In Case You Missed It:  Bachmann Key Aide's Statement on Sen. Kent Sorenson Defection
Bachmann Iowa political director Wes Enos fires back at Mrs. Bachmann's claim that Sen. Sorenson's desertion was financially-motivated
ANKENY, Iowa - U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's Iowa political director Wes Enos recently made enlightening comments concerning Iowa State Sen. Kent Sorenson's defection to the Ron Paul camp from his position as Iowa Chairman for the Minnesota congresswoman's campaign for the presidency.

Hours ago, Sen. Sorenson resigned from his post with the Bachmann camp and publicly endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency, committing to get out the vote for the 12-term Congressman from Texas in the pivotal first-in-nation voting contest.

Mr. Enos made his comments in response to unfounded allegations that Sen. Sorenson's defection was made due to financial incentives made by the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign.  Mr. Enos's comments on the matter follow, and are presented in full:

"I won't say much about the situation or the conflicting statements beyond this; I can say unequivocally that Kent Sorenson's decision was, in no way financially motivated.  His decision had more to do with the fact that the Ron Paul supporters have been something of a family to him since he was first elected in 2008 and here in the end, as it becomes more and more apparent that the caucus cycle is coming to an end, Kent believed that he needed to be with them as they stand on the cusp of a potential caucus upset.  While I personally disagree with Kent's decision, and plan to stay with Michele Bachmann because I truly believe in her, I cannot, in good conscious watch a good man like Kent Sorenson be attacked as a 'sell-out' ....That is simply not the case, and it was not the basis of his decision," said Mr. Enos.
Sen. Kent Sorenson Statement on Bachmann Allegations
Calls Bachmann's untrue claim a "last-minute effort to salvage what's left of her campaign."
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement from Iowa State Sen. Kent Sorenson.

Last night Sen. Sorenson defected to the Ron Paul camp, endorsing the 12-term Congressman from Texas before a crowd of more than 600 Paul supporters and media.  Moments before his endorsement and in past months, Sen. Sorenson had served as Iowa Chairman for U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's campaign for the presidency. 

In the minutes that followed the endorsement, Rep. Bachmann made baseless claims suggesting the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign provided Sen. Sorenson with a financial incentive to join the Paul camp - and, that this was a deciding factor in the senator's decision to endorse Paul.

Below please find comments from Iowa State Sen. Kent Sorenson:

"I have to say, I've been saddened by the way Congresswoman Bachmann's campaign has decided to handle my decision to endorse Ron Paul for President of the United States.

"Like many folks here in Iowa and throughout the country, I simply came to the realization that Ron Paul is the candidate for true pro-life, pro-gun, pro-limited government conservatives.

"The recent smears from the media and the national political establishment motivated me to rush to Congressman Paul's aid because he did the same for me in both of my races for the Iowa General Assembly.

"As for the ridiculous allegations that Congresswoman Bachmann and her surrogates have made, I was never offered money from the Ron Paul campaign or anyone associated with them and certainly would never accept any.

"Financial reports come out in just days which will prove what I'm saying is true. 

"Even Congresswoman Bachmann's political director issued a statement defending my character.  Since then, he's been fired by the Bachmann campaign for daring to tell the truth.

"Sadly, the values I most appreciated in Congresswoman Bachmann appear to have gone out the window in a last-minute effort to salvage what's left of her campaign.

"On the other hand, Congressman Ron Paul's track record of standing up for constitutional principles and traditional values is unmatched.

"He's proven he is the one candidate who can take on defeat both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama."

Below please find comments from Wes Enos, recently-terminated Iowa political director for the Bachmann Presidential campaign, referenced in Sen. Sorenson's above statement:

"I won't say much about the situation or the conflicting statements beyond this; I can say unequivocally that Kent Sorenson's decision was, in no way financially motivated.  His decision had more to do with the fact that the Ron Paul supporters have been something of a family to him since he was first elected in 2008 and here in the end, as it becomes more and more apparent that the caucus cycle is coming to an end, Kent believed that he needed to be with them as they stand on the cusp of a potential caucus upset.  While I personally disagree with Kent's decision, and plan to stay with Michele Bachmann because I truly believe in her, I cannot, in good conscious watch a good man like Kent Sorenson be attacked as a 'sell-out' ....That is simply not the case, and it was not the basis of his decision," said Mr. Enos.

Iowa State Sen. Kent Sorenson Endorses Ron Paul for President
Former Iowa chairman for U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann pivots to Paul camp citing, "Ron Paul has established himself as the clear choice."
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by Iowa State Senator Kent Sorenson (R-Indianola) in a major pivot that promises to give Paul extra momentum in the run-up to the January 3, 2012 Iowa Caucus.

In making his endorsement Sen. Sorenson is leaving his post as Iowa chairman for U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's presidential campaign here.  The resignation and endorsement take effect immediately.

"Congressman Paul is delighted to accept the endorsement of Senator Kent Sorenson, whose blessing and assistance carry a great deal weight in Iowa.  The fact that he doesn't take this decision lightly tells a great deal about the Senator and Ron Paul.  This endorsement is a rare find and we hope it pushes us nearer to our goal of a strong top-three finish at the January caucus," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

Kent Sorenson was elected to the Iowa Senate in 2011 and represents District 37 after serving in the Iowa House of Representatives from 2009 to 2011, representing District 74.  The senator is a member of several committees including the Judiciary, Natural Resources and Environment, and State Government committees.  He is also the ranking member of both the Senate and Joint Oversight Committees and a member of the Advisory Council for Agricultural Education, the Family Development and Self-Sufficiency Council, and the Human Rights Board.

Senator Sorenson has been leader in the fight in defense of traditional family values, the sanctity of life, and a restoration of Second Amendment rights.

The full endorsement statement from Senator Sorenson follows.

Sorenson Statement

The decision I am making today is one of the most difficult I have made in my life.  But given what's at stake for our country, I have decided I must take this action.

Today, I am switching my support from Michele Bachmann to Ron Paul for the 2012 Iowa Caucuses and the presidency of the United States.

