September Congressional Recess. It is critical that you attend any
meetings or town halls put on by your legislators.
Action Items:
-----1. Please forward this message to at least 10 other people.
You're whole list if possible.
-----2. Call your Congressman at (202) 225-3121 to ask for his or her
August-September Congressional Recess schedule. Attend any meetings
you can get to. Call even if you do not plan to go. They must feel
your hot breath on their necks. Be sure to alert your neighbors and
friends about any meetings.
-----3. Call both your Senators at (202) 224-3121. Ask them for their
August-September Congressional Recess schedule. But sure to go to any
meetings you can get to. When you call, tell them to oppose any
Omnibus Federal Lands Bill.
-----4. Send e-mail or fax to your Congressman and both Senators.
Here are the issues to discuss. Only put one issue in each letter,
fax or e-mail. You can send more than one letter, fax or e-mail.
Key issues:
Looming Omnibus Federal Lands Bill
EPA Corps of Engineers Wetlands Jurisdiction land and water grab.
LWCF (Land and Water Conservation Fund) (giant land acquisition
-----Lame Duck Congress (After election).
This means a Congress that meets after the election where all the
Senators and Congressmen who either retired or were voted out of
office still get to vote. They are no longer responsible to you, the
voter, so they do very foolish things.
You must get commitments from them now, before the election, that
your Senators and Congressman will commit to opposing any Omnibus
Federal Lands Bill either before the election or after.
-----Omnibus Federal Lands Bill:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is planning a huge Omnibus Federal
lands bill for the Lame Duck session of Congress. He has not put it
together yet. He will put in many bills that did not pass the Senate
this year. You defeated him when he tried this tactic in 2010 by
adding over 200 separate pieces of legislation into one bill, the
Omnibus Federal Lands bill.
Reid snuck an Omnibus Federal Lands Bill through Congress in early
2009 after you defeated it in 2008. That must not happen again.
What Reid does is go to each Member of the Senate and asks about one
or more bills each Senator would like to have. Reid then adds those
bills to the Omnibus Federal lands bill. The Senators will often not
look at all the other bills in the Omnibus Federal Lands bill package
as long as they get their bill or bills. That hurts you.
Some of the bills in an Omnibus Federal Lands bill will be good. But
the entire package must be stopped.
You must get a commitment now from your Congressman and both Senators
that they will oppose any Omnibus Federal lands bill. Each bill should
be voted on individually.
EPA Corps Wetlands Jurisdiction
You want to support this bill. S 2245.
S 2245 blocks the EPA & Corps of Engineers from getting Wetlands
Jurisdiction Over Your Water & Land
*Do You Want The EPA & Corps In Your Backyard?*
Do you want EPA & Corps Wetlands jurisdiction over all forest roads,
Federal lands and adjacent private and State lands?
*-----Urge Your Senators To Vote Yes On The "Preserve The Waters Of
The US Act" (S-2245). Make it clear that you will oppose the bill if
Reid tries to add S 2245 to the Omnibus Federal Land Bill. *
* *
We've listed the fax of each Senator who is NOT a co-sponsor of S
2245 along with one or more staff with their e-mail address. You may
phone any Senator at (202) 224-3121. If the e-mail or fax does not go
through, call the Senator at the number above to ask for the correct
information. Be sure to pass any corrections along to American Land
Be sure to note that there is an underscore between the first and
last name of each staff person listed below. For example:
* *
Kelly Ayotte (D-NH) -- F-(202) 224-2952 E-mail:
Max Baucus (D-MT) - F-(202) 224-9412 E-mail:
Scott Brown (R-MA) -- F-(202) 229-2646 E-mail:
Susan Collins (R-ME) -- F-(202) 224-2693 E-mail: <mailto:rob_epplin@collins.
Kent Conrad (D-ND) -F-(202) 224-7776 E-mail: <mailto:tom_mahr@conrad.
