DES MOINES, IA - 71 Democratic members of the Iowa legislature have announced their formal endorsement of Bruce Braley for Senate.  45 Iowa House Democrats are endorsing Braley today, as are all 26 Iowa Senate Democrats, including Iowa Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal and President Pam Jochum.
Braley announced in February that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.
Sen. Michael Gronstal (D-Pottawattamie) said, "I'm proud to endorse Bruce Braley today.  Iowans are fortunate to have Bruce in their corner fighting for them in Congress, and he'll do even more in the Senate.  From passing polices that strengthen the middle class to helping small businesses, Bruce works so hard to get things done for Iowa because he's never forgotten where he's come from."
Rep. Kirsten Running-Marquardt (D-Linn) said, "Today is a great day for Iowa. I proudly stand with many of my colleagues and endorse Bruce Braley. Bruce has a proven track record of fighting for the middle class, standing up for veterans and working to make college affordable. He is one of us and Iowa needs him in the US Senate."
Braley said, "I'm honored by this outpouring of support.  I've launched this campaign because Iowans deserve a Senator who will work hard every day to rebuild the middle class, create economic opportunity, and use taxpayer money more wisely.  The endorsements of 71 Iowa legislators today is a big boost to our campaign and I'll rely on all of them to help build our growing grassroots organization in the months ahead."
In recent weeks, momentum has continued to build behind Braley's Senate campaign.  On Monday, Braley announced that he has raised $1 million for his Senate campaign since Harkin announced his retirement.  In February, Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-02) and former Rep. Leonard Boswell endorsed Braley for Senate.  Last week, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald announced their endorsement.  And eight labor organizations have endorsed Braley: State Association of Letter Carriers, the Iowa Postal Workers Union, the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 3 Iowa Union, UAW Region 4, SEIU Iowa - Local 199, AFSCME Iowa Council 61, the Iowa State Council of Machinists, and the Great Plains Laborers' District Council.
A full list of the legislators announcing their endorsement today can be found below:

Name County Name County
Deb Berry Black Hawk
Jeff Danielson Black Hawk
Anesa Kajtazovic Black Hawk
Bill Dotzler Black Hawk
Bob Kressig Black Hawk
Amanda Ragan Cerro Gordo
Sharon Steckman Cerro Gordo
Rita Hart Clinton
Patti Ruff Clayton
Tom Courtney Des Moines
Roger Thomas Clayton
Pam Jochum Dubuque
Mary Wolfe Clinton
Brian Schoenjahn Fayette
Daniel Muhlbauer Crawford
Rich Taylor Henry
Dennis Cohoon Des Moines
Mary Jo Wilhelm Howard
Nancy Dunkel Dubuque
Tod Bowman Jackson
Charles Isenhart Dubuque
Dennis Black Jasper
Bruce Bearinger Fayette
Joe Bolkcom Johnson
Todd Prichard Floyd
Bob Dvorsky Johnson
Daniel Kelley Jasper
Robert Hogg Linn
Curtis Hanson Jefferson
Wally Horn Linn
Dave Jacoby Johnson
Liz Mathis Linn
Vicki Lensing Johnson
Steve Sodders Marshall
Mary Mascher Johnson
Chris Brase Muscatine
Sally Stutsman Johnson
Dick Dearden Polk
Jerry Kearns Lee
Jack Hatch Polk
Art Staed Linn
Matt McCoy Polk
Daniel Lundby Linn
Janet Peterson Polk
Tyler Olson Linn
Michael Gronstal Pottawattamie
Kirsten Running-Marquardt
Joe Seng Scott
Todd Taylor Linn
Herman Quirmbach Story
Mark Smith Marshall
Daryl Beall Webster
Ako Abdul-Samad Polk
Marti Anderson Polk
Bruce Hunter Polk
John Forbes Polk
Ruth Ann Gaines Polk
Jo Oldson Polk
Rick Olson Polk
Joe Riding Polk
Jim Lykam Scott
Phyllis Thede Scott
Cindy Winckler Scott
Frank Wood Scott
Lisa Heddens Story
Beth Wessel-Kroeschell Story
Mary Gaskill Wapello
Scott Ourth Warren
Helen Miller Webster
Dave Dawson Woodbury
Chris Hall Woodbury
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Hosting series of "meet and greet" events in small towns from Fort Dodge to Osceola

DES MOINES, IA - Rep. Bruce Braley will make his first tour of western Iowa counties since announcing in February he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.  