I still maintain an immense amount of respect for Michele.  The reasons are many.  She's never betrayed conservatives on issues like taxes, the Right to Life, and the Second Amendment.  So over the past few months, I have been saddened at the dismissive way she's been treated among some conservatives especially after winning the Iowa Straw Poll.

But the fact is, there is a clear top tier in the race for the Republican nomination for President, both here in Iowa and nationally.  Ron Paul is easily the most conservative of this group.

The truth is, it was an excruciatingly difficult decision for me to decide between supporting Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul at the beginning of this campaign.  Dr. Paul and his supporters were a major help in my successful campaigns for Iowa House and Senate even when I couldn't count on the support of the Republican establishment here in Iowa.

Of course, battling the establishment is nothing new for Dr. Paul or for myself.  During my time in the General Assembly, I've established myself as a leader in the fights for traditional marriage, the Right to Life, and the protection of the Second Amendment - sometimes even against the wishes of my own party.

Since my election, I've learned that doing the right thing isn't always easy.  It's easy to see why so many legislators "sell out" once elected.  The pressure to do so is immense.

But what America needs now is a President who will not just "go along to get along."  Instead, we must send someone who puts doing what is right above all else to the White House.  That candidate is Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is the only candidate to predict the current mess we find ourselves in economically, and he's the only candidate to offer a true plan to cut spending and balance our budget.

He's also consistently spoken out against government spending, assaults on individual liberties, and unnecessary trillion-dollar military adventurism for over 30 years.  Polls show he is the Republican candidate that can take on and defeat President Obama in November 2012.

Like all true conservatives, I wholeheartedly agree with Ron Paul that government is too big, and both parties share in the blame.  We agree that it is immoral to print money and pass on mounds of debt to the next generation.  We agree that life begins at conception and must be protected.  We both believe that the Second Amendment must be defended unwaveringly, and that there are too many wars being fought with no end in sight and no obvious path to a defined victory. 

Of course, as a state legislator, I recognize that Dr. Paul's strong views on the 10th Amendment will enable me to fight for what I believe in right in my own backyard instead of having to constantly wait on one-size-fits-all "solutions" from Washington, D.C.

With the entire Republican establishment intent on smearing Ron Paul and his dedicated supporters, I understand this decision could impact the way people see me and my entire political career.  But this is the right decision, and one in which I proudly stand behind.

To the truly wonderful people I met on the Bachmann campaign, I look forward to working with them in the future as we further the fights for the Right to Life, traditional marriage, and the restoration of our Second Amendment rights here in Iowa.   I personally wish her all the best as she continues to battle in Congress.

As for conservatives who are rightly concerned with defeating establishment Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and - even more importantly - Barack Obama in 2012, Ron Paul has established himself as the clear choice.

If you are as frustrated as I am with what's been done by the ruling class, I urge you to join me in supporting Dr. Paul.  We can send the national big government political establishment a message they will never forget by voting for Ron Paul for President in the January 3 Iowa Caucuses.

Ron Paul Iowa Team Salutes 20 New 'Veterans for Ron Paul'
Largest-yet coalition rollout represents 11 counties, coincides with Des Moines 'Salute to Veterans' rally
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today the names of 20 Iowans joining the "Veterans for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition on the very night he is holding a major 'Salute to Veterans' rally in Des Moines.

This is the largest-yet rollout for this key coalition.  The additional members hail from Polk, Bremer, Clayton, Warren, Clarke, Story, Franklin, Scott, Marshall, Benton, and Tama counties, all Iowa.

Veterans are signing on in droves to the coalition, further demonstrating the dynamism of the Iowa campaign organization's outreach to Hawkeye State heroes.  Success in this area is attributed to Ron Paul's clear and consistent stance on behalf of veterans while in Congress, as featured in his own Des Moines Register op-ed published today and found here.  An ad released earlier in the campaign highlighting Dr. Paul's service to veterans in his home district can be viewed here.

Ron Paul, himself a former Air Force flight surgeon, is holding a rally tonight in Des Moines to salute those who have served and to offer a warm welcome to those recently returning from the Iraq conflict. 

The following sample of veterans representing 11 counties have publicly proclaimed their support ahead of tonight's rally.  As available, information about each veteran is provided in the following sequence: Name and residence, rank, branch, conflict/assignment, years of service.

Polk County

Joe Creveling of Des Moines, US Marines, Korea '50-51, 4 years.

Bill Mech of Windsor Heights, Lieutenant (Junior Grade), US Navy, 4 years.

Todd Walton of Des Moines, Petty Officer Second Class, US Navy, 6 years.

Bremer County

Elijah Wright of Jamesville, US Army National Guard, Afghanistan, 5 years.

Richard Wright of Jamesville, US Navy, 2-3 years.

Clayton County

Joe Kierpaul of Guttenberg, Sr. Airman, US Air Force, Turkey, 4 years.

Dave Fassbinder of Monona, US Navy, Vietnam, 4 years.

Warren County

Robert Winslow of New Virginia, Specialist-4, US Army, 3.5 years.

Clarke County

Dale Mastarone of Osceola, US Army, West Germany, 6 years combined active/reserve.

Story County

Tomas Mullins of Ames, Petty Officer Second Class, US Navy, two deployments aboard USS San Juan in the Persian Gulf 2005 & 2007, 6 years.

Franklin County

Eric Grote of Hampton, US Army/US Air Force/Iowa National Guard, Turkey/Germany, 20 years.

Scott County

Gene Costello of Bettendorf, Gunnery Sergeant, US Marines, Iraq/Japan/Qatar/Kuwait/Norway, 13 years.

Shadrack Roberts of Bettendorf, US Army, Germany/Bosnia-Herzegovina, 4 years.

Doug Erenberger of Davenport, US Army, Specialist-5, 3 years.

Ron Waline of Eldridge, Private First Class, US Marines, 4 years.

Randy Edwards of Bettendorf, Staff Sergeant, US Marines, four combat deployments in Iraq, 8 years.

