Davenport, Iowa - Quad City Federation of Labor has endorsed the following candidates for the November 5th, 2013, City Council Elections in Davenport, Blue Grass, and LeClaire.

Davenport: The Quad City Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, has endorsed Rick Dunn (UA 25 member) for 1st Ward; Carlton Wills (IBEW 145 President) for Davenport City Council 3rd Ward; Robby Ortiz for 4th Ward; Shelia Burrage (CWA 7110 member) for 5th Ward; Mike Matson (Davenport Education Association) for 7th Ward; Jamie Woods for 8th Ward; and Kevin Perkins for the At-large race. Dunn and Matson are running unopposed.

LeClaire: The Quad City Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, has endorsed Loren Long (USW 105 member) for at-large city council.

Blue Grass: The Quad City Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, has endorsed incumbent Mayor Brinson Kinzer (IBEW 145 member)

How you vote is a personal decision, but after careful consideration, the Quad City Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, has endorsed these candidates because we feel the best represent the interests of working people in Scott County.

Where more than 70% of voters turned out for the Presidential Election, sometimes as few as 10-20% turnout for City Elections. We feel strongly at Quad City Federation of Labor that people should exercise their right to vote in every election, and that it is at the local election where our vote and our voices can be stronger.

City officials determine when and where economic development occurs, and whether it will be awarded to companies that pay a fair wage to their workers. City officials also decide what sidewalk, sewer, and road repairs to prioritize, and what will be the working conditions for city workers. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Scott County residents to get involved so they may have a voice in those important local decisions. Your vote is your voice - please get out to vote on November 5th. For a list of polling locations, please visit the Scott County Auditor's website.

Hello Fellow American!

I'm embarking on my national campaign to institute strict Term Limits for our members of Congress.  You have heard from me in the past.  This month we witnessed our government instigating a shutdown demonstrating to all Americans and peoples of all the other nations of the world that our Federal Government is broken.  It's not working.  I'm not throwing rocks at the Right (Republicans) nor the Left (Democrats).  As one man, one American born voter, I just want to 'fix' it.

There are already strict Term Limits for our President and Vice President.  No more than two terms shall be served.  And only one if the voters vote them out after their first term which was the first form of Term Limits initiated by the wisdom of our Forefathers.  Here in California, as in many States, we have strict Term Limits for our State Legislators.  We do not have them for our Congressional  Representatives because not one single one of them will present a bill bringing this issue in front of Congress.  Our Forefathers established this nation on the premise of WE THE PEOPLE being free.  It took them a long time to do so by fighting a bloody Revolution against England, and then endless debates between the 13 original States to put into words  three documents that define all human freedoms.  The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill or Rights were irrefutable then, and they are still to this day.  And the true genius of these documents is that they are subject to change as time marches on.

Today, the professional politician is the reason our government is broken.  I can expatiate on this, but as a professional songwriter, this 'simple' statement stands on it's own, like a good Country song.  I am asking you, I'm imploring you to join me.  One man's voice can be heard if others reading it spread his words to others.  Our Democracy is founded on the preposition that one man's voice is important. 

WE THE PEOPLE can 'fix' our government.  We need to do so for ourselves, for our children and for their offspring.  America is the shining light of freedom for all Americans, it also represents the Glow of Liberty for all the peoples we share this planet with who aspire for Independence.  Many millions of our fellow Americans have fought, been wounded and died to insure our country will survive.  Let us not let their sacrifice go in vain.  Join me like many others across America are doing by signing up at this site: 


LT Bobby Ross


Cedar Rapids, IA - Today, three Iowa College Democrat chapters announced their endorsement of Tyler Olson as their choice for the next governor of Iowa.

The College Democrat chapters of Iowa State University, University of Northern Iowa, and Loras College have thrown their full support behind Tyler Olson's vision for Iowa.

Monica Diaz, President of Iowa State University College Democrats said "Our chapter will be an incredible asset to the campaign by helping to mobilize support on campus and spread the word about Tyler all throughout Story County." 

In addition to these three college chapters, executive board members of College Democrats organizations across the state, including all executive board members for the University of Iowa College Democrats offered their individual support for Tyler Olson.

"It was a clear choice for me and my peers to sign a letter of support for Tyler," said Carter Bell, President of University of Iowa College Democrats. "We're all very excited to help grow the campaign on our campus."

Earlier this year the Olson for Iowa campaign announced the formation of six Student for Olson chapters across the state. The full list of those groups can be viewed here.  

