ARVADA, Colo. -- 12/21/2011 -- Three Republican candidates for the nation's high office including Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Senator Rick Santorum, and Speaker Newt Gingrich have confirmed their participation in the Presidential Pro-Life Forum on Tuesday, December 27, from 8:00 to 9:30 pm CST.

The national tele-town hall and radio simulcast will be hosted by Personhood USA and their partner organizations: National Hispanic Christian Leadership Coalition, Liberty Counsel, Bott Radio Network, Freedom Federation, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Champion the Vote, Oak Initiative, The Call, Georgia Right to Life, Rock for Life, and Iowa Right to Life.  An invitation has been extended to the remaining GOP presidential candidates.

The 90-minute pro-life tele-town hall will feature the candidates discussing their views on the rights of the preborn and other issues of great importance to pro-life voters.  Pro-life groups around the nation are inviting their members to attend.  Callers will have an opportunity to ask questions via email and give instant feedback to thoughts and ideas shared.

Nationally-syndicated radio host Steve Deace, whose influence in the Iowa Caucuses has been highlighted by numerous national media outlets, will broadcast the event live on his Salem Network program.

Last week, four candidates, Bachmann, Santorum, Gingrich, and Gov. Rick Perry, signed Personhood USA's Personhood Republican Candidate Pledge, declaring their intentions to stand with President Ronald Reagan in supporting "the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death."

"We're pleased to see the candidates standing for the rights of every person to live, love, and be loved.  The time has come to end the 40-year reign of the abortion industry, once and for all," said Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA. "This is an opportunity for everyone who understands that 'all men are created equal' to hear from the candidates their plans to recognize the most fundamental rights of every human being, no matter their age. Come, take advantage of this interactive and important event, and be a voice for the voiceless."

For information please visit

There is significant confusion surrounding the recent debate on the extension of the payroll tax cut, extension of unemployment insurance and preventing the pending cut to physician Medicare reimbursement rates.  These three issues are urgent. They will impact millions of middle class families, unemployed Americans and Medicare patients. The deadline for action on all three is January 2012.


The Details:


  • Extension of Payroll Tax Holiday


o   Currently, employees pay a payroll tax of 4.2% of their income to Social Security, on wages earned up to $106,800.

o   On January 1, 2012, if Congress does not pass an extension of the "Holiday," then the payroll tax will revert back to previous law, which is a 6.2% tax on those same wages

o   This equates to a 2% tax increase, if Congress fails to extend the Payroll Tax Holiday.

o   This tax impacts 160 million Americans nationwide.  For an Iowan making $50,000 per year, this equates to a $1,000 tax increase.


  • Unemployment Insurance


o   Congress must reauthorize provisions that maintain long-term unemployment benefits for laid-off workers.  These provisions will begin to expire on January 3, 2012 if Congress does not pass an extension.

o   Currently, states provide up to 26 weeks of unemployment benefits, so those who will be harmed by the expiration of the federal provisions are the long-term unemployed (ie, those unemployed for longer than 26 weeks).

o   Without Congressional action, approximately 6,600 Iowans will lose their long-term unemployment benefits.


  • Medicare Reimbursements to Doctors


o   If Congress does not act, a scheduled 27% cut in Medicare reimbursements will occur on January 1, 2012, due to the flawed Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) in the Medicare formula.  This means that every time a doctor sees a Medicare patient, the doctor would receive 27% less in his Medicare reimbursement.

o   This could harm Medicare patients' (seniors) access to care, if doctors no longer find it cost-effective to accept Medicare patients.



The Votes:


Ignoring the rhetoric and partisan positioning on both sides of the aisle, there have been two substantive votes in the House of Representatives to resolve these three urgent issues.


  • Vote "On Passage" of HR 3630, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 (called "the House GOP bill"), on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

o   Braley crosses party lines and supports.  Only 10 Democrats supported.

o   The Senate did not allow a vote on this bill.

o   This vote would do the following:

§  Extend for one year, until December 31, 2012, the Payroll Tax Holiday

§  Extend for 13 months, until January 31, 2013, the long-term unemployment benefits provisions

§  Prevents any reduction in the SGR for 2 years, through January 1, 2014.  Instead, gives a 1% increase in Medicare reimbursement rates.