Anthony Woolever of Davenport, US Army/IL Guard, deployed to Iraq, 8 years.

Marshall County

Merrell Kilborn of Marshalltown, Sergeant, US Air Force, 4 years.

Benton County

Laverne Wille of Belle Plaine, Petty Officer Third Class, US Navy, Vietnam, 3 years 9 months.

Tama County

Charles Betz of Tama, Corporal/Petty Officer First Class, US Marines/Navy, Persian Gulf, 15 years 9 months.

As a first basic step, those interested in joining the "Veterans for Ron Paul" coalition should visit the official page here.  Those residing in the Hawkeye State should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at


ARVADA, Colo. -- 12/28/2011 -- Personhood USA has published the audio from Tuesday night's National Presidential Pro-life Forum.  Four of the Republican candidates for President participated in the event including Texas Governor Rick Perry, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

The event, moderated by nationally syndicated radio host Steve Deace, was a collaboration of many of the country's top pro-life organizations including Personhood USA and Champion the Vote.

Governor Perry commented that his view of exceptions in abortion law had changed in recent weeks from a meeting with Personhood USA Spokeswoman Rebecca Kiessling.  "We had a fairly lengthy and heartfelt conversation about how she was conceived in rape. Looking in her eyes, I couldn't come up with an answer to defend the exceptions for rape and incest," he said.

Representative Bachmann noted that her pro-life convictions aren't hyperbole, but rather that they would be a priority.  "As President of the United States, I won't just talk this talk," said Bachmann. "I won't relegate pro-lifers to the corner and pat them on the head. I will actually do something about it."

Senator Santorum opened his remarks by clearing up a common misconception.  "When politicians say 'I believe life begins at conception,' that is conceding ground, and the ground that we concede is by using the term 'believe,'" clarified Santorum.  "Life beginning at conception is not a 'belief.'  It's not an article of faith.  It's an article of fact.  It's biological fact that, in fact, that life begins at conception."

Speaker Gingrich began, contemplating the core of the issue:  "What does it mean when we say that we are 'endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'?  And that immediately raises the question of: Who is the 'we' that is endowed, and when does that endowment begin?  And I think this is as important of a discussion as anything we'll have in defining our very fabric as a society that cares deeply about the morality of life."

To listen to the program, follow the links below.

Live Action President Lila Rose:

Governor Perry:

Representative Bachmann:

Senator Santorum:

Speaker Gingrich:

Or listen to the event in its entirety, go to

WASHINGTON D.C. - EMILY's List today introduced a new tool aimed at women voters to evaluate the 2012 Republican presidential candidates' potential impact on women's health, jobs, retirement security, choice, workplace fairness, women and families, and more.

The EMILY'S List "Republican Presidential Scorecard" shows the candidates who scored worst on women's issues (in order of most egregious): former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich; Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN); former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney is tied with Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX); former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA); former Governor of Utah Jon Huntsman; and Governor of Texas Rick Perry.

The issues on which candidates are most damaging to women and families are "Access to Women's Health and Choice," "Retirement and Medicare," and "Jobs." For the women and families of Iowa, these candidates' stances on the jobs bill alone could negatively impact 69,100 women who own their own businesses, which employ 57,900 Iowans.  Moreover, the cuts to Medicaid and Medicare that these candidates support would cut benefits for 172,500 Iowa women and 43,000 Iowa Seniors.

To access additional information on the "Republican Presidential Scorecard" featured below, please see the EMILY's List website:



The EMILY's List "Republican Presidential Scorecard" will be an ongoing effort to communicate with women voters about the Presidential race and what's at stake. The scorecard will be continually updated to adjust to the changing dynamics of the primary.

State-specific impacts of the positions advocated by the Republican candidates will be released in early primary and caucus states, with a paid on-line media component.

In the 2009-2010 cycle, EMILY's List raised more than $38.5 million to support its mission of recruiting and supporting women candidates, helping them build strong campaigns, and mobilizing women voters to turn out and vote. With a community of more than 900,000 members across the country, EMILY's List is one of the largest political action committees in the nation. Since its founding in 1985, EMILY's List has worked to elect 86 pro-choice Democratic women to the U.S. House, 16 to the U.S. Senate, nine governors, and hundreds of women to the state legislatures, state constitutional offices, and other key local offices. In the 2009-2010 cycle, EMILY's List had the largest number of members and donors in our 25 year history.

For more information on EMILY's List, please visit
In Case You Missed It:Ron Paul Talks Veterans Issues in Des Moines Register Op-Ed

Also tees up tonight's 'Salute to Veterans' rally

ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul authored an op-ed in today's print and online versions of the Des Moines Register.  Appearing in Iowa's largest circulation newspaper, the op-ed focuses on his record of service to veterans ahead of a rally he will hold tonight in Des Moines highlighting similar themes.

In the op-ed, the 12-term Congressman from Texas and former U.S. Air Force flight surgeon argues that he has been fighting for America's heroes while in Congress, and will be their strongest ally as President. 

Backing veterans is a must
By U.S. Rep. Ron Paul

America cannot remain strong if our servicemen and women have reason to doubt that our nation will not honor the promises it made to them when they enlisted.

My campaign is holding a Salute Our Veterans Rally today in Des Moines. I hope this rally will help drive that point home.

Of all our government's shortcomings, few issues are more distressing than the inadequate treatment our veterans receive. I'm a veteran myself, having served as a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force during the turbulent 1960s. So, unlike some of my "armchair general" opponents, I have a firsthand understanding of our veterans' needs.

I have supported numerous pieces of legislation in Congress to better look out for our veterans, and I am proud to have helped many veterans in my district finally receive the medals and benefits they fought hard to earn. I intend to use the bully pulpit as president to advocate even more strongly for their issues. Our veterans fought hard for us, so we should fight hard for them.

For instance, I have always supported giving employers tax credits for hiring veterans, narrowing the gap in pay that exists between private and military sector pay scales, and finally reversing the trend of disproportionately high veterans unemployment, which is a sky-high 27 percent for vets ages 18 to 24, according to a recent New York Times article...

