DES MOINES -- Obama for America released a new television advertisement today featuring former President Bill Clinton discussing the clear choice Americans face in this election. As President Clinton notes, President Obama is fighting for an economy built to last by investing in the resources we need to rebuild America from the ground up - like innovation, education and job training - to keep our country moving forward. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, on the other hand, want to go back to the same-top down economics that cuts taxes for millionaires and billionaires paid for by raising taxes on middle-class families and lets Wall Street write its own rules. The choice for the middle class, as President Clinton notes, couldn't be clearer.

"Clear Choice" will air in New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada.

Please click HERE to watch the ad.

DES MOINES - Obama for America announced today that President Obama will take a two-day tour of Iowa, Colorado and Virginia next week.  On Tuesday, August 28, President Obama will attend campaign events in Ames, IA, and Fort Collins, CO, and on Wednesday, August 29, the President will attend campaign events in Charlottesville, VA. The President will also return to Des Moines, IA on September 1 for a campaign event.

Additional details on the President's campaign events are forthcoming.



Video Highlights the President's Support of Extending the Protection Tax Credit While Romney Raises Big Oil Money

DES MOINES -- While Mitt Romney attends two fundraisers today at the Petroleum Club in Midland, Texas, Obama for America Iowa released a new web video today of the President's remarks in Iowa detailing both Romney and Ryan's opposition to the wind industry, an investment critical to a strong middle-class and a growing economy.  Last week in Iowa, voters heard how President Obama believes Congress should extend the production tax credit for wind energy right now to create American jobs and support American businesses and manufacturers.

Unlike President Obama, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to let the credits expire, which would put thousands of jobs at risk in Iowa and other states. The Republican Party has echoed Romney's hostility toward the wind industry?even omitting wind energy credits from their 2012 platform.

Mitt Romney continues to tout an energy policy that is full of empty rhetoric and bad ideas that would make oil billionaires even richer at the expense of Iowan jobs.  President Obama's tour through Iowa last week reiterated the importance of extending the tax credit because he believes America can't afford to go back to the same policies that crashed our economy and punished the middle-class - we need to continue moving forward toward an economy built to last that strengthens the middle-class by paying down our deficit in a balanced way while making the investments critical to a growing economy.

Please click HERE to watch the video.

Meanwhile, more editorial boards from across the state have publicly rebuked Mitt Romney's opposition to the Wind Energy Tax Credit, which is set to expire at the end of this year. "Obama stands with Grassley and Branstad who know that Romney's energy plan to repeal regulation will do little to diversify U.S. energy sources," writes the Quad City Times in a Sunday editorial.  Below is a snapshot of how newspaper editorial boards across Iowa have lined up in support of extending the tax credit:

Quad City Times "Flinches" At Romney's Opposition To The Tax Credit: "We stand with Sen. Chuck Grassley, Gov. Terry Branstad and most Iowans flinching at Mitt Romney's myopia on wind power," writes the Quad City Times. "Obama stands with Grassley and Branstad who know that Romney's energy plan to repeal regulation will do little to diversify U.S. energy sources. Every energy form is subsidized in America. Without the federal wind energy tax credit, Iowa would be using very few windmills, and producing none" [Quad City Times, 8/19].

Iowa City Press-Citizen: Our View: Wind tax credit good investment for nation: "Romney's campaign staff have responded to the president's attacks by explaining that, while the presumptive Republican nominee strongly supports the wind energy industry, he would rather "allow the wind credit to expire, end the stimulus boondoggles and create a level playing field on which all sources of energy can compete on their merits." Such a statement ignores the fact that wind energy tax credits were to stimulate development of a renewable source of energy. It also ignores how well the tax credit has helped grow an industry that provides a true energy alternative... The potential benefits for wind energy go far beyond the parochial concerns of any one state ? be it one as small as Iowa or one as big as Texas. Support for this tax credit likewise should go beyond the concerns of any one political party." [Iowa City Press-Citizen, 8/16]

Cedar Rapids Gazette Says Romney Stands At Odds With Entire Iowa Congressional Delegate: "Romney opposes an extension of the federal wind energy tax credit when it expires this year. That stand is at odds with the entire Iowa congressional delegation, including Reps. Tom Latham and Steve King and Sen. Chuck Grassley, all Republicans, as well as Republican Gov. Terry Branstad, who says Romney just needs a little more education on the topic.  ...We agree with the governor." [Cedar Rapids Gazette, 8/12].

