By ROBERT LAURIE - There's a good chance that this is the most depressing statistic you'll see all year

According to a new Army report, as of November, 303 active-duty, Reserve and National Guard soldiers had committed suicide in 2012.  During the same period, 212 men and women in uniform were lost due to combat fatalities in Afghanistan.

Back in June, the number of suicides stood at 154 - roughly half of the current total.

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta acknowledged the problem and blamed society at large. "We're dealing with broader societal issues," he said. "Substance abuse, financial distress and relationship problems -the risk factors for suicide also reflect problems that will endure beyond war."To continue reading click here.

By HERMAN CAIN - Only love can prevail.

The Governor of Connecticut summed up the tragedy that hit the small town of Newtown, Connecticut in four words. Evil visited this town. The tragedy was not just violence. It was evil because a young man shot his mother in the face and killed her. He killed 20 innocent young children, and six innocent adults. And then he killed himself. Some of us saw what evil looks like for the first time. Yet others have seen evil before.

Immediately, some media personalities and political activists started calling for more gun laws, more money to be spent on mental health treatment, better security systems and procedures at schools, and more censorship of violent entertainment in our culture.

As my CainTV colleague Dan Calabrese so eloquently and convincingly pointed out on Saturday, there is nothing we can do to prevent evil. We can minimize violence, but evil can only be minimized with the recognition and love of God in one's heart. This is not a sermon. It's just a fact that 90 percent of us believe, in one religious form or another. 

I'm reminded of a recent incident reported in Florida where an atheist filed a lawsuit against a church for its religious displays. The man got seriously ill and the church reached out to him to help save his life. He survived because of their help. Afterwards, the atheist started attending that church and learned of their Christian faith, and saw that the love of God eminating from them and others was sincere. He had been a recipient of their love. He later joined their church congregation.

That's the power of love over evil.

Freedom of religion is a tenant of the founding of our nation. It does not promote a specific form of worship or religion. But that freedom does allow for the belief and love of a POWER greater than man. That same POWER has a love for us greater than man could ever imagine. HIS love is the only weapon against evil.

We can only pray for the families of the victims of this evil tragedy in Newtown, that God will somehow comfort them in their sorrow, their grieving and their healing. Although the rest of the nation was indirectly affected by this evil incident, it was still a direct blow to the compassion in our hearts, as we try to comprehend why it happened and only imagine the pain of those who lost loved ones and children.

Healing will take a long time especially for the families. We must keep them in our prayers, but we must never abandon our belief in the eternal power of love over evil.

We can fight violence, but we never know when evil will visit us again. The more love we can spread to the hearts and minds of the savable, the longer it will be.

"Fiscal Cliff" Dead Ahead! Are You Prepared?

You've likely heard about the Fiscal Cliff coming in 2013. But you may not be aware of how serious the problem is.

The "cliff" is a set of budget cuts and tax increases that will automatically go into effect on January 1. It will cut benefits for the most needy, and raise taxes on everyone. And despite the rhetoric out of Washington, the Middle Class will get hit the hardest.

By themselves, these austerity measures wouldn't be so bad. But with our ailing economy already teetering on the edge of disaster, they could be fatal.

Leading economists and the Congressional Budget Office are warning that this fiscal cliff could easily push us into another extended recession. Maybe even a new Great Depression.

And that could lead to some extremely ugly times in America. Riots. Rationing, Massive layoffs. Another Stock Market Crash.

For those who are unprepared (or under prepared), it could turn into a real nightmare. But…

There is a way to eliminate all worries about the upcoming "Fiscal Cliff." Totally.

And it's not that difficult.

In fact, here's a free presentation that explains exactly how you can turn the coming financial turmoil into one of the best opportunities of our generation.

The solution is to copy the financial strategies of the Ultra-Wealthy. These are people who have survived multiple financial crashes and meltdowns with a nearly perfect track record.

I realize this sounds too simple to work. But it's already being done -- quietly -- by thousands of Middle Class investors just like you. Right Now.

And you can join them too. It only takes a little of your time and a burning desire to finally feel confident about your financial position, no matter what the economy is doing.

