and coalition building.  Mr. Akbar will be giving us a wrap-up and commentary about this weekend's CPAC.

About the show:
The Tea Party Express is excited to partner with radio talk show host Rick Amato and KCBQ AM 1170 in San Diego by launching a weekly conservative radio program that focuses on Tea Party issues called the Tea Party Express Hour. The show is hosted by former California Assemblyman and Chairman of the Our Country Deserves Better PAC (parent organization to Tea Party Express) Howard Kaloogian every Monday evening at 8 PM PST (11PM EDT).
Featuring updates from Washington insiders, Tea Party activists around the country and guest callers, the show is certain to contain important insight regarding the crucial economic issues facing America today.

The Tea Party Express Hour can be streamed every Monday at 8 PM PST at TeaPartyExpress.org or www.SecureTheseRights.net. If you are not available to join live, podcasts will also be made available online at TeaPartyExpress.org.
WHAT:     Tea Party Express Hour Radio Show
WHEN:    Every Monday at  8 PM PST/11 PM EST
WHERE: KCBQ 1170 AM San Diego www.TeaPartyExpress.org or www.SecureTheseRights.net
White to Oppose Democrats and Republicans, Advance Socialist Program Against Unemployment, Poverty and War

The Socialist Equality Party in the United States will run candidates in the 2012 elections. The SEP candidate for president is Jerry White; the vice presidential candidate is Phyllis Scherrer. White and Scherrer will run against the Democrats and Republicans, on the basis of a socialist program.

In a statement published today by the World Socialist Web Site, White outlined the basis of the SEP campaign. The statement calls for: the unity of workers internationally against austerity; social equality through the redistribution of wealth; opposition to war and attacks on democratic rights; and the building of a working class political party.

White, 52, has been active in the socialist movement for more than three decades. In 2008, he ran as the SEP candidate for president in opposition to Barack Obama and John McCain. As a reporter for the WSWS, he has written on the struggles of auto workers, coal miners and other sections of the working class. Most recently, he has covered the struggle of locked-out Cooper Tire workers in Findlay, Ohio.

"This will be a year of growing resistance by the working class in the United States and around the world," White said. "Our campaign will fight to unify these struggles and direct them to a political fight against the capitalist system. The US is ripe for a socialist movement."

Phyllis Scherrer, 48, is a schoolteacher in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. "Millions of workers and young people voted for Obama, looking for change," Scherrer said. "Three years later, the administration has revealed itself to be a right-wing instrument of the banks and corporations."

White and Scherrer will be touring the country in February and March to hold meetings, give interviews and explain the basis of their campaign.


For more information or to schedule an interview with Jerry White or Phyllis Scherrer, visit www.socialequality.com, contact the SEP campaign offices at 313-409-8083 or email 2012@socialequality.com

Dear Friends,

Besides being a hard worker and all-around great guy, Gabriel de La Cerda is an awesome chess player. Applying his penchant for deep analysis to last week's big news stories, Gabe postulates that President Obama's Catholic Contraception Controversy, the Attorneys General Bank Settlement, and Rick Santorum's three primary victories are all connected.

Gabe writes: "By leaking the bank settlement along with the contraception news, Obama was able to dictate which story would be at the fore of the national dialogue and which would be buried. Many talking heads, who would have asked questions as to why a $26 billion settlement could not have been more, were instead busy chasing the juicier story of women's contraception."

Furthermore, "Thursday was the beginning of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Friday, Obama announces a compromise in the contraception case nearly at the same time the main speakers where taking the CPAC stage."

In terms of its political impact on the President, "the contraception issue should be negative. Normally when bad news is coming, administrations try to dump it on a Friday, so the talking heads don't have an entire week to dissect the story."

"So why activate the far right on a prime news day? Because Obama wants the primary process to go on as long as possible. If he could pick an opponent to run against, Rick Santorum is his huckleberry."

"The contraception news was fire for Santorum to add to his rise going into CPAC. This political play forced Romney to step away from his strengths - economy and business - and step into his weakness - morality, an issue which plays to Santorum's strengths."

Wow, Gabe! You and I need to play a game of chess! But seriously, though one doesn't want to believe that the forces of Big Government and Big Business are this sinister and conniving, it's hard not to think Gabe's got some good points.

Monday, we talk about the ongoing foreclosure crisis and recent bank settlement. Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller is declaring victory. Others aren't so sure. Still others claim government sold out to the big banks. If you've got a foreclosure tale to share, give me a call tonight at (515) 312-0983.

