DES MOINES, IA - The Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union Local 110 has announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley in his 2014 campaign for US Senate. The union represents over 640 members in Iowa, including workers at the Quaker Oats facility in Cedar Rapids and Cole's Quality Foods in North Liberty.

Al Hartl, President of Local 110, said, "Bruce Braley is one of the strongest voices there are for strengthening middle class families, and that's because of where he came from. Bruce was born in Iowa, grew up working hard, and hasn't forgotten where he's come from. That's why he works so hard for Iowa and is such an effective Iowa problem solver. We're proud to endorse Bruce Braley because he'll be an even stronger voice for Iowans in the Senate."

Bruce Braley said, "I'm honored to have the endorsement of Local 110. We're building a campaign from the grassroots up, and their support will be instrumental in helping to spread our message of strengthening the middle class, creating economic opportunities, and solving problems for Iowans."

In the 25 weeks since announcing his candidacy for Senate in February, Braley has united Iowans around his message of bipartisan problem solving.

Braley has received the endorsements of Sen. Tom Harkin, former Gov. Chet Culver, Rep. Dave Loebsack, former Rep. Leonard Boswell, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, Iowa Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald, 71 Democratic Iowa legislators, and 18 Iowa labor organizations. Earlier this month, Braley reported he had raised $2.3 million so far for his Senate campaign and has over $2 million cash on hand as of June 30th. More than 2,800 Iowans from all 99 counties have contributed to Braley's campaign.

Bruce Braley was born in Grinnell and grew up in nearby Brooklyn, Iowa. His father, a Marine, fought on Iwo Jima in World War II; his mother was a teacher. Braley worked his way through college and law school building roads and bridges with the Poweshiek County Roads Department, waiting tables, and tending bar. He worked as an attorney for 23 years before being elected to Congress. Braley has become known for his work on behalf of veterans, his advocacy for the middle class, and his bipartisan effectiveness. Braley lives in Waterloo with his wife, Carolyn. They have three children: Lisa, David, and Paul.
# # #

Illinois Becomes 18th State to Move Democratic Process into 21st Century and Allow Online Voter Registration, One of Quinn's 2013 Priorities

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn today signed legislation revising the Illinois Election Code to give residents the ability to register to vote online. First proposed by Governor Quinn during his 2013 State of the State address, Illinois is now the 18th state to allow online voter registration. Today's action is part of Governor Quinn's agenda to increase participation in our democracy and ensure that every voice is heard in Illinois.

"Democracy works best when as many voters as possible raise their voices at the ballot box," Governor Quinn said. "Online voter registration will encourage more people to fulfill their civic duty by making that first step of registering to vote easier and more accessible. This new law will boost registration rates, cut costs and move Illinois' democratic process into the 21st century."

The 17 states that currently offer online voter registration have realized its benefits which include higher voter registration rates - particularly among young people - and lower processing costs.

"Online voter registration is the biggest advancement in expanding the electorate since Motor Voter passed 20 years ago," Cook County Clerk David Orr said. "I've long supported online voter registration because it's a convenient, secure way for voters to get registered and start participating."

"Online voter registration brings Illinois' election process into the 21st century," House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago) said. "Making it easier for people to exercise one of our most fundamental and significant rights - the right to vote - is good for democracy."

"This law will increase participation in our democracy," State Senator Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) said. "But it will do more than that. It will also save the state money. Processing a paper registration costs 83 cents. Processing an online application costs 3 cents."

Online voter registration is part of House Bill 2418 - the "Omnibus Elections Bill" - which includes other provisions, such as:

·         Changing the hours for early voting on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. -  Noon, to Noon -  3:00 p.m., to enable broader participation;

·         Requiring the State Board of Elections to post precinct-by-precinct totals for all of the state's precincts, and,

·         Codifying that votes cast for a candidate who drops out before Election Day but remains on the ballot will not be counted.

States that offer online voter registration include Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia. Four more states - Delaware, New Mexico, New York and Ohio - have modified versions. Online voter registration is expected to be in place in Illinois by the 2014 General Election.

Earlier this month, Governor Quinn signed a law to allow 17-year olds who will turn 18 by the time of the general election to participate in that cycle's primary election. According to FairVote, 20 other states permit 17-year-olds to vote in the primary election.


WHO Congressman Dave Loebsack


WHAT Dave will tour the Genesis Emergency Center and meet with staff


WHERE Genesis West Emergency Center, 1401 West Central Park Ave., Davenport


WHEN Friday, July 26  11:30am


Braley will host "Meet & Greet" events in six southeast Iowa communities

DES MOINES, IA - On Monday, Rep. Bruce Braley will take his campaign for US Senate in 2014 to six southeast Iowa communities, hosting informal "Meet and Greet" events to introduce himself to Iowans and discuss his work as an Iowa problem solver and his plans to be an even more effective voice in the Senate.