On Wednesday and Thursday, Braley will host a series of informal "meet and greet" events in small towns from Fort Dodge to Osceola.  A full schedule follows:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Fort Dodge Meet and Greet
Bloomer's Coffee

900 Central Ave.
Fort Dodge, Iowa
12:15pm Carroll Meet and Greet
Sam's Sodas and Sandwiches
127 W. 5th St.
Carroll, Iowa
2:30pm Denison Meet and Greet
Reiney's Soda Fountain

1305 Broadway
Denison, Iowa

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Red Oak Meet and Greet
Fountain Perk
322 E. Coolbaugh St.
Red Oak, Iowa
12:30pm Creston Meet and Greet
Home of Marcia Fulton
1710 W. Spencer St.
Creston, Iowa
2:15pm Osceola Meet and Greet
Playa Margaritas Mexican Restaurant

707 W. McLane St.
Osceola, Iowa
6:00pm Attend Polk County Democrats Annual Awards Dinner
UAW Hall Local #450

4589 NW 6th Dr.
Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
# # #

DES MOINES, IA - Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley for Senate today.

Miller and Fitzgerald are the first statewide elected officials in Iowa to announce their endorsement of Braley.  Braley announced last month that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.

Miller said, "Bruce Braley fights for Iowa, plain and simple.   From championing policies that have helped countless Iowa veterans to working to prevent student loan rate increases from hurting Iowa students, Bruce has never forgotten where he's come from.  He'll be even more effective in the US Senate, and I'm proud to endorse him today."

Fitzgerald said, "In a Washington defined by fiscal irresponsibility and recklessness, Bruce Braley has been a breath of fresh air, working across party lines to save taxpayers money and strengthen the middle class.  We need leaders in Congress who will stand up for policies that tackle our nation's growing debt and use taxpayer money more wisely.  Bruce Braley will stand up for common sense in the Senate, and that's why I'm proud to endorse him today."

Braley said, "When I was growing up in Brooklyn, Iowa, and someone had a problem, they didn't ask what party you belonged to.  They asked for your help and they got it.  I'm running for Senate to be an effective voice for Iowans of all backgrounds, and I'm thrilled to have Attorney General Miller and Treasurer Fitzgerald's endorsement today."

In 2007, Miller and Fitzgerald endorsed then-Senator Barack Obama for president just one day after Obama made his candidacy official.

Braley has received a flood of endorsements in recent weeks.  Last month, Rep. Dave Loebsack and former Rep. Leonard Boswell endorsed Braley.  Additionally, eight major labor organizations have endorsed Braley, including the Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers, the Iowa Postal Workers Union, the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 3 Iowa Union, UAW Region 4, SEIU Iowa - Local 199, AFSCME Iowa Council 61, the Iowa State Council of Machinists, and the Great Plains Laborers' District Council.

# # #

DES MOINES, IA - The Iowa State  Association of Letter Carriers have announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley for Senate, marking the second major postal union endorsement for Braley in three days.
Braley announced last month that he had formed a committee to run for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin.
The Letter Carriers are the eighth major labor organization to endorse Braley.  Other endorsing unions include the Iowa Postal Workers Union, the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 3 Iowa Union, UAW Region 4, SEIU Iowa - Local 199, AFSCME Iowa Council 61, the Iowa State Council of Machinists, and the Great Plains Laborers' District Council.  Rep. Dave Loebsack and former Rep. Leonard Boswell have also endorsed Braley for Senate.
Jim Beach, President of the Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers, said, "We're proud to stand with Bruce Braley in his campaign for Senate.  Bruce has been an ardent supporter of maintaining six day delivery, a service that if eliminated will cut thousands of working class jobs while negatively impacting rural communities, small business owners, and a growing number of seniors who use the mail to receive their prescriptions. As postal reform moves to the forefront, he'll be an even more effective voice for Iowa in the US Senate advocating for strengthening -- not shrinking -- the USPS."
Bruce Braley said, "I'm honored to have the endorsement of the Iowa Association of Letter Carriers.  I've fought for policies in Congress that strengthen the middle class and help preserve the economic lifeline of the USPS in communities across Iowa.  In the Senate, I'll keep fighting to create new economic opportunities for working Iowans and the communities they live in."
The Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers is affiliated with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), the union of city delivery letter carriers working for the United States Postal Service.  The Iowa Association of Letter Carriers represent over 2,600 Iowans.
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PAC rallies Liberty Movement in support of Dubuque businessman

Des Moines, Iowa - Liberty Iowa has renewed its support of Rod Blum for U.S. Congress in Iowa's first congressional district.  Blum, who announced his candidacy today, earned the PAC's support in 2012 as well, when his run ended with a narrow primary loss to Ben Lange. 

"I'm thankful to accept the support of Liberty Iowa, and I believe that their endorsement highlights my unshakable commitment to protecting the civil liberties and Constitutional rights of Iowans who are concerned about the unchecked growth of government," said Blum.