Dubuque Telegraph Herald Argues Romney "Blows It" On Wind Energy: The Telegraph Herald writes that Romney "reveals a lack of understanding of the importance of wind energy. ...Among the flaws in this logic is that subsidies give wind an unfair advantage. Over coal? Over natural gas? These industries have the infrastructure built over a century of being consumers' only option. As wind energy attempts to make inroads, the subsidies are merely helping it gain footing." [Dubuque Telegraph Herald, 8/12].

Spencer Daily Publisher Said Romney would Leave U.S. more Dependent on Foreign Oil: The Publisher wrote: "Add to the conversation the Romney campaign's pledge to do away with the wind energy tax credits if he is elected. Without support for ethanol or wind energy, the US suddenly becomes much more dependent on foreign oil and, as a result, more interested in the affairs of state in countries we really would rather not be in. I have a feeling the heat will stay high on this issue for a long time to come." [Spencer Daily Reporter, 8/7/12]

Des Moines Register Editorial: "Wind tax credits should be extended." "Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, may have tilted at the wrong windmills when he said he would allow wind energy tax credits to expire," opines the Des Moines Register. "The incentive for erecting wind generators is very popular in Iowa and other Midwestern states that are harnessing the clean power of the prairie zephyrs. ...Iowa is especially big on wind. This state is ranked No. 2, behind only Texas, in wind generation capacity, and it employs more people than any other state building and maintaining wind towers and turbines." [Des Moines Register, 8/5].

Ames Tribune: Wind energy tax breaks are bipartisan in Iowa. Newspaper wrote, "The Iowa Republicans are right. Wind is important. It's big business here, and Iowa is a leader in the industry... But wind energy is also a young industry, competing with the deeply entrenched fossil fuel industry ? which also receives billions in government subsidies every year. Wind needs a help a little longer to get established." [Ames Tribune, 8/3/12]

Editorial in West Branch Times: "Wanting More Details on Romney's PTC Position." The West Branch Times called on Mitt Romney to clarify his position on ending the Wind PTC. The Times noted, "Staff members of the likely Republican candidate have recently said that he would favor ending the PTC, but they did not state whether he would favor phasing it out or ending it immediately. The PTC directly benefits Acciona Windpower in West Branch because it provides tax credits of 2.2 cents per kilowatt hour from wind facilities in service before Dec. 31, 2012. Both Republicans and Democrats from Iowa's Congressional caucus support the PTC because it helps support 6,000 to 7,000 jobs here. [West Branch Times, 7/20/12]


DES MOINES -- Obama for America Iowa released a new radio advertisement today detailing the impact of the extreme Romney-Ryan budget on wind, an investment critical to a strong middle-class and a growing economy.  In Iowa, voters will hear how clean energy would be slashed under the Romney-Ryan budget, threatening Iowa's status as a leader on wind energy jobs.

Iowans can't afford to go back to the same policies that crashed our economy and punished the middle-class - we need to continue moving forward toward an economy built to last that strengthens the middle-class by paying down our deficit in a balanced way while making the investments critical to a growing economy.

Please click HERE to listen to the ad.

The battle over heckling Paul Ryan at the Iowa State Fair continued in force this weekend - in the mainstream media, with social media, and "on the street." It's an important conversation and raises questions activists need to confront.

The Ryan protesters say they care about the poor and middle class. I don't doubt that. But fixing the systemic problems that exacerbate poverty in America require, literally,  fixing the system. You do that by building public support for change and ultimately, by pressuring policymakers to do the right thing (or even better, by electing policymakers who don't need pressuring).

