Herman Cain Leads GOP Poll in Three Critical Swing States

Presidential candidate Herman Cain leads the Republican field in three important swing states according to Quinnipiac University's first "Swing State Poll" of the 2012 campaign cycle.

Mr. Cain polls GOP voters in Florida, with 27 percent of the vote, a six percent lead over nearest challenger, and in Ohio, with 25 percent, a five percent lead over nearest challenger. In Pennsylvania, Mr. Cain and Gov. Mitt Romney tie at 17 percent.

For the past 50 years, these three states have predicted the presidential winner. Since 1960, no candidate has won the presidential election without carrying at least two of these states.

"My message of real solutions and real leadership continues to resonate across the country. The American people are tired of career politicians and Washington insiders. They are hungry for an authentic candidate," said Herman Cain. "I appreciate the vote of confidence from the voters of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and I deeply appreciate all of the support my campaign is receiving from every state in our great country."




We did it.

But we can do more!

When we launched the Iowa Fund last week, many people did not believe we could reach our goal of $999,000, but they were very wrong.  Not only did we reach the goal, we exceeded it more than 24 hours early!

Our total is well over $1.1 Million dollars right now, and still climbing.

Together, we have sent a message...A message to the media, the political establishment, and the rest of the American people.

We will not go along with politics as usual. We will not keep quiet.  

This year, We The People of this great nation will be choosing our own candidate for President of the United States!

Tonight I need your help.  In a little while I will be joining the other candidates in another debate. Many seek to destroy our efforts. Many have said that our campaign cannot possibly remain on top.

They are wrong.

I need you to spread the word about the Iowa Fund.  If you haven't had a chance to contribute- now is the time! If you have, would you consider donating again and inviting your friends to do the same? Let's show the naysayers that we will not be stopped!  

Let's push the Iowa Fund so far above our goal that they can't avoid talking about us! Together we can do this!

Herman Cain


Herman Cain Leads in Florida According to Rasmussen

The first survey by Rasmussen Reports of likely Republican primary voters in Florida has presidential frontrunner Herman Cain leading the Republican field with 30 percent, six percent higher than his nearest challenger.

This survey was conducted on November 8th and the margin of sampling error is +/- 4 percentage points with a 95 percent confidence level.

Herman Cain has been consistently leading the Republican pack in Florida since he won the Florida straw poll in September.

Cain Carries the Crowd, Reasserts Economic Plan in Rochester Debate


Republican presidential frontrunner Herman Cain received uproarious applause at the latest and ninth debate for Republican presidential contenders at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan Nov. 9. Cain confronted questions about leadership and character head-on, saying, "Over the last nine days the voters have voted with their dollars and they are saying they don't care about the character assassination - they care about leadership and getting this economy going and all of the other problems we face."

The debate discussion went to Herman Cain first for his perspective on Italy and the global economic crisis. Cain said "We must grow this economy...as long as we are stagnant in terms of growth and GDP, we impact the rest of the world... we (must) put some fuel in the engine that drives economic growth which is the business sector. This administration has done nothing but put stuff in the caboose and it's not moving this economy."

The audience booed debate moderators for dredging up allegations from the last week against Cain. Directly addressing questions, Cain responded strongly: "The American people deserve better than someone being tried in the court of public opinion based on unfounded accusations," Cain continued, "I value my character and integrity more than anything else and for every one person that comes forward with a false accusation, there are thousands who would say none of that sort of activity ever came from Herman Cain."

The crowd cheered when questioners steered the debate back to the economy, which led to Cain reiterating his plan to save the US economy: "Uncertainty is what's killing this economy...we (need to) throw out the tax code and put in something bold. Get government out of the way by reducing the regulatory environment."

Cain said he would support the repeal of Dodd-Frank legislation and suggested that government intervention is not the solution to turn around the economy, "The government has no business trying to pick winners and losers...whether through the front door with legislation or through back door through regulation." Cain reiterated that he would work with politicians from both sides of the aisle with the peoples' support, saying, "Provide a compelling solution, and if the (American people) understand it, they will demand it."