  • Vote on "Motion that the House Disagree to the Senate Amendments" on HR 3630, the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011 (called "the Senate bipartisan bill"), on Tuesday, December 20, 2011

o   Braley supports the Senate Bill, by voting "nay" on the Motion to Disagree.

o   The Senate bill died in the House when this Motion to Disagree passed 229-193.

o   This bill had earlier been Agreed to in the Senate by a vote of 89-10

o   This vote would do the following:

§  Extend for 2 months, through February 29, 2012, the Payroll Tax Holiday

§  Extend for 2 months, through March 6, 2012, the long-term unemployment benefits provisions

§  Prevents for 2 months, through February 29, 2012, the 27% cut to Medicare reimbursement rates.


Both of these votes would prevent the damage from occurring in January if passed into law:


  • Prevent a tax increase to 160 million Americans.
  • Prevent 6,600 Iowans from losing unemployment benefits.
  • Prevent Iowa doctors from seeing a cut of 27% in their Medicare reimbursement rates.


Rep. Braley is 1 of only 14 to support BOTH SOLUTIONS:


Of the 535 members of  both the House and the Senate, Rep. Braley was 1 of only 14 to vote at every opportunity to extend the middle class tax cut and stop the loss of unemployment benefits and the 27% reduction to Iowa doctors.  He supported BOTH the House GOP's 1-year extension, and the Senate bipartisan 2-month extension.


# # #

Ron Paul Campaign Releases New Pro-life Ad Featuring Some of His Former Patients
Women patients attest to Dr. Paul's character, professionalism and commitment to life
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign unveiled its new prolife ad "Always on the Right Path" featuring four former patients of Dr. Paul's medical practice in Brazoria County, Texas.

Dr. Paul, an Air Force flight surgeon and 12-term Congressman from Texas, is by trade an accomplished OB-GYN who personally delivered more than 4,000 babies.

The 60-second online ad will be shared via email and on websites with conservative, prolife, and values voter audiences beginning today.  It begins with a narrator describing Dr. Paul as a prolific doctor, a man of faith, and a man committed to protecting life.  However, the moving testimonials of his patients are what the ad features most prominently - and most effectively.

"Some people need to have a good word said about them.  Ron is the sort of person that his life is his good word," former patient Laura Mays offers in the ad.  "Ron did not let Washington change him," Ms. Mays later adds.

"He not only protects unborn life, but he also walks through journeys with women and he has for years," Kara Gore proclaims in the ad.

"It's not hard for someone who is a Christian and who truly believes to stay on the right path, and I think that's what kind of person Ron Paul is," Diane Wilson declares in the ad.

"This ad is unequaled in its authenticity, and in its capacity to convey the message that not only is Ron Paul the Champion of the Constitution, he is also a champion of life with particular emphasis on the unborn," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.  "This is a clear case of credible subject matter serving as its own convincing message."

To view the online ad click here.

Ron Paul Endorsed by Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host Jerry Doyle
Radio host, actor and philanthropist talks up Paul
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that nationally-syndicated radio talk show host Jerry Doyle has endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency.

"In many areas of the country including in some key early voting states, Jerry Doyle is a household name, discussing current events but also energizing and entertaining audiences.  We appreciate the support Jerry Doyle gives Ron Paul as it contributes to the likelihood of a strong showing in the first few voting contests where Ron Paul is competitive," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

"The Jerry Doyle Show" is a nationally-syndicated talk radio program with a heavy finance component in addition to politics, pop culture, and current events, with elements of satire and biting social commentary.  It is the sixth largest show in the country with more than 200 affiliates and 3.75 million weekly listeners, according to Talkers Magazine.  The show airs live Monday through Friday from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. PST with select markets airing the show at various times.  Check your local listings by clicking here.

