Joined by Alderman Pat Dowell to Welcome Governor Patrick Home to Third Ward

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn today was joined by Chicago Alderman Pat Dowell to announce an honorary street named for Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, an Illinois native. The street - Wabash at the intersection of 53rd Street - is near where Governor Patrick grew up and has been unveiled as "Honorary Gov. Deval Patrick Ave."

"I am honored to welcome my friend, Governor Patrick, back home and to present him with this symbol of our gratitude for his dedication to public service," Governor Quinn said. "Governor Patrick's roots are right here in Illinois and we are proud of him and what he has accomplished. Honorary Governor Deval Patrick Avenue will stand as a reminder to the community of where life can take you and the importance of giving back."

"The efforts of Governor Quinn and Alderman Dowell to rename this portion of Wabash Avenue are extremely humbling," Governor Patrick said. "Hope is a tangible thing. This only matters if it can inspire the children along Wabash Avenue to imagine their own possibilities if they work hard and hope for the best."

Governor Patrick grew up in the Robert Taylor Homes on the south side of Chicago and attended Terrell Elementary School at 54th and State Streets. At the age of 14, Governor Patrick moved to Massachusetts to attend Milton Academy and was the first of his family to attend college at Harvard University. Governor Patrick is also a graduate of Harvard Law School.

"Governor Deval Patrick is a son of Bronzeville. The people of Bronzeville and the 3rd Ward of Chicago are proud of him and his accomplishments. His story inspires us all," Alderman Dowell said. "Governor Deval Patrick Avenue will serve as a daily reminder that your life can take you from Wabash Avenue and 53rd Street to the Governor's Mansion."

Governor Patrick's life has charted a path from the South Side of Chicago to the U.S. Justice Department, Fortune 500 boardrooms, and now the Massachusetts State House. In each of these capacities, Governor Patrick has been guided by the advice of his grandmother - hope for the best and work for it. Governor Patrick was first elected as Massachusetts governor in 2006 on a platform of hope and change, and is currently serving his second term.


DES MOINES, IA - The Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters have announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley for US Senate. The labor organization, a division of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, represents thousands of carpenters and their families across 47 Iowa counties.

Braley announced in February that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.

Kurt Brunner, Political Coordinator for the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters said, "The Carpenters are proud to endorse Bruce Braley because he's never forgotten where he's come from. Bruce grew up in Brooklyn, Iowa, and worked hard to put himself through college and law school, waiting tables and working construction. He's taken the Iowa values he learned and worked hard in Congress to build a ladder of opportunity for more families. He'll do even more in the US Senate."

Bruce Braley said, "It's an honor to have the Carpenters endorsement. Their members work hard every day to make a better life for their families. That's why I'm running for Senate: to strengthen the middle class, expand economic opportunity for everyone, and bring people together to get things done."

The Carpenters endorsement is the latest in a wave of endorsements for Braley, highlighted by the endorsement of Sen. Tom Harkin in April.

In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell announced their endorsement; in March, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald endorsed; on April 3rd, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley. Sixteen other Iowa labor organizations have also endorsed Braley.  The Planned Parenthood Action Fund has also endorsed Braley.

In April, Braley reported he had raised $1.07 million for his Senate campaign and had over $1 million cash on hand as of March 30th. Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley for Iowa.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa today made the following comment on the news that the President's nominee for United States Trade Representative is the third nominee in recent months to have offshore accounts or income.

"President Obama called the Ugland House 'the biggest tax scam in the world.'  Yet he nominated two top advisers in a row who invested in the Ugland House.  He also nominated a Commerce secretary with significant offshore income.  When he was first elected, the President said tax avoidance through international tax havens forced ordinary Americans to 'pick up the slack.'  He railed against fat cats who avoid taxes offshore.  President Obama's hypocrisy is piling up with his picks for top posts in his Administration.  If the latest nominations go through, he'll have two members of his Cabinet and one adviser with Cabinet-rank status who used the offshore practices he said forced ordinary Americans 'to pick up the slack.' "

Here's one source of the President's quote on picking up the slack:

If you'd told me a couple years ago that I would be here today announcing the start of this campaign, I would have thought you might be just a few sandwiches short of a picnic. But then, how often in life do we actually know what God has in store for us?