For the complete Des Moines Register op-ed, please click here

For information on Dr. Paul's 'Salute to Veterans' rally including how to RSVP, click here.

Ron Paul Campaign Releases New TV Ad 'Machine'
Ad condemns harmful Washington atmosphere and presents Ron Paul as leader with a bold plan to solve our economic crisis
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released today a new television ad titled 'Machine' airing on television in the key early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.  The ad begins airing today.

The 30-second ad condemns the dysfunctional Washington-insider atmosphere created and furthered by slick politicians, and presents Ron Paul as a leader who has stood apart and above such an environment. 

'Machine' suggests that the self-serving actions of serial flip-flopping politicians brought about the current period of government-imposed economic weakness.  These politicians are ones that supported corporate bailouts and mandates on businesses, to the detriment of our overall economic health.  In glaring contrast, Ron Paul is showcased as a different kind of politician who has always been outside of the well-oiled machine that works for itself rather than for America's needs.  Included in the ad are details of the 12-term Congressman from Texas's 'Plan to Restore America,' which makes the hard choices and sets the nation on a path to recovery and lasting, sustainable prosperity.

"Our new ad 'Machine' argues the point that Washington is populated with politicians and well-connected interests that serve themselves rather than a vulnerable public that relies on politicians to create the proper atmosphere for fair competition and growth.  In contrast Ron Paul has always been above the fray and promotes policies and initiatives such as his 'Plan to Restore America,' an economic blueprint to help Americans recapture their constitutionally-guaranteed economic and civil liberties," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

To view the television ad online, please click here.
Ron Paul Endorsed by Eminent Pastor Rev. Phil Kayser, Ph.D.
Dr. Kayser says, "Ron Paul's strictly Constitutional civics is far closer to Biblical civics than any of the other candidate's on a whole range of issues."
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by renowned pastor, theologian, and prolific author Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, Ph.D.

Rev. Kayser is the Senior Pastor of Dominion Covenant Church based in Omaha, Nebraska.  The Church has a national footprint including in Iowa where Ron Paul, the 12-term Congressman from Texas, is competing in the January 3, 2012 caucus. 

In making his endorsement, Dr. Kayser mentioned he was doing so as a private citizen and not on behalf of his congregation and the organizations with which he is affiliated.

"We welcome Rev. Kayser's endorsement and the enlightening statements he makes on how Ron Paul's approach to government is consistent with Christian beliefs.  We're thankful for the thoughtfulness with which he makes his endorsement and hope his endorsement and others like it make a strong top-three showing in the caucus more likely," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers.

Dr. Kayser has degrees in education, theology and philosophy/ethics.  He is the author of over 40 books and booklets.  The name of one organization that he founded describes well his ministry: Biblical Blueprints.  His passion is to see the comprehensive blueprints of the Scriptures applied to science, civil government, education, art, history, economics, business, and every area of life. 

For 15 years Dr. Kayser has been involved in coaching church planters, mentoring seminary students, and teaching seminars on Biblical leadership internationally.  President and founder of the Providential History Festival, he is desirous of seeing a more Biblical philosophy of history being taught at every age level.  Phil is the pastor of Dominion Covenant Church, a very conservative, evangelical church that teaches the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible.  His parents were missionaries in Ethiopia for 30 years, with SIM, International, and he continues to have a passion for missions, making teaching trips to other countries and mentoring international leaders.  He has provided leadership to the Heartland Christian Ministries Conference, Evangelical Ministries Fellowship, CELNet, the National Strategy Council, and other evangelical organizations.  He is the professor of ethics at Whitefield Theological Seminary in Lakeland, Florida.

Phil Kayser is a frequent conference speaker on many subjects, and he has applied Scripture to politics in three presidential candidate campaigns.  He also has been an occasional guest teacher and consultant at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

If ministering in Iowa, local pastors interested in discussing an endorsement are invited to email the Iowa Director of Voter Outreach, Meghann Walker, at

Dr. Kayser's full statement of endorsement follows.

Statement from the Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, Ph.D.

I support Ron Paul as the Republican candidate for president for a number of reasons.  The first reason is that he is the only candidate who holds to a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution (i.e., that the Feds can only do what is explicitly enumerated in the Constitution) whereas the other candidates hold to a broad constructionist interpretation (i.e., that the Feds may do whatever is not explicitly forbidden in the Constitution).  It is broad constructionism that has gotten us into the mess we are in today, and you cannot fight liberal broad constructionism with conservative broad constructionism.  Both lack integrity.

The second reason is that he is the only candidate that has a consistent philosophy of economics that will truly resolve America's problems.  The economics of each of the other candidates is flawed, and in my opinion grossly unbiblical.

The third reason is that Ron Paul's strictly Constitutional civics is far closer to Biblical civics than any of the other candidate's on a whole range of issues including non-interventionism in international politics, limitations on what can be a crime, limits of jurisdiction, the rights of interposition and civil resistance, inflation, banking cartels, the national identity card, the American Community Survey, the use of torture by the military, etc.  

As a Biblical ethicist I am very concerned about overturning Roe v Wade (something that Ron has sought to do), but I am also extremely concerned about all the areas of lawlessness that have destroyed nations in the past.  What candidates take these things seriously?  I know of only one candidate who obeys God's clear-cut prohibitions against interventionism in politics: "do not meddle with them" (Deut. 2:5), "do not harass them or meddle with them" (Deut. 2:19), but instead "buy food from them" (Deut. 2:6) - in other words, engage in free trade.  Biblical issues like this should be as easy to understand as Ron Paul's positions are easy to understand.  He is by far the best candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America.  Even though I strongly disagree with him on some issues, he is the only candidate that I can endorse.

Ron Paul Iowa Team Names Additional "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" Families
Member families hail from Story, Washington, Johnson and Clayton counties
ANKENY, Iowa - Expanding on recent growth in Iowa for the "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition, the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today additions to the pro-Paul families that value education choice.