Jerry Doyle is an experienced pilot, investment banker, actor, and the voice of numerous national advertising campaigns.  He is the author of Have You Seen My Country Lately - America's Wake-up Call, published in 2009 by Simon & Schuster.  Mr. Doyle also is an Honorary Naval Aviator and F-16 Test Pilot, and a Distinguished Supporter of the U.S. Space Program.

Ron Paul Endorsed by Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Clinton
Rev. John Preus of Clinton County calls Dr. Paul a "Republican who consistently articulates conservative stances on every issue he faces."
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that the Rev. John Preus, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Clinton, Iowa, has endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency.

Below please find the full statement of support from Rev. Preus:

"My name is Rev. John Preus.  I am the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Clinton, Iowa.  We are a conservative congregation, and I am a conservative pastor.  Our doctrine has not morphed over time, and neither have our positions on issues of morality with which our country and culture are currently wrestling.  As a pastor, it is not my job to endorse political candidates, and so I won't.  It's my job to preach the word of God, and I do. 

"But as an American and as a Christian, it is my job to support and promote good government and faithful rulers.  What a delight for me it has been to find a candidate like Ron Paul.  He is a true blue Republican who consistently articulates conservative stances on every issue he faces. 

"Some have suggested that perhaps he is weak on such issues as homosexual marriage, or a federal amendment against abortion.  But this is not so.  Ron Paul has not hidden his convictions that support life at conception and fidelity between man and woman within marriage.  He is quite open about what he believes.  But he also understands, as I do, that if this nation of ours will see a moral and political reversal, it must happen in our families and communities, and not be dictated from the top of some bureaucracy. 

"It is our job as conservatives and as Americans to effect such change, but we need the freedom to do so.  It is, therefore, the job of our President to abide by our Constitution and to defend our liberties so that such change can be effected by those in a position to do so.  That is why I support Ron Paul for President proudly and with a clear conscience, knowing that if this great land is to be restored to her first principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, the rule of law must be firmly upheld.  Ron Paul will do this."

Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers welcomed the endorsement, saying, "Rev. Preus's endorsement and those of others adds to an atmosphere conducive to a strong top-three showing in the January caucuses."

In making the endorsement, Rev. Preus mentioned that he was not speaking on behalf of Trinity Lutheran congregants, but rather he was doing so "as an American, and as a Christian."

Mike Heath, Iowa State Director for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, is visiting Christian churches across Iowa to do outreach and discuss Ron Paul's candidacy.  To date, Heath has visited 256 houses of worship across the state toward that end.  Heath is an ordained Christian minister.

If ministering in Iowa, local pastors interested in discussing an endorsement are invited to email the Iowa Director of Voter Outreach, Meghann Walker, at

Ron Paul Iowa Team Touts New 'Small Businesses for Ron Paul'
Latest Main Street owner-operators are based in Dallas, Davis, Polk and Story counties
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today new members of its active 'Small Businesses for Ron Paul' nationwide coalition.  New members hail from Dallas, Davis, Polk, and Story counties, all Iowa.

Below are the statements of new coalition members who agree with Dr. Paul's position that restoring free markets is the best way to revitalize Main Street and encourage job creation.

Monty Button, who has owned Adel Tree Company for 21 years, employs several persons and says of the 12-term Congressman from Texas, "I have been very impressed with Ron Paul's consistently conservative voting record.  He is a true statesman, a rarity today, closely resembling the caliber of the founders and their original intent.  America needs the constitutional leadership Ron Paul offers."

Since 2003, Mark Davenport has operated Davencorp Welding & Fabrication, a company that serves the Bloomfield area and employs 21 people.  He said, "I feel Ron Paul has demonstrated foresight in what is required to cure our economy and other issues that ail our country.  Dr. Paul appears adeptly immune to the 'political correctness' that has plagued our nation for too many years." 

"Ron Paul's many years as a lawmaker has forged the temper of a man needed to make and carry through with the difficult tasks that will be essential of our next President.  As a nation, we need to regain our post as not only an economic leader, but one of global integrity," added Mr. Davenport.