Heckling. Shouting down a speaker. Storming a stage. That's the easy way out. The hard work is the daily grind of building public consensus to move policy forward. Sure, when you drown out a presidential or vice president candidate you feel powerful - for a few minutes. Then what? If you're honest, you're left with the reality that you just alienated most of those who agreed with you on the issue. You've actually set-back the movement to fix the system, to make it work better for the very poor and middle-class people you want to help.

I repeat the question that none of my activist friends involved in the Ryan action have answered: How can you cite Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. as inspirational figures for your actions and yet fail to provide even one example of either Gandhi or King heckling or shouting down an opponent? The answer is simple. Neither Gandhi nor King ever - not once - treated an opponent this way. Sure, they embraced protest and civil disobedience (the operative word is "civil"), but these were used judiciously, in conjunction with other types of political action, to build the broadest possible public consensus and to motivate others to take action.

There's a lot more to talk about on this subject. Perhaps there's a compromise in here somewhere. Maybe next time an action such as this is planned any shouting of questions could be done before or after the candidate's speech? Just throwing that out there.

Monday, we talk with Heather Ryan of Ryan Talent and Model about a troubling child custody case involving a mom who could lose her daughter because she let her participate in beauty pageants. We also talk with Drake professor David Courard-Hauri about climate change and the myth that addressing the problem would be economically ruinous.

Tuesday, Bradshaw is my guest. We talk - surprise, surprise - politics! One item on the docket: the question posed above regarding last week's Paul Ryan protest.

Wednesday, there's plenty to cover: an update on the ethics complaint filed against Bruce Rastetter, more on the Ryan/Romney budget, and a bunch of other stuff.

Thursday, State Rep Dan Kelley joins me.

Friday, Dr. Charles Goldman is my guest as we discuss the Keystone pipeline, and how an alternative plan to route the same pipeline through western Canada is on its way to being rejected by the Canadian people and the provincial governments due to environmental concerns.

So, join the conversation live, Monday-Friday, online from 12:00-1:00 pm on the Fallon Forum website. Call in at 244-0077 or toll free (855) 244-0077. And tune-in to Bradshaw, Monday-Friday from 1:30-2:30, also on the Fallon Forum website. Video and audio podcasts are available, too.

Thanks! - Ed


August 21 - Irish Jam at Open Sesame (Des Moines)
Discover the fusion of Lebanese and Celtic culture every third Tuesday of the month with Irish jigs and reels and Lebanese cuisine washed-down with a pint of Guinness. All musicians and patrons are welcome at 313 E. Locust St from 8:30-10:30 pm.

August 22 - Maternal Health and Warfare Survivors (Des Moines)
Dr. Lisa Menzies, a local pediatrician, discusses the safe birth projects she has assisted with in Tanzania, and Rachel Reynolds, a nursing instructor from Mercy College of Health Sciences discusses her recent work with survivors of the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. At 7:00 pm at Friends Meeting House, 42nd and Grand. Light snacks and drinks provided. Contact Mike at (515) 238-1782 or

August 23 - Drinking Liberally (Des Moines)
You don't have to be a card-carrying liberal to enjoy political conversation and excellent libations at AJ's, 419 E Court starting at 8:00 pm every Thursday. If the revolution is going to start anyplace, it's over a frosty libation. Contact

August 24-26 - White Eagle Multicultural Pow Wow (Waukee)
At Hawkeye Antique Acres, 3322 Ute Ave. Twelfth annual event, fostering better understanding of all cultures through drumming, music, dance and story-telling from Native American and other cultures. Contact or (515) 266-3187.

