Ron Paul Campaign Releases 'The Video That NewtDoesn't Want You to See'
150-second online ad cross-examines the former Speaker's record on policy, values and seriousness
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that it has released and will broadly distribute a 150-second online advertisement that challenges former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on a group of issues dear to conservative voters.

Much of the ad is in the former Speaker's own voice, and after a few statements by Newt it follows with an image of him sitting on a loveseat beside former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the two chuckling over their agreement concerning as-yet scientifically proven anthropogenic global warming.  The ad also features Newt's knee-jerk assault on Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) modest budget proposal, and the former Speaker's lobbying ties to government mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that perpetuated the financial crisis and recession.  In addition, the spot showcases discussion of Newt's lobbying ties to healthcare firms prior to his support of an Obama-Pelosi-Reid individual mandate as part of the recent wildly unpopular healthcare reform, to the absolute horror of nationally-syndicated conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. 

Taken together, claims made in the ad present conservative voters with a question about Newt, and indeed the ad concludes with this query.  And that is "What will you tell me next time?"

The campaign will send the ad to a far-reaching email list of conservative voters nationally, including in key early voting states, and it will purchase banner ads on national and state websites where conservative readers congregate.

"Our campaign is making a bold move to debunk the myth that the Newt we are seeing on the 2012 campaign trail is the conservative he has been touted to be all along.  This step we are taking is necessary, as voters are seeking authenticity among conservatives who are able to show a decades-long career of consistently walking the walk of Constitutional principles, limited government, and promoting sound money and economic policy.  Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate with that record," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

To view the online ad, click here.
Ron Paul Top-Tier in Latest Rasmussen New Hampshire Poll;Enjoying solid support with Granite State voters
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul third place in New Hampshire, further solidifying his position at the top of the field among New Hampshire primary voters. Paul won 14 percent of likely primary-goers in the poll.

"The latest poll results show Ron Paul as a solid choice in New Hampshire and a refreshing voice against the status quo," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "The American people, and the people of New Hampshire, are paying attention and are ready for a candidate with the conviction to bring about real change."

The latest poll follows a number of recent polls placing Paul among the top three in key early states. According to NewsMax/Insider Advantage, Ron Paul is a solid second place in Iowa. And in a recent American Research Group poll, Paul took third among likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers. He also scores third place in New Hampshire, according to a recent WMUR/University of New Hampshire poll. And the most recent Suffolk University/7 News poll has Paul holding steady in second place with 14 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters.

In addition, a late October CNN/Time poll showed the Texas congressman in the top three in the key Republican primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

In Case You Missed It:  Ron Paul Comments on Fed Actions in Europe
"...another reason why Congress needs enhanced power to oversee and audit the Fed."
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul, who serves as Chairman of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee on the House Financial Services Committee, released a statement today regarding the Federal Reserve's latest actions coordinating with other central banks in an effort to intervene in Europe's debt crisis. See below for statement.

"The Fed's latest actions in cooperating with foreign central banks to undertake liquidity swaps of dollars for foreign currencies is another reason why Congress needs enhanced power to oversee and audit the Fed.  Under current law Congress cannot examine these types of agreements.  Those who would argue that auditing the Fed or these agreements with central banks harms the Fed's independence should reevaluate the Fed's supposed independence when the Fed bails out Europe so soon after President Obama promised US assistance in resolving the Euro crisis. 

"Rather than calming markets, these arrangements should indicate just how frightened governments around the world are about the European financial crisis.  Central banks are grasping at straws, hoping that flooding the world with money created out of thin air will somehow resolve a crisis caused by uncontrolled government spending and irresponsible debt issuance.  Congress should not permit this type of open-ended commitment on the part of the Fed, a commitment which could easily run into the trillions of dollars.  These dollar swaps are purely inflationary and will harm American consumers as much as any form of quantitative easing.  

