With help from over 1,700 Iowans, Braley sets new record for non-election year fundraising in Iowa's First District

Waterloo, IA - The Bruce Braley for Congress campaign announced today that it will report having raised over $1.1 million during 2011 when it files its year-end Federal Election Commission report, due January 31st.  The report will also show Braley raising over $320,000 during the 4th quarter of 2011, and will report the campaign having over $627,000 cash on hand.  More than 1,700 Iowans contributed to Braley's campaign in 2011.

$1.1 million is the most ever raised by a 1st District Congressional candidate during a non-election year.

"Thanks to the outpouring of support from Iowans during 2011, Braley for Congress has set yet another non-election year fundraising record," Braley for Congress campaign manager Molly Scherrman said.  "This record year shows that Iowans want someone who's on our side in Congress working to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and stand up for veterans.  Tea Party Republicans funded by Washington special interests may target Bruce because he puts Iowa first, but they'll have to contend with this strong base of grassroots support first."

(New York) On Fox News' "Hannity" television show Wednesday night, Herman Cain told the world he intends to start something?a revolution. He has launched "Cain's Solutions Revolution."

Due in part to its incredible popularity, the first focus of "Cain's Solutions Revolution" will be "9-9-9 The Revolution". This movement will promote real solutions to the serious problems that have, for far too long, kept government power out of the hands of the American people, out of the very hands where government power truly belongs.

Mr. Cain assures this revolution is not simply slogans or empty promises, "This movement is not about bombs and bullets. It's about brains and ballots," Cain said. "With the simple key solutions we have outlined at www.cainconnections.com, we the people, can - and will - take back our government."

In addition to '9-9-9 The Revolution', 'Cain's  Solutions Revolution' includes several other very important solution areas:

  • Regulatory Reform
  • Energy Independence: "Made in America"
  • Monetary Reform: (Make the dollar as good as gold)
  • Peace through Strength and Clarity
  • Candidate Commitments

"Cain's Solutions Revolution" will also provide the strategy and tactics for our citizens to make these solutions come to life - across the nation, in our states and in our local communities.

Through bus tours, town hall meetings, rallies and many other outreach efforts, the "Cain Solutions Revolution" will energize and empower not only those who want to 'keep 9-9-9 alive' but who are inspired to have a major, positive impact on the future of our country in this critical 2012 election season and beyond.

For more information, please visit www.cainconnections.com

On the evening of January 3rd Occupy Iowa Caucus (#OIC) met a set back; despite a combined effort of media and work on the ground we have achieved a small turnout for "Uncommitted"; with 1.5% in the Democratic caucus and 0.6% in the GOP's caucus. This is a set back for all who identify with the 99%.

The set back is not due to our own organization, but rather the powerful organization and allies of our enemies. The GOP, the Democratic Party and corporations have been working to suppress the voices of the 99%.

This has suppression been seen in the fact that corporate media has denied our approaches and not covered this effort. Furthermore the threats of both parties to ignore or not count uncommitted votes show their willingness to suppress democracy

This is a clear illustration of that which we are working against. This exercise, in democracy, has clearly demonstrated that this current system cannot work for the interests of the 99%. This shows the flawed nature of our system where it is impossible for the small underfunded contender to achieve victory.

This is a clear sign of a corrupt system. The fact that the candidate who can spend the most money wins 9 out of 10 times, as was the case last night, illustrates the deepest flaw of the current voting system. However this is not the end, a better world is still possible.

Website: occupyIAcaucus.org

Paul makes history in first-in-nation voting state
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign is celebrating a great victory with its strong top-three finish at the Iowa Caucus.  Below please find comments from Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton:

"The Ron Paul campaign is celebrating a great victory tonight.

"There were three tickets out of Iowa, and Ron Paul earned one of them.

"One of the three tickets, the one belonging to Rick Santorum, is a dead-end due to Santorum's weak fundraising and lack of national campaign organization.

"This is now a two way race between establishment candidate Mitt Romney and the candidate for real change, Ron Paul.

"Ron Paul has a top notch national organization, tremendous fundraising prowess, and unequaled enthusiasm among his volunteers and supporters.

"Dr. Paul has taken the first step towards earning the delegates it will take to be the GOP nominee and is the only candidate not named Mitt Romney with the ability to do so.

"Ron Paul is now off to New Hampshire, South Carolina, Louisiana, Nevada, Maine, North Dakota, Washington, Colorado, and beyond.

"See you on the campaign trail."

