Will seek reelection to the Iowa House of Representatives

Campaign for governor will continue with certain restrictions

Prichard launches campaign for governor, begins “Every Iowan Tour”

Charles City, Iowa - State Rep. Todd Prichard will hold a series of events across Iowa Tuesday where he will discuss his potential campaign for Governor. 
Cedar Rapids - Building on his organization's strength, gubernatorial candidate Rep. Tyler Olson has hired Alex Youn as his Campaign Manager. Youn, who most recently served as the executive director for the Ohio House Democratic Caucus, will be tasked with overseeing and guiding Olson's growing campaign to unseat Governor Terry Branstad.
"I'm thrilled to have someone with Alex's talent and experience leading my team," said Rep. Tyler Olson. "It's time for a fresh approach to leadership in Iowa. I look forward to continuing to talk to voters throughout the state about my vision to begin Iowa's next thirty years."
Youn is making a return to the Hawkeye state, having previously worked for the John Edwards for President campaign during the 2008 Caucuses. Prior to his work with the Ohio House, Youn managed two congressional races, including Congressman Brad Ellsworth's successful 1st term reelect in Indiana's 8th Congressional district in 2008. Congressman Ellsworth was reelected with 65% of the vote in a district that John McCain carried with 52% of the vote.
"I'm extremely excited to be returning back to Iowa to help Tyler in his campaign for Governor," said Youn. "Tyler's unique mix of experience and energy makes him the ideal candidate to lead Iowa into the next 30 years."


Today, State Rep. and Gubernatorial Candidate Tyler Olson called on Governor Branstad to hold accountable his appointees to the Judicial Nominating Commission  for their inappropriate, intrusive and offensive questioning of candidates for the Iowa Court of Appeals.
"Governor Branstad needs to hold his appointees accountable for asking inappropriate questions that are not only offensive, but clearly violate the guidelines set for them," said Tyler Olson. "His failure to condemn these intrusive questions shows Iowans how he refuses to discipline - or even contradict - those in his administration who make mistakes or break the public trust. Why won't Governor Branstad take responsibility for the actions and voices of the right-wing appointees he's allowed to take over his administration?"
As reported by the AP, the Des Moines Register, Radio Iowa, and other outlets, two applicants for the Iowa Court of Appeals were asked inappropriate questions by members of Iowa Judicial Nominating Commission, one about her involvement in church and other as to whether she thought she was breaking 'covenant vows' made to her husband.
Des Moines Register, Court of Appeals candidates quizzed on marriage, religion, 8/29/13
The question about covenant vows was made from nominating commissioner Scott Bailey, a vice president of the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators from Otley, to Jeanie Vaudt, an assistant Iowa attorney general and a finalist to become an Iowa Court of Appeals judge.
The question about church involvement came from nominating commissioner Elizabeth Doll of Council Bluffs, who asked applicant Jennifer Miller to "comment on her methodology of choosing a place of worship."
AP, Iowa judicial nominee quizzed on her marriage, 8/28/13
"The commission was created to vet judicial nominees based on their merit and not political factors. The handbook for commissioners warns that questions about marital status, a spouse's employment and religion are inappropriate. One example of such a question from the book is: "What does your spouse think about your being a judge?"
Radio Iowa, Candidate for Iowa Court of Appeals asked about her marriage to ex-state auditor, 8/27/13
One of the nominees for an opening on the Iowa Court of Appeals was asked during a public interview with the Iowa Judicial Nominating Commission if she was upholding the religious vows of her marriage after she raised the issue of her husband's out-of-state job.
Promises a fresh vision for Iowa's future

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA - Tyler Olson, a sixth generation Iowan and small business owner from Cedar Rapids, has officially announced his campaign for governor, promising to provide a fresh vision for Iowa's future.

"Our state has tremendous opportunity ahead of it, but we need new leadership and a fresh perspective that understands the rapid pace of change in the world and economy to reach our full potential," said Olson. "I think Iowans are ready to begin the next thirty years instead of living at end of the last thirty. I have the experience and energy to lead us into Iowa's next chapter."  

Announcing his candidacy, Olson discussed the need for a governor who is capable of leveraging Iowa's unique economic diversity and pioneering spirit to spur economic growth, particularly among small businesses and startups. Olson said, "We need a leader that understands these dynamics. Understands the speed at which the world is changing. Leadership that understands where the world is headed, where the economy is headed, and can keep up with the rapid pace of change."

Olson and his wife, Sarah, live in Cedar Rapids with their two young children, Leo and Willa. Olson is Vice President of Paulson Electric, a local business started by his great-grandfather. He is currently serving his fourth term in the Iowa House, where he led fights for early childhood education, access to healthcare and a new perspective on job creation that focuses less on subsidizing large companies and more on growing small business and startups.

More information about Olson's campaign for governor is available online at www.TylerOlson.org.