Al Hartl, President of Local 110, said, "Bruce Braley is one of the strongest voices there are for strengthening middle class families, and that's because of where he came from. Bruce was born in Iowa, grew up working hard, and hasn't forgotten where he's come from. That's why he works so hard for Iowa and is such an effective Iowa problem solver. We're proud to endorse Bruce Braley because he'll be an even stronger voice for Iowans in the Senate."
Bruce Braley said, "I'm honored to have the endorsement of Local 110. We're building a campaign from the grassroots up, and their support will be instrumental in helping to spread our message of strengthening the middle class, creating economic opportunities, and solving problems for Iowans."
In the 25 weeks since announcing his candidacy for Senate in February, Braley has united Iowans around his message of bipartisan problem solving.
Braley has received the endorsements of Sen. Tom Harkin, former Gov. Chet Culver, Rep. Dave Loebsack, former Rep. Leonard Boswell, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, Iowa Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald, 71 Democratic Iowa legislators, and 18 Iowa labor organizations. Earlier this month, Braley reported he had raised $2.3 million so far for his Senate campaign and has over $2 million cash on hand as of June 30th. More than 2,800 Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley's campaign.
Bruce Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. His father, a Marine, fought on Iwo Jima in World War II; his mother was a teacher. Braley worked his way through college and law school building roads and bridges with the Poweshiek County Roads Department, waiting tables, and tending bar. He worked as an attorney for 23 years before being elected to Congress. Braley has become known for his work on behalf of veterans, his advocacy for the middle class, and his bipartisan effectiveness. Braley lives in Waterloo with his wife, Carolyn. They have three children: Lisa, David, and Paul.