(New York) During an appearance this morning on "The Early Show", former presidential candidate Herman Cain was asked a question about the number of active and reserve military personnel. Mr. Cain gave a correct answer of 3 million total military personnel in the armed services. (U.S. Department of Defense figures for active military personnel, reservists and civilian personnel indicate 3.03 million personnel.) 

It is with regret, however, that Mr. Cain needed to clarify the anchor's query as a 'gotcha' question. She proved him right with an attempt to correct him, albeit with incorrect figures.

These media attempts to 'catch' Mr. Cain in an error, or trip him up, began during his presidential campaign. Unfortunately, during a campaign, there is not always the opportunity to set the record straight when the media misrepresent information.

As evidenced during this morning's interview on CBS "The Early Show", Mr. Cain is rewriting these rules. It is clear that an overall effort remains to discredit Mr. Cain as he looks to help Americans rewrite their future.

It is with every good intention Mr. Cain called the question for what it was, a 'gotcha'. It's time to set the record straight. America has too much at stake to be misguided or misled by misinformation, intentional or otherwise.

Dear Friends,

It's really dumb to endorse a candidate, or even multiple candidates. All you do is anger your friends, fire-up your enemies and burn political capital. So, with that in mind, here are my endorsements:

DEMOCRAT: Go "uncommitted." President Obama has disappointed his base on so many issues, even signing the National Defense Authorization Act. Obama needs our support to win in November. He needs to know that we're unhappy, and that we intend to hold him accountable. We do that with a strong showing of uncommitted Democrats at Tuesday's 7:00 pm caucus. Call the Iowa Democratic Party at (515) 244-7292 to find out where to caucus.

REPUBLICAN: Support one of the less extreme candidates: Ron Paul, John Huntsman, Buddy Roemer or Fred Karger. Any of them would provide a far healthier debate with President Obama on key issues. Of course, three of these candidates have long been dismissed by the corporate media and the Republican Party. That's wrong, it's unfair, and pre-picking an "acceptable" field of candidates must change . . . but that's a battle for another day. Call the Iowa Republican Party at (515) 282-8105 to find out where to caucus at 7:00 pm on Tuesday.

These endorsements in no way reflect my opinion on next fall's general election. And whether you attend the Democratic or Republican caucus, you should introduce resolutions on issues important to you.

So, join the conversation Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (no Fallon Fourm on Caucus night) from 7:00-8:00 pm at 98.3 FM and online. Call-in at (515) 312-0983 or toll-free at (866) 908-TALK. You can download the Fallon Forum as a podcast, too. Thanks!



Ongoing - Occupy Des Moines (Des Moines)
At Stewart Square, East 14th and Grand, all are welcome at a daily assembly at 6:00 pm (2:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday). Lots of regular activities planned. Check the Occupydsm Facebook page for details. Also, check Occupy Iowa's Facebook page for information about other actions around the state.

January 3 - Iowa Caucuses (Statewide)
At 7:00 pm, 1,774 precinct Democratic and Republican caucuses will vote for presidential candidates, elect delegates to the county conventions, and adopt resolutions to build the parties' platforms. Contact either the Iowa Democratic Party at (515) 244-7292 or the Iowa Republican Party at (515) 282-8105.

January 5 - Green Drinks (Des Moines)
Join casual conversation with people interested in environmental issues and sustainable energy over something to eat and/or drink. It's from 5:30-7:30 pm at Gateway Market and Cafe, 2002 Woodland Ave. Contact Shari Hrdina at DesMoinesGreenDrinks@gmail.com.

January 5 - Drinking Liberally (Des Moines)
You don't have to be a card-carrying liberal to enjoy political conversation and excellent libations at AJ's, 419 E Court starting at 8:00 pm every Thursday. If the revolution is going to start anyplace, this is probably it. Contact desmoines@drinkingliberally.org.

January 7 (and every Saturday) Occupy Decorah (Decorah)
At the Winneshiek County Courthouse steps at 1:00 pm to discuss issues and plan action. Contact Jim Tripp at tripp@mail2jim.com.

January 12 - Cool Congregations Coffee (Ames)
From 7:00-8:30 pm at Bethesda Lutheran Church, 1517 Northwestern Ave for conversation about what faith communities in Iowa are doing to care for the earth. See firsthand what Bethesda Lutheran has done, installing a ground source heat pump system to heat and cool their facility with a goal of reducing their energy use and costs. Contact Sarah Webb at (515) 238-3587 or coolcongregations@iowaipl.org.

