Cites New Job Layoffs in the Medical Device Industry

Des Moines - Presidential candidate Herman Cain favors the Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare citing Constitutional concerns and recent news that Stryker medical devices will lay off 5% of its workforce, about 1,000 jobs, in preparation for the medical device tax contained in the legislation.

"We cannot afford a piece of legislation that robs Americans of their freedom to choose whether or not they want to purchase insurance," said Cain. "The news this week that Stryker will layoff 5% of its workforce is more evidence that Obamacare is costing jobs, extending our unemployment problem."

The Supreme Court announced Monday that it would review President Obama's health care plan, particularly the mandate for the purchase of insurance.

Michigan based Stryker, is a maker of hip replacements and other medical devices. Unemployment in Michigan in September of this year was running higher than 11% and the layoffs were another piece of bad news for this pivotal election state.

"I spent 40 years in business creating jobs and fixing broken companies. I can fix this broken economy with the help of voters in 2012," said Cain.
New survey reveals a statistical tie with Herman
Cain?and that Dr. Paul's support is unwavering
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul polls well within the margin of error at first place and has an unusually loyal following that is unlikely to switch to another candidate, according to a new Bloomberg News poll.

Paul polls at a strong 19 percent while pizza baron Herman Cain polls at 20 percent, making the first in the nation race a statistical tie.  The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points and was surveyed during November 10th to 12th

Mitt Romney polls at 18 percent and Newt Gingrich at 17 percent among the likely caucus goers, while Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann earned just 7 and 5 percent, respectively.  A mere 3 and 1 percent of respondents, respectively, chose Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman.

Poll highlights favorable to Dr. Paul include the following points:
  • Among likely caucus-goers who say their decision is final, Paul leads with 32 percent, followed by Romney and Gingrich at 25  and 17 percent, respectively; and
  • Among Paul supporters who backed him in the 2008 caucuses, an impressive 69 percent of those who backed Paul's bid for the presidency in 2008 still support him now; and
  • Paul's campaign leads all other campaigns in voter contact, with about two thirds of respondents saying they've heard from his campaign.
The Bloomberg News poll follows a recent CNN/TIME/ORC poll showing that Paul polls among the top three in the key early voting state in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, and that concerning Iowa, Paul's support is growing along with the changing nature of the field.

"The Bloomberg News poll reveals that Ron Paul is a top contender in the key early voting state of Iowa, which helps determine who will win the Republican nomination for the presidency," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.


In the newest Herman Cain campaign video, the proud state of Alabama welcomes back true son of the south, presidential hopeful, Herman Cain.

Touting his bold "9-9-9 Plan" for the renewal of local and state economies, Cain crisscrosses Alabama in the "Cain Train," speaking with local folks, and reinforcing his, "I will never apologize for the greatness of America," theme.

At every turn, the poll-surging candidate encounters throngs of cheering crowds and supporters from Alabamans of all stripes. As the Cain Train moves through the heart of Dixie, proves once again that Herman Cain is putting the 'United' back into "The United States of America".....

You can see the video on the Herman Cain YouTube channel.

Dear Cain Connection Reader,
Although the mainstream media and political rivals tried once again to derail the Cain Train this week, the American people did not buy it?as evidenced by recent polls and financial support. 

Herman recently told a group of supporters that nothing will discourage him nor sway him from the mission at hand, "I have turned around large companies and survived stage four cancer - nothing can stop me. We are not on a campaign trail but on a campaign journey - a mission to renew America." 

Enthusiasm and support for Herman's vision for America is spreading like wildfire. Your support is essential in helping him share his message about renewing America with real leadership and common sense solutions. Please help us continue to take Herman's message to every voter in our great country by donating now.

Thank you for your support,
Friends of Herman Cain


Herman In The News

Herman Leads Republican Field in Two National Polls

In USA Today/Gallup survey released this week, Herman now ties Gov. Romney as the leader for the GOP presidential nomination in a poll of likely Republican voters conducted Nov. 2-6. Herman now polls at 21 percent, a 3 percent increase from early October. Herman continues to lead in the CBS News Poll with 18 percent, according to the national survey released Friday.

Rasmussen Reports: Herman Leads in Florida

Herman is leading the Republican field in Florida with 30 percent, six percent higher than his nearest challenger, according to the first survey by Rasmussen Reports of likely Republican primary voters in Florida. Herman Cain has been consistently leading the Republican pack in Florida since he won the Florida straw poll in September.

Herman Leads GOP Poll in Three Critical Swing States

Herman leads the Republican field in three important swing states according to Quinnipiac University's first "Swing State Poll" of the 2012 campaign cycle.