Georgia State Senator Unterman Endorses Herman Cain for President

Georgia State Senator Renee Unterman (R-Gwinnett) today enthusiastically announced her endorsement of Herman Cain for president.

"This country needs a real leader, a man of Herman Cain's strong character, integrity, and problem-solving capabilities in the White House. This is why I am endorsing Mr. Cain for President of the United States." said Senator Unterman.

Senator Unterman continued, "I have known Herman Cain for many years, and I cannot think of a better person to be our next Commander-in-Chief.

Our country needs someone with bold ideas, who has experience producing positive results. Mr. Cain is a leader with a proven record of turning around troubled organizations. At this pivotal point in American history, this is the experience we need."

"As the sole female Republican in the Georgia Senate, I am deeply honored to have Senator Unterman's endorsement and thank her for her distinguished leadership in Georgia," said Herman Cain.


New Cain Video Features Alveda King and Opportunity Zones in Detroit

Detroit - In the city of Detroit, the very face of destructive liberal economics, presidential candidate Herman Cain presents his vision of turning poverty-stricken communities into thriving Opportunity Zones as part of his bold "9-9-9 Plan."

The new video focuses on a desperate city, hungry for jobs, commerce, and true hope; Herman Cain lays out specific plans for returning Detroit to a pinnacle of industrial achievement.

In this video, respected author and conservative activist, Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., lends her support for Mr. Cain's vision for economic renewal.

"Where some see economic decline, Herman Cain sees fertile soil for growth," begins the narrative. And the citizens of Detroit seem to feel it can't happen soon enough...

You can see the video on the Herman Cain YouTube channel.

In the most recent USA Today/Gallup survey, Republican frontrunner Herman Cain now ties Gov. Romney as the leader for the GOP presidential nomination in polling of likely Republican voters that was conducted Nov. 2-6.  Mr. Cain now polls at 21 percent, a 3 percent increase from early October.

"I am delighted to see these latest poll numbers. It is clear to my supporters and me that the American people will not allow my bold "9-9-9 Plan", clear foreign policy vision and plans for energy independence to be overshadowed by bogus attacks," said Herman Cain.

As Ms. Sharon Bialek has placed herself in the public spotlight through making patently false allegations against Herman Cain, it is only fair to compare her track record alongside Mr. Cain's.

In stark contrast to Mr. Cain's four decades spent climbing the corporate ladder rising to the level of CEO at multiple successful business enterprises, Ms. Bialek has taken a far different path.

The fact is that Ms. Bialek has had a long and troubled history, from the courts to personal finances - which may help explain why she has come forward 14 years after an alleged incident with Mr. Cain, powered by celebrity attorney and long term Democrat donor Gloria Allred.

In the courts, Ms. Bialek has had a lengthy record in the Cook County Court system over various civil lawsuits. The following cases on file in Cook County are:

  • ·         2000-M1-707461 Defendant against Broadcare Management
  • ·         2000-M1-714398 Defendant in lawsuit against Broadcare Management
  • ·         2000-M1-701522 Defendant in lawsuit against Broadcare Management
  • ·         2005-M1-111072 Defendant in lawsuit against Mr. Mark Beatovic.
  • ·         2007-M1-189176 Defendant in lawsuit against Midland Funding.
  • ·         2009-M1-158826 Defendant in lawsuit against Illinois Lending.

Ms. Bialek was also sued in 1999 over a paternity matter according to ABC 7 Chicago (WLS-TV).  Source: WLS-TV, November 7, 2011

In personal finances, PACER (Federal Court) records show that Ms. Bialek has filed for bankruptcy in the Northern District of Illinois bankruptcy court in 1991 and 2001. The respective case numbers according to the PACER system are 1:01-bk-22664 and 1:91-bk-23273.

Ms. Bialek has worked for nine employers over the last seventeen years. Source: WLS-TV, November 7, 2011

Curiously, if Ms. Bialek had intended to take legal action, the statute of limitations would have passed a decade ago.

Which brings up the question of why she would make such reprehensible statements now?

The questions should be - who is financing her legal team, have any media agreed to pay for her story, and has she been offered employment for taking these actions?