January 14 - Forey Fest (Des Moines)
There has been an outpouring of care and concern for Forey, the barefoot runner who was badly beaten recently. This will be an event filled with fun to benefit Forey. Details are still in progress, but the day will include a 5K run/walk and live music at Full Court Press bars and restaurants. See Forey Fest Facebook Page for details.

January 17 - Irish Jam at Open Sesame (Des Moines)
Discover the fusion of Lebanese and Celtic culture every third Tuesday of the month: belly dancing to Irish gigs and reels, Lebanese cooking washed-down with a pint of Guinness. All musicians patrons welcome, at 313 E. Locust St from 8:30-10:30 pm.

January 26 - Green Drinks (Des Moines)
Join casual conversation with people interested in environmental issues and sustainable energy over something to eat and/or drink. It's from 5:30-7:30 pm at Gateway Market and Cafe, 2002 Woodland Ave. Contact Shari Hrdina at DesMoinesGreenDrinks@gmail.com.

Every four years, as Iowa readies to be the first state in the nation to vote in the presidential primary, discussions arise: How well does Iowa represent the nation?

In honor of the upcoming Caucus, POPVOX gives you a peek of the bills that moved Iowans to contact Congress in 2011.  At least comparing responses from Iowans on POPVOX to nation-wide totals, it appears that throughout 2011, the messages going into Congress from Iowa were very similar to those of the nation as a whole.
Most on the Iowa list mirror the Top Ten for all of POPVOXNation:


  • Iowans overwhelmingly opposed allowing robocalls to cell phones, which ranked # 1 in top bills of 2011 that caused people to contact Congress.  As the first caucus state, they likely have unique insight on what it means to be the target of political campaigns trying every tactic to catch voters' attention.  100% of Iowans weighing in on POPVOX opposed H.R. 3035, the Mobile Informational Call Act (which was dropped by it's sponsor on December 17.)  Ninety-nine percent nation-wide opposed the bill.
  • In Iowa, as across the nation, those in favor of eliminating the prohibition of marijuana made a strong showing in support of H.R. 2306, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act. (90% support in Iowa, 91% nationwide.)
  • Similarly, Iowans rallied to support preserving military pay in case of a government shutdown with S. 724, the Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act (93% support, compared with 95% support nationally)
  • Iowans have also shown strong opposition to SOPA, H.R. 3261: the Stop Online Piracy Act (H.R. 3261), with 97% opposing, compared to 98% nationally.
  • Sixty-six percent of Iowans on POPVOX supported H.R. 2, the Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Act, slightly more than the 60% nationwide that support the bill.
  • "Fair Tax" proposals got a lot of attention in Iowa: The House version, H.R. 25 has 77% support in Iowa and 80% nation-wide; while the Senate version, S. 13, has 63% support in Iowa and 80% nationwide.
  • The National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act, H.R. 822, has 71% support in Iowa and 78% nationwide.

The bills that got attention in Iowa but did not register in the nationwide top 50 all included some variation on the theme of regulating ammunition or fishing tackle for lead content.

  • S. 838, the Hunting, Fishing, and Recreational Shooting Protection Act.
  • H.R. 1445, prohibiting EPA regulation of ammunition and fishing tackle based on lead content.
  • H.R. 1443, the Outdoor Sports Protection Act.

Check out the Top 10 Bills in Iowa for 2011:

POPVOX is a neutral, nonpartisan advocacy platform that meshes legislative data with individuals' personal stories and sentiment. POPVOX delivers public input to Congress in a format tailored to actionable policy decisions and empowers users to leverage their expertise and numbers.
For more information, visit: www.popvox.com

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year, and thank you to all who have already responded to our call.  At the close of 2011, on December 31 we surpassed 550 people joining the team. Many are also busy sending the word out to all they know. This is a great beginning.

But it is still just a start. Hundreds have joined, thousands are needed, and I need to decide if we have what it takes to successfully move forward with an official candidacy for Colorado's Second Congressional District, or not by the end of next week. With the state legislative session beginning the following week, and precinct caucuses on February 7, there is no time to spare.

We have now compiled a great deal of information about the potential race onour website: www.Lundberg2012.com. Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested in sending a powerful message to Washington.

I will do my utmost to win, but I must have thousands of people standing with me. The incumbent, Jared Polis, is the richest Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives. He will bring many millions of dollars to this race. We have an opportunity to show the political establishment that thousands of committed volunteers can be more potent than all the political ads money can buy.