Herman polls first among GOP voters in Florida, with 27 percent of the vote, a six percent lead over nearest challenger, and first in Ohio, with 25 percent, a five percent lead over his nearest challenger. In Pennsylvania, Mr. Cain and Gov. Romney are tied at 17 percent.

For the past 50 years, these three states have predicted the presidential winner. Since 1960, no candidate has won the presidential election without carrying at least two of these states.

"My message of real solutions and real leadership continues to resonate across the country. The American people are tired of career politicians and Washington insiders. They are hungry for an authentic candidate," said Herman, "I appreciate the vote of confidence from the voters of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and I deeply appreciate all of the support my campaign is receiving from every state in our great country."

Please consider donating today to keep Herman Cain in the lead. Your donations will help us to spread his message to more voters and keep the momentum going!


Herman Meets With Dr. Henry Kissinger

Herman had the pleasure and honor of meeting with former Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger at Kissinger's home on Nov. 3 in New York City. The gentlemen discussed the campaign and foreign policy issues facing America.

Herman Cain's breakfast meeting with Dr. Kissinger

Rochester Debate: Herman Carries the Crowd, Reasserts Economic Plan

Herman received uproarious applause at the ninth debate for Republican presidential contenders at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan Nov. 9. Herman confronted questions about leadership and character head-on, saying, "Over the last nine days the voters have voted with their dollars and they are saying they don't care about the character assassination - they care about leadership and getting this economy going and all of the other problems we face."

The debate discussion went to Herman first for his perspective on Italy and the global economic crisis. Herman said "We must grow this long as we are stagnant in terms of growth and GDP, we impact the rest of the world... we (must) put some fuel in the engine that drives economic growth which is the business sector. This administration has done nothing but put stuff in the caboose and it's not moving this economy."

The audience booed debate moderators for dredging up allegations from the last week against Herman. Directly addressing questions, Herman responded strongly: "The American people deserve better than someone being tried in the court of public opinion based on unfounded accusations," Cain continued, "I value my character and integrity more than anything else and for every one person that comes forward with a false accusation, there are thousands who would say none of that sort of activity ever came from Herman Cain."

The crowd cheered when questioners steered the debate back to the economy, which led to Herman reiterating his plan to save the US economy: "Uncertainty is what's killing this economy...we (need to) throw out the tax code and put in something bold. Get government out of the way by reducing the regulatory environment."

Herman said he would support the repeal of Dodd-Frank legislation and suggested that government intervention is not the solution to turn around the economy, "The government has no business trying to pick winners and losers...whether through the front door with legislation or through back door through regulation." Herman reiterated that he would work with politicians from both sides of the aisle with the peoples' support, saying, "Provide a compelling solution, and if the (American people) understand it, they will demand it."
Herman Cain Shows Foreign Policy Depth in Spartanburg Debate

Herman continued his rise in national polls leading into Saturday evening's CBS/National Journal Republican Presidential Debate, in which Herman said President Obama has been on the wrong side of nearly every situation in the Arab world since taking office.

For the second time in debates this week, the first question went to Herman, this time concerning Iran's effort to develop a nuclear weapon. Herman asserted, "The first thing I would do is to assist the opposition movement in Iran that is trying to overthrow the regime. Our enemies are not the people of Iran - it's the regime...We need to put economic pressure on Iran by way of our own energy independence strategy."

Throughout the debate, Herman touched on his foreign policy philosophy - peace through strength and clarity - an expansion of President Reagan's foreign policy, peace through strength. 

When asked by the moderator about the complex U.S.-Pakistan relationship, Herman said it is not clear if Pakistan is a friend or a foe: "...that relationship must be evaluated...We need a regional strategy in that area of the world such that all of our allies will work together to come up with things that are mutually beneficial to everyone."

Responding to an email question on advanced interrogation methods and torture, Herman said, "I believe in following the procedures that have been established by our military. I do not agree with torture. Period. However, I will trust the judgment of our military leaders to determine what is torture and what is not torture."

In order to keep America safe, Herman said he would support the continued use of Guantanamo Bay and use military courts to try the terrorism suspects and enemy combatants who are held there as part of his national security plan. 

A Note from Herman: The Iowa Fund is a Huge Success Thanks to You!

When we launched the Iowa Fund last week, many people did not believe we could reach our goal of $999,000 in seven days, but they were wrong. Not only did we reach the goal, we exceeded it more than 24 hours early! Our total is now over $1.2 million dollars and still climbing.

Together, we have sent a message...A message to the media, the political establishment, and the rest of the American people. We will not go along with politics as usual. We will not keep quiet. Many seek to destroy our efforts. Many have said that our campaign cannot possibly remain on top.

I need you to spread the word about the Iowa Fund. If you haven't had a chance to contribute- now is the time! If you have, would you consider donating again and inviting your friends to do the same? Let's show the naysayers that we will not be stopped!