LaFleur Chiropractic owner Ben LaFleur has been in business for four years and employs two persons.  He stated, "I have become very concerned with our current economic status and the overall future of the United States.  As more and more people become unemployed and uninsured, we have arrived at a place where the priorities of government have become skewed.  We need a president that speaks for the people and represents the principles this country was built on.  His name is Ron Paul, and he is the answer for the 2012 presidential election."

Eric Riedinger has owned his sign business 'Attention Signs' for several years.  He offered his take on the congressman's readiness to make the tough but necessary decision:  "Ron Paul realizes our need to get realistic with our debt issues.  He is willing to take bold steps to turn things around for our country.  Dr. Paul will straighten this country out and get us back on track."

Ryan Kirk, owner of an Ames-area IT business startup explains, "As an entrepreneurial individual, I feel like small businesses already have enough hoops to jump through.  What's worse is that the number of hoops seems to increase every year as new laws and policies are created to the benefit of large companies, thwarting competition.  Ron Paul promises change for America that is more than just acquiescent lip service.  As a small business owner, I support Ron Paul because of his clear foresight on issues such as reducing big government, reigning in the Federal Reserve, Right-to-Work, and pro growth tax reform."

As a first basic step, those interested in joining the "Small Businesses for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition should visit the official page here.  Those residing in Iowa should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at

Will hold eight town hall meetings over two days in large population centers and rural areas
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will visit eastern Iowa for a series of town hall meetings as the campaign draws nearer to the pivotal 2012 Iowa Caucus.

The visit will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, December 21st and 22nd.  All eight of Dr. Paul's events this time around are town hall meetings featuring a speech, followed by a question and answer session.

"The Iowa team is pleased to welcome Ron Paul for another set of town hall meetings where he will give voters straightforward answers to questions concerning America's pressing challenges.  If past is prologue, voters will leave these gatherings knowing that Dr. Paul makes every effort to be engaging, informative, and uncommonly candid," said Iowa Campaign Chairman Drew Ivers.

Details of the events are as follows.  All times Central.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

10:00 a.m.
Lee County Town Hall Meeting
Comfort Inn & Suites
6169 Reve Court (Hwy. 61 & Hwy. 2) 
Fort Madison, IA 52627

12:00 p.m.
Henry County Town Hall Meeting
Civic Center Meeting Room (old High School)
307 E. Monroe Street
Mount Pleasant, IA  52641

3:00 p.m.
Washington County Town Hall Meeting
Washington Public Library
115 W. Washington Street 
Washington, IA  52353

7:00 p.m.
Quad Cities Town Hall Meeting
Quad Cities Waterfront Convention Center - Iowa Room
2021 State Street 
Bettendorf, IA 52722

Thursday, December 22, 2011

10:00 a.m.
Jackson County Town Hall Meeting
Historic Clinton Engines Building
605 E. Maple Street  
Maquoketa, IA 52060

12:00 p.m.
Dubuque Town Hall Meeting
Grand River Center - Meeting Room #4
Port of Dubuque 
500 Bell Street 
Dubuque, IA 52001

3:00 p.m.
Delaware County Town Hall Meeting
Delaware County Fairgrounds
200 E. Acers Street 
Manchester, IA 52057

7:00 p.m.
Cedar Rapids Town Hall Meeting
The Hotel at Kirkwood Center - Suites D & E
7725 Kirkwood Center   
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Ron Paul Campaign Releases Updated TV Ad 'The One' Ad argues that Paul and his 'Plan to Restore America' will remedy Washington's ills
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign unveiled an updated version of its path-breaking television ad "The One," this time arguing that a Paul presidency and its fiscal plan will counteract Washington afflictions while ushering in economic prosperity.

The 60-second ad, presented in a movie trailer style, will run on broadcast and cable television in Iowa and New Hampshire beginning today.  The ad points the finger of blame at Washington - "a lost city" - focusing on "failed policies, failed leadership...smooth talking politicians, insider deals, games of he said-she said, rhetoric, and division." 

The ad then presents Ron Paul as the only Republican presidential candidate that stands tall against such a poisonous atmosphere, instead "voting against every tax increase, every unbalanced budget, every time."  The ad touts provisions of Ron Paul's "Plan to Restore America" including cutting $1 trillion in year one of a Paul presidency, eliminating government waste, and achieving a balanced federal budget.

"With the U.S. economy in shambles, Americans are demanding leaders that are knowledgeable about how the economy works and how to ensure that Washington creates the proper climate for sustainable growth and lasting prosperity.  This updated ad shows Ron Paul as the sole candidate with an economic plan to restore America, and at the same time singles him out for his unimpeachable integrity," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

To view the television ad online, please click here.
Ron Paul Iowa Team Welcomes Additional 'Homeschoolers for Ron Paul' Members
Latest families who value education choice reside in Polk, Kossuth and Pottawattamie counties
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign welcomed new additions to its already-substantial "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition.  The new additions hail from Polk, Kossuth, and Pottawattamie counties, all Iowa.

The continued growth and geographic diversity establishes Ron Paul as a candidate with strong support among Iowa's homeschooling families and organizations.  Furthermore, it illustrates that Dr. Paul might receive tangible support for his principled positions on education freedom, as the 12-term Congressman from Texas seeks a strong top-three showing in the January 3rd Iowa Caucus.

A smattering of the latest "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" members have stepped forward with the following public statements of support:

Maria Maher of Ankeny is a mother of nine children ages four to 26 years of age.  After the passing of her husband, she goes the extra mile to continue her 18-year tradition of homeschooling her children but sees it as welcome effort. 

"The government is constantly stripping parents of basic rights, assuming these rights as their own.  I treasure my freedom to do what is right and my liberty to teach my children virtue.  I don't want some governmental agency telling me or my children what is right and wrong, as this has always been up to the parents," said Ms. Maher.

She continued, "Ron Paul's principles are thoroughly Christian, as he is the stalwart defender of peace through strength and treating our neighbors with respect, not contempt.  We need to let him awaken in us a sense of citizenship in the most traditional way, the constitutional way, the way our founding fathers laid it all out then and for future generations."

Proud mother of two and grandmother of eight Wanda Burdick has been in the homeschool movement since 1984.  The Burdick family has operated Teenworks, a tutoring assistance service that for about three decades has helped homeschool students learn from a Christian worldview.  It was featured in the Globe Gazette here and here.

"Having been involved with homeschooling since 1984, we appreciate the freedom to choose to homeschool.  Ron Paul supports that freedom and many other freedoms that we enjoy.  Dr. Paul believes that the federal government does not have the authority to intercede with children, acting against the wishes of parents when it comes to medical care, education, and other aspects of raising children," said Mrs. Burdick of Wesley.

Wrapping up this rollout are homeschoolers Steve and Cindy Anders of Council Bluffs, offering the following words of support:

"My family supports Ron Paul for President because of his well established, long record of strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution.  Ron Paul believes in limited government and knows parents have the God-given right to educate their children, not the government.  Dr. Paul is the only candidate that can defeat Obama and bring our government and economy back down to the level the founding fathers intended," the Anders couple wrote.

Mr. Anders' support was showcased by The New York Times in a recent article detailing the extensive support Ron Paul receives from many voting segments. 

Those interested in joining the active "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition are encouraged to visit the official page by clicking here.  Those residing in the Hawkeye State should email Iowa Voter Outreach Director Meghann Walker at for more information about how to join.

Ron Paul Interview Surrogates
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign invites members of the major print, broadcast and online media to speak to Dr. Paul's interview surrogates.

Surrogate names and titles are as follows.  Please note that they are listed in the order of their availability.

