We are asking participants to arrive between 9:30-10a.m. at 615 W Main Street in Galesburg. This is my apartment, and it is located about .8 miles from Knox College. It will be easiest to park and organize off site. Around 10:15 we will make our way to Knox College. Specific location will be determined on site, as no one yet knows which areas will be accessible.
The expectation should not be to see Obama, but to see the constituents who are going to see him and to gain media attention. Our goal is to make a statement about the presence of an alternative to the liberal agenda in this region. Obama is not campaigning for himself -- he does not have another election. He is garnering support for the democratic ticket, and this is our opportunity to stand up against that! Citizens must know that there is another way, one that doesn't infringe on our liberties!
The theme of our signs will be the NSA scandal. This is a unifying topic between many breeds of conservatives, republicans, libertarians, and so on. This is an opportunity for us to all come together to stand
against a heinous assault on our civil liberties. Some possible slogans are:
One nation under watch
Read the Constitution, not my emails
The answer to 1984 is 1776
NSA: The only government branch that actually listens
N: Now
S: Stalking
A: Americans
These are some ideas from Google, but we encourage creativity.
We sincerely hope for a great turn out! Coffee, iced tea, and snacks
will be available at my place before we head over, hope to see
everyone here on Wednesday morning!
An R.S.V.P. will make refreshment planning easier, but is not required
-- all are welcome, planned or last minute!
Please R.S.V.P. to ILP Intern Megan Kirik
by email: megankirik11@augustana.edu
by phone: 309.798.9700
Forward this message to all your conservative friends. This is the
type of event you'll never forget having participated in!
Kind regards,
Linda Gruenert
Regional Coordinator
Illinois Leadership Project