Iowa AFL-CIO President Ken Sagar, Midge Slater with Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans, and Recent Iowa Graduate Morgan Miller to Hold Press Conference to Welcome Mitt Romney Back to Iowa

DES MOINES - In advance of Mitt Romney's speech tomorrow, Iowa AFL-CIO President Ken Sagar, Midge Slater with Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans, and Morgan Miller, a recent University of Iowa graduate will hold a press conference to welcome Mitt back to Iowa by taking a look at his business philosophy and what it would mean for our economy.

Mitt Romney has repeatedly cited his business experience as his chief qualification to be President, claiming he would use it to boost the economy, create jobs, and reduce the deficit. Romney's business strategy wasn't about strengthening companies and creating jobs for long-term economic growth. It wasn't about investors and workers playing by the same set of rules, and it certainly wasn't about creating an economy built to last by rewarding hard work and responsibility and strengthening the security of middle-class families.

In a career of buying and selling companies, Romney's pattern was to reap quick profits for himself and his investors at the expense of workers and communities. Sometimes it meant sending American jobs overseas. Other times, it meant cutting wages and benefits. In Romney's economic philosophy, CEOs and wealthy investors prosper by any means necessary, even when it meant companies failed and workers were left behind. Romney believes in two sets of rules - one for people like him, another for everyone else.

Mitt Romney wants to go back to the philosophy that created the economic crisis. Iowans want to move America forward - to an economy built to last, where hard work pays off, responsibility is rewarded, and everyone has a fair shot, does their fair share, and plays by the same rules.

Tuesday, May 15 
10:00 AM

WHAT: Press conference on Mitt Romney's business philosophy 
WHO: Ken Sagar, Iowa AFL-CIO President; Midge Slater, Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans; Morgan Miller, recent University of Iowa graduate 
WHERE: Lawn of the Des Moines Public Library Lawn; Grand Ave between 10th and 12th Street; Des Moines, IA


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