"The Fed is behaving much as it did during the 2008 financial crisis, only this time instead of bailing out politically well-connected too-big-to-fail firms it is bailing out profligate government spending. Citizens the world over deserve better than this. They deserve sound money that cannot be manipulated and created out of thin air by central planners who promise printed prosperity. Fiat money caused this European crisis and the financial crisis before it.  More fiat money is not the cure. The global fiat currency system has proven itself a failure, we need real monetary reform. We need sound money. "

Will keep seven state facilities open, avoid nearly 2,000 layoffs

CARBONDALE - November 29, 2011. Lt. Governor Sheila Simon, the only statewide constitutional officer from Southern Illinois, urged the General Assembly to pass the bipartisan budget reallocation legislation today to keep several state facilities open.

This summer Governor Quinn was forced to begin the process of closing seven state facilities because sufficient funding to operate the facilities was not allocated in this fiscal year's budget. The closures would have led to nearly 2,000 state employees being laid off.

The facilities scheduled to close were: Chester Mental Health Center, Illinois Youth Center Murphysboro, Jack Mabley Developmental Center in Dixon, Jacksonville Developmental Center, Logan Correctional Center, Singer Mental Health Center in Rockford, and Tinley Park Mental Health Center.

"I am thankful the General Assembly worked with the Governor to reach a bipartisan and fiscally responsible way to keep these facilities open," Simon said. "This budget reallocation frees us to pursue smart policy that is good for the people involved. Our long-term goal is to make more community-based care available to the appropriate patients, in a way that is cost-effective for the state."

Ron Paul to Visit Iowa for Three-Day Campaign Swing
Town hall meetings, media interviews, campus youth rallies, and Republican debate round out visit
ANKENY, Iowa - The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that Congressman Paul will make a sweeping three-day visit to Iowa.  The visit will take place from Thursday, December 8th to Saturday the 10th, inclusive.

"Ron Paul's next visit includes three days of voter-outreach events and media interviews, placing it among the more pivotal of this campaign cycle.  We're delighted Dr. Paul gives Iowa the attention it warrants and predict this visit will be as constructive as prior ones have been," said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Campaign Chairman Drew Ivers.

Details of the events are as follows.  All times Central.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

1:00 p.m.
Employee Town Hall Meeting*
Principal Financial Group

2:30 p.m.
WOI-TV (ABC 5) interview
3903 Westown Parkway
West Des Moines, IA 50266

4:00 p.m.
Boone Town Hall Meeting
Boone Public Library 
702 Greene Street
Boone, IA 50035

7:00 p.m.
Countdown to the Caucus: Ron Paul at ISU
Iowa State University (hosted by "Youth for Ron Paul")
Great Hall, Iowa State Memorial Union (2nd Floor)
2229 Lincoln Way
Ames, IA 50014

[*Open to employees of Principal Financial Group only.  Media are encouraged to attend but must RSVP by 12/6 with Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Vice-Chair A.J. Spiker via email at]

Friday, December 9, 2011

9:00 a.m.
Webster City Town Hall Meeting
Webster City Fire Station
919 Superior Street
Webster City, IA 50595

1:00 p.m.
Mason City Town Hall Meeting
Mason City High School
1700 4th Street SE
Mason City, IA 50401

2:30 p.m.
In-Studio interview with KIMT TV (CBS)
KIMT-TV (CBS-3) Station
112 North Pennsylvania Avenue
Mason City, IA 50401

4:00 p.m.
Waverly Town Hall Meeting
Waverly Public Library
Bremer/Waverly Room 
1500 W. Bremer Avenue 
Waverly, IA 50677

7:00 p.m.
Countdown to the Caucus: Ron Paul at UNI
University of Northern Iowa (hosted by "Youth for Ron Paul")
Commons - Slife Ballroom
1224 West 23rd Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50614

Saturday, December 10, 2011

10:00 a.m.
Marshalltown Town Hall Meeting
Fisher Community Center 
709 S. Center Street 
Marshalltown, IA 50158

8:00 p.m.
ABC News / Republican Party of Iowa Debate
Sheslow Auditorium
Drake University
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311
Ron Paul Remains Top-Tier in Latest Iowa Poll, Strong second, leads field in Independent vote
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - A NewsMax/Insider Advantage poll released yesterday shows 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul in second place in the state of Iowa, solidifying his position at the top of the field and remaining a serious threat to take the Iowa Caucuses in January. Paul won 13 percent of likely caucus-goers in the poll and an impressive 30 percent of independent voters, leading the rest of the field. In addition, Paul won 47 percent of voters between 18 and 29 years old.

