DES MOINES - On Saturday, Actress Gabrielle Union will host a "We've Got His Back" block party in Davenport as part of an African Americans for Obama outreach effort.

Gabrielle Union will talk about how President Obama and Mitt Romney offer African Americans and all Americans two fundamentally different visions of how to run the country.  President Obama is focused on creating jobs and restoring economic security. He understands that too many African Americans have been hurt by a decade of declining wages and unemployment and he's fought for policies that give everyone a fair shot and the opportunity to succeed.

In 2011, President Obama appointed Union to the National Committee for Violence Against Women. In February, she first campaigned for President Obama at North Carolina Central University.

Saturday, July 21

1:00 PM - Block Party Starts

2:00 PM - Gabrielle Union Speaks

WHAT: Actress Gabrielle Union hosting a "We've Got His Back" Block Party

WHERE: Cork Hill Park, corner of Farnam and E 10th St, Davenport, IA

***Below is the letter sent out from C.J. Sissel, Chairman Pro Tem of the newly formed Scott County Republican Liberty Caucus (

C.J. Sissel may be contacted by phone:563-284-4062 or E-mail:
Fellow Liberty Leaders
It is my pleasure and privilege to present to you the ratified Constitution and Bylaws for the Scott County Republican Liberty Caucus (attached)!  After years of brainstorming, much personal discussion, three separate sessions of debate, and a style committee review the Constitution and Bylaws were accepted by unanimous vote at approximately 7:30 PM on July 13, 2012.  Much thanks are in order to Mr. Elliot for composing the original draft and acting as one of our parliamentarians, to Mr. Angelos for his parliamentarian services and for handling credentials, and to Mr. Berntsen for handling secretarial duties along with hosting the final debate and signing ceremony in his beautiful home.  Last, but certainly not least, are all of you who sacrificed your time and effort to debate over and shape this document into the masterpiece it is now.  Without your hard work and dedication to the cause of Liberty we would not have this statement of our ideals to serve as an organizational foundation for the future of politics in Scott County.
Friday evening was the first affirmation ceremony for members of the SCRLC and those eligible for captain status were credentialed by Mr. Angelos as such.  Also Friday evening served as a formal signing ceremony.  Following affirmations the newly credentialed captains set the standing meeting time, date, and location as:
  • First Tuesday of every month
  • Downtown Central Perk, 226 W 3rd St.,  Davenport, IA
  • 6:30 PM social hour
  • 7:00 PM Meeting called to order
If you are interested in being affirmed as a member of the SCRLC, pursuant to the guidelines of Article IV of the Constitution, and/or attended any of the three conventions and did not sign the ceremonial signature page, but would like to, please attend the first regular meeting or contact one of the Pro Tem officers (myself, Mr. Berntsen, Mr. Elliott, or Mr. Angelos) for more details.
A Wonderful thing is happening here and I am honored to be a part of it.  The Revolution was fought by ordinary citizens who did extraordinary things in the name Individual Liberty.  Count yourselves amongst them.
With Liberty and Justice for All,
C.J. Sissel
Chairman Pro Tem, Scott County Republican Liberty Caucus
WC Precinct Delegate
Political Humorist Suggests Top 10 Apologies Owed

In this overheated political season, Republican leaders are claiming that President Barack Obama is not a strong enough leader and is too willing to apologize. But a quick look at American history shows that Republican presidents have a long tradition of apology.

Republican President Abe Lincoln once had doubts about the ability of Ulysses S. Grant to lead the army at Vicksburg, notes political humorist Steven Sarshik (, New York attorney and author of the satirical novel, The Apology, a humorous look at policy blunders as former President George W. Bush gets arrested for war crimes while in Greece.

"When events showed that Lincoln was wrong, he wrote to the general: 'I now wish to make the personal acknowledgement that you were right and I was wrong.' "

Grant himself offered an apology at the end of his turbulent presidential years in office, Sarshik says.