Tuesday, we talk about Komen's corporate connections. As Laurence Lewis writes in a recent Daily Kos column, "One example is Komen's recent partnership with KFC to raise millions of dollars, and of course, just coincidentally, to associate the junk food giant with the promotion of health." I'd like to thank an anonymous listener with an immediate family member who died of breast cancer for helping sponsor this show.

Wednesday, consumer advocate Mark Cooper talks about nuclear power. Each week, some new information surfaces to make it even clearer what a bad idea is MidAmerican's ratepayer money grab. And is Warren Buffet really the friend of the people that the media like to paint? Thanks to Iowa Physicians for Social Responsibility for helping to sponsor this show.

Thursday, State Rep Dan Kelley (D-Newton) joins us, as does comedian-activist Lee Camp. This week's Fallon Forum Freebie is a gift certificate to Leap Day Special at Mojo's on 86th. We'll also give away two tickets to "Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom," performing at the Des Moines Social Club this week and next.

So, join the conversation Monday - Thursday from 7:00-8:00 pm at 98.3 FM and online. Call-in at (515) 312-0983 or toll-free at (866) 908-TALK. You can download the Fallon Forum as a podcast, too. Thanks! -- Ed


February 13 - Our New Energy and Climate Reality Presentation (Ames)
Free presentation by State Senator Rob Hogg (D-Cedar Rapids) at 7:00 pm at the Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave about our new energy and climate reality -- and what we must do for the sake of our economy, our environment and future generations. Sponsored by 350.org and Iowa Climate Advocates. No registration required.

February 16 - Drinking Liberally (Des Moines)
You don't have to be a card-carrying liberal to enjoy political conversation and excellent libations at AJ's, 419 E Court starting at 8:00 pm every Thursday. If the revolution is going to start anyplace, this is probably it. Contact desmoines@drinkingliberally.org.

February 20 - Compassion & Choices of Iowa Board Meeting (Amana)
Compassion & Choices of Iowa is a group which educates, advocates and legislates end-of-life issues. The public is invited to its board meeting on at 10:00 am at the coffee shop of the Clarion Hotel on I-80. Contact Pat Larson at (515) 270-6644 or patlars2313@yahoo.com.

February 21 - Irish Jam at Open Sesame (Des Moines)
Discover the fusion of Lebanese and Celtic culture every third Tuesday of the month: belly dancing to Irish gigs and reels, Lebanese cooking washed-down with a pint of Guinness. All musicians patrons welcome, at 313 E. Locust St from 8:30-10:30 pm.

February 23 - Green Drinks (Des Moines-Ankeny)
Join casual conversation with people interested in environmental issues and sustainable energy over something to eat and/or drink. It's from 5:30-7:30 pm at a special location this month: Net Zero House at 1714 SW College Ave, Ankeny. Contact Shari Hrdina at DesMoinesGreenDrinks@gmail.com.

March 10 -  Civic Engagement at the Library (Des Moines)
Citizens have the opportunity to discuss public issues in a moderated forum. The topic for March is The New Challenges of American Immigration: What Should We Do? It's from 9:15 am - 12:00 noon at the Central Library Meeting Room One, 1000 Grand Avenue. To participate, please register at www.dmpl.org (Online Events Calendar), or call (515) 283-4957. Limited to 25 registrants.

Through March 23 - Environmental Impact Awards Applications (Central Iowa)
The Greater Des Moines Partnership, Center on Sustainable Communities and Metro Waste Authority established the Environmental Impact Awards to recognize organizations and leaders who exemplify environmentally sustainable practices. Awards will be given to individuals, businesses (large and small), non-profit or community organizations, and for the built environment (residential and commercial). Applications available at www.desmoinesmetro.com/events. Deadline is March 23 at 3:30 pm. Winners will be recognized in an awards ceremony luncheon on May 16 at the Botanical Center.

March 31 - Bishop Dingman Peace Award Dinner (Ankeny)
Join Bishop Thomas Gumbleton (featured in Michael Moore's latest documentary, Capitalism:  A Love Story) and Joshua Casteel, a US Soldier Interrogator at Abu Gharib who is now a conscientious objector and scholar. It's at Our Ladies Immaculate Heart, 510 E. 1st St at 6:00 pm and is a fundraiser for Catholic Peace Ministry. Tickets are $35 or $280 for a table of eight. Contact Jeffrey Weiss at jjwcpm@yahoo.com or (515) 255-8114.