August 30 - Green Drinks (Des Moines)
Join casual conversation with people interested in environmental issues and sustainable energy over something to eat and/or drink. It's from 5:30-7:30 pm at Gateway Market and Cafe, 2002 Woodland Ave. Contact Shari Hrdina at

October 7 - Images of Peace Interfaith Prayer Service (Des Moines)
A 7:00 pm at DMACC Auditorium, Urban Campus, 9th and University for an interfaith prayer service featuring a video by Rodger Routh, presenting images of peace from various faith traditions and a variety of perspectives. At the end of the service people will walk to the Path of Peace Sculpture nearby to scatter the soil gathered from representatives of many different faiths at last year's Interfaith Service. Sponsored by the Des Moines Area Ecumenical Committee For Peace. Contact Eloise Cranke at (515) 262-5974 or Susie Paloma at (515) 480-1872.

October 20 - Contra Dance at Odd Fellows Hall (Des Moines)
Contra-Indications is hosting a contra dance at Odd Fellows Hall, 2904 Kingman Blvd, 8:00-11:00 pm, with lesson at 7:30 pm. Live music by Barn Owl Band; Jill Allen as caller. $10 adults; free under 12; $25 family maximum. Visit

DES MOINES - Obama for America today announced the campaign's new Iowa Catholics for Obama Co-Chairs, supporters who recognize the President's record of leading with values and fighting for so many of the priorities and policies that Catholics hold dear.  This group is made up of Catholic leaders and grassroots supporters from Iowa who are committed to helping our country continue to move in the right direction.

Since day one, President Obama has advanced policies and programs that help American families, working in partnership with faith-based and community organizations.   From fighting for health insurance reform so no family will have to worry about how to make ends meet in the face of illness or disease, to supporting tax reform in which everyone pays their fair share, to ensuring every child has access to a good education, President Obama believes that we are our brother and sister's keeper.  The President strongly believes that we have a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves because helping hardworking Americans succeed is part of what defines us as a nation. The Obama Administration has consistently partnered with Catholic non-profits like Catholic Charities and Catholic Relief Services to serve those in need?financial partnerships totaling over $1.5 billion over the past two years to aid these organizations in their important work.

"President Obama believes that we are in this together and that we are greater together than we are on our own.  Catholics are supporting President Obama because he understands the importance of an active faith in pursuit of the common good - something he has lived his life by and that has served him over the course of his career in public service.  The President's record, character and values make the choice in this election incredibly stark and clear," said Broderick Johnson, who leads the campaign's outreach efforts with Catholics.

For more information, please visit where you will find a letter from the Catholics for Obama National Co-Chairs highlighting the President's commitment to moving our country forward.

Iowa Catholics for Obama Co-Chairs:

Former First Lady of Iowa Mari Culver, Des Moines

State Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald, Waukee

State Representative Pat Murphy, Dubuque

Ken Kraus, Dubuque

Jennifer Herrington, Clarinda




DES MOINES - Obama for America is releasing a new television ad that highlights President Obama's commitment to issues important to women and their families.  The new ad - "The Same" - draws the stark contrast between President Obama and the Romney-Ryan ticket's record on women's health. 

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have taken extreme positions on issues that matter to women and their families. From promising to "get rid of" Planned Parenthood to backing proposals that would take away a woman's right to choose, women recognize they cannot trust the Romney-Ryan ticket to stand up for them.

President Obama is committed to protecting women's health because he knows that women are capable of making their own choices when it comes to their health care. The President has repeatedly fought back against Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, and believes that women - not politicians or the government - should be in control of their own health decisions.  President Obama knows that access to quality, affordable health care means a stronger American middle class.

"The Same" will air in Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, Iowa.

Please click HERE to watch the ad and HERE to learn more about President Obama's record on issues important to women and their families.

Greetings Fellow Republicans,

Earlier this month people across the country, including thousands upon thousands in Iowa, came out in support of Chick-fil-A restaurant. Together they gave Chick-fil-A it's largest day of business ever in a show of support for the free speech rights of it's CEO Dan Cathy.

The Republican Party of Iowa strongly values freedom of speech and the ability for everyone, regardless of political or religious belief to express themselves. Today I am proud to unveil our newest program, an initiative appropropriately deemed, "The Patriot Club"

Join the Patriot Club with a $10 monthly donation and you'll automatically receive a $10 gift card to Chick-fil-A as a special gift from the Republican Party of Iowa! We'll even mail the gift card right to your home.

