On the evening of January 3rd Occupy Iowa Caucus (#OIC) met a set back; despite a combined effort of media and work on the ground we have achieved a small turnout for "Uncommitted"; with 1.5% in the Democratic caucus and 0.6% in the GOP's caucus. This is a set back for all who identify with the 99%.

The set back is not due to our own organization, but rather the powerful organization and allies of our enemies. The GOP, the Democratic Party and corporations have been working to suppress the voices of the 99%.

This has suppression been seen in the fact that corporate media has denied our approaches and not covered this effort. Furthermore the threats of both parties to ignore or not count uncommitted votes show their willingness to suppress democracy

This is a clear illustration of that which we are working against. This exercise, in democracy, has clearly demonstrated that this current system cannot work for the interests of the 99%. This shows the flawed nature of our system where it is impossible for the small underfunded contender to achieve victory.

This is a clear sign of a corrupt system. The fact that the candidate who can spend the most money wins 9 out of 10 times, as was the case last night, illustrates the deepest flaw of the current voting system. However this is not the end, a better world is still possible.

Website: occupyIAcaucus.org