Arm yourself with the facts at www.Lundberg2012.com and join this extraordinary political movement that could make history in 2012. =20

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
Ron Paul Campaign Airs Final New Hampshire TV Ad 'Believe'
Ad features prominent Republican surrogates such as State Sens. Andy Sanborn and Ray White
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that it will begin airing its final television ad 'Believe' in the key early voting state of New Hampshire.

The 60-second ad will run beginning today on broadcast and cable television statewide in New Hampshire, and on broadcast television in the greater Boston market.  The ad features prominent Granite State surrogates such as political activists and leaders including state Sens. Andy Sanborn (R-Henniker) and Ray White (R-Bedford), both of whom have endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency.

A key feature of the ad is New Hampshire politicians and luminaries condemning the outsize growth of the federal government - calling is "overtaxing" and "overspending" - alongside declarations that the upcoming election is about trust.  The ad then presents Ron Paul as an honest and consistent candidate, and the sole alternative to flip-floppers responsible for the costly mistakes of the past.  The ad also showcases, in the words of its subjects, the strengths of Ron Paul's 'Plan to Restore America.'

"Ron Paul is surging in New Hampshire and is in it to win it.  We have a first-class organization and tremendous support from a state where his message of personal and economic liberty resonates well.  This ad will serve as the closing argument for why Ron Paul is the only authentic conservative in this race, and the only one capable of  bringing authentic change to Washington," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

To view the television ad online, please click here.

Ron Paul Iowa Team Touts New 'Homeschoolers for Ron Paul'
Latest families valuing education freedom reside in Dallas, Des Moines, Polk and Lee counties
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today new members of its active 'Homeschoolers for Ron Paul' nationwide coalition.  New members hail from Dallas, Des Moines, Polk, and Lee counties, all Iowa.

Below are the statements of new coalition members who agree with Dr. Paul's position that no nation can remain free when the state has greater influence over the knowledge and values transmitted to children than the family does.
As President, Dr. Paul has pledged to veto any legislation that would encroach on homeschooling parents' rights to educate their children.

James and DeAnn Cline educate their three children from their Polk County home.  They stated they support the 12-term Congressman from Texas because he is the only candidate who knows and actually understands the Constitution.  Further, they wrote, "Ron Paul is a man of integrity who has a proven record of not being swayed from his allegiance to the U.S. Constitution.  He is the only man of principle who is ready, willing and able to make the hard decisions that are necessary to turn our country away from its current path of destruction.  We believe Ron Paul to be the candidate who will restore lost liberties and defend our remaining liberties through faithful adherence to the U.S. Constitution."

Lee County residents John and Angela Helwig have homeschooled their children for 17 years.  They stated that they would support Dr. Paul even if they were not homeschooling, because they feel he is the only candidate looking out for the future of America.  "We are happy that Ron Paul is fully behind the right to homeschool.  That is not the primary reason we support him though," said John. "We agree with his stance on monetary issues as well as foreign policy."   

Stacy Bastian is a homeschool parent from Dallas County.  Stacy explained that Dr. Paul earned her support because, "He has a consistency of message and a thoughtful analysis of our nation's problems and what can be done to fix them."  Stacy continued, "He says what he means and he means what he says, a trait generally lacking in politicians.  He champions personal liberty and personal responsibility, trusting that individuals and families, not government, are best positioned to manage a range of matters including the education of their children." 

Stacy also stated, "I respect and agree with his call for more fiscally responsible government and one that engages its time and treasure here, rather than on endless wars and 'nation building' abroad."

A past member of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and homeschooling parent, R.W. Ballard of Des Moines County said, "The reason I support Ron Paul for President is his consistent message of individual freedoms as outlined in the Constitution.  His highlighting of our money issues since the Federal Reserve was introduced in 1913 and eventual federal tax law overload is also one of the most enlightened stands we have today.  His stand against our constant involvement in wars not associated with our borders is also a key message."

"And let us not forget his stand for the unborn and young children as our Godly heritage to grow in the fullness of our Constitution and freedoms given not by men but by God," added Mr. Ballard.

Victoria Holmbeck, who is a new homeschooling parent from Des Moines County, weighed in on why she supports Dr. Paul saying, "I am excited to have a nominee to vote for who is Christian and will seek to be led by His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in every decision he makes."  She continued, "Ron Paul's integrity and value to truly care for the American people and not his career or fame is why I am voting for him."

Victoria further stated, "Our nation needs to be restored to its Constitution which will entail specific benefits for myself as a homeschooler: to put the rights of educating one's child back in the hands of the parent instead of the government, and having a balanced budget so our children can grow up in a nation without being in debt."