"He told Congress that it had been his 'misfortune to be called to the Office of Chief Executive without any previous political training,' and apologized for his 'errors in judgment.' "

Republican icon Ronald Reagan apologized in 1988 for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II more than 40 years earlier. He even signed legislation opening the way for reparation payments, Sarshik says.

"So, apologies from presidents are as American as apple pie," the author says, and offers Bush an opportunity to eat up.

Top 10 Reasons Bush Should Apologize!

10.  He was the first president in more that 200 years to have his vice president shoot someone (while still in office).  It happened one time before in 1804 when Vice President Aaron Burr, serving under Thomas Jefferson, shot Alexander Hamilton.

9.  He set back the cause of reading 300 years.  He read My Pet Goat and had trouble with the big words.  Bush reportedly said in 2000:  "One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures."

8.  He set back the cause of science 200 years when he proclaimed to a crowd in 2005, "The jury is still out on evolution."

7.  He appointed John Ashcroft as attorney general.  One of Ashcroft's first tasks was to cover up the exposed breast of the Spirit of Justice statue at the Department of Justice.

6.  Kim Kardashian first came to prominence during his administration.

5.  He was responsible for hanging chads, swinging chads and the Florida election count, and ultimately for the lame Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore.

4.  He spent more than 400 vacation days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

3.  He said in all seriousness:  "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."

2.  He unfurled the "Mission Accomplished" banner seven years too soon.

1.  He couldn't find Osama Bin Laden.

Sarshik, for his part, makes no apology for pointing out any politician's blunders.

About Steven Sarshik

Steven Sarshik has been a New York City trial lawyer for more than 30 years, handling all sorts of politically charged cases - much like the fictitious one he paints in "The Apology." He is also the author of "Wrongful Death," a novel about an NYC police shooting.

DES MOINES - Before President Obama outlines his plan to build an economy that is grown from the middle-class out at Kirkwood Community College, there will be an eventful pre-program with participants from Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, Cedar Falls, Waterloo and Central City, IA.


  • Band - Diplomats of Solid Sound, soul band from Iowa City.


  • Emcee - Margaret "Peggy" Whitworth of Cedar Rapids.  Peggy Whitworth was the executive Director of Brucemore, Iowa's only National Trust for Historic Preservation site for 20 years. She has been involved with the Obama campaign since the 2007 caucus. Peggy is an Neighborhood Team Leader in Cedar Rapids, helping to organize people for the election this fall.


  • Pledge of Allegiance - Will Overstreet of Cedar Falls. Will is a member of the Iowa National Guard.  He was deployed to Afghanistan, and currently is a teacher with the Waterloo School System.


  • National Anthem - Mary Mathis will be a Junior this fall at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids.   She is a member of their award-winning show choir, Happiness, and of three varsity choirs. Mary has had lead roles in several school musicals, including Annie and Smile.  She is currently practicing for a lead role in "Camp Rock" at Theatre Cedar Rapids with performances in August.


·         Invocation - Pastor Steve Perkins of Payne Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church in Waterloo - the oldest African American Church in Waterloo.


·         Welcome Remarks - Kirsten Running-Marquardt of Cedar Rapids.  Kirsten was elected to the Iowa House in a special election in 2009.  Prior to that, she was an organizer with SEIU, and was active in the Obama campaign in 2008.  She represents southwest Cedar Rapids, including Kirkwood Community College.


  • Volunteer Pitch - Andrea Marie Nemecek, Grinnell College student from Cedar Rapids.  Andrea has been involved with the Obama campaign in Cedar Rapids since she was 15.  She went to Kennedy High School where President Obama held his first campaign event in 2007.


·         Introduction - Jason McLaughlin, Principal of Central City High School in Central City. President Obama is visiting the home of Jason and Ali McLaughlin on Tuesday morning to discuss the President's vision for an economy built from the middle-out, which reforms our tax code so it rewards work over wealth and ends loopholes and tax breaks for corporations and the wealthiest.