Melinda Wadsley of Ames has chosen to homeschool her three children since day one - six years and counting. 

"Ron Paul is the only candidate who is going to extend and protect my personal freedoms.  I believe in Ron Paul and trust that he knows what is best for this country," said Ms. Wadsley.

Wellman-area home educator and father of three Aaron Fleming has been homeschooling for seven years now, and offered why he as a homeschooling dad supports Ron Paul.

"Ron Paul has always been focused on civil liberties and bringing control of education closer to home instead of leaving education in the hands of Washington bureaucrats.  Whether you homeschool or not, I believe you can stand with Ron Paul's values of freedom, choice, and accountable education," said Mr. Fleming.

Dustin and Derricca Krutsinger of Coralville are proud parents of a five-year-old daughter and a 15-month-old son.  Using organized curriculum, they've been teaching their daughter for two years and explained their thoughts about Dr. Paul's candidacy.

"We support Dr. Ron Paul for many reasons but the main reason is education freedom.  While our children are very young, we have choices in educational pathways.  As they get older, our government places more and more restrictions on our options, and so we trust Ron Paul to limit government and expand freedom in our private lives, including the freedom to choose how to best educate our children," wrote the couple.

Chelsy Askren of Garnavillo, homeschooled by her parents, shared her thoughts on the 12-term Congressman from Texas's record.

"Ron Paul has long been a strong supporter of homeschooling.  That's why while in Congress, he has introduced legislation to make diplomas earned through home education equal and provide parents a tax credit to help offset costs," said Ms. Askren.

"When protecting life and healthcare choice, Ron Paul does not pick and choose when he will defend the Constitution - he defends it across the board, and as president there would be no greater friend to the homeschooling community or our Constitution than Dr. Paul," added Ms. Askren.

As a first basic step, those interested in joining the "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition should visit the official page by clicking here.  If residing in the Hawkeye State, they may send an email inquiry to Meghann Walker, Director of Iowa Voter Outreach for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign, at

For more information on Ron Paul's stance on education freedom, click here.


ARVADA, Colo. -- 12/26/2011 -- Texas Congressman Ron Paul became the fifth Republican presidential candidate to sign the Personhood Presidential Candidate Pledge on Thursday.  Personhood USA received a signed copy of the pledge along with a statement attempting to clarify his position on the personhood rights of the preborn.

Paul joins Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and Texas Governor Rick Perry in signing the organization's Personhood Republican Presidential Candidate Pledge.

Paul, well known for his defense of liberty, authored an addendum to the signed pledge in which he stated, "You can't have Liberty without Life."

"I don't just believe life begins at conception; I know it as a scientific certainty," he writes.

Upon receiving the signed pledge with the addendum, Personhood USA requested clarification from the Paul campaign for inconsistencies between the accompanying statement and the pledge language.

The pledge requires that the candidates "stand...with the Republican Party platform in affirming that [they] "support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and endorse legislation to make clear that the 14th Amendment protections apply to unborn children."

Regarding the latter, Rep. Paul stated that "The Fourteenth Amendment was never intended to cancel out the Tenth Amendment. This means that I can't agree that the Fourteenth Amendment has a role to play here, or otherwise we would end up with a 'Federal Department of Abortion.'"

The 14th amendment, which protects individual liberties from state encroachment, requires that:  "No State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

"We should allow our republican system of government to function as our Founders designed it to: protect rights at the federal level, enforce laws against violence at the state level," writes Paul.

"The United States suffered through a terrible civil war precisely because the federal government left it to the states to decide whether an entire class of people were to be considered persons or property," explained Personhood USA Legal Analyst Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D.

"If Rep. Ron Paul believes that the preborn are persons under the law, why wouldn't they be protected under the 14th amendment?" asks Garcia Jones.  "Rep. Paul's vague statement on the duty of the federal government to 'protect rights' is without effect if there is no mechanism for guaranteeing those protections."

"Personhood USA understands and agrees with Rep. Paul, that crimes, including murder, are to be prohibited by state laws," continued Garcia Jones.  "However, pro-lifers are left wondering how a President Paul would seek to protect the right to life in states that would choose to continue to allow abortion after Roe vs. Wade is overturned."

People's Caucus

Dear Friends,

As you know, the official Iowa Caucus is on January 3rd. Well, the Peoples Caucus is tomorrow at 7:00 pm at the Occupy Caucus Headquarters, 504 E Locust in Des Moines. You should definitely plan to attend.

The Peoples Caucus is modeled after the Iowa Caucus. Resolutions will be offered and participants will break into candidate "preference" groups. But the twist is folks will indicate preference not for the best candidate but for the worst one, the candidate whose headquarters they want to visit over the next few days as part of the Occupy Caucus campaign. (And to reiterate: THERE WILL BE NO DISRUPTION OF THE JANUARY 3rd CAUCUS!)

Now, to be clear, if one were to overstay one's welcome at a candidate's campaign headquarters, one could possibly be arrested. But simply visiting candidates' headquarters to deliver a message about the grievances of the Occupy Wall Street movement is an important action to take. If you feel that corporate power is out of control in America, come tomorrow night and let your voices be heard. A big turnout will send a big message to Wall Street and K Street.

Monday, Charles Goldman and I talk with peace activist Tom Hayden.

Tuesday, attorney Kimberly Graham fills-in for me to discuss divorce law.

Wednesday, John Nichols of The Nation is my guest.

Thursday, comedian Bob Zany joins me. What, you don't think the caucuses have provided ample comic material? Think again.

Bob's funniness is known coast-to-coast, and he'll be in Des Moines for some pre-caucus laughs on January 1st, 8:00 pm at Java Joe's Fourth Street Theatre. I'm hosting the show, though it remains to be seen whether I can be funny for a full ten minutes. Tickets are $15 at (515) 282-5282. Thanks to Open Sesame, Tinker Heating and Cooling, and Tally's Restaurant Bar & Catering for sponsoring.

