You're Invited

Please Join Special Guest

Senator Sherrod Brown

for a fundraising reception in support of

Braley for U.S. Senate

Monday, October 6th
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

The Home of Sylvia and Bill Roba
1137 Kirkwood Blvd.
Davenport, IA

HOST $1000
Suggested Contribution $25/person

If you would prefer to RSVP offline, contact Jessica Cullen at or

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) will be in Davenport Monday to tour Great River Brewery and discuss Iowa's growing craft beer industry, and its positive impact on Iowa jobs and growing the state's economy.

Braley will be joined by co-owners Paul Krutzfeldt and Scott Lehhnert as well as representatives from 7G Distributing, Great River Brewer's distributor in Iowa.

Braley will be at Great River Brewery, 332 E. 2nd St., Davenport, at 2:00 p.m.

Great River Brewery started in October 2004 as a brewpub in Iowa City. In December of 2008 its entire brewing operation was moved to a new facility in Davenport. In February 2009, the first batch of beer was brewed in the new location in downtown Davenport.

Great River Brewery Tour

Monday, June 2, 2014

2:00 p.m.

332 E. 2nd St.

Davenport, Iowa

The event will be open to credentialed members of the press.

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Please Join
Mary Ellen Chamberlin | Ken Croken | Dennis Dedecker | Rick and Nancy Seidler
Kriss Wells and Martha Easter-Wells | and Pat Walton

For a Fundraising Reception Supporting

Congressman Bruce Braley
Candidate for U.S. Senate

Friday, March 21st
5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

At the
Hotel Blackhawk
In the Davenport Club Room
200 E 3rd St.
Davenport, Iowa

Host $1,000
Sponsor $500
Patron $250
Supporter $125

Suggested Contribution


To RSVP contact Jessica Cullen
at or (319) 321-3275

Hosts "Meet and Greet" event to discuss keeping college within reach with U of I students

IOWA CITY, IA -- Rep. Bruce Braley traveled to Iowa City and the University of Iowa today to talk with college students about the rising cost of higher education and his efforts to keep college within reach for more Iowa students and their families.
Braley is running for the Senate seat held by Sen. Tom Harkin, who announced in January he was retiring at the end of his current term.
Braley said, "A college education opens doors of economic opportunity in a world increasingly defined by global competition. That's why the dream of a college education needs to stay within reach for anyone who wants to pursue it. But in the past decade, median household income has actually gone down while the cost of college tuition has gone up -- by nearly 83 percent. Today, Iowa college students graduate with some of the highest debt loads in the country.
"We need to do more to ensure the next generation can afford the opportunities created by pursuing higher education. That's why I've worked hard to keep student loan interest rates low and renew tax breaks for families and students paying college tuition. And I'll work to do even more in the Senate."
Braley has worked relentlessly to keep college within reach for more Iowa students and families.
  • In 2012 and again this year, he helped lead the successful push to keep federally subsidized students loans from doubling to 6.8 percent.
  • In 2012, Braley helped to renew the popular, $2,500 American Opportunity Tax Credit, which offsets the cost of tuition, books, and fees.
  • And just this week, Braley announced an effort to renew a $4,000 federal income tax deduction for college tuition and fees.
Bruce Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. His father, a Marine, fought on Iwo Jima in World War II; his mother was a teacher. Braley worked his way through college and law school building roads and bridges with the Poweshiek County Roads Department, waiting tables, and tending bar. He worked as an attorney for 23 years before being elected to Congress. Braley has become known for his work on behalf of veterans, his advocacy for the middle class, and his bipartisan effectiveness. Braley lives in Waterloo with his wife, Carolyn. They have three children: Lisa, David, and Paul.

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Hosting "Meet and Greet" event with University of Iowa students this afternoon
DES MOINES, IA - Today, Tuesday, September 3, Braley will travel to the University of Iowa in Iowa City to host a "Meet and Greet" with University of Iowa students and discuss college affordability. This event is open to credentialed media.
TOMORROW, Tuesday, September 3, 2013

College Affordability "Meet and Greet"
Iowa Memorial Union
Illinois Room (Room 348)
Iowa City, Iowa
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Braley will talk college affordability at "Meet and Greet" event with students on Tuesday
DES MOINES, IA - On Monday, September 2, Labor Day, Rep. Bruce Braley will travel to Des Moines to Grand Marshall the Des Moines Labor Day Parade.

