Here at the Iowa GOP we've prided ourselves on bringing in solid conservative speakers, time after time, and leading the charge to promote Republicans who stand on principle.

As Co-Chairman of the party I've been truly awed at the amazing response we've had to every one of our events.

I'm proud to serve as Co-Chairman of a party that doesn't shy away from the values of our platform and doesn't back down from speaking a true conservative message.

That's why I'm so proud to announce U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, will be headlining our July summer picnic in Des Moines on Friday, July 19th.

Due to the nature of Senator Cruz's brief availability (He's a busy guy defending our conservative values against big government forces in Washington) this will be a lunch-time event.

We've also decided to make this event a more close-knit affair, allowing our guests to meet Senator Cruz in person and spend some time one on one with this true champion of freedom.

We've capped this event at no more than 50 people in order to allow our guests to have that time to meet and talk with Senator Cruz.

The event runs from 12:00pm-1:00pm and includes a great BBQ picnic lunch at the Iowa GOP headquarters in Des Moines.

Tickets will go fast for this exclusive event with one of the Senate's most outspoken conservative leaders.

Like I said, we've capped this to 50 people or less so space is extremely limited.

Please click here to reserve your ticket before we're sold out.

Senator Cruz is just the most recent in a long line of conservative leaders we've brought to the state to showcase the strength of our Republican message. Reserve your ticket here and don't miss this tremendous opportunity to meet and spend some personal time with Ted Cruz.



"I think we need to start taking them..."

Such were the sentiments of Democratic Iowa State Rep Dan Muhlbauer during an interview with the Carrol Daily Times. Muhlbauer stated he believed in confiscating semi-automatic firearms from Iowans, even those already legally owned by law-abiding citizens.

Will you help the Iowa GOP stand up for gun rights across the state by sending a message to all of Iowa?

"We need to get them of the streets, illegally, and even if you have them I think we need to start taking them."

That's right, Muhlbauer isn't just talking about banning guns going forward...

He's talking about confiscating them from law-abiding citizens who already own them.

Absolutely nowhere in the Constitution does it give the government the right to confiscate our guns.

That's why I've called on Iowa's elected officials to reaffirm and defend the constitutionally guaranteed right of Iowans to defend themselves and their families.

In addition, the Republican Party will lead a fervent campaign to reject these extremist views and unseat Mr. Muhlbauer in 2014 and elect a candidate who truly understands the principles of freedom.

That's why I've set a one-day fundraising goal to give us a quick start to challenge Rep. Muhlbauer in 2014.

I know 2014 seems so far away, but I'm furious that Iowans are represented by someone with such disdain for our Constitutional rights.

I want the entire media to know the Iowa GOP is committed to the second amendment and we will do everything we can to unseat this gun-grabber in the next election.

Please help defend our Constitution with a contribution today in our one-day fundraising push.


Defending Limited Government,

David Fischer
Iowa GOP Co-Chairman