Candidate for Congress

(Rock Island, IL) - Congressional Candidate Eric Reyes issued the following statement
regarding the current attempt by supporters of millionaire candidate Cheri Bustos to
keep Independent Candidates off the ballot.

"On July 23, 2012 the Illinois State Board of Elections sustained the objections to
our nominating papers due to the number of signatures being less than the 5,000
required by law. This was not a surprise, in fact it was expected. The board is
not empowered to decide Constitutional questions.  It was our contention then,
and now, that our petition met the requirements set forth by Article 3, Section 3 of
the Illinois Constitution, which states in its entirety, "All elections shall be free
and equal." It is also our contention that the signature requirements placed on
independent candidates and the actual or perceived restrictions placed on
circulators of independent candidate petitions and those who would sign them,
taken as a whole, are violative of those rights guaranteed by the Illinois and
United States Constitutions. As such, on July 27, 2012 we ?led a Petition For
Judicial Review with the Sangamon County Circuit Court (Case No. 12 MR 633
attached below) asking the court to reverse the Board ?nding that the nomination
papers are not valid, order them to be determined valid, and that the name Eric
Reyes be printed on the ballot for the November 6, 2012 election, and order that
any disparity in signature requirements, and rules regarding circulators or
signors, be immediately removed from the electoral code and the changes made
retroactively effective to the day the primary was held. Supporters of the
millionaire candidate running on the democratic ticket will now continue to spend
tens of thousands of dollars of private money and thousands of dollars of our
taxpayers' money in a shameful attempt to disenfranchise voters and keep Eric
Reyes off the ballot."

Eric Reyes is a full-time attorney and father from Rock Island, IL. The only lifelong
resident of the district in this election, Reyes graduated from Rock Island High School,
Augustana College, and Northern Illinois University College of Law. He is also a former
Assistant States Attorney.

For more information on Eric Reyes or his campaign, please visit his website: ###

Obama Campaign Holding Over 170 Events Statewide; Over 4,200 Nationwide


DES MOINES - Tomorrow and Sunday, Obama Campaign volunteers in Iowa will participate in an "It Takes One to Get to Six" day of action as part of the "It Takes One" nationwide initiative. The Day of Action begins the 60 day countdown to early vote and the 100 day countdown to Election Day. The campaign is holding canvass kick-off media events in 11 Iowa cities and over 170 events statewide.


Last week, First Lady Michelle Obama kicked off the "It Takes One" initiative with a video. Watch at Iowans can find their local canvass at and follow the canvassing action on Twitter by using the hashtags #ItTakesOne and #60DaysOut.


"That one conversation you have, that one new volunteer you recruit, that could be the difference between waking up on November 7th and feeling the promise of four more years or asking yourself, could I have done more?," said First Lady Michelle Obama.


This election is a clear choice between President Obama's vision to create jobs, reclaim security for the middle class and restore the basic values that make our country great, and Mitt Romney, who wants to continue tax giveaways to millionaires and billionaires and return us to the failed policies of the past, including letting Wall Street write its own rules.


From Council Bluffs to Davenport, volunteers are talking to their neighbors about President Obama's vision for an economy built to last, because they know how much is at stake.


"Every single person can make a difference in this election - and this week we're asking supporters to start by taking one action that will help grow our campaign," said Iowa State Director Brad Anderson. "The idea is that if we all commit to doing at least one thing to organize our communities, the combined impact will ensure that this President can keep moving this country forward for another four years."