Herman Cain
New Cain Video Features Alveda King and Opportunity Zones in Detroit

Herman's latest campaign video features him in the city of Detroit, the very face of destructive liberal economics, presenting his vision of turning poverty-stricken communities into thriving Opportunity Zones as part of his bold "9-9-9 Plan."

The new video focuses on a desperate city, hungry for jobs, commerce, and true hope; Herman lays out specific plans for returning Detroit to a pinnacle of industrial achievement.

In this video, respected author and conservative activist, Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., lends her support for Herman's vision for economic renewal.

You can see the video on the Herman Cain Youtube Channel.
Networks Mention Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

In the past two weeks, the mainstream media attempted to tell the American people who they should vote for with their shabby journalism and an insatiable appetite for gossip. Click here to read Media Research Center's analysis of clearly biased journalism against Herman.

Source: Media Research Center

Are you tired of the mainstream media's attempts to tell you who you should vote for? Help Herman fight back against the media and political establishment with your donation.

In Case You Missed It...

Herman Cain in Michigan on Obama: 'Beat him with a Cain!' - Washington Post

Herman Cain at Kalamazoo Visit: "I didn't go to political correctness school" - WKZO Radio

Cain Jumps to 7-Point Lead Over Romney - Fox News

Cain was Known for Casual Style with Staff at Association - Washington Post

Politico's smear campaign against Herman Cain sputters, derails - Examiner

Investigator: Herman Cain Innocent of Sexual Advances - CBS Atlanta

A Fresh Face, a Bold Message, and a Choice - Ms. Jenny Stanford

Tune into Herman

This week Herman is scheduled to appear on the following media outlets...

  • CBS's "Late Show with David Letterman" - Thursday, Nov. 17 11:35pm EST/10:35pm CST

Cain Campaign Clock

Number of Days Until First Primary - Iowa Caucus (January 3, 2012): 52
Number of Days Until Super Tuesday (March 6, 2012): 115
Number of Days Until Presidential Election (November 6, 2012): 360

Don't Let Time Run Out - Donate Today - Herman Cain is Counting on You!

Did you receive this email from a friend? Click here and add your email address and zip code to receive future Cain Connection newsletters:

SPARTANBURG, S.C. - Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton released the following statement concerning the CBS / National Journal Republican debate:

"Ron Paul consistently polls among the top three in the key early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.  He is polling in double digits in most respected polls.

"Congressman Paul is ranked among the top three in fundraising results.

"Congressman Paul serves on the House Foreign Relations Committee.

"Congressman Paul is a veteran.

"And, Congressman Paul has contrasting views on foreign policy that many Americans find worthy of inquiry and discussion.

"CBS's treatment of Congressman Paul is disgraceful, especially given that tonight's debate centered on foreign policy and national security.

"Congressman Paul was only allocated 90 seconds of speaking in one televised hour.  If we are to have an authentic national conversation on issues such as security and defense, we can and must do better to ensure that all voices are heard.

"CBS News, in their arrogance, may think they can choose the next president. Fortunately, the people of Iowa, New Hampshire, and across America get to vote and not the media elites."

WHO-TV's Dave Price Moderates One-on-One Conversations with the Candidates on the Economic and Health Issues 


Nov. 11, 2011- Des Moines, Iowa - AARP and Mediacom today announce broadcast of the AARP 2012 GOP Presidential candidates Video Voters' Guide featuring Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Congressman Ron Paul and Governor Rick Perry in one-on-one, unedited conversations with WHO-TV13 political reporter Dave Price on Sunday, Nov. 13 from 6-7:30 p.m. on MC22.  The program will be rebroadcast on MC22 at 2 pm on Monday, Nov. 14, and will be available at and on Mediacom On Demand regularly until the Iowa Caucuses on Jan. 3.

"AARP is pleased to bring a focus on these issues critical to Iowa caucus goers," said AARP Iowa State Director Kent Sovern.  "We appreciate the candidates' attention to ensuring that concerns of older Iowans around the economy and jobs, retirement security, Medicare and Social Security are addressed during this Presidential campaign season."

"We're proud to use our Mediacom network to provide information that is timely and relevant, particularly as Iowans evaluate candidates and issues that affect policies in our state and nation," said Mediacom Senior Vice President Ed Pardini.  "The caucuses give Iowans a unique role, and voters who want to be better informed can watch these interviews to gain a valuable perspective."

Participating candidates met a 5 percent or higher polling threshold as of the invitation date.  Candidates Governor Mitt Romney and former CEO Herman Cain were invited but declined to participate.