DES MOINES -- On Tuesday, July 10, President Obama will travel to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he will visit the home of Jason and Ali McLaughlin to discuss the need for Congress to extend middle-class tax cuts that would prevent a tax hike on all families earning less than $250,000. The President believes our economy grows from the middle out and that's why his plan would prevent a $2,200 tax burden on families like the McLaughlins. Currently, as a result of the tax cuts President Obama has already signed into law, the McLaughlins will receive a total of about $4,900 in tax relief over the President's first term.

In addition to the President's call to extend middle-class tax cuts, his plan would also ask millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share and let the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest expire, which would help families like the McLaughlins send kids to college, buy new homes, pay for health care and child care, and help the economy recover from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. This is part of the President's plan to cut the deficit by more than $4 trillion and make investments that strengthen the middle class while cutting spending and ensuring that everyone pays their fair share.

Following his roundtable with the McLaughlins, the President will deliver remarks at a grassroots event at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, where he will continue to outline his plan to build an economy that is grown from the middle out, not from the top down, where everyone has a fair shot to succeed and plays by the same set of rules.

DES MOINES, IA - Today, six Iowa Mayors and County Officials released a memo expressing their deep concerns about Mitt Romney's record of outsourcing American jobs, both as Governor of Massachusetts and an executive at Bain Capital. As job creators in their cities and counties, local elected officials are standing with President Barack Obama and his vision for a job-creating economy that's built to last, where hard work pays and responsibility is rewarded.

Memo signers are from across the state, representing large and small cities and counties:

  • Mayor Chaz Allen, Newton
  • Mayor Warren Woods, Creston
  • Mayor Buck Clark, Waterloo
  • County Supervisor Lu Barron, Linn County
  • County Supervisor Rick Larkin, Lee County
  • County Supervisor Tom Hockensmith, Polk County



From:   Mayors Chaz Allen, Warren Woods and Buck Clark and County Supervisors Lu Barron, Rick Larkin and Tom Hockensmith

To:       Interested Parties

Re:       Iowa Mayors and County Officials Concerned with Mitt Romney's Record of Outsourcing

We represent six Iowa cities and counties, large and small, urban and rural. Combined, we represent close to 800,000 Iowans. As leaders in our communities, our mission is to help our businesses grow and create jobs for hardworking middle-class families.

Manufacturing contributes more to Iowa's economy than insurance and finance, construction, and agriculture combined. Iowa ranks sixth in the U.S. for top manufacturing states in terms of GDP (17.8%). Unfortunately, middle class families in our communities have experienced the devastating impact of a company's decision to move manufacturing jobs overseas.

Thankfully, under President Obama's leadership, we have seen jobs coming back to our communities after years of watching them get shipped away. We've seen more than two consecutive years of private-sector job growth, and Iowa manufacturing is growing, adding close to 20,000 jobs since 2009. We are putting Iowa's middle class back to work, and it is the kind of progress we must continue.

Last week, the Obama administration filed an unfair trade case with the World Trade Organization to hold China accountable for unfair trade practices that hurt American workers in the auto industry.  President Obama bet on the American worker when he supported the auto rescue and he knows that?with a level playing field?American workers will always win. That's why we support President Obama and his vision for a job-creating economy that's built to last, where hard work pays and responsibility is rewarded.

On the campaign trail, Mitt Romney has said he knows how to create American jobs, and suggests that his business experience gives him special insight into the economy. But Mitt Romney wanted to "let Detroit go bankrupt", which would have devastated the American auto industry and the millions of jobs it supports.  Romney's record on outsourcing, both as Governor and as the head of a corporate-buyout firm, and troubling comments on job creation, is deeply concerning to us.

A recent Washington Post article revealed that under Mitt Romney's leadership, Bain Capital owned companies that were pioneers in shipping American jobs to countries like India and China - creating profits for Romney and Bain's investors at the expense of middle-class American workers. As Governor, he signed a contract that sent state call-center jobs to India and vetoed a bill that would have prohibited sending state jobs overseas.