On Tuesday, September 3, Braley will travel to the University of Iowa in Iowa City to host a "Meet and Greet" with University of Iowa students and discuss college affordability. This event is open to credentialed media.
Monday, September 2, 2013

(Parade Begins)
Grand Marshall Des Moines Labor Day Parade
Parade starts at Iowa State Capitol going east on Grand Ave. to the Iowa State Fairgrounds
Des Moines, Iowa
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

College Affordability "Meet and Greet"
Iowa Memorial Union
Illinois Room (Room 348)
Iowa City, Iowa
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DES MOINES, IA - Rep. Bruce Braley announced today that Iowa native Sarah Benzing will return to Iowa to serve as the campaign manager for his 2014 Senate campaign.
Benzing, who managed Braley's first campaign for Congress in 2006 and served as his first chief of staff from 2007 until 2009, worked as US Senator Sherrod Brown's (D-OH) campaign manager in 2012. More recently, she managed Sen. Ed Markey's successful June 2013 special election campaign for US Senate in Massachusetts.
Braley said, "Sarah Benzing is the best campaign manager in the country, period. I'm so proud to have her return to lead my campaign team. There's no other campaign manager in the country with her deep Iowa roots and knowledge. She's proven her ability to build a strong grassroots organization, and there's no one better prepared to help me introduce myself to more Iowans and discuss my efforts to be an Iowa problem solver."
Benzing said, "I couldn't be more excited to come home to Iowa and manage Bruce's campaign for Senate. I'm looking forward to getting to work to make an already strong grassroots organization even stronger, and to help share with more Iowans Bruce's message of bipartisan problem solving to create jobs, expand the middle class, and make America strong."
Sarah Benzing, a native of Neola, Iowa, has been involved in Iowa Democratic politics since she was 5 years old, when she volunteered on Tom Harkin's 1982 US House re-election campaign. Benzing is a graduate of Tri-Center High School in Pottawattamie County, where she served as president of her local 4-H club, and the University of Northern Iowa.
Her professional experience in Iowa includes working as a Field Organizer for Vice President Al Gore's presidential campaign in 2000, Canvass Director for the 2002 Iowa Coordinated Campaign, Campaign Manager for Braley's successful first bid for Congress in 2006, and serving as Braley's Congressional Chief of Staff from 2007 until 2009.
After leaving Braley's office, Benzing managed the successful re-election campaigns of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) in 2010 and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) in 2012. Benzing managed the successful special election campaign of Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) earlier this year.
Benzing will start with Braley for Iowa effective September 3.
Bruce Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. His father, a Marine, fought on Iwo Jima in World War II; his mother was a teacher. Braley worked his way through college and law school building roads and bridges with the Poweshiek County Roads Department, waiting tables, and tending bar. He worked as an attorney for 23 years before being elected to Congress. Braley has become known for his work on behalf of veterans, his advocacy for the middle class, and his bipartisan effectiveness. Braley lives in Waterloo with his wife, Carolyn. They have three children: Lisa, David, and Paul.
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Farmers stand behind Braley for support of Iowa agriculture, Farm Bill DES MOINES, IA - Braley for Iowa announced today that more than 250 Iowa farmers and agriculture producers have signed on as founding members of "Farmers for Braley", a group of public supporters of Rep. Bruce Braley's 2014 US Senate campaign. In addition to endorsing Braley, Farmers for Braley will also serve as key elements of Braley's grassroots organization, communicating with Iowans about Braley's efforts to promote and expand Iowa agriculture.
"I'm proud to have the support of so many Iowa farmers and agriculture producers," Braley said. "I grew up surrounded by Iowa agriculture: detassling corn, walking beans, and working at a grain elevator. I know firsthand how important farms and agriculture are to Iowa's economy and culture. That's why I've worked so hard in Congress to promote Iowa agriculture and protect Iowa's farming future. I think I can be even more effective serving in the US Senate."
"Bruce Braley fights for the Iowa farmer," said Robert Bell, a member of Farmers for Braley from Warren County. "His nonstop work to bring people together in Congress to pass a long-term extension of a Farm Bill into law demonstrates how committed he is to the future of Iowa agriculture. Bruce knows how important agriculture is to Iowa's economy and works nonstop to promote it."
"When it comes to Iowa agriculture, Bruce gets it," said Mary Krier, a Farmer for Braley from Keokuk County. "Bruce is working to protect family farms and help young people interested in farming get off the ground. Iowa need a voice like his in the US Senate to keep working for Iowa farmers and Iowa agriculture."
When Braley was growing up in Brooklyn, Iowa, his father worked at a grain elevator, and Braley spent summers on farms detassling corn, walking soybeans, bailing hay, and working at a grain elevator. As an attorney in Waterloo, Braley worked on behalf of farmers.
In Congress, Braley has worked for years to pass a long-term extension of the Farm Bill. Last month, for example, Braley called on Congress to cancel its annual August recess until it sent a comprehensive, five-year extension of the Farm Bill to the President's desk.
A full list of the founding Farmers for Braley can be downloaded at the following link:
Bruce Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. His father, a Marine, fought on Iwo Jima in World War II; his mother was a teacher. Braley worked his way through college and law school building roads and bridges with the Poweshiek County Roads Department, waiting tables, and tending bar. He worked as an attorney for 23 years before being elected to Congress. Braley has become known for his work on behalf of veterans, his advocacy for the middle class, and his bipartisan effectiveness. Braley lives in Waterloo with his wife, Carolyn. They have three children: Lisa, David, and Paul.
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DES MOINES, IA -  Iowa native Michael Pratt has joined Braley for Iowa as a deputy campaign manager. Pratt, a native Iowan, most recently served as finance director for Ed Markey's successful Senate campaign.