We believe Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy has the right to express his political beliefs, even if they are not seen as politically correct by liberals. If you agree, then please join the Patriot Club today and help us defend this important personal liberty. This new program will allow us to focus even more time, energy and resources on getting Republicans elected statewide. It will also allow the party to save money, better plan for the future and put additional resources into our solid candidates throughout Iowa.

Click here to learn more about the Patriot Club and get your $10 Chick-fil-A gift card!

I am also very excited to announce the Republican Party of Iowa has a brand new website! My staff and I have been working very hard to redesign our website and ensure Republican voters, activists and candidates have the tools they need to be successful. Over time this new website will grow and have even more tremendous features. The address is the same as before: but you will find it has been given a complete makeover.

On the new website you will find upcoming events in your area, information about Republican candidates running for office at the federal, state and local level, as well as the latest news and press releases from the Party. You will be able to sign up to volunteer and get updates on events in your area. Visit our new website by clicking here.

Everyone here at the Republican Party of Iowa is thrilled to roll out the new website. We believe it will give us a competitive advantage this election cycle and we hope you like it as much as we do!


To Victory,

A.J. Spiker
Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

P.S. I am tremendously excited to unveil both our brand new website and our "Patriot Club" program. Help us defend freedom of speech and support Republican candidates this November and receive your $10 Chick-fil-A gift card as a special thank you from the Republican Party of Iowa. Click here to join the Patriot Club with an initial $10 donation.
First, kudos to Mitt Romney for choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate. Now, the danger: Romney, Ryan, their surrogates, their supporters and the American people will continue to treat election 2012 as just another contest to determine whose hand is at the helm of state for the next four years.

No, this election is for keeps. If Barack Obama doesn't lose his bid for a second term, he and his vast, left-wing support network of Marx-inspired think tanks, strategists and elected officials will fulfill Obama's 2008 campaign promise to "fundamentally" transform this nation, thus bringing the American experiment in liberty to what could be the final curtain.

This is not idle hyperbole. I have just finished Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott's chilling new book, "Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed" (WND Books). I recommend it as must-reading for all Americans, but particularly for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. In their run for the White House, the GOP standard-bearers don't seem to realize what they are up against - and, by extension, what lies in store for us all if they are not victorious in November.

"Fool Me Twice" is Klein and Elliott's third in-depth political study of Obama. "The Manchurian President" (2010) examines Obama's lifelong ties to anti-American radicals; "Red Army" (2011) explores Obama White House links to the Marx-inspired policy world where, in research papers and "progressive" legislation, the foundations of Obamacare, for example, went unnoticed for years before being passed in 2010.

Having learned to track the left's policymaking subculture, the authors now turn to what an Obama second term likely holds. To this end, they examined thousands of documents, including initiatives from the Center for American Progress, or CAP (the Obama administration's "idea factory," as Time magazine calls it); sundry pieces of legislation introduced by "progressives" in Congress; and both well-known promises and little-known executive orders issued by Obama himself. The book-length result is what Klein describes as "the secret template for Obama's next four years - the one actually created by Obama's own top advisers and strategists."

In meticulous detail, the authors lay out the plans of Obama and his allies to, among other things: reconceive of U.S. defense as a fight against "climate change," national sovereignty and other leftist bogeymen; "green"-ify the U.S. energy industry; open U.S. borders and register illegal aliens who are soon to be given amnesty by Obama (and who overwhelmingly vote Democrat); and, of course, move to a single-payer government health-care system. From the morass of technical jargon and policy wonkdom the authors sift through emerges a terrifyingly sharp image of centralized federal control of practically everything - even political dissent on the airwaves via the so-called Fairness Doctrine.

This not-so-nascent form of totalitarian power is what the 2012 election is all about. Whether they realize it - and they don't - Americans are about to decide whether to empower the increasingly dictatorial executive branch of Barack Hussein Obama, whose future plans to distort "checks and balances" promises to transform the U.S. government out of all recognition, or to break the momentum of government centralization by electing Romney-Ryan.