Braley will host events in Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Burlington, Fairfield, and Mt. Pleasant. The events are open to the press.
Monday, July 29, 2013

Sigourney Meet and Greet
The Harvest Cafe
619 Jackson St.
Sigourney, Iowa
10:00am Washington Meet and Greet
Cafe Dodici
122 S. Iowa Ave.
Washington, Iowa
12:00pm Wapello Meet and Greet
El Oasis (back room)
201 Highway 61
Wapello, Iowa
1:45pm Burlington Meet and Greet
Big Muddy's
710 N. Front St.
Burlington, Iowa
3:30pm Fairfield Meet and Greet
Revelations Cafe and Bookstore (basement)
112 N. Main St.
Fairfield, Iowa
Mt. Pleasant Meet and Greet
De Brito Baking Bistro
101 W. Monroe St.
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa
# # #
?For anyone who is not yet aware, our president will be in Galesburg this Wednesday (July 24th) giving a speech at Knox College. He is scheduled to speak at 11:50 A.M. at the T. Fleming Fieldhouse on the Knox campus. This provides a great opportunity for conservatives to make their message heard! We are planning a peaceful demonstration, details as follows:

We are asking participants to arrive between 9:30-10a.m. at 615 W Main Street in Galesburg. This is my apartment, and it is located about .8 miles from Knox College. It will be easiest to park and organize off site. Around 10:15 we will make our way to Knox College. Specific location will be determined on site, as no one yet knows which areas will be accessible.

The expectation should not be to see Obama, but to see the constituents who are going to see him and to gain media attention. Our goal is to make a statement about the presence of an alternative to the liberal agenda in this region. Obama is not campaigning for himself -- he does not have another election. He is garnering support for the democratic ticket, and this is our opportunity to stand up against that! Citizens must know that there is another way, one that doesn't infringe on our liberties!

The theme of our signs will be the NSA scandal. This is a unifying topic between many breeds of conservatives, republicans, libertarians, and so on. This is an opportunity for us to all come together to stand
against a heinous assault on our civil liberties.  Some possible slogans are:

One nation under watch

Read the Constitution, not my emails

The answer to 1984 is 1776

NSA: The only government branch that actually listens

N: Now
S: Stalking
A: Americans

These are some ideas from Google, but we encourage creativity.

We sincerely hope for a great turn out! Coffee, iced tea, and snacks
will be available at my place before we head over, hope to see
everyone here on Wednesday morning!

An R.S.V.P. will make refreshment planning easier, but is not required
-- all are welcome, planned or last minute!

Please R.S.V.P. to ILP Intern Megan Kirik
by email:
by phone: 309.798.9700

Forward this message to all your conservative friends. This is the
type of event you'll never forget having participated in!

Kind regards,

Linda Gruenert
Regional Coordinator
Illinois Leadership Project

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - Lt. Governor Sheila Simon is adding her name to a resolution in support of comprehensive immigration reform this week at the annual meeting of the National Lt. Governors Association (NLGA).

"So many immigrants arrived in this country when they were just children, and when they succeed in our country, we all benefit," said Simon, the Midwest Region Chair of NLGA. "In Illinois, we recognize the tremendous economic benefit of these children and their families."

During the NLGA annual meeting, lieutenant governors will meet with experts on fracking and the federal farm bill, and are expected to vote on a bipartisan resolution supporting immigration reform and a way for foreign students to become valued members of the U.S. workforce. The U.S. Senate has passed immigration reform that would improve border safety and provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. The bill is currently awaiting House action.

While at the conference, Simon will receive the 2013 Public Leadership in the Arts Award for State Arts Leadership from Americans for the Arts and the NLGA. The award recognizes leaders who work to advance the arts and arts education. In June, Simon helped launch the Illinois Arts Education Advisory Committee, which is tasked with developing a new state-level policy agenda for increasing arts education access and quality in Illinois. Prior to serving as Lt. Governor, Simon, a musician herself, spent five years as a member of the Illinois Arts Council.

DATE: Wednesday, July 17 - Thursday, July 18

PLACE: Skirvin Hotel, One Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK, 73102

Promises a fresh vision for Iowa's future

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA - Tyler Olson, a sixth generation Iowan and small business owner from Cedar Rapids, has officially announced his campaign for governor, promising to provide a fresh vision for Iowa's future.

"Our state has tremendous opportunity ahead of it, but we need new leadership and a fresh perspective that understands the rapid pace of change in the world and economy to reach our full potential," said Olson. "I think Iowans are ready to begin the next thirty years instead of living at end of the last thirty. I have the experience and energy to lead us into Iowa's next chapter."  

