30 Cities in 30 Days to Share Truth that Affects all Americans
(Atlanta) Herman Cain today announced he will travel across the country this fall for The Truth Tour - an aggressive 30-day, 30-city schedule of events to equip Americans with the facts that will help us decide the future of our nation.
The Truth Tour is sponsored by Job Creators Solutions, an organization formed by Cain and Bernie Marcus, the co-founder of The Home Depot. As stated on the organizatin's website, Job Creators Solutions "(a)ssists employers in educating employees about policy issues and candidate positions affecting their company, job security, wages and benefits, and their families." And this fall, Job Creators Solutions will expand its reach to faith-based and community leaders as well as college students across the country.
"Bernie Marcus and I both know first-hand how important it is to have the facts when making business decisions," Cain said. "We also know it is just as important for Americans to have the facts when making decisions that will impact our communities, businesses and our nation. This is why I'm proud to join forces with Bernie for The Truth Tour."
Marcus concurred, saying Cain's ability to reach and engage wide-ranging audiences will be vital to the success of The Truth Tour. "It doesn't matter if you're a Forbes 500 business CEO or a college student," Marcus said. "Herman Cain has the unique ability to reach you. This is a one-of-a-kind message from a one-of-a-kind messenger."
Each stop on the 30 city, 13-state tour through will include the following:
*Morning Event for Faith-Based and/or Community Leaders - Reaching out to the Faith-Based and minority community to give these thousands of Hermans and Bernies in America's urban centers and inner cities tools to revive the American Dream and re-establish the American environment that allowed Cain and Marcus to pursue their dreams.
*Lunch Event for Job Creators and Business Leaders - Equipping business leaders with talking points, media training, educational materials for their employees, and peer support will empower employers to protect their economic rights and the opportunities to grow their businesses and provide added jobs.
*Evening College & Community Event - Among adults of all ages, 82 percent say it's harder for today's young adults to find a job than for previous generations. The number of unemployed Americans aged 20-24 has risen from 1.85 million to 2.19 million in the past three years. This vital part of the Truth Tour will address this very important group of Americans. Rather than a lecture, this will be a fun, educational event with Herman Cain and a popular local band.
The Truth Tour begins September 5, 2012 in Iowa, with morning and noon events in Cedar Rapids and an evening event at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. The Tour wraps up in Columbus, Ohio on November 1 at The Ohio State University. The full schedule of events can be found here.
"I know I will be absolutely worn out at the end of this tour," Cain remarked. "But I will not rest until I feel I've done my best to get the right information to as many Americans as possible. We are at too critical a juncture in our nation's history to simply sit back and do nothing. This may be our best and only shot to steer our country in the right direction."
Also, notable names such as Dick Morris and Steve Moore have confirmed they will speak at a number of the events on The Truth Tour. More details about specific tour stops will be released as the dates of the events draw closer.
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