Most Americans, ill-served by mum media and silent politicians, will be shocked at the executive branch usurpation of powers Klein and Elliott describe as being in the hopper, and always at the expense of the people through the steady attrition of congressional powers. For example, there are plans "to wrest budgetary control from Congress" of Pentagon purse strings and vest them in an "independent panel," and ideas to strip Congress of its powers over immigration by empowering a White House panel to allocate all visas. Other centralizing and, in fact, truly fascist ideas afoot include plans for a federal "green bank," which would use taxpayer dollars to finance "clean" energy companies (such as the notorious and now-bankrupt company Solyndra), as well as a national infrastructure "bank," which, as the authors put it, "would concentrate even more power in Washington while creating a giant cesspool for government cronyism and corruption."

All of which is to say, this election is not merely about jobs or deficit spending or fixing Medicare, as the Romney-Ryan ticket would have us believe. Such blinkers only lull the electorate into complacency and, worse, preserve the Obama machine's politics-as-usual cover.

Election 2012 is anything but politics as usual. It is an existential crisis. For many reasons, I would vote for my dog over Obama-Biden, not least of which is that she always warns me of danger. Romney-Ryan must find the courage and love of country to do the same.

ABOUT YOUR GUEST: Aaron Klein is a New York Times bestselling author, journalist and radio host. He is senior reporter for WND and hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's WABC Radio, the nation's largest talk station. Klein's program is one of only two weekend shows in the U.S. to make the Talkers Heavy Hundred official list of top American radio shows. His previous books include Red Army, The Manchurian President, The Late Great State of Israel and Schmoozing with Terrorists.

ABOUT YOUR GUEST: Brenda J. Elliott is an award-winning historian, researcher and New York Times bestselling author. She is the blogger who created RezkoWatch (RW), TheRealBarackObama (RBO) and RBO2. She has appeared on hundreds of radio shows, contributed to numerous investigative articles and publications and is the co-author of Red Army and The Manchurian President.

The reviews are in on President Obama's grassroots swing across Iowa. The President crossed the state talking about the importance of Iowa's wind industry and building an economy from the middle out instead of the top down.

"From the military wife, to the middle school science teacher, to the union representative, to the family self-sufficiency coach, to the other 2,900 in attendance -- one and all took their own piece of inspiration from President Barack Obama's campaign speech Wednesday at the Alliant Energy Amphitheater in the Port of Dubuque," writes the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald. The Denison Bulletin & Review pens the trip "provided an opportunity that few Americans are afforded - the chance to meet a president in person." The Marshalltown Times-Republican cites that a "historic moment was made Tuesday" when President Obama became the first sitting President since Franklin D. Roosevelt to visit Marshalltown.  Here's a full rundown on what Iowa newspapers are saying about the President's trip:

Obama champions middle class in Oskaloosa speech (Oskaloosa Herald, 8/14). President Barack Obama told the audience at his campaign stop in Oskaloosa Tuesday that they have a critical choice to make at the polls this November. "It is a choice between two fundamentally different visions of how America became great and how it's going to stay great," Obama said to 852-person audience gathered underneath shade trees at Nelson Pioneer Farm just outside Oskaloosa.

Obama rallies supporters in Boone (Webster City Freeman Journal, 8/14). President Barack Obama said it was good to be back in Boone County for a campaign stop yesterday afternoon at Herman Park. Crowds packed the park pavilion, chanting "four more years" in support of the President. He began his speech by stressing the importance of the coming election. "It is not just a choice between two candidates or two political parties, but more than any election in recent memory, this is a choice between two fundamentally different visions about how we move this country forward," Obama said.

Obama: Election choice will impact generations (Des Moines Register, 8/14). President Barack Obama kicked off his three-day Iowa tour with a clarion call to view this election as a stark choice about America's future ? and ended the day in the Bud Tent at the Iowa State Fair. Before he got to his Bud Light and pork chop, there was plenty of red meat politics, and lots of idyllic Iowa scenes. He stopped at a farm to talk about the drought and rode by scores of wind towers, hundreds of people waving American flags, and thousands of acres of drought-shriveled corn.