Ron Paul Campaign Statement on October 2011 Unemployment; Dire circumstances demand authentic solutions
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Manager John Tate released the following statement concerning the Bureau of Labor Statistics' employment situation summary for the month of October 2011:

"The national unemployment rate of 9 percent for the month of October 2011 comes as no shock.  There are plenty of data illustrating a dire state of affairs even as Washington intervenes heavily in the economy - and seeks to nudge us further off the cliff. 

"The four-week moving average for new unemployment insurance claims is still higher than the troublesome 400,000 benchmark. 

"An all-time record 6.7 percent of Americans, a staggering 20.5 million people, suffer deep poverty, defined in 2010 as earning $5,570 or less or just $11,157 for a family of four. 

"In total, 46.2 million people live below the official poverty line.  This week, we also learned that nearly 15 percent of Americans - 45.8 million people - relied on food stamps in August, with recipient rolls having risen 8.1 percent in the past year.

"All of this is taking place in a wealthy industrialized nation of 312 million people blessed with favorable geography and abundant natural resources.

"We can and must do better.

"More federal intervention is not the answer; it will only dig a deeper hole.  Few in government seem to realize this.

"To make matters worse, this week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced a tacit continuation of the Fed's quantitative easing policy, meaning the institution's top official still can't grasp the truth that the Fed-created boom and bust cycles result in the kind of stubborn joblessness we're seeing.

"Also note how casually our leaders mention there will be sustained weak economic growth until 2014.

"Meanwhile, the Obama administration is making crude threats about women being assaulted as a result of Congress deciding against the President's costly, deficit-financed stimulus re-boot.  This shows a clear lack of the leadership America urgently needs.

"In September, metropolitan area unemployment for Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, the locus of government and influence peddling, was a respectable 6.1 percent, demonstrating that as the private sector suffers, government thrives.

"Washington elites cannot see the trouble they are causing or the pain working Americans are feeling.  Washington always flourishes in the midst of the crashes it creates.

"Worst of all, the Washington establishment is unconcerned and unsympathetic about the crushing debt - now matching U.S. GDP - being forced on today's workers and future generations of taxpayers.

"Ron Paul's ambitious 'Plan to Restore America' is the boldest plan to reduce the federal deficit.  It cuts taxes, authorizes a comprehensive audit of the Fed, and reins in dangerous government intervention by curtailing runaway spending and regulatory overreaches.

"Today's government-imposed economic weakness demands action.  Dr. Paul is the only candidate with the experience and plan to get Americans back to work and create lasting prosperity."


Ron Paul's Leadership Unifies House Reformers in Defense of American Taxpayers Urges 'Super Committee' to make serious cuts and avoid new taxes, calls for Congressional pay cut
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul recently displayed uncommon leadership sorely needed in Washington through a willingness to unite Congressional reformers on both sides of the aisle in defense of the American taxpayer.

Before heading to Iowa, Minnesota, and North Dakota for hard campaigning, Representative Paul showed why he is the only candidate who can unite people and bring our country authentic change.

Paul joined with a coalition of Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats to call for deep and meaningful spending cuts from the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (or "Super Committee") that is charged with presenting the full Congress with deficit reduction options, reflecting Paul's commitment to working in a bipartisan manner to reduce the burden imposed on the American people by spending and taxes.

Paul also joined with House conservatives and Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4) in pledging to fight any attempt by the Super Committee to raise taxes.  He co-signed a letter urging the Super Committee to avoid deficit-reduction actions that balance the federal budget on the backs of the American taxpayer. 

Dr. Paul also worked with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8) and others to assemble members from across the political spectrum to call for a cut in Congressional pay, sending Americans a message that Washington too must curtail its spending as it requests belt-tightening from the public. The letter to the Super Committee also notes that Congress last cut its own pay in 1933, during the Great Depression.

Paul's own ambitious 'Plan to Restore America,' recently cited by Iowa Governor Terry Branstad (R) as "the boldest plan to reduce the federal deficit," proposes that President Paul will take a salary of $39,336, approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker.