Liberty Iowa, a state PAC that will celebrate its first anniversary in April, has quickly become a leading voice on issues like agricultural freedom and domestic drone use, and boasts a wide network of conservative and libertarian-leaning activists throughout the state.  Adil Khan, Executive Director of LIPAC, believes that network will be a critical part of deciding the upcoming congressional election.  "The nation is witnessing a surge of support for principled leaders willing to stand for the liberties of everyday Americans," said Khan.  "Rod is that kind of leader, and we are going to work to bring the youth and enthusiasm of the Liberty Movement to bear for him in the first district."

Blum, who garnered 47% of the primary vote last year despite being a first-time candidate, acknowledges the importance of appealing to young liberty-minded voters as well as traditional fiscal and social conservatives.  "The Liberty Movement has gained a tremendous amount of momentum among Republicans and Independents, and I want to invite voters from across the spectrum of conservatism to join me in fighting for limited government, sound money, and a responsible foreign policy," said Blum.

Liberty Iowa currently has active chapters in 13 counties within the first district, including the population centers of Linn, Dubuque, and Blackhawk.



Current Version Would Restrict Voting Options of Some Senior Voters; Increase Costs to Scott County

DAVENPORT - During a meeting with area legislators today, Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz asked the law makers to take a hard look at a Photo ID bill now under consideration in the Iowa House of Representatives. One provision in the bill would require that residents of assisted living centers receive absentee ballots delivered in person via bipartisan healthcare teams. Voters receiving these ballots would have to vote immediately and return their ballots to the teams. Current law requires this type of voting for residents of nursing homes and hospital patients.

"There are 517 registered voters who are residents of assisted living centers in Scott County. Making these residents vote in this way is not fair to them and will increase election costs," said Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz.

"Current law requires nursing home patients to vote this way as a protection for their privacy and to ensure the security of their ballots," Moritz said. "Many years ago the legislature enacted this system after complaints that some patients felt coerced to vote a certain way. However, we have not received any complaints from assisted living residents that they have been coerced," she said.

Besides infringing on residents freedoms, this provision will increase election costs.

"Last year my office incurred $3,760 in costs for voting by 271 people at nursing homes and hospitals. If we added to that total the 316 residents of assisted living centers who voted absentee then we estimate those costs will increase to $8,480 as we will more than double the number of voters who will cast their ballots in  this method," Moritz said. "I doubt that the legislature will help us cover these costs," she added.

For more information contact the Scott County Auditor's Office at 563-326-8631.

Last month, I hosted my first Facebook live chat to introduce myself as a candidate for US Senate, and answer the questions most important to you.

After that successful first chat, we asked folks to let us know which issues you'd like to hear more about -- and the answer was clear. That's why I'm asking you to be a part of my second Facebook chat to discuss the economy and job creation here in Iowa, and continue the conversation we began back in February.

Will you join me on Friday, March 29th to discuss these important issues during my next Facebook live chat?

During this chat, I'll be talking about my record of standing up for Iowa's middle class, steps I'm taking to bring good jobs to Iowa and answering your questions online via live streaming video.

I'll even be joined by a very special guest with experience as a small business owner right here in Iowa.
I hope you'll join me to continue our conversation.

See you soon,

Bruce Braley
The Illinois Republican Liberty Caucus aims to refocus the Illinois Republican Party by promoting the policies of limited government and free enterprise here in Illinois.

Monday the Illinois RLC welcomed a fellow RLC member from Kentucky, U.S. Senator Rand Paul. Paul was guest of honor at the Northwest Suburban GOP's Lincoln Day Dinner in Palatine and received a certificate of honorary membership in the Illinois RLC. IL-RLC stands with Senator Paul in his insistance that the government follow the rule of law, which is a fundamental principle of republican government.

The Illinois Republican Liberty Caucus Convention -- held February 26th -- unanimously elected officers committed to taking an active role in changing the Illinois political environment. The IL-RLC executive board now consists of Chairman Allen Skillicorn, Vice-Chairman Scott Davis, Treasurer Michael Smyk, and Secretary Laurie Bluedorn. At-large board members are Alan Fortini-Campbell, Justin Kuehlthau, Patricia Hampton, Harvey Bluedorn, Blair Garber, and Dane Stier.

Founded in 1991, the Republican Liberty Caucus promotes the principles and practices of individual liberty, limited government, and free enterprise within the Republican Party, working among party officials and its various organizations, identifying and supporting candidates sympathetic with these goals, and promoting caucus membership among Republican Party registrants, officials, and officeholders.