We are working hard every day to create economic opportunities for our cities and counties, and policies enacted at the federal level are vital to our success. Mitt Romney's record at Bain and in Massachusetts threatens the work we do to protect the economic security of middle-class Iowans and are not the values we want to see in our President.

We are also concerned about the proposals Romney has said he would enact as President. One of the only plans he has detailed would eliminate taxes on companies' foreign profits, giving companies incentives to send American jobs to other countries. Instead of closing corporate loopholes or giving tax breaks to companies that keep jobs here at home - as President Obama has proposed to do - Romney's policies would eliminate American jobs and weaken middle-class security.

The policies he is advocating for are familiar and troubling to us. It's the same formula that we tried in the last decade that benefitted a few, but crashed our economy and hurt the middle class. We need a President who stands with the American worker and focuses on job creation here at home like President Obama, not policies that would ship American jobs overseas.

In our cities and counties - and the rest of Iowa - refuse to go backward. We know we can make the products Americans want right here in our communities. We know our workers are the best in the world. As Vice President Joe Biden said in Iowa last week, "The president and I don't see American workers as part of the problem. We see them as the heart of the solution."


Mayor Chaz Allen, Newton

Mayor Warren Woods, Creston

Mayor Buck Clark, Waterloo

County Supervisor Lu Barron, Linn County

County Supervisor Rick Larkin, Lee County

County Supervisor Tom Hockensmith, Polk County


(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds today announced Iowa's participation in CNBC's "Top States Twitter Battle," and encouraged all Iowans on Twitter to use #TopStatesIA to assist in promoting Iowa's stature as a great place to do business.

In addition to engaging on Twitter, CNBC offered each governor the opportunity to record an "elevator pitch" video and submit it as part of the campaign. Produced in the Iowa governor's office, the brief video explains why Iowa is a top state for business. The video is found here:

The Twitter battle and video are a part of the CNBC "Top States for Doing Business" annual rankings show. This is a high-profile, yearly ranking of all 50 states on 43 measures of competitiveness developed with input from business groups including the National Association of Manufacturers and the Council on Competitiveness.

"We are excited to launch this promotional campaign, because Iowa has dedicated, hard-working people and some of the best employers in the country," said Gov. Branstad. "We intend to highlight Iowa's benefits through this video, and through our Twitter account."

The Twitter battle does not affect the "Top States" ranking. Host Scott Cohn ranks the states based on reporting on a variety of quantitative and qualitative data and metrics.

Branstad added he hopes Iowa comes in strong in the CNBC "Top States" rankings, but there is always more work to do in terms of luring new business and industry to Iowa.

"I am not completely satisfied with our business climate because property taxes remain too high in Iowa," said Gov. Branstad. "We have made progress on limiting burdensome regulations and creating our new Iowa Economic Development Authority, but our work on job creation and improving Iowa's business rankings should continue to be a priority for all of us. Additionally, our efforts to improve our education system are vitally important in moving Iowa forward."

Reynolds noted their travels, and the importance of being on the ground and in communities when taking into account Iowa's job creation efforts.

"The governor and I are excited when we get the opportunity to visit various businesses throughout Iowa, and again this week, we have another ribbon cutting," said Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds. "We hear the concerns of job creators in Iowa, and we work to address them after each and every visit. This is an exciting time for Iowa, and we want to continue building on our successes, while working every day to create a hospitable jobs environment.

# # #

Good Afternoon!

As I am sure you are all aware, last week week the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is constitutional. While most of us strongly disagree with this decision, it should light a fire in all of us to get to work. The only way to ensure that Obamacare is repealed in full is to send President Obama and the rest of the Democrats packing in November. Please donate to help us ensure victory in 2012.

Please see my statement below in response to the ruling:

"President Obama clearly lied to the American people when he promised not to raise taxes on middle class Americans. Obamacare not only raises taxes on every single Iowan, but also guarantees higher health care costs and deficits in perpetuity. The winners today are big corporate health insurance companies who lobbied vigorously for this law and government bureaucrats, while patients have lost control over their personal heath care decisions.