"Ron Paul is the most conservative member of Congress, yet he understands how best to work with coalitions and bring people together to solve problems. He can unite Washington without sacrificing one ounce of principle," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

Media obsessed with nonsense; the voters and I are not

November 7, 2011

I am a serious person, seeking the opportunity to do a serious and very important job. Our nation has very serious problems, particularly of an economic nature, and Barack Obama does not have the skill, knowledge or will to solve them.

I do.

Unfortunately, the media-driven process by which one must seek this opportunity is fundamentally unserious. I have touched on this before - the emphasis on "gaffes," gotcha questions and time devoted to trivial nonsense - and everyone knows the process only became further detached from relevance this week as the media published anonymous, ancient, vague personal allegations against me.

Once this kind of nonsense starts, the media's rules say you have to act in a certain way. I am well aware of these rules. And I refuse to play by them.

There are several reasons for this. One is that, lest anyone forget, we actually have serious matters to talk about. Since the media went bananas over this so-called story, my schedule has not changed in the slightest. I have continued to make all planned public appearances. I have continued to answer questions about my 9-9-9 tax reform plan. I have continued to do everything else that our strategy proscribes.

Another reason I refuse to play by these rules is that, by doing it my way, I'm getting much better results. My fundraising has skyrocketed since all this nonsense began. Just this weekend, the Washington Post has come out with a new poll - taken since all this started - showing me in the lead nationally, with my numbers on the rise.

The media may be obsessed with this business, but the voters are not. And I am not.

But there's another crucially important reason I refuse to play by these rules: These rules stink. Can the process by which we pick the leader of our nation be any more absurd? I'm not talking about the primary process or the role of the electorate. There is nothing wrong with that. I am talking about the media's trivializing of such an important matter.

Consider: I held various executive positions in corporate America for several decades. I had thousands of employees working for me. I can't even begin to recall how many conversations I had with people during that time, how many directives I gave, how much friendly banter might have taken place.

I also had to make tough decisions during these years. I turned around a poorly performing region for Burger King, then turned around a struggling Godfather's Pizza organization. At some point during a career like this, someone will not like things you do, or how you do it. Someone will complain.

That is just the nature of things if you've ever done much in your life.

So once the editors of Politico started looking for people who would make claims against me, their chances of finding a few takers were probably about 100 percent. These people will not give their names. The so-called "witnesses" who purportedly corroborated their stories also will not give their names. That's about what you would expect when people are engaging in a "hatchet job," as it's been described by Joseph Fassler, who was chairman of the National Restaurant Association board when I was there.

It's easy to make accusations when, by virtue of your anonymity, you don't have to be held accountable for the claims you're making. It's easy to publish them when, like Politico, you don't follow basic rules of journalism by naming your sources or giving any details whatsoever about what supposedly happened.

But the process by which we choose our presidents has become so warped that, when something like this happens, the media and political strategists start grading you on whether you play an absurd game by their absurd rules.

When someone stops you on the street and hits you with an accusation like this, they subsequently write a story about the look in your eyes, and how many seconds it took you to speak some words in response. They go to "crisis management experts" who offer the usual sage wisdom about "getting all the information out" - as if you can get any "information" out (aside from telling them nothing happened, which they don't want to hear) in response to allegations that are unsourced and nonspecific.

Then, when you haven't "calmed the firestorm" - if only because the people wielding the blow-torches have no intention of putting them out - more experts are put on the air to say this proves you are "not ready for prime time."

Maybe that would matter if I was trying out for the cast of Saturday Night Live. But this should be a slightly more serious undertaking than that.

Contrary to the belief of experts, so wise and learned in the ways of politics, I do know what the established rules say I am supposed to do. I simply refuse to do it. That's because the rules are ridiculous, and they produce leaders like Barack Obama, who play the political game like experts but govern like complete incompetents.

The nation needs its tax structure reformed, its spending brought under control, its debt reduced and its overall governing structure made far more responsive to the needs of the people. The nation needs many other problems addressed. If it's OK with the American people, I would like to address them.

If the media want to continue talking about nonsense, that's fine. I'm not going to join them. It doesn't look like the citizenry plans to join them either.