"The latest poll results clearly prove Ron Paul's status as a top contender, and confirms that our campaign is continuing to surge in early states," said Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "The American people are ready for real change in Washington and Dr. Paul is the only candidate who has a plan to cut $1 trillion in spending, balance the budget, and restore prosperity to the American people."

This latest poll comes on the heels of a number of recent polls placing Paul among the top three in key early states. According to a recent American Research Group poll, Paul takes third among likely Republican caucus-goers in Iowa. He also scores third place in New Hampshire, according to a recent WMUR/University of New Hampshire poll. And the most recent Suffolk University/7 News poll has Paul holding steady in second place with 14 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters.

In addition, a late October CNN/Time poll showed the Texas congressman in the top three in the key Republican primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

Ron Paul to Hold Two College Campus Youth Rallies in Iowa
'Countdown to the Caucus' events hosted by 'Youth for Ron Paul' aim to solidify youth support
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will address college students and Iowans at two "Youth for Ron Paul" campus rallies to energize young supporters and reach out to new and undecided voters in the run-up to the January 3, 2012, Iowa Caucuses.

The first event, which is free and open to supporters of all ages, will be held on Thursday, December 8th in the Iowa State University (ISU) Memorial Union Great Hall, located at 2229 Lincoln Way in Ames.  Doors will open to the public at 6:30 p.m.  To enter 30 minutes early and secure a spot near the front of the room, RSVP for the ISU event featuring Dr. Paul at

The second event, which also is free and open to supporters of all ages, will be held on Friday, December 9th at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in the Commons - Slife Ballroom, located at 1224 West 23rd Street in Cedar Falls.  Doors will open to the public at 6:30 p.m.  To enter 30 minutes early and secure a spot near the front of the room, RSVP for the UNI event featuring Dr. Paul at

Youth for Ron Paul (YFP), an initiative of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign, launched on Wednesday, September 7th and since its inception more than 15,300 people signed up to get involved, forming 307 chapters in 46 states.

"The enthusiastic support for Ron Paul continues to grow, especially among college students.  Young people understand he is the only presidential candidate who will fix our economy, so they're eager not only to vote for him, but also to volunteer for his campaign," said Edward King, National Youth Director for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign.

"Young people from across the country are inspired by Dr. Paul's message of a strong national defense, prosperity, and individual liberty.  No other campaign can claim or match the dedication of our youth support," said Ani DeGroot, Midwest Regional Director for Youth for Ron Paul.

To learn more and sign up for Youth for Ron Paul, please visit: and "like" the Facebook page found at:

Solid showing among the Hawkeye and Granite States' likely GOP caucus-goers and primary voters
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul polls third among likely Republican caucus-goers in the key first-in-nation state of Iowa, according to a recent American Research Group poll, and different angles to this survey reveal his support may keep him anchored in third place or higher.

Congressman Paul also polls third in New Hampshire, according to a recent WMUR/University of New Hampshire poll.

In Iowa, Congressman Paul garnered 16 percent of the likely Republican caucus goers surveyed, on the heels of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich who earned 20 and 27 percent, respectively.  Paul's third-place showing in the poll is far ahead of past and aspiring top-three competitors.  Pizza baron Herman Cain, Rep. Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum all earned a modest 6 percent of the vote, Texas Gov. Rick Perry earned a mere 5 percent, and just 3 percent of respondents selected Jon Huntsman.  The ARG poll also notes that among likely caucus goers who are already enrolled in the Republican Party, Paul remains a strong third place with 14 percent of the vote, with Gingrich and Romney at 30 and 17 percent, respectively. 

Also in Iowa, voter self-identification with the Tea Party, or lack thereof, both help Paul remain in the top three or better: Among likely Republican caucus-goers saying they are supporters of the Tea Party, Paul polls in second place with 19 percent.  Among likely caucus-goers saying they are not supporters of the Tea Party or that they are undecided about the Tea Party, Paul polls third with 12 percent.  The poll of 600 likely Republican caucus-goers was conducted over November 17th to the 23rd and has a margin of error of +/- 4 percent.