Two years before the shot heard round the world, do you think Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, or Benjamin Franklin would have believed that one day soon they'd find themselves cloistered in a hot room in Philadelphia debating whether to remain loyal to their oppressor or to give birth to the greatest experiment in government the world has ever seen? The only nation ever founded on an idea. That idea was freedom. That idea was liberty. You see, we are ALL born free, but our liberty is not guaranteed. Liberty must be fought for. It must be earned, and once it's held, it must be jealously guarded.

Our founding fathers had seen their countrymen purchase liberty with their very blood, and they were wise enough to enshrine it in the supreme law of our land, The Constitution. This document, this shining beacon of what government can aspire to be, acts not as a list of rights granted to the people, for all individual rights are natural; they are not granted by anyone on this earth. No... what the Constitution does, is act as a restraining order against the government. It is there to ensure that those who are elected remember that their power is limited and temporary, and comes only from the consent of the governed. This restraint was put in place because our founding fathers knew that liberty is inversely related to the size and scope of government. As President Reagan once said, "Man is not free, unless government is limited." I've always known this to be true, and I think many of us do, even if we don't give much thought to it. Over the past couple years I've seen more and more incursions on liberty made by those on the left. Now I'm not one to demonize groups of people based on their beliefs.

Oftentimes these folks are simply misguided. But I did notice one thing over the years.

As our President signed laws forcing religious institutions to pay for services that directly contradicted their faith and told Americans for the very first time that they were required to purchase something from a private entity or face the wrath of the State... As our President claimed the power to indefinitely detain American citizens without counsel or a right to a hearing and refused to admit that he did NOT have the power to unilaterally assassinate an American citizen on American soil who was not directly engaged in a terror attack... one thing became abundantly clear to me. There were very few people willing to stand up for freedom. Too few willing to push back against the ever rising tide of tyranny... But there were some. Some like Senator Rand Paul who refused to sit and be silent until the President admitted that he was NOT judge, jury, and executioner of Americans. Some like Senator Ted Cruz who asked a would be tyrant which of our other Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms she would like to do away with as long as she's getting rid of our second one. People like former Congressman Ron Paul who has been railing against the growth of the State for a generation, and who gave birth to a NEW GENERATION of revolutionaries for liberty that I'm proud to consider myself a part of. These individuals spoke up, and I noticed. I noticed that I agreed with just about every word they had to say. I also noticed when it came to defending individual freedom (and its other half, individual responsibility), it seemed almost as if those who called themselves conservatives had a monopoly on the subject! Take for example the following words President Reagan had to say on the matter:

"We who live in free market societies believe that growth, prosperity and ultimately human fulfillment, are created from the bottom up, not the government down. Only when the human spirit is allowed to invent and create, only when individuals are given a personal stake in deciding economic policies and benefitting from their success - only then can societies remain economically alive, dynamic, progressive, and free. Trust the people."

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

"The American dream is not that every man must be level with every other man. The American dream is that every man must be free to become whatever God intends he should become."

"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

"If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth."

Those champions of freedom that I've mentioned can't do it alone. Without people willing to stand with them and fight on the side of liberty all across the nation, their cause, OUR cause, will surely fail... Well I've fought for everything I have my entire life. I've fought for the freedom to do what I will with my life, and with that freedom comes responsibility. It is with that sense of responsibility that I find myself here today, announcing to you, that I am seeking the Republican nomination for Congress in the Illinois 17th District.

Now there is no greater guarantor of freedom, than economic prosperity, and folks, I don't need to tell you, that we've got our work cut out for us. Illinois just posted the largest increase of all 50 states in the number of people receiving food stamps. We have to ask ourselves, how do we turn things around? Are we going to continue down this path of simply throwing money at the problem? My money. Your money? Or is it time to finally accept the reality that giving people things doesn't satisfy a need, it only delays it for a while until it comes back worse than before. There are some, our current President and congresswoman included, that believe that more and more government is the answer. Who have forgotten that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." But those forgetful individuals are simply mistaken.