Click Here to See What It's All About

In times of economic uncertainty (like we've had over the last 4 years), just holding on to the money you have can be a great accomplishment.

But here's the surprising bonus when you start peeking into the lives of the Ultra-Rich: they often prosper even more during "down times."

In fact, more millionaires are made during times of economic crisis than during boom times. It seems counter-intuitive, but it's a fact.

And now, you can get in on the "rich-set" insiders game... learn their tricks and strategies... and watch your net worth soar like theirs.

It's surprisingly simple to get started. And anyone can benefit, too.

At this moment, ordinary working-class folks are transforming their financial lives for the better: teachers, factory workers, ditch diggers â€" you name it.

But even successful, seasoned investors are benefiting too â€" and getting blown away by the powerful strategies they've been missing all their lives.

You can find all about it right here: Watch the this FREE presentation and discover how to prosper in times of economic crisis.


Mike Dillard

P.S. Don't be fooled by politicians putting together an 11th hour "fix" for the Fiscal Cliff. It will only be a band-aid. The biggest problems are still ahead. Don't get caught. Get prepared. Watch the free presentation now.

The crash could start as early as the New Year - all because of a short-sighted law passed 38 years ago called ERISA.

And the scary part is, it doesn't matter if Congress compromises now or not. It's likely too late to stop it.

Here's what you need to know...

ERISA is a bill passed in 1974 that brought us IRAs and 401(k)s. And since then millions of workers have been stuffing money into these retirement accounts.

That's nearly 40 years of savings and wealth inside IRAs and 401(k)s. And almost half (48%) of that wealth is invested in the stock market.

Here's where it gets dangerous...

ERISA threatens retirees with losing 50% of their retirement account if they don't exit the stock market by age 70.

Once a retiree turns 70 and 1/2 years-old, starting the next April 1st they must start withdrawing at least the required minimum each year... or else pay a large penalty.

So what happens if a large demographic starts turning 70 all at the same time... like the baby boomers will in 2016?

They will leave and the stock market will tank. The sudden drop will cause more investors to leave the stock market, and the full-blown crash will be upon us.

Many baby-boomers, having passed age 65, are already retiring and taking their money out of stocks.

That's why many of the Ultra-Rich avoid the stock market altogether.

This free presentation reveals how they're investing instead. Including the one investment the top 1% are betting on right now.

In fact, just recently Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban, referred to the stock market as a "platform for hackers" and a "recipe for disaster." That's another member of the Ultra-Rich jaded by the stock market.

To discover how the Ultra-Rich are choosing to invest instead - including strategies many in the middle class have never heard of - you need to watch this free presentation now.

Click Here to Watch Revealing Video

P.S. The MAJORITY of stock market trades are now made automatically by computers. The decisions are triggered by algorithms designed by companies like Goldman Sachs and "hackers" like Mark Cuban described.

That makes trading stocks like entering a lion's cage. Make sure to watch this free presentation to see what the Ultra-Rich are doing instead.

P.P.S. Did you know you don't have to invest your IRA and 401(k) in the stock market? There are ways to free the money inside and invest in safer investments like gold, income-producing real estate and more.

Watch this presentation now to see how informed investors do it differently than the rest.
Dear Patriots,

The time to restore Conservative values in America is NOW! 

As the conference's keynote speaker on Thursday, January 19th, 2012, I will make an "unconventional endorsement" in Charleston, South Carolina at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, and I want YOU to join me!

I have teamed up with the organizers of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference to offer you an EXCLUSIVE, DISCOUNTED ONE DAY PASS rate!  For only $25, you can join me on Thursday afternoon for my speech and then attend the globally televised CNN Presidential Debate on Thursday evening! 


My mission is still to defeat Barack Obama and get the Republican nominee for the Presidency elected, and we cannot win this fight without YOU!

In addition, the Southern Republican Leadership Conference is also providing all registrants with a discounted hotel rate for their stay in Charleston. Don't miss this opportunity!

America's best days are ahead of her.  I hope you will consider joining me in Charleston as we take America back.  May God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.


Herman Cain