In New Hampshire, Congressman Paul is holding strong in third place, within the margin of error of +/- 3.8 percent for second place in this survey of 665 randomly selected adults.  Among likely New Hampshire Republican Primary voters, Paul polls at 12 percent behind Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich who earned 42 and 15 percent, respectively.  As in the Iowa poll, the WMUR/UNH poll shows that other Republican presidential hopefuls failing to place in the top three have modest single-digit results.

"These poll results demonstrate that Ron Paul's support in Iowa and New Hampshire is loyal, solid, and diverse, not subject to the media and pundit-fueled 'flavor of the week' whims.  As the finish line approaches, we're hopeful for a strong showing that reflects this strong base of support and its steadily growing numbers," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.
Supporters from Warren, Pocahontas and Jackson counties produce diverse crops, livestock
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced new members of its "Farmers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition formed to energize voters in America's unrivaled agricultural sector.

The new "Farmers for Ron Paul" members hail from Warren, Pocahontas and Jackson Counties.

"I support Ron Paul for many reasons, but as a small Iowa farmer, I support his stance that less government is what is needed and we need Washington out of our lives and business.  He strongly opposes the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), which is just big government trying to put yet another burden on the small farmer and perhaps putting us out of business.  In addition Ron Paul wants to eliminate the EPA and restructure the FDA, both of which limit what we can sell and how we go about selling it.  Farmers need Ron Paul as he is the real deal, and he will stand up for our rights," said David Swaim of Milo.

Mr. Swaim and his wife have their farm for a year and a half.  It consists of 11 acres on which they produce poultry and hay.  Mr. Swaim is also a veteran from Iraq.

"Ron Paul is the only consistent candidate for president.  He's is steadfast in his adherence to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  His Congressional record of never voting to increase taxes and opposition to undeclared wars makes him the only appealing candidate to both the mainstream GOP and the middle of the road independents opposed to prolonged, undeclared wars.  Dr. Paul would push to end agricultural subsidies and government involvement in the free market of agricultural products," said Dale Roewe of Laurens.

Mr. Owens owns a 1,100-acre farm that has been in his family since 1882.  The farm employs one person aside from Mr. Owens's family, and produces corn and soybeans. 

"Going back many, many administrations, government farm policies have done nothing more than de-populate rural America.  Recent food scares created by corporate sized processing facilities led to the signing of The Food Modernization and Safety Act, which came close to regulating all food grown for human consumption.  On June 9, 2011, Executive Order No. 13575 established The White House Rural Council, with a mission to '... coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agriculture organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions health-care providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local and tribal governments, and non-governmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America,'" said Jim Blitgen of Bellevue. 

"This is way too much government where it does not belong.  I stand behind Ron Paul, as he is for less federal involvement that takes away states' rights and more importantly my personal liberties. I do not want to be told what to do on my land," said Mr. Blitgen, who has owned his farm since 1962. 

Mr. Blitgen owns 90 acres and mostly produces alfalfa hay, but has an acre dedicated to growing vegetables including tomatoes, squash, onions, carrots, peppers, potatoes, whole oats and wheat.  He also has 4 horses.  Mr. Blitgen is also something of a local hero as last year he helped ameliorate the damage caused by frightened horses running amok at the 2010 annual Bellevue Parade.

Messrs. Swaim, Roewe and Blitgen now serve on the "Farmers for Ron Paul" national advisory board.  As a first basic step, those wanting to join the "Farmers for Ron Paul"coalition should visit

Republican presidential frontrunner Herman Cain authoritatively tackled a variety of foreign policy issues while stressing the nation's primary challenge of economic instability at Tuesday night's debate at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington D.C. Cain stressed the need to focus efforts on strengthening the economy as a component of national security: "This whole discussion tonight about cutting and compromise?we didn't spend enough time talking about the other part of the problem?growing this economy. This administration has failed dismally...we can cut till the cows come home but it will not solve the problem until we have effective economic growth."

Discussing Iran's growing quest for nuclear weapons, Cain explained that the situation with Iran is also shaped by prevailing forces in the region. Cain said, "...If we pull out of Afghanistan too soon, Iran is going to help fill that power vacuum in Afghanistan. And so it is in our best interest in the USA to prevent them from being able to (do that)."