May 12 - Asian Festival (Des Moines)
From 10:00 am - 5:00 pm on the east side of the Iowa State Capitol. Contact Swallow Yan at iowachinese@yahoo.com.


Legislation withholds pay if Congress doesn't pass spending/budget bills on time each year

Washington, DC - As President Obama unveiled his 2013 federal budget proposal today, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) signed on as a cosponsor to "No Budget, No Pay" legislation that would block pay for members of Congress if they're unable to make spending and budget decisions on time each year.

The most basic responsibility Congress has is deciding how much money the government takes in and how much it spends.  However, Congress has only passed its spending bills on time only four times since 1952.  In the last 14 years, annual spending bills have been submitted an average of 14 months late.

"In the real world, there are real consequences if deadlines aren't met," Braley said.  "There should also be real consequences if Congress can't meet its deadlines.  I can think of few stronger incentives to get politicians to do their job than tying their pay to their job performance.  This idea is a powerful way to restore a little common sense to a Congress that has none."


Every government fiscal year begins on October 1st.  Under the "No Budget, No Pay" proposal, if the congressional spending process is not completed by that date each year, congressional pay ceases and isn't restored until it is completed.

For the current fiscal year, Congress was nearly three months overdue in completing the annual budget and spending process.

The "No Budget, No Pay" legislation is a key component of the "Make Congress Work" reform plan of the No Labels organization, a group of Republicans, Democrats, and independents dedicated to bringing people together and making government function again.  In December, Braley joined No Labels to unveil the plan.

For more information on the proposal visit the following link: http://action.nolabels.org/bill/no-budget-no-pay

# # #

In case you missed it, over the weekend, Sarah Palin gave a rousing and inspiring speech at CPAC.  We here at the Tea Party Express were at CPAC along with Sarah Palin and were inspired by the words that she had for the crowd and America.

Sarah Palin Speaking at CPAC over the weekend

Sarah Palin reminds us that the conservative movement has not been brighter and that our job is not done.  We must keep fighting for the conservative ideals that made this country great!

With all of us fixated on the important presidential election, we cannot lose sight of the other goal that we have for this year - taking control of the Senate. This is just as important as winning the White House.  In order to further the conservative ideals that we all stand for, we must break the hold that Harry Reid and the obstructionist Democrats have on the Senate.

In order to do this, we are working hard to raise awareness of our campaign to take control of the Senate by electing REAL CONSERVATIVE LEADERS.

We are doing something SPECIAL to promote this campaign!





It is so important that we take the gavel out of Harry Reid's hand and take conservative control of the Senate.  Here at the Tea Party Express we have already endorsed three U.S. Senate candidates. TRUE CONSERVATIVE LEADERS AND STEADFAST ADVOCATES OF OUR TEA PARTY VALUES!
Please don't hesitate - every $25 dollars enters you once for our raffle and helps us send these conservative leaders to Washington!
Please consider making a contribution of $25 (1 chance to win), $50 (2 chances to win), $100 (4 chances to win), $200 (8 chances to win), $500 (20 chances to win) or more! DONATE HERE

Share This Message on Facebook & Twitter!

February 13, 2012




CHICAGO, IL - Today, OFA IOWA will hold a press conference call to launch the Truth Team, a new effort by President Obama supporters to promote the President's achievements, respond to attacks on his record and hold the republicans accountable. The effort includes three websites, KeepingHisWord.com, KeepingGOPHonest.com, AttackWatch.com all available through Barackobama.com/truthteam and a network of state and local officials serving as truth team members, including Iowa Treasure Mike Fitzgerald, State Senator Jack Hatch, State Representative Tyler Olson and Former State Senator Steve Warnstadt.


The Truth Team is a network of supporters of the President who are committed to promoting the President's accomplishments, defending his record against unfounded attacks and holding the republicans responsible to their record.  The Truth Team websites will serve as a quick, comprehensive resource to help set the record straight and share that message with others, including fact checks on republican claims, personalized emails to friends and family and other social media tools.  This effort is part of the Obama campaign's commitment to engaging supporters at the grassroots level to spread the word about the President's record and help voters find the facts to pushback on Republican attacks.


WHO: Iowa Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald, State Senator Jack Hatch, State Representative Tyler Olson and Former State Senator Steve Warnstadt. 


WHAT: Press Conference call to launch the Truth Teams, a new effort to promote the President's record and hold Republicans Accountable  

WHEN: February 13, 2012 at 11:00 A.M. CT. 


To RSVP to this event, please email  press@barackobama.com.