Government is NOT the answer. You don't do anyone any favors by creating dependency and destroying individual responsibility. The fact is, economic freedom, and the prosperity it generates, reduces poverty like nothing else.

If we want to see jobs created here at home, we don't need more silly laws with pretty names like the "Government Waste Reduction Act", which wastes taxpayer money creating a new bureaucracy with the supposed goal of reducing bureaucracy and waste, or "Bring Jobs Home Act" that promise to punish companies for making decisions that benefit their investors but in reality would have the doubly bad effect of costing taxpayers untold sums of money as a result of these same companies being able to easily game the system.

Every "tax loophole" that is abhorred by the general public began as a "good intention" by some misguided politician who believed that MORE government, MORE regulation, and MORE complication of the tax code was a good thing. What we need is just the opposite.

If we want to see money invested here, jobs created here by multinational corporations, we need to make it financially sound for them to do so. That's all that matters to them.

Their bottom line. That's neither right nor wrong, it's simply the reason for their existence. Knowing that, why do we still have the highest corporate tax rate in the entire developed world??? Why don't we have the lowest? If we know that competition is won by being the best, then why aren't we being the best for business? One of the first bills I will author in Congress is a bill that slashes our corporate tax rate low enough to make us competitive again.

If we want to allow the middle class to grow and strengthen, then why do we keep politicians in office who believe that more government and more regulation is the answer. Why do we tax small business owners at such exorbitant rates? Why don't we make their burden lighter so they have more money to invest in their business and hire more folks, or to spend in their communities? Taxing businesses to their breaking point doesn't create more revenue for social welfare programs, all it does is create more people who need them.

While we're talking about why should we keep politicians in office with BAD ideas, I want to ask why we should keep politicians in office with NO ideas. Right now we have a representative in congress that apparently believes listening tours equal leadership.

Well, they don't. Leaders take a stand, and that is something we have yet to see in the first half a year she's been in office. Of course, this should come as no surprise as we didn't see her taking any stands during her election campaign either. My opponent has said time and time again that she will fight for medicare and social security, but she has never told us HOW. I have a plan. It's been publicly posted on my website since last year. Where is HER plan? She ran for office repeatedly claiming that jobs were her number one priority (well, actually her "number one priority" shifted quite a bit depending on who her audience was, but, regarless...) I HAVE to ask. Where are the jobs, Ms. Bustos? I see the furloughs at The Arsenal, and I see layoffs throughout the district. I see more and more people needing public aid but I don't see her taking a stand or offering a solution on anything. There are any number of issues on which she has not only refused to take a stand, but also refused to even state her opinion. One example is the issues of gun rights. She won't tell us where she stands on that. My stance is clear.

You can find it on my website. You know where else you can find it? In The Constitution. Right alongside my stances on freedom of religion and equal treatment of all Americans.

Folks, our district deserves REAL leadership. We deserve someone who is willing to take a stand. Not too long ago millions of people across the nation declared that they were prepared to Stand With Rand for the cause of liberty. Well I'm asking you today, WILL YOU STAND WITH ME???

If you WILL stand with me then we will overcome the odds, door by door, neighbor by neighbor, brick by brick, and history will tell of when we, the good people of the 17th District, chose to stop the encroachment on our liberty and took our country back!

Thank you all for coming. May God bless you, and may God continue bless The United States of America

Eric Reyes
2014 Republican Candidate for Congress
IL 17th District
750 30th Street
Rock Island, IL 61201

Branstad hails landmark session achievements:

Significant property tax relief, transformational education reform, meaningful health modernization that focuses on quality outcomes for low-income patients 

(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry E. Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds today commended the Iowa Legislature for working with them to enact significant property tax reform, transformational education reform and a modernizing of the Medicaid system that focuses on making patients healthier while protecting Iowa's taxpayers.