As a first basic step, those interested in joining the "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition should visit the official page here.  Those residing in Iowa should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at meghannw@ronpaul2012.com.

Sioux City-area Christian Pastor Endorses Ron Paul for President
Rev. Adam Pierce says Ron Paul "affords us the only honest opportunity at protecting our civil and religious liberties."
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by the Rev. Adam Pierce, Associate Pastor of Buchanan Avenue Baptist Church in Sioux City.

In making his endorsement, Rev. Pierce mentioned he was doing so as a private citizen and not on behalf of the Buchanan Avenue Baptist Church or its congregants.

"As both a veteran and a preacher, I support Dr. Ron Paul because he affords us the only honest opportunity at protecting our civil and religious liberties, which are currently being threatened," said Rev. Pierce, who has been a Baptist pastor for 10 years.

"Dr. Paul offers a balanced approach in every area of government and his voting record is above reproach.  Casting a vote for Ron Paul is the only choice we have as Americans to remain the greatest nation in the world and retain our Constitutional foundation," added the pastor.

Rev. Pierce is a proud husband of more than 18 years, and parent to four children ages 3 to 14.  He also is an eight-year Navy veteran, E-5/Gunners Mate Guns.

Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers responded, "The Iowa team is pleased to accept the endorsement of Rev. Pierce, who counts military service among his high achievements.  We hope his endorsement and others like it will propel Ron Paul to a strong top-three finish in the caucus."

If ministering in Iowa, local pastors interested in discussing an endorsement are invited to email the Iowa Director of Voter Outreach, Meghann Walker, at meghannw@ronpaul2012.com.

Ron Paul Iowa Team Salutes 25 New 'Veterans for Ron Paul'
Largest-yet coalition rollout representing 13 counties follows recent veterans-themed rally
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today the names of 25 Iowans joining the active "Veterans for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition.

The announcement occurs on the heels of a similar recent 20-veteran announcement, a 'Salute to Veterans' rally in Des Moines, and a Des Moines Register op-ed by Ron Paul addressing veterans issues, all in the last week.

Surpassing the recent record-setting rollout for this coalition, the additional members reside in Butler, Cass, Cedar, Cerro Gordo, Jackson, Jasper, Linn, Pocahontas, Polk, Scott, Warren, Washington, and Woodbury counties, all Iowa.

Support for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign in the Hawkeye state continues to benefit from the backing of veterans such as the ones speaking out today.  Reasons for Dr. Paul's substantial support from voters who are veterans include his dedication to veterans while in Congress, highlighted in an ad here, and the fact that he is himself a former Air Force flight surgeon.

Representing 13 counties, information about each veteran is provided in the following sequence:  Name and residence, rank, branch, conflict/assignment, years of service.

Butler County

Dean Dietz of Dumont, Specialist, US Army, Vietnam, 1 year.

Cass County

Richard Marriott of Atlantic, Seaman Apprentice, US Navy, Desert Storm/USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Cedar County

Adam Kofoed of West Branch, Specialist, US Army, South Korea, 3 years.

Ashley Hayes of West Branch, Private First Class, US Army, South Korea, 1.5 years.

Cerro Gordo County

Nate Johnson of Mason City, Airman First Class, US Air Force, 1 year.

Jackson County

Charles Meyer of Maquoketa, Sergeant, US Army, Afghanistan, 5 years.

Jasper County

Don Seibert of Monroe, Specialist-5, US Army, Vietnam (two tours), 3 years.

Linn County

David Ward of Cedar Rapids, Petty Officer Third Class, US Navy, Japan, 6 years.

Duane Weltha of Marion, Staff Sergeant, US Air Force, Saudi Arabia, 4 years.

Pocahontas County

Norma Halverson of Laurens, US Air Force, 5.5 years.

Polk County

Michael Berry of West Des Moines, Major, US Army, Germany/Korea/Panama/Honduras/Guatemala/Poland/Kuwait/Iraq, 27 years.

Jonas Cutler of West Des Moines, Corporal, US Marines, Gulf War, 4 years.

Terry Hout of Des Moines, Specialist-4, US Army, Vietnam, 2 years.

Ryan Lewellin of Des Moines, Corporal, US Marines, Iraq, 6.5 years.

Charles Janzen of Windsor Heights, Private First Class, US Army, 2 years.

Ron Richards of Des Moines, Senior Airman, US Air Force, 4 years.