The following events are open to the press:


Saturday, July 28th

Dubuque with Sen. Pam Jochum

Caroline Koppes Home

2115 Embassy West Dr., Dubuque, IA 52002



Ames with Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald

Story County Dem Headquarters

413 Northwestern Ave., Ames 50010



Waterloo with Senator Jeff Danielson

Seerley Park

W Seerley Blvd & Iowa St, Cedar Falls 50613



Davenport with Mayor Bill Gluba 

Home of Judy Voss

2718 E. Locust St., Davenport, 52803



Mason City with Senator Amanda Ragan

Home of Dean Genth

145 Pebble Creek Dr. Mason City 50401



Cedar Rapids with Rep. Tyler Olson

Linn Co Democratic Headquarters

2857 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE, Cedar Rapids 52403



Des Moines with Former Lt. Governor Sally Pederson

OFA Iowa Headquarters

2932 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines 50312



Burlington with Tom Courtney

Des Moines County Headquarters

900 Osborn St., Burlington 52601



Sioux City with Rep. Chris Hall

OFA Office

520 14th St, Sioux City 51105




Sunday, July 29th

Iowa City with Sen. Bob Dvorsky

Home of Chris Kovitch

119 Pearl, Iowa City 52245



Council Bluffs with Co. Party Chair Linda Nelson

OFA Office

1851 Madison Ave, Suite 200, Council Bluffs 51503




OFA Office

224 E. 2nd St, Ottumwa, 52501


WATERLOO, IA -- Tomorrow, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) will join the riders of RAGBRAI XL as the annual bike ride makes its way from Cedar Rapids to Anamosa.  

Friday July 27th, 2012

8:00am Rep. Bruce Braley and Carolyn Braley depart for Anamosa
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
# # #
There is a lot of discussion right now in both Washington and Des Moines about raising taxes. The Republican Party of Iowa believe we must continue to be the party for limited government and less regulation. We believe we elected Republicans in order to lower our taxes and restore our individual freedoms.

Please click here to take a quick poll on your stance on taxes in Iowa including the possibility of increasing taxes on all Iowa residents.

Last Thursday the Republican Party of Iowa opened another Victory Office, this time in Dubuque. The office is located at 2600 Dodge Street Unit NW 2, Dubuque, IA 52003. Jason Joseph, runs the Dubuque office so be sure to give him a call to sign up to door knock or make phone calls: 563-503-9107.

At the office opening 1st Congressional District candidate Ben Lange was on hand, as well as all the local candidates and National Committeman Steve Scheffler, to help fire up the crowd.

Volunteering through these Victory Offices is the single best way to help our Republican candidates up and down the ticket this fall, so be sure to sign up at the Victory office closest to you. We are planning future office openings for the next few weeks so be sure to stay tuned!
Dubuque Office Opening- despite what Steve may tell you, I made more calls than him!

Are taxes too high? Do you support raising them? Please click here so we can take your concerns to our Iowa elected officials.

On Friday I issued the call for a Special Nominating Convention for House District 33 in Des Moines. It will take place on Wednesday August 1 at 7 p.m. here at RPI headquarters. Our goal is to have Republican candidates for all seats on the ballot, even in some of the most challenging districts. No Democrat should be running unopposed this fall!

Last week we also announced that 6 young Republicans from Iowa were chosen to attend the National Convention in Tampa as pages. Congratulations to Collin Brecher, (Black Hawk), Thomas Day (Scott), Bradley Hobart (Pottawattamie), Eric Koch (Pottawattamie), Spencer Oh (Story), and Taylor Ryan (Dubuque)!

All of these individuals should be proud of their many accomplishments and I know that they will have an amazing time in Tampa. It is motivated young people like Collin, Thomas, Bradley, Eric, Spencer and Taylor that show just how strong the future of our party is.

And remember, click here to fill out our quick survey designated to hear your opinion on raising taxes in Iowa.

To Victory,

A.J. Spiker
Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack will host a Telephone Town Hall TOMORROW, Tuesday, July 24th at 7pm CDT.  Loebsack will take questions and talk with Iowans about the issues that matter to them.  People interested in participating in the call are urged to visit to sign up.

"Hearing directly from constituents is critical to my job," said Loebsack.  "Please join me for a conversation about the issues that matter most to you and your family."