Cain Releases Next YouTube Video, Features Smoking Tractors

Atlanta - With the Iowa caucuses less than eight weeks away, Herman Cain's breakout presidential campaign released a new video today, featuring former American Farm Bureau President Dean Kleckner.

The new video focuses on excessive regulations farmers are coming under from the federal government and how it drives up costs for consumers. In addition, it features an endorsement by Dean Kleckner, one of Iowa's most celebrated leaders in agriculture.

"Seventy percent of Iowa caucus votes come from small towns and farms. We want Iowans and farmers across America to know that Herman Cain realizes farming is a business and excessive government regulation will drive farmers out of business just like it does for manufacturers," said Steve Grubbs, Cain's Iowa Chairman.

You can see the video on the Herman Cain YouTube channel.


Herman Cain's Poll Numbers and Support Keep Rising

The latest Washington Post/ABC News national poll has presidential candidate Herman Cain leading the Republican field at 23%.  This is a 6 percent jump for Cain since the last time this poll was conducted in early October.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll echoes the latest Rasmussen Reports national survey of likely GOP primary voters showing Cain leading with 26% of the vote.

In Iowa, two-thirds of likely Republican caucus goers with incomes less than $50,000 a year believe they personally would be better off or the same under Cain's "9-9-9 Plan" according to The Des Moines Register's newest poll.

"We're pleased to hear these poll numbers and believe that the public sees this awful smear campaign for what it is... A malicious attack on a prominent conservative simply because his critics disagree with his politics and view him as a threat," said Mark Block, Chief of Staff to the Herman Cain presidential campaign.

Financial support for Cain continues to flow in from all across the country.  Block reports that Mr. Cain has received over $1.6 million in financial gifts since Sunday.  This week's fundraising results are nearly fourfold the campaign's normal monthly average.



November 3, 2011

This morning I announced my newly formed Iowa Fund.  I am incredibly excited to announce that the Iowa Fund has already topped the $100,000 mark!
Visit www.IowaFund.com today and help me reach my goal of $999,000!
My opponents, the liberal media, and President Obama are intimidated by my "9-9-9 Plan" and commonsense solutions.  They have launched vicious public attacks on me and my campaign.
Please show your support by donating today!
Thank you and God bless.

Herman Cain

Alexandria, VA  - The Franklin Center, a national nonprofit journalism organization, will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, November 10th at 11:30 am EST to discuss the implications of the 2011 midterm elections in Iowa. Experts in the polling, political, and journalism fields will be analyzing the results of the elections of state constitutional offices, state house results and state ballot measures. They will also provide a range of perspectives about how the election results will impact re-apportionment and change the political landscape as the 2011-2012 election cycle begins.
Space is limited so register now

WHEN: Thursday, November 10th at 11:30am EST

WHERE: Webinar Online Conference - RSVP AT: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/728837002

WHO:  Hosted by The Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity, experts from Ballotpedia.org and other election professionals

To join this important webinar register online at:

For more information, please visit FranklinCenterHQ.org

Herman Cain Announces the Iowa Fund

The Iowa Caucuses are exactly two months away, and the Herman Cain campaign is gearing up for a historic win.  In order to ensure victory in Iowa, Mr. Cain is proud to announce the Iowa Fund hosted at www.IowaFund.com. The Iowa Fund begins this morning and culminates on Wednesday, November 9th.  The campaign's goal is to bolster the Iowa Fund with $999,000.

The Iowa Fund will allow Mr. Cain's campaign to continue to hire additional staff in Iowa, place TV ads, and spread Mr. Cain's ideas to put Americans back to work.

"The fight for Iowa has already started.  The other Republican candidates, the liberal media, and even President Obama have begun to publicly attack Mr. Cain because they are intimidated by his "9-9-9 Plan" and his ability to connect with Americans, said Steve Grubbs, Iowa State Chairman for Herman Cain.  "As Mr. Cain continues to pull away in the polls, we expect the attacks to continue."

Friends of Herman Cain, Inc. has launched an aggressive, multi-channel fundraising program to ensure they meet their goal of $999,000 by November 9th.  They are confident that Americans will continue to rally around Herman Cain, because they are ready to see a real problem solver in the White House.


