DES MOINES, IA - Locals 33 and 125 of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Union - as well as their international affiliate, the United Association of Plumbers, Fitters, Welders and HVAC Service Techs and their General President William P. Hite -- have announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley for US Senate. Locals 33 and 125 represent over 2,500 skilled mechanical contractors across the state of Iowa.

Braley announced in February that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.

Andy Roberts, Business Manager of Local 33, said, "The Plumbers and Steamfitters of Iowa are excited to stand with Bruce Braley in his 2014 campaign for Senate. Bruce is someone who grew up working in Iowa, put himself through college, and has been working ever since. He understands the challenges middle class families face and the value of hard work. That's why he's fought hard for working families in Congress, and why he'll be an effective voice for the middle class in the Senate."

Bruce Braley said, "I'm proud to have the endorsement of the Plumbers and Steamfitters. I'm running for Senate to strengthen the middle class, create economic opportunity for everyone, and bring people together to get things done.  Their support will be a big help as we continue to build our grassroots campaign."

Braley has received a wave of endorsements in recent weeks, highlighted by the endorsement of Sen. Tom Harkin on Saturday in Des Moines.  In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell announced their endorsement; in March, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald endorsed; on April 3rd, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley. Last week, Braley reported he had raised $1.07 million for his Senate campaign and has over $1 million cash on hand as of March 30th. Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley for Iowa.

The Plumbers and Steamfitters are the 13th Iowa labor organization to endorse Braley.

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Please Join Candidate for U.S. Senate

Congressman Bruce Braley

For A Fundraising RECeption
Monday, April 29th 
5:30 - 7:00 pm

Hosted by Ken Croken and Kathryn McKnight
29 Hillcrest Avenue    Davenport, Iowa

Host $1,000   Sponsor $500   Patron $250   Supporter $125

Suggested Contribution $50/Person


Questions? Contact Jamie Burch at (563) 379-7990 or

Members from the Tea Party Express are currently in the great state of Montana, lining up plans for the 2014 elections, and we just received some breaking news, Montana U.S. Senator Max Baucus will not seek re-election in 2014 and will retire.

You might know Senator Baucus as he played a key role in shaping President Obama's landmark health care law, Obamacare.   This is a great opportunity to take this Senate seat, and Tea Party Express is already on the ground in Montana making plans to do so, but we need your support!

Here is the story that the news outlets are reporting:
This represents a great opportunity to replace the 6-term Democrat with the next Ted Cruz and Rand Paul! We are currently driving across the great state of Montana in preparation for this election.

Adhering to the old axiom "the future belongs to those that prepare for it today," we here at the Tea Party Express are traveling the country, meeting with potential Congressional candidates. If we are going to be successful in defending the House and taking the Senate, we need solid, electable conservative candidates.

Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer is in Billings, Montana and reported the news back to our Sacramento office about Senator Baucus.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa today made the following comment on the decision of Sen. Max Baucus against seeking re-election.  Baucus is chairman of the Finance Committee, where Grassley served as chairman and ranking member alongside Baucus.

"Senator Baucus and I have been very close professionally.  We ran the Finance Committee for 10 years together, and every bill except for three or four was bipartisan.  The Senate will be worse off as a deliberative body when Senator Baucus leaves.  Like his mentor Mike Mansfield, Senator Baucus believes the Senate ought to produce legislation through comity and consensus.  His departure will be a big loss for the Senate.  I look forward to working with him over the rest of his term."

DES MOINES, IA - The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Iowa State Conference has become the 12th union to endorse Bruce Braley for US Senate. State Conference President Bill Hanes announced that the Delegates to the Conference voted unanimously in favor of this endorsement. The IBEW State Conference represents 8,500 electrical workers from manufacturing, utility, inside construction and outside line locals in the state of Iowa.
Braley announced in February that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.
Bill Hanes, President of the IBEW Iowa State Conference, said, "We're proud to endorse Bruce Braley for Senate. Bruce works hard for working families because he knows that by providing the ladder of opportunity to more Iowans, we can strengthen the middle class and strengthen America. Bruce has never forgotten where he came from, growing up in a middle class family in Brooklyn, Iowa, and working hard his whole life. He'll be even more effective in the Senate."
Braley said, "I'm honored to have the endorsement of the IBEW Iowa State Conference. I'm running for Senate to bring people together to rebuild the middle class, create economic opportunities, and make America stronger. I'm thrilled to have these hard working men and women standing with me."
Braley has received a wave of endorsements in recent weeks, highlighted by the endorsement of Sen. Tom Harkin on Saturday.  In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell announced their endorsement; in March, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald endorsed; on April 3rd, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley. Eleven other Iowa labor organizations have also endorsed Braley.
Last week, Braley reported he had raised $1.07 million for his Senate campaign and has over $1 million cash on hand as of March 30th. Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley for Iowa.
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DES MOINES, IA - Senator Tom Harkin has endorsed Rep. Bruce Braley in his 2014 campaign for U.S. Senate.  Harkin joined Braley to make the endorsement official at an event at the Hotel Fort Des Moines this afternoon.
Harkin said, "When I was campaigning for Bruce during his first run for Congress in 2006, I knew he was the real thing: a passionate progressive, a natural-born leader. He is someone from humble roots, who in the time he has been in Congress, has fought for working people and the struggling middle class.  Bruce Braley has already proved his skill at fighting for the people of Iowa.  That is why, today, I am proud to endorse him in his campaign for U.S. Senate."
Braley said, "It's an honor to be endorsed by my friend and mentor, Tom Harkin. For more than four decades, Senator Harkin has stood for integrity, principle, and a commitment to fight for those who can't speak for themselves. Tom has always said that America is strongest when we create opportunity, lift people up, and empower them to live the American dream. I'm running for the Senate to continue that fight because I care deeply about the future of Iowa."
In January, Harkin announced that he was retiring from the Senate when his current term ends. Two weeks later, Braley announced that he had formed a campaign committee to run for the open seat.
Tom Harkin, a native of Cumming, Iowa, born to a coal miner father and a Slovenian immigrant mother, grew up working hard. After graduating from Iowa State University, which he attended on a Navy ROTC scholarship, Harkin joined the Navy where he served as a jet pilot. Harkin was elected to the US House in 1974; in 1984, Harkin was elected to the Senate. For over 40 years, Harkin has worked tirelessly for Iowa, championing policies that strengthen the middle class, protect the rights of Americans with disabilities, and expand economic security and opportunity for everyone.
Braley has received a wave of endorsements in recent weeks, capped off by today's announcement. In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell announced their endorsement; in March, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald endorsed; on April 3rd, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley. Eleven Iowa labor organizations have also endorsed Braley.
On Monday, Braley reported he had raised $1.07 million for his Senate campaign and has over $1 million cash on hand as of March 30th. Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley for Iowa.
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DES MOINES, IA - The Transportation Division (UTU) of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers has endorsed Rep. Bruce Braley for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.
Jim Garrett, Iowa State Legislative Director of the United Transportation Union, said "Tom Harkin has been a tenacious fighter for the middle class for more than 30 years. There is no one better suited to continue his proud legacy than Bruce Braley. Bruce understands that the only way to get ahead is to move ahead. That's why he's championed policies that promote more opportunity and economic security for Americans of all backgrounds. Bruce is a proven supporter of working families and labor, and he'll be even more effective in the Senate. He has a 100 percent in our corner and we're proud to endorse him."
Braley said, "I'm honored to have the United Transportation Union's endorsement. I'm running for the U.S. Senate to stand up to strengthen middle class families and expand economic opportunity. I'm proud to have the hardworking members of the UTU join me in that effort."
The United Transportation Union is a broad-based, transportation labor union representing about 125,000 active and retired railroad, bus and mass transit workers in the United States and Canada. There are over 2,000 UTU members in the state of Iowa.
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(Rock Island) Proposition 2 and the expansion of the powers of the existing Rock Island Public Building Commission is still the best way to secure financing for updating existing county facilities.  It not only allows for savings through refinancing of existing obligations but also ensures that our facilities are maintained for years to come - protecting the next generation of county taxpayers.  Unfortunately, this expansion was voted down by the voters and we must respect the voice of the people.

First, I would like to thank all of the voters in this election.  This is what democracy is all about and I appreciate all of those who exercised that precious right.  Second, I am gratified by the service of those on the County Facilities Ad Hoc Committee that have so graciously and will continue to give volunteer their time for the betterment of Rock Island County.  I want to personally thank them and the many County taxpayers who helped in our effort to educate the public on the benefits of the Public Building Commission.

The need for a new courthouse remains. The cheapest form of financing is not available to the taxpayers but we still have to find a cost effective way to replace the current building. So the work continues but it is now moving into a new phase. The Ad Hoc Committee and County Board will attempt to find a way to bring about a space needs assessment and will assess the various options available.

The Ad Hoc Committee has always stated that its responsibility is efficiency, transparency and doing what is in the best interest of the taxpayer of Rock Island County.  The lack of passage of Proposition 2 will not change that ideal.  Even though there is no question any option available for providing for a new courthouse will cost more than if the county board could have been able to finance through the existing public building commission - the Ad Hoc Committee is committed to the next best solution.
IUOE is 10th union to stand behind Braley
DES MOINES, IA - The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234 has endorsed Bruce Braley for US Senate, marking the 10th labor organization to officially stand behind Braley.
Braley announced in February that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.
Scott Saylor, Business Manager for the Operating Engineers Local 234, said, "We're excited to announce our endorsement of Bruce Braley for Senate today.  Bruce is a fighter for Iowa's working families because he's worked his whole life.  He understands the challenges that working Iowans are going through every day because he's been there, and he works hard in Congress to get things done to rebuild the middle class.  He'll do even more for Iowa in the Senate."
Braley said, "Working summers on the Poweshiek County Roads Department during college, I learned a thing or two about the hard work of highway construction and what people like the Operating Engineers do every day.  That's why I'm proud to have their endorsement.  I'm running for Senate to strengthen the middle class and create economic opportunity, and I'm thrilled to have these hard working Iowans in my corner."
IUOE Local 234 represents heavy equipment operators - many involved in highway construction - as well as school, city, county, utilities, maintenance, building engineers, and manufacturing employees across the state of Iowa.  IUOE Local 234 has over 2,400 members in Iowa.
In recent weeks, momentum has continued to build behind Braley's Senate campaign.  On Monday, Braley announced that he has raised $1 million for his Senate campaign since Harkin announced his retirement.  On Wednesday, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley.  Last week, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald announced their endorsement.  In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell endorsed Braley for Senate.
And nine other labor organizations have endorsed Braley: the Iowa Teamsters, the State Association of Letter Carriers, the Iowa Postal Workers Union, the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 3 Iowa Union, UAW Region 4, SEIU Iowa - Local 199, AFSCME Iowa Council 61, the Iowa State Council of Machinists, and the Great Plains Laborers' District Council.
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(Cedar Rapids, IA) - Today, Teamsters Local Unions in Iowa unanimously endorsed Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) for United States Senate. With more than 10,000 members across Iowa, the Teamsters Union is committed to helping Braley in his bid for Senate.
Since his election to Congress in 2006, Braley has an established record of fighting to create good-paying jobs and putting the interests of middle class workers and their families first. He established the Populist Caucus in order to cut taxes for the middle class, level the playing field at the negotiating table, defend American competitiveness by fighting for fair trade principals and ensure all levels of education are available to anyone who desires it.
"Rep. Braley is someone who isn't afraid of hard work," said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa. "He has spent his life standing up for workers and their right to have safety on the job, a pension to retire and dignity and respect in the workplace. He is exactly the kind of person we need in the Senate."
"I have known Bruce for many years and he is a tireless fighter for our members and the working families of Iowa," said Gary Dunham, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local Union 238 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Bruce was born and raised in a small town in Iowa and I can think of no one better to serve in the Senate. I am so proud that our union has endorsed him today."
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information.

Press Contact:

Galen Monroe
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