The IL-RLC recognizes that Illinois' single-party Democrat rule is not healthy for good governance and the well-being of Illinois families. The IL Republican Party offers the best vehicle to change Illinois for the better, but after decades of patronage and conformity, the Republican brand has been tarnished. We believe that less government intrusion means more liberty, and we will work through local activists, candidates, and persons of influence to oppose government excess and to demand accountability to the people. In 1854 the Republican Party was founded on the principles of liberty, and it is
the objective of the IL-RLC to reclaim the Republican Party as the party of liberty.

Please follow the Illinois Republican Liberty Caucus on facebook and twitter:
DES MOINES, IA - The Braley for Iowa campaign announced Tuesday that the Great Plains Laborers' District Council has endorsed Bruce Braley in his 2014 campaign for US Senate.
The union is the second major organized labor group to endorse Braley.  The Iowa State Council of Machinists and Aerospace Workers announced their endorsement last week.
Bill Gerhard, Secretary-Treasurer of the Great Plains Laborers' District Council, said, "Bruce Braley grew up working hard and he's never forgotten where he came from.  He gets things done in Congress that make life better for the middle class.  That's why the Great Plains Laborers' District Council is proud to endorse him for US Senate.  We know he'll be an even more effective voice for working families in the US Senate."
Rep. Bruce Braley said, "I'm excited to have the support of the Great Plains Laborers' Council.  These men and women know what it means to get up every day and work hard to get the job done.  We could use a lot more of that spirit in Congress these days, and that's why I've taken the first steps in this campaign.  I hope to keep fighting to expand opportunities for middle class families in the Senate."
The Great Plains Laborers' District Council represents 19 different Laborers International Union of North America (LiUNA) local unions. These local unions cover northern Illinois outside Chicago, Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota.  Over 4,000 construction workers and public employees are represented by Great Plains Laborers Council unions across the state of Iowa.
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Senators DeMint, Paul, and Lee receive perfect scores in 2012; Seven Current Senators Named "Defenders of Economic Freedom"

Washington, DC - Today, the Club for Growth released its 2012 Congressional Scorecard, which ranks the voting behavior of members of Congress based on issues relating to limited government and economic growth.

To view the Club for Growth's 2012 Congressional Scorecard and all prior Scorecards, click here, or go to:

"2012 was a difficult year for economic freedom," said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola. "Whether it was the GOP's support of massive tax increases or the constant assault on liberty by the Obama administration, the pro-growth caucus in Congress has a lot of work to do in 2013. The Club's scorecard is intended to help our members and the general public understand who talks a good game on limiting government and passing pro-growth policies, and who backs up their words with votes. We urge the next generation of conservative leaders to keep up the fight in the 113th Congress."

This year, 28 current and former members of Congress will receive the Club for Growth's Defender of Economic Freedom Award. Starting in 2011, The Club for Growth required Representatives and Senators to not only score 90 or better on votes cast in a year, but to also have a lifetime score or "LifeScore" of at least 90.

Highlights from the Club for Growth's 2012 Congressional Scorecard:

• Three United States Senators received perfect scores in 2012: Jim DeMint (SC), Rand Paul (KY), and Mike Lee (UT) - all of whom also qualify for the Defender of Economic Freedom Award.

• Senators Pat Toomey (PA), Marco Rubio (FL), and Ron Johnson (WI) had 2012 scores and LifeScores high enough to qualify for the Defender of Economic Freedom Award.

• Two current United States Senators will receive Defender of Economic Freedom Awards for their voting record in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012: Senators Jeff Flake (AZ) and Tim Scott (SC).

• 18 current House members who received scores of 90 percent or better in 2012 also had LifeScores of 90 or better to qualify for the Defender of Economic Freedom Award. Two former House members qualified as well (Quayle, Walsh).

• Three members of Congress received 100 percent ratings in 2012. Of those, two also have 100 percent LifeScores: Congressmen Justin Amash (MI-03), and Tim Huelskamp (KS-01). In addition, Congressman Paul Broun (GA-10) received a 100 percent rating in 2012 and has a LifeScore of 99%.

• One Senate Democrat scored zero in 2012: Senator Jay Rockefeller (WV). 13 House Democrats scored lower than ten percent.

• Republican Leadership scores in 2012 were: Boehner: N/A, Cantor: 66%, McCarthy: 66%, McMorris Rodgers: 70%, Lankford: 80%, Ryan: 71%.

• Democratic leadership scores in 2012 were: Pelosi: 17%, Hoyer: 17%, Clyburn: 18%, Becerra: 18%, Van Hollen: 17%.

• The highest scoring Democrat, Congressman Jim Matheson (UT-04), scored higher than 98 Republicans with a 68 percent. The lowest scoring Republican, former Congressman Bob Dold (IL-10), scored lower than nine Democrats with a 38 percent.

The Club for Growth is the nation's leading group promoting economic freedom through legislative involvement, issue advocacy, research, and education.

The Club's website can be found at