Obama: 'We've been very good for the farm economy' (Carroll Daily Times, 8/14). President Barack Obama Monday announced a raft of agricultural initiatives aimed at stemming the fallout from the worst drought in a generation.  At the same time, while the full effect of Mother Nature's stinginess with rain in much of the nation unfolds, the president told a reporters' roundtable in Boone that his administration deserved some credit for the generally favorable farm economy over the past four years.

Obama's message to voters: This one counts (Nonpareil, 8/13). For the first time on an overcast morning, the sun came out as President Barack Obama took the stage at Bayliss Park Monday. It was an electric atmosphere as an estimated 4,300 packed the park to catch a glimpse of the president as he kicked off three days of campaign activities across Iowa in Council Bluffs. Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Wonder songs blared through the public address system as an anxious crowd waited for the commander and chief, but it was U2's "Beautiful Day" that blasted forth as Obama mounted the stairs.

A presidential visit in Denison (Denison Bulletin & Review, 8/14). The combination of President Barack Obama's schedule and Denison's location along the route of two campaign stops on Monday - Council Bluffs and Boone - provided an opportunity that few Americans are afforded - the chance to meet a president in person. President Obama's motorcade traveled Highway 30 from Missouri Valley to Boone Monday afternoon and stopped at around 3 p.m. at Summer Magic tropical sno for one of Obama's favorite treats - shaved ice.

Obama says Romney doesn't understand importance of wind energy (Radio Iowa, 8/14). President Obama touted "home grown" wind energy today during a midday speech in Oskaloosa and criticized Republican rival Mitt Romney for opposing extension of the wind production tax credit. "He said that new sources of energy, like wind, are imaginary. His running mate calls them a fad," Obama said.

Obama: Clear differences between candidates (Ottumwa Courier, 8/14). President Barack Obama spent much of a half-hour speech in Oskaloosa drawing distinctions between himself and Republican challenger Mitt Romney.  "It is a choice between two fundamentally different visions on the path we need to take for our kids and our grandkids," Obama said.

An historic hail to the chief (Marshalltown Times-Republican, 8/15). As President Barack Obama walked across the Miller Middle School gym floor arriving at the podium and saying "Hello Marshalltown," an historic moment was made Tuesday. Obama is the first sitting president to visit Marshalltown since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940.

Obama attacks Romney's economic plan during stop in Waterloo (WCF Courier, 8/15). President Barack Obama stressed an economic message Tuesday night in Waterloo, saying electing Mitt Romney would mean a return to trickle-down economics. Speaking before a crowd of 1,800 at the RiverLoop Amphitheatre, Obama criticized Romney's economic plans, saying the idea of giving more tax breaks to wealthy Americans won't help the middle class and won't stimulate the economy.

Estimated crowd of 3,000 hears Obama speak in East Davenport (Quad City Times, 8/15). President Barack Obama criticized Republican rival Mitt Romney and running mate, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, telling thousands of people at two rallies Wednesday in eastern Iowa that he has protected Medicare, but the Republican ticket would turn it into a voucher system and end the program "as we know it." The argument over the health insurance program for seniors could be crucial, particularly in Iowa, a swing state with a large number of elderly.

Obamas woo Dubuque (Telegraph Herald, 8/16). From the military wife, to the middle school science teacher, to the union representative, to the family self-sufficiency coach, to the other 2,900 in attendance -- one and all took their own piece of inspiration from President Barack Obama's campaign speech Wednesday at the Alliant Energy Amphitheater in the Port of Dubuque.

Detour: President thanks teachers (Telegraph Herald, 8/16). It was quite a back-to-school surprise. Teachers in the Western Dubuque Community School District were participating in their first official day of meetings for the new school year on Wednesday at Cascade High School when President Barack Obama made an unannounced visit.