The governor noted that the priorities outlined in his Condition of the State address last January have been fulfilled.

"We have demonstrated today that Des Moines is not Washington, D.C.," said Branstad. "We worked together the Iowa way. Both parties in both chambers came together to pass the most significant legislative achievements we have seen in a generation. This was our opportunity. This was our year. These results will benefit generations to come, ensuring higher student achievement, job creation and healthier Iowans."

"These achievements are the product of visiting every county, every year and listening to Iowans," said Reynolds. "We are pleased that legislators were willing to put in the time and energy to pass significant legislation this year. This demonstrates that as elected officials, we work for Iowans, not the other way around."

In his January 15, 2013, Condition of the State address, Gov. Branstad stated the following:

"This is the chapter in our history that you and I, each and every one of us in this chamber, have the opportunity to write. So let's write it well and write it together. This is our opportunity. This is our Iowa." 

A look at the landmark achievements from the

2013 legislative session:


What was said in the governor's January 15, 2013, Condition of the State address:

"The principles guiding our property tax plan are simple: Permanent property tax relief. No shift of the tax burden between classes of property. And property tax reduction for all classes of property."

"No longer will the school aid formula trigger automatic increases in local property taxes."

"If left unchecked, current law will allow property taxes to grow by over two billion dollars in the next eight years and half of the increase will fall directly on Iowa homeowners. I find that prospect terrifying and ask you to work with me to ensure property taxpayers are protected from this unprecedented property tax increase."

"The businesses pay the taxes yes, but it is our middle class families who truly feel the pain.

And it is those same middle class families who will reap the benefits of a competitive property tax structure that makes it easier for us to recruit, retain, and grow those companies that create the new jobs our families need. Our plan to reform and reduce property taxes is an investment in Iowa families and small businesses, but not at the expense of Iowa's local governments."

What was accomplished in the 2013 legislative session:

  • The largest tax cut in Iowa history
  • This reduction will stimulate job creation
  • Permanent property tax relief
  • No shift of the tax burden to other classes of property
  • Property tax reduction for all classes of property: agricultural, residential, commercial and industrial
  • Fully funds the Homestead Tax Credit and the Elderly and Disabled Tax Credit in fiscal year 2014 with an additional appropriation of $33 million
  • Changes the school finance formula so that "allowable growth" is replaced by 100% state aid
    • The first full year of implementation of the Iowa Health and Wellness Plan will result in $48 million in property tax savings
    • Approximately $90 million in annual income tax savings to Iowa taxpayers


What was said in the governor's January 15, 2013, Condition of the State address:

"Unfortunately, our teachers are stuck in a system designed for the 20th century. We must work together to transform Iowa's schools for the 21st century. Let's establish new roles for top teachers who will provide instructional leadership alongside principals to better meet the needs of every student. That is why elevating the teaching profession is at the heart of our 2013 education plan."

"I believe we should resolve the issue of what we are collectively willing to invest in achievement-driven reform before we spend one minute discussing additional resources to support our existing educational system."

"I propose boosting beginning minimum teacher pay."

"Our children deserve our best efforts because this is our opportunity. This is our Iowa."

What was accomplished in the 2013 legislative session:

  • The governor's goal of transformational, systemic education reform
  • Making the teaching profession more attractive with leadership roles and higher pay
  • Creates a new process that calls for reliable student assessments that move us toward better teacher evaluations with student achievement growth as one component
  • Historic school choice legislation that offers independent accreditation for private schools and strengthens home-school freedoms
  • Changes the school finance formula so that "allowable growth" is replaced by 100% state aid


What was said in the governor's January 15, 2013, Condition of the State address:

"First, my budget proposes two million dollars to support medical residency programs in Iowa."

"My second proposal provides two million dollars to launch the Rural Physician Loan Repayment Program and expand it to include OB-GYN and emergency medicine doctors as well as primary care physicians."

