Twelve-term Congressman Ron Paul of Texas is one of four candidates running for the Republican nomination to oppose President Barack Obama.
Ron Paul is the man needed today to make America again the land of freedom and personal responsibility.
Ron Paul:
- Never votes for legislation unless it is expressly authorized by the Constitution
- Never raised taxes or voted for bailouts or raising of the debt ceiling
- Will not cut Social Security
- Has received the most support from our troops
- Is the only candidate who wants to gradually reduce federal income tax to ZERO
- Is only one who predicted housing bubble collapse -- 5 years before it happened
- Wants to bring the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq
- Is only candidate who can beat Obama in November
- Has dangerous foreign policy? Declare war, fight, win, come home! Not so crazy.
- Has plan to eliminate five unconstitutional departments
- Will trim $1 Trillion his first year as President and balance the budget in three years
- Has never flip-flopped (known as 'Dr. No' on the House floor)
- Is only one who would create more Allies for America -- all others create more enemies
- Has delivered over 4,000 babies as a medical doctor and been married 55 years
- Is the only candidate who gives tough love to the USA
Please call or email Chris True if you have questions about Ron Paul or would like to volunteer to help Ron Paul win in Illinois.
Contact information:
Chris True