Congressman Loebsack Hosts Telephone Town Hall


Tuesday, July 24th

7pm CDT

To register, visit and click the Teletown Halls sign up icon on the right hand side of the website.


Suggests debates in Cedar Rapids, Cedar Falls, and Dubuque; broadcast on TV and radio

WATERLOO, IA -- The campaign of Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) today challenged politician Ben Lange to a series of three debates before the November 6th election, broadcast by Iowa television and radio outlets.
In a written request sent to Lange's campaign, Molly Scherrman, Senior Advisor to Braley for Congress, proposed that the debates be held in Cedar Rapids, Cedar Falls, and Dubuque - the three population centers of the new First District.
Furthermore, Braley for Congress proposed that debates begin early enough in the fall to ensure that the large number of Iowa voters expected to vote early, by mail or in-person, have a chance to hear directly from the candidats.
"Rep. Braley and Mr. Lange may disagree about many things, but I'm sure they agree that the people of Iowa deserve a chance to know where candidates for public office stand on the issues affecting their lives and our country," Scherrman wrote.  "A series of debates broadcast on TV and radio that offers Iowans the chance to ask the candidates unscreened questions and hear honest, unrehearsed answers is the best way to educate voters about the choice they have this fall."
Braley's campaign proposed the following debate schedule:
  • A televised debate in Cedar Rapids, the largest city in the new First District, broadcast by KCRG-TV on Friday, September 28th.
  • A debate in Cedar Falls, broadcast by Iowa Public Radio on Wednesday October 10th.
  • A televised debate in Dubuque, hosted by Iowa Public Television, on Thursday November 1st.
Braley's campaign also proposed that the debates feature as many Iowa voters asking questions as possible.  Candidates should be denied access to questions before the debate, to ensure candid responses to questions.
A copy of the letter sent by Scherrman to the Lange campaign follows:
July 23th, 2012
Molly Scherrman, Senior Advisor
Braley for Congress
PO Box 390
Waterloo, Iowa 50704
Cody Brown
Lange for Congress
PO Box 389
Independence, Iowa  50644
Dear Cody,
Our nation is at a crossroads.  Iowa is facing enormous challenges, from an uncertain economic recovery to a worsening drought.
That's why it's critically important that voters get the chance to hear the candidates for Congress in Iowa's First District answer questions and offer details about who they are, where they come from and what they stand for before the November 6th election.  Questions like:
  • What will each candidate do to create jobs and grow the economy?
  • What candidate will work to strengthen and protect middle class families?
  • Who will protect Medicare and Social Security for generations of retirees to come?
  • Who will work to break the gridlock and dysfunction in Washington?
  • What will each candidate do to keep farmers on their feet during the drought?
Rep. Braley and Mr. Lange may disagree about many things, but I'm sure they agree that the people of Iowa deserve a chance to know where candidates for public office stand on the issues affecting their lives and our country.
A series of debates broadcast on TV and radio that offers Iowans the chance to ask the candidates unscreened questions and hear honest, unrehearsed answers is the best way to educate voters about the choice they have this fall.
That's why today, on behalf of Rep. Braley, I write to propose a series of three debates this fall, broadcast by Iowa media outlets.  We propose an early start-date to the series of debates, to accommodate the large numbers of Iowa voters expected to vote early by mail or in-person weeks in advance of November 6th.
  • First, we propose a televised debate in Cedar Rapids, the largest city in the new First District, broadcast by KCRG-TV on Friday, September 28th.
  • Second, we proposed a debate in Cedar Falls, broadcast by Iowa Public Radio on Wednesday October 10th.
  • Finally, we proposed a televised debate in Dubuque, hosted by Iowa Public Television, on Thursday November 1st.
We also propose that the debate format include as many Iowa voters asking questions as possible.  Furthermore, candidates should not have access to questions beforehand.
We hope you accept this proposed schedule of debates.  Please contact me if you have any questions.
Molly Scherrman
# # #
Local Experts Share Free Advice for Quad Cities Residents

JULY 20, 2012 BETTENDORF, IA - Maria Bribriesco, candidate for Iowa House of Representatives (District 94) and Bettendorf resident, will launch a five-part Health & Wellness series. The first segment in the series, "Unlocking The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine" will be at the Bettendorf Public Library July 24, 2012 at 6:30 PM. Drs. David and Melissa Birdsell, 30-year experts on Traditional Chinese Medicine, will deliver a short presentation followed by a Q&A.

