Waterloo, IA - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) formally announced today that he is running for re-election in the new First Congressional District of Iowa in his hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa.
Braley made the announcement on the first day of a three-day, six-city "Works for Iowa" tour that will take him to Brooklyn, Cedar Rapids, Decorah, Dubuque, Marshalltown, and Waterloo.
"I learned about Iowa common sense from my parents growing up in Poweshiek County," Braley said. "They taught me to work hard, to spend money wisely, and to help other people when they needed help.
"To me, being a representative means working as hard as the people who elected you - to create jobs, stand up for our veterans, and get this economy back on track.
"I'm running for re-election because there's still work to do. The only way that we're going to fix the mess in Washington is by sending people there who have the experience to bridge the divide and get things done."
Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. He took his first job in 2nd grade and has been working ever since. Braley worked his way through college at Iowa State and law school at the University of Iowa waiting tables, bartending, and building roads and bridges for the Poweshiek County Roads Department. Braley worked as an attorney in Waterloo for 23 years, representing people against some of the most powerful corporations in the world. Braley also volunteered for years in the Waterloo community, as a football coach, with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, with the Waterloo Historic Preservation Commission, and more.
Bruce lives with his wife Carolyn in Waterloo, Iowa. They have three children - Lisa, David, and Paul - who all graduated from West Waterloo High School, where Carolyn works as a social studies teacher.
Braley was joined in Brooklyn and Cedar Rapids by his mother, Marcia, who still substitute teaches in Poweshiek County.