Doug Wead, Senior Advisor for Coalitions

Gary Howard, National Press Secretary

Jack Hunter, Official Campaign Blogger

John Tate, National Campaign Manager

Jesse Benton, National Campaign Chairman

All surrogate interviews are booked through Megan Stiles, the campaign's National Media Coordinator, by emailing Ms. Stiles at

Ron Paul Endorsed by Pastor of Nora Springs Christian Church
Floyd County minister cites Dr. Paul's prolife stance and defense of traditional marriage in Congress
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul received the endorsement of Glen E. Bandel, Pastor of the Nora Springs Christian Church, located in Floyd County.

"I am giving my support to Ron Paul as he seeks to be the next President of the United States.  Dr. Paul has shown his support of life for all unborn and to all living to old age.  He is only for marriage of one man and one woman and would enforce the federal Defense of Marriage Act," said Pastor Bandel.

"Dr. Paul has the best foreign policy of any candidate seeking the office, namely one that ends interfering in the business of other countries, brings our soldiers home to protect our country, and pays our domestic debts using money we currently send around the world," said Bandel.

Pastor Bandel added that, in making his endorsement, he was acting as a private citizen and not necessarily speaking on behalf of Nora Springs Christian Church congregants.

"We appreciate Pastor Bandel's endorsement, as it adds to the growing number of religious, civic, and political leaders whose endorsement brings us closer to a strong top-three caucus finish," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers.

Mike Heath, Iowa State Director for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, is visiting Christian churches across Iowa to do outreach and discuss Ron Paul's candidacy.  To date, Heath has visited 256 houses of worship across the state toward that end.  Heath is an ordained Christian minister.

If ministering in Iowa, local pastors interested in discussing an endorsement are invited to email the Iowa Director of Voter Outreach, Meghann Walker, at


Official Caucus Viewing Party

DES MOINES, IOWA - Americana Restaurant and Lounge, Greater Des Moines Partnership and Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau invite locals and visitors to Americana for the Official Caucus Watch Party in Greater Des Moines. Americana, located at 1312 Locust Street, is in Downtown Des Moines and provides a multi-level dining experience and street side lounge with a panoramic view of the John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park.

Greater Des Moines' Official Caucus Watch Party will begin Tuesday, January 3 at 6 p.m. Live results and media coverage will appear on televisions throughout the lounge. The Watch Party will run until close, 11 p.m. Caucus Night.

Reservations are not required, but recommended, at (515) 283-1312 or

Americana is an urban restaurant and lounge that celebrates the swagger of the cocktail culture. The restaurant features a variety of classic cocktails, a large wine list and serves a Modern American/Continental menu specializing in freshly prepared small plates, signature entrees, gourmet burgers, contemporary classics and much more.

For more information on the Iowa Caucus happenings in Greater Des Moines visit

The Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote Greater Des Moines as a fun, vibrant and affordable destination statewide, nationally and internationally. Our focus increases visitors to our community through meetings, conventions, sports events, leisure travel, and group tours, thereby contributing to the local economy.


Wallace: "The right to vote should be held sacrosanct."


Rock Island, IL?Jonathan Wallace, Candidate for State Representative in the Illinois 72nd District, will be joining Rural Township Trustee John Abbott and Rock Island County Board Member Bob Westpfahl in hosting a town hall meeting Wednesday, December 21, at 5:30pm at the Rural Township Building to discuss the recent elimination of polling places in Rock Island County. The public is invited to attend.


"Sadly, voter disenfranchisement has become politics as usual in Rock Island County. Democrats and Republicans alike have contacted our campaign, upset about this obvious attempt to affect election results. I believe the right to vote should be held sacrosanct, and I oppose any attempt by an elected official of either party to violate that important right. I stand with Bob Westpfahl and Trustee Abbott, and I look forward to meeting with voters in Rural Township to discuss this important issue on Wednesday."


Rural Township Trustee John Abbott agreed, arguing that this move by the Rock Island County Clerk's office will affect hundreds of voters.


"Earlier this week, the Rock Island County clerk's office reduced the number of voting centers in the county. Rural Township was among the 12 centers closed, forcing residents in the southeast part of Rock Island County to travel roughly 30 miles round trip to vote," Abbott said. "We want to invite the public to come share their concerns and join Bob Westpfahl by signing to get our polling place back."