A life-long advocate of living a healthy lifestyle, Maria has seen first-hand the tremendous benefits of taking an active role in the care of your personal health. "Good health and peace of mind are essential to well-being" Bribriesco said recently. "Stress causes so many problems - physical, psychological, etc; it is important to learn how to reduce or manage stress in our lives."

Dr. David Birdsell,with 30 years of experience and expertise in Acupuncture and his daughter, Dr. Melissa Birdsell will present on the topic of traditional chinese medicine and specialized chiropractic techniques. Dr. Birdsell supplemented his education by traveling to Japan to study acupunture under the world-renowed Dr. Koji Uemura, a certified acupuncturist and native of Kyoto, Japan, from 1982 to 1985, and to China in 1991.

About Maria Bribriesco
Maria Bribriesco, a long-time resident of Bettendorf and graduate from the University of Iowa College of Law, is candidate from the Iowa House of Representatives, District 94. After 27 years at working for the U.S. Army at the Rock Island Arsenal, Maria retired as a supervisory attorney advisor in July 2011.

Maria is married to local attorney William J. Bribriesco and is the proud mother of attorneys Anthony and Andrew Bribriesco and Dr. Alejandro Bribriesco.

For more information contact:
Sandra Travino, Campaign Coordinator
Telephone: (563) 332-0416

In case you missed it...

In a survey of Iowa Republican Party insiders, the blog found that the vast majority of respondents doubted that politician Ben Lange could beat Bruce Braley in the fall election.

Red Iowa: GOP Influentials Doubtful Ben Lange can Take Down Bruce Braley
July 20th, 2012

Influential Iowa Republicans are supremely confident of their ability to win two of Iowa's four congressional seats in November's election, but they express far less certainty about the remaining races, including Lange-Braley.
Of the 33 people surveyed in's Red Iowa survey, only 32 percent either strongly agreed or somewhat agreed that they are confident of a Lange victory. The remainder were either neutral or disagreed.
The 33 Republicans responding to this Red Iowa survey are a mix of current and former office holders, party leaders, candidates and activists. The survey was inspired by academic research showing that endorsements by party "actors" at all levels ? officeholders, party officials and local activists ? are a critical leading indicator of primary presidential elections.
Participants in Red Iowa and Blue Iowa are noted, but their answers are kept confidential. If you'd like to take part in either survey, contact Iowa Regional Editor Todd Richissin at
Red Iowa Roster: State Sen. Jack Whitver, Randy Munson, Amanda Freel, Steve Boal, State Rep. Kevin Koester, Carmine Boal, Rick Hermann, Wade Steenhoek, Skye Alison, Mike St. Clair, Jeremy Davis, Cory Adams, Chad Steenhoek, Rick Sanders, Ronald Stenstrom, Mike Nolan, Marilyn Krocheski, Karen Svede, Paul Fell, James Wilson, Dusty Juhl, Elizabeth Kuennen, Robert White, Jeff Angelo, George Forbes, Darrow Uhlenhopp, Jacqui Norman, Ben Rittgers, Randy Yontz, Chad Airhart, Isaiah McGee, Shane Blanchard, Rob Taylor, Jon McAvoy, Mike Elam, Chris McLinden, Arleigh Clemens, Deb Thornton, Cynthia Michel, William Keettel, Natalie Ginty, Debra Derksen, Irene Chalmers-Neubauer, Roger Anderson, Leah Adams, Tim Hagle, Jim Sandager, Polk County Supervisor Robert Brownell, Charles Schneider, Mary Kramer, Jim Aipperspach, Steve Gaer, Eric Woolson, Gregory Hudson, Gary Kirke, Westside Conservative Club Founder Paul Zietlow, State Rep. Scott Raecker, Jacob Chapman, Jill Ellsworth, Polk County Supervisor E.J. Giovannetti, Paula Dierenfeld, Urbandale City Councilman Creighton Cox, Andy Christenson, Connie Schmett, Will Rogers, Matt Nolan, Paul French, Kathy French, Judd Saul, Greg Tagtow, Mac McDonald.
# # #