Cain drew from his own wealth of experience in addressing a question about the greatest threat to national security that no one is talking about today: "Having been a ballistics analyst and a computer scientist earlier in my career," Cain said, "Cyber attacks. That's something that we do not talk enough about and I happen to believe that is a national security area that we do need to be concerned about."

Cain explained how Mexico's instability is a national security threat: "An insecure border is a national security threat for the following reasons. Number one, we know that terrorists have come into this country by way of Mexico. Secondly, 40 percent of the people in Mexico according to a survey already believe that their country is a failed state. Thirdly, the number of people killed in Mexico last year equals the number of people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. 

So yes, let's solve the whole problem. Number one, secure the border for real. Number two, enforce the laws that are already there - we don't need new laws. Number three promote the current path to citizenship. Clean up the bureaucracy in Washington D.C. so people can come through the front door instead of sneaking in the side door. And number four, to deal with the illegals that are already here, empower the states to do what the federal government is not capable of doing."

Regarding US foreign assistance Cain stressed his common-sense platform of examining which problems are effective: "It depends upon priorities...Just like every program we have domestically, (we must ask) what have the results been, and then we make a decision about how we prioritize."

Among the other topics Cain addressed during the expansive debate were refining and strengthening the Patriot Act and improving airport screenings for terrorism, in which Cain advocated targeted identification and privatization of services.

President Obama's Department of Commerce today announced that the country's GDP grew at a meager 2.0 percent for July to September and lower than the advance estimates of 2.5 percent. This discouraging news is on top of 9 percent unemployment and more than 46 million Americans continue to be below the poverty line. Republican Presidential candidate, businessman and entrepreneur Herman Cain issued the following statement:

"Obama's leadership again is failing Americans as anemic GDP numbers released by the Commerce Department show his Great Recession continues to stifle job creation and prosperity building. He refused to standup and lead the Super Committee in cutting wasteful bureaucracy, and his healthcare takeover and constant talk of tax hikes leaves businesses without the resources and long-term direction to plan for the future. 

Our '999 Plan' crushes the barriers blocking prosperity, expands the GDP by $2 trillion, simplifies the tax code for every American along while creating six million new jobs and increasing business investment by one-third and wages by 10 percent.

I'm not a career politician. I'm a husband, father and grandfather. I'm a businessman and entrepreneur who knows how to create jobs and tackle complex problems - and I'm fighting for Americans everywhere who are fed up with Washington's reckless agenda of higher taxes, more spending, more government takeovers, and rising deficits and debt. Now more than ever, we need new leadership in the White House - and I know that Washington answers to the people, not the other way around.

Americans are frustrated with politicians ignoring their concerns. I'm listening to them, and running to restore our nation's values, restore our economy and fix the widespread problems infecting our nation's capital. As president, I'll make Washington responsive to you, the hardworking, taxpaying citizens of the greatest country on the face of the Earth."

Poll shows Paul as major player in the Granite State
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - According to a new Suffolk University/7 News poll, 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul is holding steady in second place with 14 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters.

"Congressman Paul's support remains solid and growing," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "The American people, and the people of New Hampshire are ready for real change, and Ron Paul is the only candidate who has the conviction to champion real change, and oppose the status quo of the elitist Washington establishment."

This latest poll follows an earlier New Hampshire Journal poll showing Paul as a top three choice of likely primary voters with 16 percent. A Bloomberg News poll from November 16th shows Paul in a statistical tie for first place in Iowa and a strong second place in New Hampshire. Additionally, a recent Public Policy Poll presents Paul as the only Republican candidate to best Obama among independent voters (48 to 39 percent), and a late October CNN/Time poll also showed him in the top three in the key states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.
Supporters represent Adams, Clayton and Decatur counties and produce diverse crops, livestock
ANKENY, Iowa - The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced new members of its "Farmers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition formed to energize voters in America's unrivaled agricultural sector.

The new "Farmers for Ron Paul" members hail from Adams, Clayton and Decatur Counties.

"Due to the degradation of our Constitution, we no longer have the right to farm as we once did.  Hay is a toxic substance.  Grain and seed are owned by corporations.  Livestock is surveyed and tracked illegally, and we the farmer, are fined, harassed, prosecuted and our property subject to confiscation without hearing or warrant.  All I want to do is get up in the morning to a rooster crowing, enjoy the sunshine and live as a free American, in what was once the land of the free, but now is the home of the forgotten brave," said Jauson King of Corning. 