"I'm proud to welcome Michael Pratt to our team. His years of experience and dedication to progressive candidates and causes will build on our momentum in this race," said Braley. "With the addition of Michael to our experienced campaign team, we will continue to build a grassroots organization across the state and present my vision for a stronger middle class and new economic opportunities in every corner of the state."

Pratt is a native of Des Moines, Iowa and alumni of Dowling High School and the University of Iowa School of Law. He began his career as a researcher and legislative aide to Senator Tom Harkin and joined the finance team for Harkin's successful 2002 re-election campaign.

Among the top Democratic fundraisers in the nation, he served as finance director for Elizabeth Warren's successful U.S. Senate campaign, raising a record $42 million. Following the success of the Warren campaign, he took on the same role for Ed Markey's successful U.S. Senate bid.

Bruce Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. His father, a Marine, fought on Iwo Jima in World War II; his mother was a teacher. Braley worked his way through college and law school building roads and bridges with the Poweshiek County Roads Department, waiting tables, and tending bar. He worked as an attorney for 23 years before being elected to Congress. Braley has become known for his work on behalf of veterans, his advocacy for the middle class, and his bipartisan effectiveness. Braley lives in Waterloo with his wife, Carolyn. They have three children: Lisa, David, and Paul.
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DES MOINES, IA - The Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union Local 110 has announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley in his 2014 campaign for US Senate. The union represents over 640 members in Iowa, including workers at the Quaker Oats facility in Cedar Rapids and Cole's Quality Foods in North Liberty.

Al Hartl, President of Local 110, said, "Bruce Braley is one of the strongest voices there are for strengthening middle class families, and that's because of where he came from. Bruce was born in Iowa, grew up working hard, and hasn't forgotten where he's come from. That's why he works so hard for Iowa and is such an effective Iowa problem solver. We're proud to endorse Bruce Braley because he'll be an even stronger voice for Iowans in the Senate."

Bruce Braley said, "I'm honored to have the endorsement of Local 110. We're building a campaign from the grassroots up, and their support will be instrumental in helping to spread our message of strengthening the middle class, creating economic opportunities, and solving problems for Iowans."

In the 25 weeks since announcing his candidacy for Senate in February, Braley has united Iowans around his message of bipartisan problem solving.

Braley has received the endorsements of Sen. Tom Harkin, former Gov. Chet Culver, Rep. Dave Loebsack, former Rep. Leonard Boswell, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, Iowa Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald, 71 Democratic Iowa legislators, and 18 Iowa labor organizations. Earlier this month, Braley reported he had raised $2.3 million so far for his Senate campaign and has over $2 million cash on hand as of June 30th. More than 2,800 Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley's campaign.

Bruce Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. His father, a Marine, fought on Iwo Jima in World War II; his mother was a teacher. Braley worked his way through college and law school building roads and bridges with the Poweshiek County Roads Department, waiting tables, and tending bar. He worked as an attorney for 23 years before being elected to Congress. Braley has become known for his work on behalf of veterans, his advocacy for the middle class, and his bipartisan effectiveness. Braley lives in Waterloo with his wife, Carolyn. They have three children: Lisa, David, and Paul.
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