Last Tuesday I had the honor of joining my good friend, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus in "welcoming" President Obama back to Iowa with a new website: Ben Lange and I joined Reince in Cedar Rapids mere steps away from where President Obama spoke to unveil this new website which highlights all the the stimulus money that was spent overseas.

Ben Lange, Reince Priebus, and A.J. Spiker in Cedar Rapids

I encourage everyone to check out and share it with friends. It is truly astonishing how much of our money President Obama gave away to companies that not only do business overseas but weren't financially sound to begin with. Rather than talk about his own failed record, the president keeps talking about Governor Romney's tax records, but I am bewildered as to why I should care more about what Governor Romney does with his money than what President Obama does with mine.

In case you missed it, last Friday President Obama made an astounding statement about our nations innovators and job creators, saying "if you have a business, you didn't build that. Some one else made that happen." This is a slap in the face to every small business owner in American who risks capital and puts in long hours in order to make their business grow and create jobs. How can we expect our economy to grow if this is how the President of the United States speaks to our nation's job creators? It's time for a new President now, more than ever.

The Republican Party of Iowa's Legislative Campaign Committee, which is made up of 5 Senators, 5 Representatives, and 5 State Central Committee members, met last week and unanimously passed the House/Senate Majority Fund budgets/plans designed to retake the Senate and increase our House lead. This Monday I signed off on these budgets/plans. Thanks to everyone on the committee for their hard work. I am sure that with this budget plan in place we will be successful in our efforts this fall.

Be sure to stay tuned for exciting announcements in the coming weeks as we plan new programs so the Republican Party of Iowa has the best tools to ensure Republicans can win in November.

To Victory,

A.J. Spiker
Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Don't miss these upcoming events:

Thursday: Dubuque Victory Office Opening 5 p.m.
2600 Dodge Street Unit NW 2, Dubuque, IA 52003.
Contact: Jason Joseph Cell: 563-503-9107

Friday: Sioux City Victory Office Opening 10:00 a.m.
4133 Gordon Dr. Sioux City, IA 51106
Contact: Ben Sharp Cell: 813-784-1219

Biden's Trip Focused on Outreach to Veterans and Military Families

DES MOINES - On Thursday and Friday, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, will campaign for President Obama in Iowa. He will lay out the differences between President Obama and Mitt Romney's plans for veterans and their families. Biden is a major in the Delaware Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq in 2008.

The President knows that sacred trust we have with those who serve and protect our nation. It's a commitment that begins at enlistment, and it must never end -- we owe our veterans and their families the care they were promised and the benefits they have earned.

July is Veterans for Obama Month, which was announced during the launch of the Veterans & Military Families for Obama Steering Committee on July 2.

Thursday, July 19

1:30 PM

WHAT:          Iowa Veterans for Obama Meet and Greet with Attorney General Beau Biden

WHERE:        Iowa Veterans Home, Malloy Leisure Resource Center, 1301 Summit St., Marshalltown, IA


5:45 PM

WHAT:          Des Moines Veterans Meet and Greet with Attorney General Beau Biden

WHERE:        Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 33, 2501 Bell Avenue. Des Moines, IA


Friday, July 20

WHAT: Friday Details to be Determined