Announcing his candidacy, Olson discussed the need for a governor who is capable of leveraging Iowa's unique economic diversity and pioneering spirit to spur economic growth, particularly among small businesses and startups. Olson said, "We need a leader that understands these dynamics. Understands the speed at which the world is changing. Leadership that understands where the world is headed, where the economy is headed, and can keep up with the rapid pace of change."

Olson and his wife, Sarah, live in Cedar Rapids with their two young children, Leo and Willa. Olson is Vice President of Paulson Electric, a local business started by his great-grandfather. He is currently serving his fourth term in the Iowa House, where he led fights for early childhood education, access to healthcare and a new perspective on job creation that focuses less on subsidizing large companies and more on growing small business and startups.

More information about Olson's campaign for governor is available online at

Enthusiastically awaits vigorous issue-oriented debate.

(Rock Island, IL) - Republican Congressional Candidate Eric Reyes issued the following statement in reaction to Bobby Schilling's Campaign Announcement.

"After learning of Bobby Schilling's announcement today that he would be joining me in seeking the Republican nomination for Congress, I am looking forward to a vigorous issue-oriented debate.  As someone who's worked his entire life to climb from the lowest of income brackets into the working-middle class, I can tell you that each day it becomes more and more apparent that the so-called leadership of this district has us headed in the wrong direction.

Nobody understands this more than I do; whether it's as a member of the next generation that will be most negatively affected by current policies such as Obamacare and our struggling Social Security & Medicare programs, or as a member of the few who stand and fight every day against the encroachment on our liberties by an ever expanding authoritarian state, no one is more keenly aware of the need for bold new leadership than I.

For most of a year, our district has seen time and money wasted on empty rhetoric meant to convince us that "listening tours" equal leadership.  Well, they don't.  Leaders take action, and that's why throughout this campaign I have and will continue to propose specific legislative acts that I will introduce immediately upon taking office.  Each of these proposals are built upon the same foundation as my campaign:  Less government, less war, more tolerance, and more liberty."

Eric Reyes is a Constitutional lawyer and former Assistant State's Attorney from Rock Island, Illinois.  A first-generation American and lifelong resident of the area, Reyes graduated from Rock Island High School, Augustana College, and Northern Illinois University College of Law.

For more information on Eric Reyes & his campaign, please visit his website:


New Law Requires Unpaid Furlough Days, Prohibits Cost of Living Adjustments

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn today signed a new law that limits compensation for many of Illinois' elected officials. This action is part of Governor Quinn's agenda to rein in the cost of government in Illinois, ensure accountability and return Illinois to sound financial footing.

"I will continue to take every step necessary to restore fiscal stability to our state," Governor Quinn said. "The civic duty of an elected official requires a commitment to the greater good of the people of Illinois. I commend the legislators who voted for this bill and I encourage them to work just as hard to get the job done on public pension reform, the most important fiscal challenge of our time."

House Bill 1441, sponsored by State Rep. Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg) and Senate President John J. Cullerton (D-Chicago), requires every member of the Illinois General Assembly to take one unpaid furlough day per month during Fiscal Year 2014, which starts July 1. It also prohibits any cost of living increases in FY 2014 for General Assembly members, state constitutional officers, state's attorneys, and certain appointed state offices and board and commission members. In addition, the legislation sets lodging, meal and mileage reimbursement rates for all General Assembly session days at the same rate that has been in effect for the last three years.

The new law takes effect July 1.


Here at the Iowa GOP we've prided ourselves on bringing in solid conservative speakers, time after time, and leading the charge to promote Republicans who stand on principle.

As Co-Chairman of the party I've been truly awed at the amazing response we've had to every one of our events.

I'm proud to serve as Co-Chairman of a party that doesn't shy away from the values of our platform and doesn't back down from speaking a true conservative message.

That's why I'm so proud to announce U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, will be headlining our July summer picnic in Des Moines on Friday, July 19th.

Due to the nature of Senator Cruz's brief availability (He's a busy guy defending our conservative values against big government forces in Washington) this will be a lunch-time event.

We've also decided to make this event a more close-knit affair, allowing our guests to meet Senator Cruz in person and spend some time one on one with this true champion of freedom.

We've capped this event at no more than 50 people in order to allow our guests to have that time to meet and talk with Senator Cruz.

The event runs from 12:00pm-1:00pm and includes a great BBQ picnic lunch at the Iowa GOP headquarters in Des Moines.

Tickets will go fast for this exclusive event with one of the Senate's most outspoken conservative leaders.

Like I said, we've capped this to 50 people or less so space is extremely limited.

Please click here to reserve your ticket before we're sold out.

Senator Cruz is just the most recent in a long line of conservative leaders we've brought to the state to showcase the strength of our Republican message. Reserve your ticket here and don't miss this tremendous opportunity to meet and spend some personal time with Ted Cruz.