Also, I want to make a plug for "Building the Progressive Movement Inside and Outside the Democratic Party." It's a forum organized by Progressive Democrats of America, National Nurses United and The Nation Magazine. Three local folks - Jay Howe, Jeff Cox and myself - will offer our perspectives during panel discussions. National leaders are participating too, including Rep Barbara Lee, Tom Hayden, John Nichols and Jean Ross. It's free, open to the public and at the Unitarian Church in Des Moines, 1800 Bell Ave, 1:30-5:30 pm.

So, join the conversation from 7:00-8:00 pm, Monday - Thursday at 98.3 WOW-FM and online. You can download the Fallon Forum as a podcast, too. Thanks!



Ongoing - Occupy Des Moines (Des Moines)
At Stewart Square, East 14th and Grand, all are welcome at a daily assembly at 6:00 pm (2:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday). Lots of regular activities planned. Check the Occupydsm Facebook page for details. Also, check Occupy Iowa's Facebook page for information about other actions around the state.

December 27 - Occupy Des Moines' "Peoples Caucus" (Des Moines)
With so many Americans dissatisfied with the leadership of both major political parties, local organizers have put out a call for people across Iowa and the nation to converge in Des Moines for a Peoples Caucus and an occupation of candidates' campaign head quarters from December 28-30. The Peoples Caucus is from 5:00-10:00 pm on the 27th, 504 E Locust St, and includes a discussion of resolutions central to the occupy movement followed by breaking into "candidate preference groups." For further details, click here.

December 29 - Drinking Liberally (Des Moines)
You don't have to be a card-carrying liberal to enjoy political conversation and excellent libations at AJ's, 419 E Court starting at 8:00 pm every Thursday. If the revolution is going to start anyplace, this is probably it. Contact

December 30 - Building the Progressive Movement (Des Moines)
From 1:30-5:30 pm at First Unitarian Church, 1800 Bell Avenue. Full title of the event is "Building  the  Progressive  Movement  inside/outside  the  Democratic  Party." Organized by Progressive Democrats for America and The Nation. Panelists include John Nichols, Rep Barbara Lee, Tom Hayden and others. Contact Tim Carpenter at

January 1 - Is This Your Caucus Or Are You Just Glad to See Me? (DM)
An evening of comedy starring Bob Zany (of Bob and Tom fame) with Keith West and The Zanettes. Ed Fallon and his accordion (yup, you read that right) will host the event, which is at Java Joe's 4th Street Theatre, 216 4th St, at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $15. Call (515) 288-5282.

January 5 - Green Drinks (Des Moines)
Join casual conversation with people interested in environmental issues and sustainable energy over something to eat and/or drink. It's from 5:30-7:30 pm at Gateway Market and Cafe, 2002 Woodland Ave. Contact Shari Hrdina at

January 7 (and every Saturday) Occupy Decorah (Decorah)
At the Winneshiek County Courthouse steps at 1:00 pm to discuss issues and plan action. Contact Jim Tripp at

January 12 - Cool Congregations Coffee (Ames)
From 7:00-8:30 pm at Bethesda Lutheran Church, 1517 Northwestern Ave for conversation about what faith communities in Iowa are doing to care for the earth. See firsthand what Bethesda Lutheran has done, installing a ground source heat pump system to heat and cool their facility with a goal of reducing their energy use and costs. Contact Sarah Webb at (515) 238-3587 or

January 14 - Forey Fest (Des Moines)
There has been an outpouring of care and concern for Forey, the barefoot runner who was badly beaten recently. This will be an event filled with fun to benefit Forey. Details are still in progress, but the day will include a 5K run/walk and live music at Full Court Press bars and restaurants. See Forey Fest Facebook Page for details.

January 17 - Irish Jam at Open Sesame (Des Moines)
Discover the fusion of Lebanese and Celtic culture every third Tuesday of the month: belly dancing to Irish gigs and reels, Lebanese cooking washed-down with a pint of Guinness. All musicians patrons welcome, at 313 E. Locust St from 8:30-10:30 pm.

Friday, December 23, 2011, 2:00 PM Intersection of Kimberly Road and Brady Street
It's time to get out there and raise public awareness about Ron Paul. Come on out and show your enthusiasm for our man. We'll do some sign waving at a busy intersection and also hand out literature and talk to people at the Northpark Mall.
We have the momentum but we can't let up now! Let's take Ron Paul over the top to a landslide victory! We can fire the shot heard round the world!
Intersection of Kimberly Road and Brady Street 2-6 PM We'll bring signs but bring your own if you have one. After it gets dark we'll move over to the mall and distribute literature and talk to shoppers. Let's be the friendly face of the Ron Paul movement....wear a Santa Hat if you have one. This will be fun! RSVP via email or HERE:
Call Steven at 323-804-7206 or Todd McGreevy 563-650-0120
Ron Paul Draws Big Crowds on Second of Two-Day Trip to Iowa

Four town hall meetings yield a sizable outpouring of committed and new supporters

ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul again attracted big crowds at all four of his events in Eastern Iowa, closing out a two-day trip before he returns for a three-day trip to Central and Western Iowa next week.

Crowds of this size would be uncommon had the 12-term Congressman from Texas not done this in Iowa just yesterday.  Or, had he not done so previously at Youth for Ron Paul events in Iowa that recently gained national media coverage.

Paul's Jackson County Town Hall Meeting in Maquoketa attracted more than 200 people, noteworthy for the small venue, town, and county in which it occurred.  The Dubuque Town Hall Meeting at the Grand River Center saw more than 350 people.  The Delaware County Town Hall Meeting on the Delaware County Fairgrounds netted more than 150, exceptional for a small community.  Finally, Ron Paul's Cedar Rapids Town Hall Meeting at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center - expected to be a large event - exceeded turnout estimates with more than 350 supporters.

Ron Paul speaks at his Jackson County Town Hall Meeting in Maquoketa.

Ron Paul greets his youngest supporter at his Dubuque Town Hall Meeting.

Ron Paul kicks off his Delaware County Town Hall Meeting in Manchester.

Ron Paul surveys the crowd amid applause in Cedar Rapids.