Ms. King owns 30 acres.  She produces hay crop, has 1,000 poultry livestock including ducks, ginnies, and chickens, and also owns on longhorn, and two horses.

"I'm attracted to Ron Paul because he's a fiscal conservative, for smaller government, and a supporter of the 10th Amendment.  Ron Paul wants to cut the EPA drastically which would mean less regulations for our business and we could then produce foods at a lower costs.  We would like to focus more time on producing foods and less on regulatory compliance," said Marcus Hagensick of Monona.

Mr. Hagensick operates a third generation, 200-acre family owned dairy farm his family has owned since the early 1940s.  They milk 40 cows and also produce corn and hay. 

"As a 34-year rancher, I say let farmers farm.  I believe Ron Paul will terminate paying farmers not to farm.  Farmers can and should produce alcohol for fuel, and the byproducts for livestock feed.  This country can no longer afford to pay people to sit at home and be unproductive.  Highly erodible land that shouldn't be farmed can be grazed or grow timber.  Idle people and idle land do not bode well for my country.  We have got to stop rewarding idleness," said Rodney Schmidt of Garden Grove, in reference to a U.S. Department of Agriculture Conservation Reserve Program provision.

Mr. Schmidt is retired now, and has sold most of his land.  He once owned 1,000 acres and was running 250 elk and herds of 30 to 45 buffalo.  At one point Mr. Schmidt had the biggest elk ranch in the Hawkeye State. 

Ms. King and Messrs. Hagensick and Schmidt now serve on the "Farmers for Ron Paul" national advisory board.  As a first basic step, those wanting to join the "Farmers for Ron Paul"coalition should visit
Nationally-known Virginia farmer and Iowa farmer support Paul through a 'growing' coalition
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today new members its "Farmers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition formed to energize voters in America's unrivaled agricultural sector.

The new members include a nationally-known proponent of holistic farming methods, and a farmer from the key early voting state of Iowa.

"I've been a fan of Ron Paul for years, since the first day I learned about his positions.  He's the only one with enough backbone to take on the entrenched corporate-government fraternity by attacking with the power of freedom, thereby unleashing entrepreneurial dreams on the marketplace.  Currently cowering under the withering fire of guns, badges, and bureaucracy, America's home-based and back-yard innovators have plenty of antidotes to the problems that plague our culture," said Joel F. Salatin, who raises livestock using chemical-free holistic methods and co-owns with his family Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia. 

"Paul understands the power of bottom-up creativity.  Reducing the military, both foreign and domestic, reducing regulatory power, and reducing the penetration of prejudicial government interests in the culture is the balanced approach to restore constitutional normalcy.  Paul is the only national figure willing to go to the mat for these precious principles that will ensure tomorrow's opportunities," said Mr. Salatin.

Mr. Salatin authored eight books, including the most recent Folks, This Ain't Normal.  He was featured in the film documentary Food, Inc. and most recently in TIME magazine on October 24, 2011.  The New York Times dubbed Mr. Salatin "the high priest of the pasture" and he is often introduced as the "most famous farmer in America."

Reflecting Dr. Paul's support in the first-in-nation voting state of Iowa, farmer Kevin Wolfswinkel of Sibley, Osceola County also joined the pro-Paul farmers' coalition.

"Ron Paul and I both agree that liberty and big government cannot co-exist for very long.  Government dislikes the idea of independent minded individuals having free reign over their own lives.  At the same time agriculture is one of the few remaining bastions of freedom loving entrepreneurs, and unless a new course is charted farmers risk losing everything they and their families have spent generations working for," said Mr. Wolfswinkel, who produces corn, soybeans and pork.

"The hard work and personal sacrifice required to succeed in agriculture is at risk of being erased either by crippling regulation, the government's financial mismanagement, or a combination of both.   Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who possesses the expertise, personal will, and integrity to begin us on the road to regaining control of our lives and livestock," added Mr. Wolfswinkel.

Messrs. Salatin and Wolfswinkel now serve on the "Farmers for Ron Paul" national advisory board.  As a first basic step, those wanting to join the "Farmers for Ron Paul"coalition should visit