The interviews lead off with on the top issue on the minds of Republican caucus and primary voters - jobs and the economy.  Each candidate addresses what will they do to put Americans back to work; how they will make retirement more secure; what they will do to ensure that the Social Security and Medicare benefits Americans have earned remain strong, and finally, if elected President, what will be their top priority?

The live-to-tape candidate conversations were recorded at Mediacom studios in Des Moines on Friday, Nov. 4.  In addition to weekly telecasts on MC22, digital cable users can tune-in and view the Video Voters' Guide at any time using Mediacom's OnDemand content.  The free program can be found at Channel 1 (OnDemand) in the "My Government" section.  Viewers can fast-forward, rewind or pause to focus attention on specific candidates or the topics each addresses during his or her segment.

For more than 25 years, AARP has been engaged in non-partisan voter education activities. AARP does not have a political action committee and does not endorse candidates or contribute to their campaigns.  AARP's voter education activities are designed to encourage members and the general public to exercise their constitutional right to vote and to highlight the issues that affect Americans age 50+ and their families with the Presidential candidates and their campaigns.

For more information on AARP voter education activities and to view AARP's 2012 GOP Presidential candidates Video Voters' Guide 24-7, visit

# # #

About AARP

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that helps people 50+ have independence, choice and control in ways that are beneficial and affordable to them and society as a whole. We produce AARP The Magazine, published bimonthly; AARP Bulletin, our monthly newspaper; AARP Segunda Juventud, our bimonthly magazine in Spanish and English; NRTA Live & Learn, our quarterly newsletter for 50 + educators; and our website, AARP Foundation is an affiliated charity that provides security, protection, and empowerment to older persons in need with support from thousands of volunteers, donors, and sponsors. We have staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Detroit - In the city of Detroit, the very face of destructive liberal economics, presidential candidate Herman Cain presents his vision of turning poverty-stricken communities into thriving Opportunity Zones as part of his bold "9-9-9 Plan."

The new video focuses on a desperate city, hungry for jobs, commerce, and true hope; Herman Cain lays out specific plans for returning Detroit to a pinnacle of industrial achievement.

In this video, respected author and conservative activist, Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., lends her support for Mr. Cain's vision for economic renewal.

"Where some see economic decline, Herman Cain sees fertile soil for growth," begins the narrative. And the citizens of Detroit seem to feel it can't happen soon enough...

You can see the video on the Herman Cain YouTube channel.

LAKE JACKSON, Texas - See below for statement from campaign of 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul.

From National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton:

"Ron Paul's 'Restore America Plan', which some have called the boldest plan to reduce the federal deficit, proposes $1 trillion in federal spending in the first year, and it balances the federal budget in year three of a Paul Presidency. 

"The plan cuts spending by ending the costly unconstitutional foreign wars, and cuts foreign welfare, corporate welfare, and overgrown federal bureaucracy.

"These cuts are made so that those who are dependent on domestic spending programs such as Medicare aren't endangered through a sudden change in benefits.

"Mitt Romney's economic plan makes only nominal cuts yet it manages to cut spending from Medicare benefits, the same benefits on which many elderly Americans have come to rely. 

"That's a shame because not only are the cuts disingenuous but the protections seniors are counting on are absent from a proposal that Mitt Romney regards as 'bold' and fair.

"Ron Paul's ambitious plan also cuts taxes, authorizes a comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve, and reins in dangerous government intervention by curtailing runaway spending and regulatory overreaches.

"Today's government-imposed economic weakness demands action.  Ron Paul is the only candidate with the experience and plan to get Americans back to work and create lasting prosperity."

Who Is Newt Today?

Government-mandated healthcare OK


According to Newt:

"All of us have a responsibility to help pay for health care."

(Wall Street Journal)

"I agree that all of us have a responsibility to pay ? help pay for health care."

MSNBC's David Gregory: But that is the individual mandate, is it not?

"It's a variation on it."

(National Review)

"In 2008, according to an AP report, Gingrich suggested 'insurance mandates for people who earn more than $75,000 a year.' Two years later, he was telling Sean Hannity at Fox News that health insurance mandates were unconstitutional."

(CS Monitor)


"Did Newt actually think Freddie Mac's business was sound, or was he just earning his $300,000?"

Who Knows?

"Internal Freddie Mac budget records show $11.7 million was paid to 52 outside lobbyists and consultants in 2006. Power brokers such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich were recruited with six-figure contracts.


"The Bush administration and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan were sounding the alarm about the potential threat to the nation's financial health if the fortunes of the two mammoth companies turned sour.

"Pushing back, Freddie Mac enlisted prominent conservatives, including Gingrich and former Justice Department official Viet Dinh, paying each $300,000 in 2006, according to internal records.

"Gingrich talked and wrote about what he saw as the benefits of the Freddie Mac business model."

