Dear Conservative,
It has been 72 hours since our dramatic victory in the all-important South Carolina Primary.
We did what the establishment said could not be done and we put our campaign on a path to winning the Republican nomination. We won because people are sick of and tired of the national establishment telling them what they are allowed to think and believe, and you saw that Saturday night.
I believe that we will defeat Barack Obama in the general election, and put America back on track toward strength and prosperity. But we need your help to get there.
Will you join us? Today, our campaign turns to the crucial primary state of Florida. The race is between a clear establishment moderate in Mitt Romney and a clear Reagan conservative with a record going all the way back to the 1970s. It's a stark contrast. Make no mistake, this is a battle between the conservative grassroots and the moderate establishment for the heart and soul of the Republican Party.
Conservatives are ready for somebody who will go to Washington and speak for them, not somebody who speaks on behalf of the establishment. The establishment is right to be worried about a Gingrich nomination because a Gingrich nomination means that we're going to change things; we're going to make them very uncomfortable; and we're going to demand real change in Washington.
Going forward, there is only one important question for conservatives to ask themselves: Who is the best candidate to defeat Barack Obama? I believe that a second term for Barack Obama will be a disaster for this country and I am committed to beating him. I think I've proven I could take him on in a series of debates and undo his billion-dollar campaign. It's very important that we have a candidate who's strong enough, and tough enough to be able to take on President Obama in a series of debates.
There is no longer any doubt that we can win the GOP nomination. The other candidates are good men whom I deeply respect, but
it is time for conservatives to come together and unite behind one authentic, Reagan conservative who can win.
As I write this, Barack Obama and the Democrats are raising thousands of dollars per hour, waiting for a Republican nominee to emerge. He's a radical, secular socialist who wants to reinvent America in the image of the faded, decrepit Republics of Western Europe.
If I become the nominee, I will hold President Obama accountable. I will defeat him in the debates and show the American people that there is a better, more conservative direction.
This is not just a Presidential campaign. It's a battle for the future of this country. That's why I will immediately challenge President Obama to a series of three hour Lincoln-Douglas style debates, and make him defend the passage of ObamaCare, 15 trillion dollars in debt, and out-of-control unemployment. I'll even let him use his teleprompter!
But I can't do that without your help.
Florida is only one week away, and the Romney campaign is already going back to their old ways of negative attack ads to try and tear us down. We can't let that happen again. We must raise the necessary resources in the next 48 hours to fund our television campaign for Florida so that I can tell the truth to the American people
Your contribution and support will put us over the top in Florida and our nation one step closer putting a conservative in the White House.
Let's be bold.
For America,
Speaker Newt Gingrich
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