"The Supreme Court's decision today is a set back for believers of individual liberty and smaller government all across Iowa, but rest assured this will only energize us even further. The Republican Party of Iowa will be working tirelessly to send Mitt Romney to the White House along with a full Republican delegation to Congress in order to repeal Obamacare in its entirety and replace it with meaningful market-driven reforms that will reduce costs, protect patients and increase quality of care."

There is a vacancy in the Iowa Delegation for an alternate delegate spot to the National Convention in Tampa. The State Central Committee will be filling this opening so please contact a member of the Committee if you are interested. Their contact information can be found here. We hope to fill this vacancy soon as the Convention is just around the corner!

Last month the Republican Party of Iowa added an incredible 11,000 new voters across the state. We now hold an over 21,000 voter registration lead on the Democrats! I know that this trend will only continue as we work hard to reach out to the disaffected Democrats across the state who have been hurt by President Obama's failed policies. This is certainly good news as we hope to build on this positive momentum as we head into November.

Please be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter.

To Victory,

A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Paid for by the Republican Party of Iowa. 621 E 9th Street. Des Moines, IA 50309 515-282-8105,


It seems like politics is everything these days. Every news story turns into a way for politicians to gain political capitol by using it to articulate or prove their point of view. Meanwhile our troops are forgotten.




Isn't it time we pause the political "battle-to-the-death" and remember that America is ACTUALLY STILL IN A REAL WAR? Both sides -- the right and the left -- should be able to agree that the freedoms and liberty we have in America are worth fighting for. Let's put aside our difference and come together to support our troops, who fight for the freedom and safety of all Americans, regardless of ideology!

In this time of divisive politics and never ending attack ads, Americans that once came together for common goals such as supporting the troops, are now being torn apart and the real loser in this equation is the troops that we depend on. 

Because of the importance of the election this year we are finding that raising money for the troops is not on people's minds. As politics consumes the TV,  radio and newspapers, stories about our troops are on the back pages or none at all. To change this and show the troops the honor they deserve we must start now by coming together 4th of July and our Troopathon and show our heroes the support they deserve as they continue on in Afghanistan.

Let's welcome them home from the fighting together, as one voice of gratitude and appreciation, not divided over who is going to make talking points out of our troops sacrifice to win an election.


These pro-troop celebrities are putting the politics aside, and giving some of their time to the troops. They're participating in TROOPATHON to help raise money for care packages for our soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen, and guardsmen overseas!

They will be participating in Troopathon on July 12th along with many other pro-troop celebrities!
Candidate for Congress

Illinois' 17th District

(Rock Island, IL) - Congressional Candidate Eric Reyes issued the following statement regarding the current attempt to eliminate Independent candidates for U.S. Congress.

"On June 25, 2012 we ?led our petition to be placed on the ballot for the general election on November 6, 2012.  Our petition met the requirements set forth by Article 3, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution, which states in its entirety, "All elections shall be free and equal."  Supporters of the democratic candidate have challenged our petition, in an attempt to disenfranchise voters and keep Eric Reyes off the ballot. Their lack of faith in their own candidate and the wisdom of the voting public is disturbing. As I've said all along, I have every intention of ?ghting this battle, on behalf of the voters, through the court system. These objectors have chosen to spend tens of  thousands of dollars in legal fees and to waste thousands of dollars of taxpayer money attempting to eliminate a choice the voters deserve to have. I'm certain the voters will remember which candidate didn't believe they deserved a choice this election."

Eric Reyes is a full-time attorney and father from Rock Island, IL. The only lifelong resident of the district in this election, Reyes graduated from Rock Island High School, Augustana College, and Northern Illinois University College of Law. He is also a former Assistant States Attorney.

For more information on Eric Reyes or his campaign, please visit his website:

