Enthusiastically awaits vigorous issue-oriented debate.

(Rock Island, IL) - Republican Congressional Candidate Eric Reyes issued the following statement in reaction to Bobby Schilling's Campaign Announcement.

"After learning of Bobby Schilling's announcement today that he would be joining me in seeking the Republican nomination for Congress, I am looking forward to a vigorous issue-oriented debate.  As someone who's worked his entire life to climb from the lowest of income brackets into the working-middle class, I can tell you that each day it becomes more and more apparent that the so-called leadership of this district has us headed in the wrong direction.

Nobody understands this more than I do; whether it's as a member of the next generation that will be most negatively affected by current policies such as Obamacare and our struggling Social Security & Medicare programs, or as a member of the few who stand and fight every day against the encroachment on our liberties by an ever expanding authoritarian state, no one is more keenly aware of the need for bold new leadership than I.

For most of a year, our district has seen time and money wasted on empty rhetoric meant to convince us that "listening tours" equal leadership.  Well, they don't.  Leaders take action, and that's why throughout this campaign I have and will continue to propose specific legislative acts that I will introduce immediately upon taking office.  Each of these proposals are built upon the same foundation as my campaign:  Less government, less war, more tolerance, and more liberty."

Eric Reyes is a Constitutional lawyer and former Assistant State's Attorney from Rock Island, Illinois.  A first-generation American and lifelong resident of the area, Reyes graduated from Rock Island High School, Augustana College, and Northern Illinois University College of Law.

For more information on Eric Reyes & his campaign, please visit his website: www.EricReyes.us


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