Longtime Farm Leader Kleckner Endorses Cain
Former American Farm Bureau President Kleckner Releases Radio Endorsement of Cain

Des Moines - Saying the 'American farmer is under attack,' former American Farm Bureau President, Dean Kleckner released a radio ad this week endorsing Herman Cain because he believes 'Cain will stand up for farmers.'

Kleckner argues that government overregulation is hurting American agriculture and that running a farm is like running a business.  "Herman Cain is a proven CEO," says Kleckner.  He goes on to say that "Herman Cain reminds me of Ronald Reagan and I knew Ronald Reagan."

Kleckner spent 24 years as president of the Iowa and American Farm Bureaus and became one of the most respected ag leaders to come out of Iowa in the last fifty years.

"I spent much of my life in the food industry and we could not have succeeded without great American agriculture," said Cain. "I want to thank Mr. Kleckner for his endorsement and let all farmers know that we will stand with them as they try to feed the world."

"Despite the fact that most Iowans live in small towns and cities now, the farm vote is still critical for any candidate seeking the Republican nomination," said Steve Grubbs, Iowa Chairman for the Cain Campaign. "The endorsement from Dean Kleckner shows the continued momentum Herman Cain is gaining in Iowa.  We believe we can bring the farm community onto the Cain Train and make us competitive in the caucuses."

The radio ad with Kleckner's endorsement will air on statewide radio and WHO radio in Des Moines.  The ad represents the campaigns first paid media specifically produced for the State of Iowa. "The fact that our first ad in Iowa focuses on agriculture should send a message to the Iowa ag community how much we value the contribution of farmers to the American economy and their importance in the caucuses," said Mark Block, Chief of Staff to the Cain for President campaign.

Kleckner's last line in the radio ad summed it all up, "I think Herman Cain should be the next president of the United States of  America."


The American Public's Commitment to Herman Cain Intensifies

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain's lead in the Republican field grows despite the efforts of his detractors.

According to the independent Quinnipiac University poll released today, Mr. Cain leads the Republican primary field with 30 percent - seven percentage points higher than his closest rival and above the margin-of-error.  The poll also indicates that in a head-to-head race Mr. Cain leads Gov. Romney with  a 47 - 39 percent.

In South Carolina, Mr. Cain continues to add to his lead according to polling conducted the last two days by Rasmussen Reports.  In today's release, Mr. Cain has a 10 percent advantage over his nearest rival.  Of those who indicated they are certain of their vote, Mr. Cain leads Gov. Romney by 12 percent.  In a head-to-head race in South Carolina, Mr. Cain leads Gov. Romney 50% to 37%, and Mr. Cain leads Gov. Perry 56% to 27%.

Meanwhile, Cain supporters showed an increased commitment to Mr. Cain by providing him a second consecutive record-breaking fundraising day on Tuesday, Nov. 1, surpassing Monday's new record. Within the last 48 hours, Mr. Cain's campaign has received nearly a million dollars from supporters all across the country.


Perry Campaign Used Politico to Attack Cain With Anonymous Sexual Harassment Charges

Atlanta, GA–

A Forbes Magazine column by Richard Miniter reported on Nov. 2  links Governor Rick Perry's political campaign to the spread of malicious allegations this week against Republican presidential frontrunner Herman Cain.

"Cain Says Perry Camp Behind Sex Harassment Leak" by Richard Miniter

"The American people deserve better than these underhanded tactics by the Perry campaign. And Rick Perry owes Mr. Cain's family an apology. A desperate candidate is trying to steal the Republican nomination away from Mr. Cain," said Mark Block, Chief of Staff to the Herman Cain presidential campaign.  "Since Politico released an attack story based on anonymous accusers, which was almost certainly provided to them by the Rick Perry campaign,  Mr. Cain has taken the honorable path - he has been upfront and honest with the American people."

Meanwhile, Cain supporters showed an increased commitment to Mr. Cain by providing him a second consecutive record-breaking fundraising day on Tuesday, Nov. 1, surpassing Monday's new record.

