'Countdown to the Caucus' events hosted by 'Youth for Ron Paul' aim to solidify youth support
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will address college students and Iowans at two "Youth for Ron Paul" campus rallies to energize young supporters and reach out to new and undecided voters in the run-up to the January 3, 2012, Iowa Caucuses.

The first event, which is free and open to supporters of all ages, will be held on Thursday, December 8th in the Iowa State University (ISU) Memorial Union Great Hall, located at 2229 Lincoln Way in Ames.  Doors will open to the public at 6:30 p.m.  To enter 30 minutes early and secure a spot near the front of the room, RSVP for the ISU event featuring Dr. Paul at http://ronpaulatisu.eventbrite.com/.

The second event, which also is free and open to supporters of all ages, will be held on Friday, December 9th at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in the Commons - Slife Ballroom, located at 1224 West 23rd Street in Cedar Falls.  Doors will open to the public at 6:30 p.m.  To enter 30 minutes early and secure a spot near the front of the room, RSVP for the UNI event featuring Dr. Paul at http://ronpaulatuni.eventbrite.com/.

Youth for Ron Paul (YFP), an initiative of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign, launched on Wednesday, September 7th and since its inception more than 15,300 people signed up to get involved, forming 307 chapters in 46 states.

"The enthusiastic support for Ron Paul continues to grow, especially among college students.  Young people understand he is the only presidential candidate who will fix our economy, so they're eager not only to vote for him, but also to volunteer for his campaign," said Edward King, National Youth Director for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign.

"Young people from across the country are inspired by Dr. Paul's message of a strong national defense, prosperity, and individual liberty.  No other campaign can claim or match the dedication of our youth support," said Ani DeGroot, Midwest Regional Director for Youth for Ron Paul.

To learn more and sign up for Youth for Ron Paul, please visit: www.YouthForPaul.com and "like" the Facebook page found at: www.Facebook.com/YouthForPaul.


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