Links to letters of support from other colleges and universities: 

Drake University
Grinnell College
Simpson College
University of Iowa

The Friends of the LeClaire Community Library cordially invites members of the press to attend our Candidate Forum for LeClaire City Council and Mayoral on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00 P.M.  at the LeClaire Fire Station located at 201 N. 15th Street (corner of Jones and 15th).

This is an educational service to which the public and press are invited.

1.      Each candidate will be asked to give an opening statement which should include background, previous office and community involvement experience and why they are running for office. 

2.      A series of five to seven questions (from those submitted by citizens) will be asked to all candidates (mayoral and city council), with two minutes allowed for each candidate to respond. 

3.      One additional question will be given to each mayoral candidate with two minutes to respond.

4.      One minute to each candidate for wrap-up.

This year's moderators are Ann Hutchinson, former mayor of Bettendorf, and Linda Miller, Iowa House of Representatives, also of Bettendorf.

Attendees are encouraged to arrive at the fire station by 6:45 as the program will begin promptly at 7:00.  Refreshments, courtesy of the Friends of the LeClaire Community Library, will be served.

(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry E. Branstad completed his 99th county visit today, with a tour of Amana's Whirlpool Corp. in Iowa County.

"Visiting every county each year is a great opportunity for me to interact with Iowans, listen to their concerns and work to make Iowa a better place," said Gov. Branstad. "My legislative proposals are a direct result of my conversations with Iowans, and what they wish to see in moving this state forward. I want to thank every Iowan who turned out for our events, and I look forward to starting all over again in January."

Branstad and Reynolds have each committed to all of Iowa's 99 counties every year. Reynolds will complete her tour on Nov. 1.

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BETTENDORF - Maria Bribriesco, a former attorney advisor to the U.S. Army at the Rock Island Arsenal has announced her candidacy for the Iowa Senate in district 47. District 47 includes the cities of Bettendorf, Riverdale, Panorama Park, part of eastern Davenport and Pleasant Valley Township.

"This is a unique district, with many distinct communities," said Bribriesco. "But we are united by our common challenges. We must continue to have economic stability, which includes not only thriving Main Streets and good-paying jobs, but also great local schools and a safe environment for our families.

"I am running for the Iowa Senate because I believe the politicians in Des Moines have lost sight of their job as lawmakers: which is to come together to solve problems for everyday Iowans. Instead they play politics and focus on divisive social issues, which do absolutely nothing for our Main Streets, our local schools or the economic future for Iowa families.

"I will listen to the people here," added Bribriesco. "I will work hard every day of this campaign to find out what they are most concerned with and, if elected, work on those issues at the State Capitol.

Bribriesco spent twenty-seven years as a civilian attorney with the U.S. Army at Rock Island Arsenal, rising to the position of Chief Counsel to TACOM before retiring in 2011. She's active in Ministry Gardens, an organization dedicated to supplying local food pantries, homeless shelters and meal sites in Scott County.

Maria and her husband, William have three grown sons: Alex, Anthony and Andrew. They also have three grandchildren: Ava, Liam, Marissa and another granddaughter due in November. The Bribriescos are active members of Our Lady of Lourds Catholic Church in Bettendorf.

"I hope I get a chance to talk with every voter in this district. I'm starting today by knocking doors and planning community events in Bettendorf, Riverdale, eastern Davenport and Pleasant Valley. But if we don't get a chance to meet, I welcome anyone interested in my campaign, and interested in adding your voice into State Government, to contact me at (563) 505-5711 or email me at maria4iowa@gmail.com."


(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry E. Branstad today signed a proclamation establishing Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013, as the special election date in Iowa Senate District 13, which became vacant following Sen. Kent Sorenson's resignation.

The proclamation's wording is below.


WHEREAS, The Office of State Senator from the 13th Senatorial District, consisting of the following areas:

A.    The twenty-fifth representative district shall consist of:

a.      The city of Bevington.

b.     Madison county.

c.      In Warren county:

i.     The cities of Milo and Norwalk.

ii.     Jackson, Otter, Squaw, Virginia, and White Oak townships, and that portion of Linn township not contained in the forty-second representative district.

