Hoekstra is running for the Senate seat currently held by Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat who Cain says has only perpetuated the failures of the Obama administration. "With her consistent voting pattern on economically disastrous legislation such as Obamacare and stimulus, Sen. Stabenow has a proven track record of aligning with failure," Cain said. "This is why we need bold leadership to stand up to the Goliath that has become our government. This is why we need candidates who are not afraid to give their power back to the people where it belongs."
"Adopting my '9-9-9' tax plan is one way to do just that," Cain added. "I'm delighted to have Pete on board with '9-9-9' The Revolution."
Hoekstra's formal support means he is committed to thoroughly reading the '9-9-9' legislation that is being drafted, and then working to make '9-9-9' the law of the land.
"I have long been a supporter of the fair tax but have to give Herman Cain credit for coming up with a simple solution to improve our tax code that the American people can support," Hoekstra said. "I'm ready to do what I can as a member of the U.S. Senate to bring common sense solutions like '9-9-9' to the American People and end the tax code as we know it."
Hoekstra's formal endorsement brings the number of '9-9-9'-supporting candidates to more than a dozen - a number that continues to grow on a near-daily basis.
Mr. Cain will join Hoekstra for the launch of his 'Patriots for Pete Tour' with Herman Cain on Thursday, February 23. Scheduled grassroots event stops include :
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Candidate commitments to '9-9-9' are just a part of the much broader Cain's Solutions Revolution. To learn how this revolution is coming to life - across the nation, in our states and in our local communities, please visit www.cainconnections.com.