What was accomplished in the 2013 legislative session: 

  • $2 million for medical residency programs in Iowa
  • $2 million to launch the Rural Physician Loan Repayment Program, including OB-GYN and emergency medicine doctors as well as primary care physicians


  • Iowa is the national leader for patient outcomes for our Medicaid population
  • Iowa is now a national model for providing health care for low income individuals
  • The way the legislation is structured will qualify Iowa for federal financing
  • Back-up financing is in place to protect Iowa taxpayers should the federal government fail to live up to its funding promises
  • The first full year of implementation will result in $48 million in property tax savings
  • Iowa is the first state in the nation that will have Medicaid patients paying premiums


Website highlights Braley's record of getting things done for Iowa

DES MOINES, IA - Braley for Iowa today launched a new website,, to highlight Rep. Bruce Braley's unparalleled record of getting things done for Iowa.

The website includes details on Braley's many accomplishments for the people he represents. Going forward, the site will be updated frequently as Braley continues to effectively fight for Iowa.

Jeff Link, adviser to Braley for Iowa, said, "Governor Terry Branstad put it best: we need an Iowa problem solver to replace Tom Harkin in the US Senate.

"There is no more accomplished Iowa problem solver than Bruce Braley. For six years, Bruce has been getting things done for Iowa every day. From creating a program to train Iowa workers for jobs in renewable energy to fixing government regulations that put Marshalltown manufacturing at risk, Bruce doesn't stop working for Iowa. And he'll be even more effective in the Senate.

"We're launching to highlight Bruce's tremendous record of accomplishment for the people he represents."

The website can be viewed at Braley for Iowa will be tweeting accomplishments all week using the hashtag #iaproblemsolver.

During a press conference on April 29, Governor Terry Branstad was discussing his thoughts on an appealing candidate for US Senate when he said, "I think we need an Iowa problem solver... in the United States Senate."

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DES MOINES, IA - The United Steelworkers District 11 have announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley for US Senate. USW District 11 covers Iowa and 10 other states in the Midwest, and represent over 6,000 workers in Iowa.

Braley announced in February that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.

Randy Boulton, USW Sub-Director for District 11, said, "The United Steelworkers are proud to stand with Bruce Braley in his campaign for US Senate.  Bruce understands the value of hard work because he's been working his whole life, working his way through high school, college, and law school. That's why he works so hard for middle class families in Congress, and why he'll be even more effective in the Senate."

Bruce Braley said, "It's an honor to have the United Steelworkers endorsement. Their members work hard every day to make a better life for their families. That's why I'm running for Senate: to strengthen the middle class, expand economic opportunity for everyone, and bring people together to get things done. The Steelworkers endorsement is a big boost as we keep working to build our campaign from the grassroots up."

The Steelworkers endorsement is the latest in a wave of endorsements for Braley, highlighted by the endorsement of Sen. Tom Harkin last month.

In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell announced their endorsement; in March, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald endorsed; on April 3rd, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley. Thirteen other Iowa labor organizations have also endorsed Braley.  The Planned Parenthood Action Fund endorsed Braley yesterday.

In April, Braley reported he had raised $1.07 million for his Senate campaign and has over $1 million cash on hand as of March 30th. Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley for Iowa.