B. The twenty-sixth representative district in Warren county shall consist of:

a.         The city of Indianola.

b.         Allen, Liberty, Lincoln, Palmyra, Richland, Union, and White Breast

townships, that portion of Belmont township lying outside the corporate limits of the city of Milo, that portion of Greenfield township lying outside the corporate limits of the city of Norwalk, and that portion of Jefferson township lying outside the corporate limits of the city of Norwalk, and that portion of Jefferson township lying outside the corporate limits of the city of Bevington.


has become vacant by the reason of the resignation of Senator Kent Sorenson.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Terry E. Branstad, Governor of the State of Iowa, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the law do hereby proclaim and direct that a special election to fill said vacancy shall be held within said District on



WHEREFORE, all electors within said 13th Senate District will take due notice and the County Commissioners of Elections of said counties will take official notice as provided in Iowa Code section 39.6, 2013.








18 Locals Representing 15,000 Members
Cedar Rapids, IA - Today, the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Building Trades Council announced the endorsement of Tyler Olson as their choice for the next governor of Iowa.  

Ray Dochterman, President of the Council, said, "We're pleased to announce our support for Tyler Olson as the next governor of Iowa. He has shown the ability to get things done in the Legislature on issues like disaster recovery, early child education and health insurance. His vision for Iowa - with a 21st century, home-grown economy and fresh ideas for thriving communities - is what Iowans want as we begin the next 30 years."

This is the second labor endorsement Representative Olson has received. On September 18th the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) Local 110 also endorsed his candidacy.

The Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Building Trades Council represents 18 building trade unions and 15,000 members in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City corridor:  Boilermakers Local 83; Bricklayers & Allied Craftsworkers Local 3; Carpenters Local 308 (Cedar Rapids, Iowa); Carpenters Local 1260 (Iowa City, Iowa); Cement Masons & Plasters AFL-CIO Local 21; Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers (IAHFIAW) Local 81; Ironworkers  Local 89; Laborers Union Local 43 (Cedar Rapids); Laborers Union Local 309 (Quad Cities/Iowa City); Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Painters Local 447; Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Glaziers; Architectural Metal and Glass Workers Local 581; Operating Engineers  Local 234; Plumbers, Pipefitters, Welders and HVAC Service Techs Local 125; Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers  Local 182; Sheet Metal Workers Local 263; Sprinkler Fitters Local 669 District 23; Teamsters Local 238; and UBC Millwrights Local 2158.

Each trade union provides skilled workers for building construction projects (industrial, commercial and residential) throughout the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City corridor and surrounding communities.

(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry E. Branstad today named Matt Hinch as the new chief of staff for the Branstad-Reynolds administration. Hinch, 33, replaces Jeff Boeyink, who resigned last month for a private sector opportunity. Hinch begins October 14.

"Matt Hinch brings a diversity of experience to this position, and we are excited to begin working with him," said Branstad. "After an extensive search, I believe we have found a chief of staff who has an impressive combination of public and private sector experience, and someone who will help successfully lead my team as we approach next year's legislative session. Matt is ready to hit the ground running, and I am pleased he is taking on this responsibility on behalf of the people of Iowa."

Hinch most recently served as the senior vice president of government relations and public policy for the Greater Des Moines Partnership, where he was instrumental in building support for the governor's property tax reduction and education plans. Previously, he served as chief of staff to Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen, as well as legislative director and campaign manager for Congressman Tom Latham.

"I want to thank the governor for this opportunity, and I look forward to building on his recent legislative successes," said Hinch. "Iowa has seen a turnaround under the Branstad-Reynolds administration, from instilling the fiscal discipline to again balance the budget, to record job-creating investments and a business climate that encourages higher employment. This is an exciting time for Iowa, and we will continue working to reach the administration's substantial goals for job creation, education and health care."

Reynolds noted Hinch's experience and reputation as a hard worker and problem solver.

"We are excited to see all the great things Matt will accomplish in this new role," said Reynolds. "This is a demanding job, and one Matt is uniquely qualified to fill. He shares our passion for Iowa, and will play an important part for us in building a strong foundation for the future."

Hinch is a graduate of the University of Iowa. He resides in West Des Moines with his wife Ali. They have one child.

A photo of Matt Hinch is found here: https://governor.iowa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/hinch_portrait.jpg

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The Davenport Association of Professional Firefighters Local #17 invites the public to a candidate forum.  The topic of the forum will be Public Safety.  Iowa State Representative Frank Wood will moderate. Questions from the audience may be submitted.

6:00 p.m., October 3rd at the Village Theatre, 2113 East 11th Street, Davenport.

Questions? Contact Jason Roth at 563-320-1211