Ron Paul Iowa Team Welcomes New 'Homeschoolers for Ron Paul' Members
Latest families valuing education choice hail from Polk, Warren and Hancock counties
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today additions to its active "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition.  The new members hail from Polk, Warren, and Hancock counties, all Iowa.

As voters further appreciate Dr. Paul's principled stance on education choice, momentum for the Iowa campaign organization continues.  Below find statements of support from the following new members and member families.

Genny Loraditch of Ankeny has been instructing her four children for about three years, and explained, "Dr. Ron Paul is a father of five and grandparent to many, and therefore relates to me and my struggle to raise a strong family.  If he were to become president, I would look forward to the freedom he will bring to homeschooling parents.  I am supporting Ron Paul for many reasons aside from the benefits I get from the freedom to homeschool.  His stance on life is strong and unquestionable, and he is a leader about whom I would be proud to teach my children."

New Virginia residents and home educators Bryan and Joan Samuell also are publicly sharing their sentiments about Dr. Paul.

"Ron Paul is one of the few that have an understanding of the limits placed upon the federal government by the founding fathers.  He is a strong supporter of life, not just in rhetoric but in practice.  Dr. Paul is mindful of the taxpayer's dollar and opposes wasteful spending.  Lastly, he has an understanding of the jurisdictions of authority and the right of families to decide how to best educate their children," wrote the couple.

For more than 15 years, Jennifer Loveless has chosen home education for her four children in Corwith.  After hearing about "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul," she was pleased to offer an expression of support.

"Homeschooling without government intervention is the pinnacle of parental self-responsibility.  The right to educate your own children is liberty at its core.  I want to protect this and many other freedoms, not to mention returning some that have been lost.  Therefore, I see only one candidate who will defend our liberties, and he is Dr. Ron Paul," said Ms. Loveless.

Those interested in joining the "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition may visit the official page by clicking here.  Those residing in the Hawkeye State should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at for more information about how to join.

In Case You Missed It:  Bachmann, Huntsman and Santorum #Fail to Appear on Virginia Ballot
Stringent ballot access requirements, yes - but, um, this is the presidential election!
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - National media and political pundits are reporting that Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman, and Rick Santorum failed to file the signatures necessary to appear on the Virginia ballot.

This means that on March 6, 2012 or Super Tuesday, the day of the Virginia primary, supporters of the three presidential aspirants residing in the Commonwealth will be denied the opportunity to cast their vote for them.

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum don't make Va. ballot
By Emily Schultheis, Burns & Haberman on 2012 -

Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum all failed to meet the requirements for the Virginia ballot, according to the state's Board of Elections.

Of the 2012 GOP hopefuls, just Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Perry submitted the required number of signatures today.

The state's primary, which is slated for Super Tuesday on March 6, has some of the most stringent ballot access requirements in the country: 10,000 signatures from registered Virginia voters, including 400 from each of the state's 11 congressional districts. And the elections board recommends getting at least 1.5 times the number of required signatures ? 15,000 for presidential candidates ? in case any of them are found to be invalid.

Mitt Romney, who filed Tuesday, was the only candidate to get 1.5 times the required number of signatures: he submitted a total of 16,026 signatures, according to Chris Piper of the Virginia State Board of Elections.

Paul filed today with 14,361 signatures, Perry had 11,911 and Gingrich had 11,050.

The Gingrich campaign announced yesterday, after "scrambling" to organize in the state, that it had reached the required number of signatures.

The state parties will certify the signatures from each of the candidates and decide by Dec. 27 whether the four GOP candidates are eligible to appear on the ballot, Piper said.

For the original post, click here.

Larry Sabato, political analyst and the Robert Kent Gooch Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia, tweeted this pithy but amusing opinion:
Ron Paul Commits to Pro-life, Pro-liberty Presidency
Signs Personhood USA pledge and authors own statement affirming Life and Liberty
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul made two concrete gestures affirming his career-long stance on the sanctity of life.

Dr. Paul signed the Personhood Republican Presidential Candidate Pledge circulated by Personhood USA, a 501(c)(4) Christian ministry that assists local groups in initiating citizen, legislative, and political action in defense of the unborn.

Dr. Paul also authored his own statement outlining his prolife position in the context of the Constitution.  The 12-term Congressman from Texas signed both documents on December 19, 2011. 

"I guarantee you that no one would work harder to be the most ardent and active pro-life President in history," Dr. Paul writes in his statement. 

"We're pleased Ron Paul has signed the Personhood USA pledge and admire him for elaborating further on the issue of government's role in protecting the sanctity of life.  The right to life is a deeply-held conviction of Dr. Paul.  As a political leader, a Christian, and a physician who personally delivered thousands of babies, he brings unique perspective on the life issue that's so pivotal for Iowans," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chair Drew Ivers.

Dr. Paul is by trade an accomplished OB-GYN who personally delivered more than 4,000 babies.  While in Congress he sponsored a federal Human Life Amendment, and voted against directing federal funds toward domestic and international organizations that perform abortions or engage in so-called "family planning" schemes.

To view Ron Paul's newest ad "Staying on the Right Path" featuring friends and former patients of the prolife doctor, click here.  To view his path-breaking earlier ad "Life," click here.

Ron Paul to Campaign in Central and Western Iowa
Three-day visit to include town hall meetings and a major 'Salute to Veterans Rally' in Des Moines
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will campaign in Iowa for three days in the run-up to the January 3, 2012 Iowa Caucus.

The far-reaching visit will occur from Wednesday to Friday, December 28th to the 30th, inclusive. 

Public events during this visit include town hall meetings in large population centers and rural areas, and a major Salute to Veterans Rally.

"As we approach the final stretch, the Iowa team welcomes Ron Paul for another consequential visit during which he'll interact with voters and host a rally to salute our veterans.  Earlier visits by Dr. Paul laid the foundation for a strong top-three showing at the January caucus and this visit promises to build upon it," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chair Drew Ivers.