20-minute video

Nice video so that one may hear him clearly and then make your own educated decision and not based upon what a news service says about him.
Oleson represents the second-most populous county in Iowa and has many Republican, civic affiliations
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that Linn County Supervisor Brent Oleson has endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency.

Attracted to Congressman Paul's commitment, character, and courage Mr. Oleson said, "Ron Paul has the principals and conviction necessary to solve our national budget woes.  With our national debt over $14 trillion, the spending by Washington D.C. continues to mortgage the fruits of our labor to fund programs we don't need and can't afford.  Ron Paul puts people before politics and will work to ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit a strong economy and prosperous nation, not one saddled by debt."

Brent Oleson is an attorney residing in Marion, Iowa with his two children.  For many years, he has been an active participant in Iowa politics - serving two terms on the Republican Party of Iowa's State Central Committee, six terms on the Linn County Central Committee, and as a Republican Party of Iowa Platform Committee Member.

Representing Iowa's second-most populous county of 211,000 residents, Oleson was elected to his district with over 58 percent of the vote in the heavily Democratic county.  Mr. Oleson also serves on the boards of the Linn County Republican Party, Eagles Club, Linn County Solid Waste Agency, Marion Economic Development Corporation, Cedar Valley Humane Society, and Trees Forever.

"We're pleased to count Brent Oleson's endorsement among the many ones that will help our campaign achieve a strong top-three showing in January," Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers said of the upcoming caucus.
Franklin County Tea Party co-founder and county GOP vice chair calls Paul "honest and consistent"
ANKENY, Iowa - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that Mayor-Elect Shawn Dietz of the City of Hampton, located in Franklin County, has endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency.

In making his endorsement, the mayor-elect cited Paul's 'Plan to Restore America,' as well as a full complement of issue stances that distinguish the 12-term Congressman from Texas from other Republican competitors.

"We're pleased that incoming Mayor Dietz has endorsed Ron Paul, and has done so with such conviction," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers, referring to the mayor-elect's attached letter.  "Endorsements by Iowa's political, faith and civic leaders are what promise to propel us to a strong top-three showing in the caucus."

Mayor-Elect Dietz is co-founder of the Franklin County Tea Party, and Vice Chair of the Franklin County Republican Central Committee.  A former factory worker who was laid off due to 2008 government-imposed economic collapse, he also is a husband and father of three children.

The full text of Mayor-Elect Dietz's letter to Iowans follows:

To my fellow Iowans:

With our nation's founding principles in jeopardy of extinction, elections at all levels of government are increasingly more imperative to the survival of our Republic; none more visible and important than that of the office of President of the United States.

Only one Republican Presidential candidate has provided a detailed plan of how he proposes to make major Federal Government spending cuts, $1 Trillion in his first year as President.

Only one Republican Presidential candidate has presented logical plans to address important issues to my family, my neighbors, and myself; such issues as national security, illegal immigration, life, monetary policy, foreign policy, debt, and ending overseas nation building.

Only one Republican Presidential candidate has been honest and consistent in his positions for 30+ years.

Only one Republican Presidential candidate continues to fight unapologetically for the restoration of American Government to the United States Constitution.

Only one Republican Presidential candidate unconditionally supports our troops by promising to immediately bring them home to their families where they belong.

Only one politician in my lifetime, and likely for many generations, has so accurately and passionately represented the self-evident Truths laid out in the Declaration of Independence; "...that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..."

I've asked myself this question, WHY do I love this country? The answer was simple. Liberty. The next question was who to support for President in 2012. Today it is with great pride as a co-founder of the Franklin County Tea Party, as the Vice Chair of the Franklin County Republican Central Committee, and as the Mayor-Elect of the City of Hampton, Iowa that I officially announce my endorsement of the Champion of the Constitution, Texas Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul for President in 2012. Please join me at the January 3rd Iowa Caucus and vote to Restore America Now with a vote for Ron Paul...

For Liberty!

Shawn Dietz
Hampton, Iowa