Al Franken (D-MN) -F-(202) 224-0044 E-mail:
Lindsey Graham R-SC) - F-(202) 224-3808 E-mail:
Kay Hagan (D-NC) - F-(202) 228-2563 E-mail: <mailto:mike_harney@hagan.
Tim Johnson (D-SD) -F-(202) 228-5765 E-mail:
Mark Kirk (D-IL) - F-(202) 228-4611 E-mail:
Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) -F-(202) 228-2186 E-mail:
Mary Landrieu (D-LA) - F-(202) 224-9735 E-mail:
Joe Manchin (D-WV) -F-(202) 228-0002 E-mail:
Claire McCaskill (D-MO) - F-(202) 228-6326 E-mail:
Joe Manchin (D-WV) -F-(202) 228-0002 E-mail:
Ben Nelson (D-NE) - F-(202) 228-0012 E-mail:
Rob Portman (R-OH) - F-(202) 224-9558 E-mail:
Mark Pryor (D-AR) - F-(202) 228-0908 E-mail:
Olympia Snowe (R-ME) - F-(202) 224-1946 E-mail: <mailto:don_green@snowe.
Jon Tester (D-MT) - F-(202) 224-8594 E-mail: <mailto:james_wise@tester.
Mark Warner (D-VA) - F-(202) 224-6295 E-mail:
Jim Webb (D-VA) - F-(202) (202) 228-6363 E-mail: <mailto:david_bonine@webb.
These Senators are already co-sponsors of
The Preserve The Waters Of The US Act (S 2245).
But they should still receive a call, fax or e-mail.
Call each one at (202) 224-3121 to urge passage but remind them not
to add S 2245 to any Omnibus Federal Lands bill.
Sen Barrasso, John [R-WY] (sponsor)
Sen Alexander, Lamar
[R-TN] - 5/10/2012
Sen Blunt, Roy
[R-MO] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Boozman, John
[R-AR] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Chambliss, Saxby
[R-GA] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Coats, Daniel
[R-IN] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Coburn, Tom
[R-OK] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Cochran, Thad
[R-MS] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Corker, Bob
[R-TN] - 3/29/2012
Sen Cornyn, John
[R-TX] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Crapo, Mike
[R-ID] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen DeMint, Jim
[R-SC] - 5/16/2012
Sen Enzi, Michael B.
[R-WY] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Grassley, Chuck
[R-IA] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Hatch, Orrin G.
[R-UT] - 5/15/2012
Sen Heller, Dean
[R-NV] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Hoeven, John
[R-ND] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey
[R-TX] - 3/29/2012
Sen Inhofe, James M.
[R-OK] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Isakson, Johnny
[R-GA] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Johanns, Mike
[R-NE] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Johnson, Ron
[R-WI] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Kyl, Jon
[R-AZ] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Lee, Mike
[R-UT] - 3/29/2012
Sen Lugar, Richard G.
[R-IN] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen McCain, John
[R-AZ] - 5/15/2012
Sen McConnell, Mitch
[R-KY] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Moran, Jerry
[R-KS] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Murkowski, Lisa
[R-AK] - 5/10/2012
Sen Paul, Rand
[R-KY] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Risch, James E.
[R-ID] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Roberts, Pat
[R-KS] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Rubio, Marco
[R-FL] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Sessions, Jeff
[R-AL] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Shelby, Richard C.
[R-AL] - 5/16/2012
Sen Thune, John
[R-SD] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Toomey, Pat
[R-PA] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Vitter, David
[R-LA] - 3/28/2012 *
Sen Wicker, Roger F.
[R-MS] - 3/28/2012 *
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*Join or donate:*
*Please consider supporting American Land Rights* by visiting our
membership page
to join or donate." You may also mail a check for $35 ($25 if you
are a first time member) to American Land Rights, PO Box 400, Battle
Ground, WA 98604. ALRA is working hard to keep you informed. E-mail
is not that expensive but ALRA also sends tens of thousands of faxes
and letters to alert your allies and friends about your issues. In
addition we maintain a full time office and staff to serve our
members and allies. Your support at this critical time would be