Details of this far-reaching visit are as follows.  All times Central.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

12:00 p.m.
Jasper County Town Hall Meeting
Iowa Speedway Media Center
I-80 at Exit 168 
Newton, IA 50208
(take Iowa Speedway Dr. to Lincoln St. and enter speedway from south)

3:00 p.m.
Ron Paul visits GuideOne Insurance*
1111 Ashworth Road
West Des Moines, IA 50265

7:00 p.m.
Ron Paul's Salute to Veterans Rally
Iowa State Fairgrounds - Knapp Learning Center
East 33rd St. & University Ave.  
Des Moines, IA 50317

*Closed to the public but media are encouraged to attend.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

10:00 a.m.
Live in-studio interview w/ Jan Mickelson
WHO Radio
2141 Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50309

12:00 p.m.
Perry Town Hall Meeting
Hotel Pattee
1112 Willis Ave. 
Perry, IA 50220

3:00 p.m.
Cass County Town Hall Meeting
Cass County Community Center at Cass County Fairgrounds
805 W 10th St. 
Atlantic, IA 50022

7:00 p.m.
Council Bluffs Town Hall Meeting
Mid-America Center
One Arena Way 
Council Bluffs, IA 51501

Friday, December 30, 2011

1:00 p.m.
Plymouth County Town Hall Meeting
LeMars Convention Center
275 12th St. SE 
LeMars, IA 51031

3:00 p.m.
Sioux County Town Hall Meeting
Sioux Center Public Library
102 S. Main Ave. 
Sioux Center, IA 51250

7:00 p.m.
Sioux City Town Hall Meeting
River's Bend Convention Center / Stoney Creek Inn
300 3rd St. 
Sioux City, IA 51101

Ron Paul Endorsed by Davenport-area Pastor
Scott County pastor cites Dr. Paul's "stance on issues, his personal character, and his electability."
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by the Rev. Christopher J. Neuendorf, pastor of Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church in Davenport.

"Ron Paul is the clear choice to me as a pastor on at least three fronts: his stance on issues, his personal character, and his electability. 

"When it comes to issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, foreign policy, and economics, Ron Paul's positions favor respect for human life, fundamental morality, and overall prosperity for the United States and our neighbors throughout the world.  

"In the realm of character, while other candidates pay lip service to fairly good positions on the issues, none exhibits the consistency, honesty, and determination of Ron Paul.

"As for electability, since many of his positions, particularly on foreign wars, appeal to a broad base beyond the confines of the Republican Party, Ron Paul stands the best chance of defeating President Barack Obama in 2012," said Rev. Neuendorf.

In making his endorsement, the Rev. mentioned that he was endorsing Ron Paul as an individual, not on behalf of the Holy Cross congregation.  As a member congregation of The Lutheran Church?Missouri Synod, the church publicly opposes abortion and same-sex marriage, but its individual members are not required, expected, or even encouraged to vote for a particular candidate.  That remains a matter of individual conscience.

Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers responded to the endorsement saying, "We welcome Rev. Neuendorf's endorsement and kind words on the very day Ron Paul is campaigning in Eastern Iowa.  The endorsement of the Rev. and other faith leaders promises to make a strong top-three caucus showing more likely."

Mike Heath, Iowa State Director for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, is visiting Christian churches across Iowa to do outreach and discuss Ron Paul's candidacy.  To date, Heath has visited 256 houses of worship across the state toward that end.  Heath is an ordained Christian minister.

If ministering in Iowa, local pastors interested in discussing an endorsement are invited to email the Iowa Director of Voter Outreach, Meghann Walker, at

Ron Paul Draws Big Crowds on First of Two-Day Visit to Iowa
Huge turnout at four town hall meetings in Eastern Iowa's rural areas and large population centers
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul attracted sizable crowds at all four events held on the first day of his two-day, far-reaching visit to Eastern Iowa today.

Paul's Lee County event, held in Fort Madison, yielded 225 people.  His noon Henry County event in Mount Pleasant and his Washington County event in Washington attracted more than 200 people each.  Paul's Quad Cities event in Bettendorf yielded a remarkable more than 800 people.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) surveys the over-capacity crowd of more than 800 at his Quad Cities
Town Hall Meeting in Bettendorf, the fourth event of its kind on the first of a two-day visit.
"The first day of Ron Paul's visit gave us another glimpse into what a Paul presidency would look like, with voters asking how this re-acquaintance with economic and personal liberty would affect 'me' during the transition.  We hope Dr. Paul's promotion of this philosophy, his 'Plan to Restore America,' and his candor is contributing to an atmosphere conducive to a strong top-three showing at the January caucus," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers.

The abovementioned appearances are listed in the order they occurred, and each event was a town hall meeting featuring a speech and Q.&A.

Details of Ron Paul's public schedule tomorrow follow.  All times Central.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

10:00 a.m.
Jackson County Town Hall Meeting
Historic Clinton Engines Building
605 E. Maple Street  
Maquoketa, IA 52060

12:00 p.m.
Dubuque Town Hall Meeting
Grand River Center - Meeting Room #4
Port of Dubuque 
500 Bell Street 
Dubuque, IA 52001

3:00 p.m.
Delaware County Town Hall Meeting
Delaware County Fairgrounds
200 E. Acers Street 
Manchester, IA 52057

7:00 p.m.
Cedar Rapids Town Hall Meeting
The Hotel at Kirkwood Center - Suites D & E
7725 Kirkwood Center   
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


December 21, 2011                          

Moline, IL...State Representative Rich Morthland released the following statement regarding the recent closure of a dozen polling centers in Rock Island County:


"Voting patterns change with the weather and the County Clerk means to tell us that these closures will not affect voter turnout? This is just another means of gerrymandering.


"It is a little too coincidental that Rural Township is also a significant Republican voting area and the County Clerk, though supposed to be a neutral election authority, is a Democrat. The locations of polling places, however, should not be a partisan consideration.


"If necessary, I stand poised to take legislative action on this matter. I stand with the 739 registered voters of Rural Township and support keeping their polling center open."


