New Law Requires Unpaid Furlough Days, Prohibits Cost of Living Adjustments

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn today signed a new law that limits compensation for many of Illinois' elected officials. This action is part of Governor Quinn's agenda to rein in the cost of government in Illinois, ensure accountability and return Illinois to sound financial footing.

"I will continue to take every step necessary to restore fiscal stability to our state," Governor Quinn said. "The civic duty of an elected official requires a commitment to the greater good of the people of Illinois. I commend the legislators who voted for this bill and I encourage them to work just as hard to get the job done on public pension reform, the most important fiscal challenge of our time."

House Bill 1441, sponsored by State Rep. Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg) and Senate President John J. Cullerton (D-Chicago), requires every member of the Illinois General Assembly to take one unpaid furlough day per month during Fiscal Year 2014, which starts July 1. It also prohibits any cost of living increases in FY 2014 for General Assembly members, state constitutional officers, state's attorneys, and certain appointed state offices and board and commission members. In addition, the legislation sets lodging, meal and mileage reimbursement rates for all General Assembly session days at the same rate that has been in effect for the last three years.

The new law takes effect July 1.


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