Block said, "The American people - and Herman Cain's family - deserve better than these types of deceitful attacks by politicians. It's precisely this political mentality of infighting by politicians that is keeping America from solving the problems of job creation and border security. Fortunately, Herman Cain is no politician - he's a problem solver. Even amongst these attacks we're redoubling our efforts and not allowing these distracters to take us off course.  This swelling of public support will help Herman continue spreading his message of real leadership and real problem solving across the country."

Perry's campaign has recently faced sinking poll numbers and has consistently placed behind Herman Cain in the rankings in recent weeks.

What others are saying...

"This is not a news story, this is gutter partisan politics..."  Rush Limbaugh

"...stop destroying a good man's reputation...we have seen this movie before..."  Laura Ingraham

"He (Cain) is a strong, conservative black man ... They are terrified of strong, conservative black men,"  Ann Coulter

What others are doing...

Presidential candidate Herman Cain has received an outpouring of support and a clear vote of confidence from his supporters.  In the last 24 hours, the Friends of Herman Cain campaign has had the single best day of fundraising since the start of the campaign.

"Yesterday alone, Mr. Cain received more than $400,000 in financial gifts from his supporters via online donations and other sources.  This level of support is more than the normal monthly average, said Mark Block, Chief of Staff to the Herman Cain presidential campaign.  Block continued, "In addition, both Mr. Cain's online giving and phone donations yesterday doubled his normal daily average."

Supporters are fired up and are rallying around Mr. Cain.  Americans are tired of dirty politics and are willing to commit their time, talent and treasure to help Mr. Cain turn this country around.

The National Federation of Republican Assemblies, NFRA, held a Presidential Preference Convention in Des Moines, Iowa this last Saturday, October 29, to measure all the candidates' popularity among Ronald Reagan/Barry Goldwater conservatives. The Convention was promoted on the NFRA website as "the last major straw poll before the Iowa Caucuses" and The NFRA is one of the oldest and largest GOP grassroots organizations and promotes Reagan and Goldwater conservatism, small government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and a decent America.

430 votes were cast and it was no surprise that Ron Paul won 82% among Reagan/Goldwater conservatives in Iowa. What WAS a surprise to many was the condemnation of the Ron Paul supporters by, Eric Golub a.k.a. the "preeminent politically conservative comedian", one of the guest speakers during the luncheon, questioning Paul supporters to be "good little soldiers and fall in line when Ron Paul is not the party's nominee" which immediately erupted into boo's by many of the members of the Convention. Then to add insult to injury, the 94 NFRA delegates representing 26 of the 37 states where the NFRA operates, later disregarded their own convention members' vote for Ron Paul and nominated instead Rick Santorum, the third place candidate with less than 1% of the vote, as their organization's official endorsement.

Rick Santorum is known for his stance against privacy rights and his interest in perpetual war and nation building like the Bush and Obama presidential administrations of the past and present. This is hardly a Reagan/Goldwater Conservative favorite, as indicated by his poor support at the Convention by Iowa members. "If this is what the leadership of this organization really represents, then I doubt they will continue to exist in the near future as the liberty movement continues to grow across this country," said Michael Elliott, one of the Iowa voters and attendees at the Convention.

One thing is for certain, Ron Paul and his supporters were definitely the life of the Party at this convention and could very well be the life of the Republican Party so long as Republican Party leaders don't miss this window of opportunity to boost its membership and popularity. Michael Elliott added, "As the old saying goes, hindsight is 20/20, let's see if the other Republican leaders are wise enough to learn from the NFRA's missed opportunity."

Iowans For Accountability (IFA) is fighting to hold politicians accountable to we the people, and make sure government works for all of us, not just wealthy special interests and the well-connected. IFA is a Non-Party Political Organization (NPPO) that actively supports or opposes ballot issues or candidates, regardless of party affiliation and when necessary, IFA runs its own candidates. Michael D. Elliott is the IFA Chairman. Website: www.ScottcountyIFA.com


Obama for America Campaign Manager Jim Messina and Press Secretary Ben LaBolt to hold conference call with Iowa reporters to give a campaign update.


Monday, October 31, 2011 at 10:00 AM CT/11:00 AM ET


Please register for the call here and include both your name and outlet with your RSVP. Dial information will be sent after registration is received.