John Lindley of West Des Moines, US Army, Iraq, 4 years.

Matthew Gray of Des Moines, Specialist, US Army, Iraq & Afghanistan, 5 years.

Gabe Lanz of Des Moines, Specialist, US Army, Iraq & Afghanistan, 8 years.

Scott County

Donald Collins of Davenport, Specialist, US Army, Germany, 10 years.

Warren County

Delbert Edwards of Indianola, US Navy, Battleship New Jersey, 4 years active 9 years reserve.

Crystal McIntyre of Indianola, US Army, 8 years.

Washington County

Steve Lord of Ainsworth, Corporal, US Marines, Japan/Thailand/Okinawa, 3.5 years.

Woodbury County

Marco Linares of Sioux City, Sergeant, Iowa Army National Guard, Afghanistan, 4 years.

Pastor Al Milligan of Danbury, Specialist-4, US Army, West Germany, 3 years.

As a first basic step, those interested in joining the "Veterans for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition should visit the official page by clicking here.  Those residing in the Hawkeye State should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at meghannw@ronpaul2012.com.

Ron Paul Draws Big Crowds on Final of Three-Day Visit to Iowa
Western Iowa events in LeMars, Sioux Center and Sioux City all yield impressive turnout
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul attracted big crowds in three Western Iowa town hall meetings tonight, continuing a pattern of packing venues with supporters and undecided voters.

More than 220 people attended Paul's Plymouth County Town Hall Meeting in LeMars, where the 12-term Congressman from Texas spoke about how there could be no liberty without valuing life, and how no constitutional government could exist in the absence of a moral people.  More than 175 people?a full-capacity crowd stacked up against the doorways?attended his Sioux County Town Hall Meeting held in Sioux Center where he spoke about economics and family.  And a remarkable 275 people attended his Sioux City Town Hall Meeting to hear Paul's views concerning a strong national defense, private property, and lasting prosperity.

Ron Paul speaks to 220 voters in LeMars at his Plymouth County Town Hall Meeting.

Ron Paul greets 175 voters in Sioux Center at his Sioux County Town Hall Meeting.

Ron Paul takes the podium to the applause of 275 voters at his Sioux City event.

The Republican Party of Iowa caucuses SHOULD be among the most transparent, honest, democratic, and grassroots-based political activities in the country. In the interests of building a stronger democracy in our great country and in Iowa, here is a detailed overview and response for what should happen at the 1,774 caucus precincts on the evening of January 3rd, 2012.

"After the chair and secretary are elected, candidate representatives from each campaign are given time to speak on behalf of their candidate." This should include a representative of those fed-up with the current system of the 1% choosing candidates for Iowans to rubber-stamp, such as "uncommitted."

"Once the speakers have finished, sheets of paper are be passed out to every registered Iowa Republican from the precinct. Voters then write down their candidate preference." We expect the right to same day registration will be fully-honored.

"Every vote is counted. The caucus chair and secretary will count the votes in front of the caucus and a representative from each campaign is allowed to observe the counting of the votes. The results are recorded on an official form provided by the Republican Party of Iowa and are announced to the caucus." A representative of those who chose not to vote for a 1% candidate must be allowed to observe and video record this procedure.

"A caucus reporter is chosen to report the results to the Republican Party of Iowa, accompanied by campaign representatives to verify the results reported to Iowa GOP officials." A representative of those who chose not to vote for a 1% candidate should be able to verify the results also.

"RPI officials do not count results; they aggregate them from around the state and report them to the media. To ensure consistency in reporting, campaign representatives have the opportunity to be present with RPI officials as votes are reported to the public." Votes should be counted on site, in full view of caucus participants, and not counted at an undisclosed location.

"We will be reporting the votes for Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Buddy Roemer, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, "No Preference," and "Other."" Good. We encourage all Iowans fed-up with a system that caters to the interests of the extremely wealthy and well-connected to caucus for "uncommitted" ("No Preference").

""No Preference" votes include those who vote "present," "no preference, "uncommitted," or "none of the above."" Finally, we have clear word from the leaders of the Iowa GOP how this shall be handled, in contradiction to the statements made recently by some GOP county chairs. "After the Presidential preference poll is completed the caucus will elect precinct committee representatives; delegates, alternates, and junior delegates to the county convention; and discuss and submit platform resolutions for consideration at the county convention." We encourage all those fed-up with a system that mostly the represents of Wall Street and the 1% to caucus for "uncommitted," and then run as delegates to the GOP county conventions.