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Secretary of State Develops New Program; Dixon Special Election Will Be First To Use Iowa Express Voter;Program Allows for Scanning Iowa Driver's License or Voter Registration Card.DAVENPORT - Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz announced today that voters in Tuesday's City of Dixon special election will have the option to scan their state issued IDs to help check in at the polling place. This is part of Iowa Express Voter, a new electronic poll book program developed by the Iowa Secretary of State. Precinct election officials presiding over the upcoming City of Dixon Special Election will be the first in Iowa to use this new program. "We are pleased that Scott County will be the first to use Iowa Voter Express in a live election environment," Moritz said. "My staff and staff from Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz's office have worked together to fine tune this new program. It has been a good example of intergovernmental cooperation, and will result in a good product that is easy to use," Moritz said.Iowa Express Voter includes an option for scanning a voter's state issued identity card, either a driver's license or non-driver's identity card issued by the Iowa DOT or a voter registration card issued by the Auditor's Office. The scanner will read information on the ID card and then put that information into the electronic poll book rather than having election officials hand enter the information. Scanning IDs is only an option and not required to process voters."We are very excited to try out the new scanning function," Moritz said. "We always have a trade-off between election security and voter convenience, and scanners should help to increase the speed of processing individual voters," Moritz said. "But our election officials are ready to hand enter the voter information too," she said.The program was designed to be user friendly for election officials, which increases the speed and accuracy of processing individual voters, making the voting process more convenient. "The reviews from precinct officials who recently trained on the new system have been very positive," Moritz added.ROXANNA MORITZAUDITOR & COMMISSIONER OF ELECTIONS600 W. 4TH StreetDavenport, Iowa 52801Ph: (563) 326-8631 Fax: (563) 326-8601Cell: (563) 370-3915www.scottcountyiowa.comThree Scott County precinct officials recently trained on Iowa Express Voter and all three gave it a positive review."The new system is easy to use and very user friendly," said Mike Salter, one of three precinct officials who recently trained on the new program. "I really like the new ID scanner function which will greatly speed up voter processing," Salter added.Jeanita McNulty also thought highly of Iowa Express Voter. "This program is more streamlined and intuitive. The poll workers I serve with will love it," she said."I could get a little frustrated with our old program," said election official Bev Strayhall. "This program lets me fix mistakes more easily so we should be able to continue to process voters.I think it will be a real plus for voters and poll workers."Another plus for Scott County taxpayers is the cost of the new program. "Secretary Schultz will make the program available to counties for free," Moritz said.For more information contact the Scott County Auditor's Office at 563-326-8631

DES MOINES, IA - The Planned Parenthood Action Fund has endorsed Bruce Braley for US Senate in 2014, the Braley for Iowa campaign announced today. Braley announced in February that he would seek the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.

Braley said, "I'm proud to have the endorsement of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.  For decades, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund has stood up for women's health and reproductive rights.  I'm committed to protecting women's rights to privacy and ensuring that the federal government stays out of decisions that are best left to a woman and her doctor.  In the Senate, I'll keep working to ensure that women have more access to reproductive health services, not less."

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit membership organization focused on promoting and defending women's health.  The Action Fund engages in education and electoral activity, including voter education, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy.

Braley has received an outpouring of endorsements in recent weeks, highlighted by the endorsement of Sen. Tom Harkin last month.  In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell announced their endorsement; in March, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald endorsed; on April 3rd, 71 Iowa legislators announced their endorsement of Braley. Thirteen Iowa labor organizations have also endorsed Braley.

In April, Braley reported he had raised $1.07 million for his Senate campaign and has over $1 million cash on hand as of March 30th. Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley for Iowa.

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Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after the House passed the Reducing Flight Delays Act of 2013.  This bill would give the U.S. Department of Transportation flexibility to transfer $253 million within its accounts to fully fund air traffic controllers, which would effectively end the furloughs of the controllers.  Identical legislation has cleared the Senate.

"I am pleased Congress made this commonsense decision to give the Federal Aviation Administration and air traffic controllers the flexibility they need to keep our skies safe and reduce flight delays.   However, we should never have gotten to this point. This bill does nothing to stop the hard-working men and women at Rock Island Arsenal from being furloughed or Iowa children from being kicked out of Head Start.

"Sequestration is the wrong way to deal with our nation's fiscal challenges, which is why I voted against it in the first place.  I have repeatedly called on Congress to come back to the table and replace sequestration in a responsible, balanced fashion that would actually allow us to address our economic needs while more substantially reducing the deficit over the long-term. A piecemeal process like we have seen today is not a solution."

The reduction in funding for air traffic controllers was a result of across the board cuts caused by sequestration.  Loebsack has been opposed to these drastic cuts since they were created by the Budget Control Act, which he voted against.

