In case you missed it...

This weekend, Braley for Congress launched a new TV ad responding to Ben Lange and his Washington allies' latest smear campaign on Medicare. and Politico have profiled our new spot, which can be watched here:

Clinton for the D Defense
September 8th, 2012

Congressman Bruce Braley, the Democrat running for re-election against Ben Lange in Iowa's first congressional district, is the first down ballot candidate to bring the Big Dog to his defense through a TV ad.
The spot, slated to hit Hawkeye TV early this week, employs video from the Democrats' Charlotte convention, with 42 making the case.

Clinton Convention Speech on Medicare Shows up in Iowa Race
September 9th, 2012

Bill Clinton's full-throated pushback at the DNC of Mitt Romney's and Paul Ryan's line that President Obama "robbed" Medicare to fund Obamacare is the centerpiece of an ad in an Iowa congressional race.
The spot from Rep. Bruce Braley, who supported Obamacare and has been under fire from opponent Ben Lange, uses the Clinton testimonial almost exclusively.
As far as we know it's the first spot anywhere to feature the speech, which, along with Michelle Obama's, was considered a high point of Charlotte.
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Lange and his Washington friends falsely claim Braley endangered Medicare

WATERLOO, IA -- In a new TV ad launching today, titled "Brass", Rep. Bruce Braley has enlisted the help of former President Bill Clinton to debunk the latest false claim leveled by Ben Lange and his allies.

The Washington, DC-based National Republican Congressional committee began running a false attack ad yesterday against Braley claiming that Braley "voted to slash Medicare [by $716 billion] to pay for Obamacare."

The claim has already been labeled by independent fact-checkers as "questionable" and "false."
"The truth is simple: Bruce Braley voted to save Medicare billions by cutting subsidies to insurance companies.  The savings were used to close the donut hole gap in the Medicare prescription drug program and add eight years to the life of the Medicare trust fund," said Jeff Giertz, Braley for Congress campaign manager.

"Ben Lange and his Washington friends are working overtime to distract from his support of Paul Ryan's plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program, ending guaranteed Medicare benefits for workers under age 55 and raising out-of-pocket costs for Iowa seniors by $6,000 per year.  Ben Lange is a prescription for trouble for Iowa seniors."

Braley's ad features President Clinton setting the record straight on this false claim at the Democratic National Convention.  The ad can be viewed at the following link:

DES MOINES - Today, OFA Iowa launched its African Americans for Obama Council, a new organizing operation that is comprised of members of the African American community from across the state.  Over the past two decades, Iowa's African American population has increased by 100%.  Iowa's 89,000 African Americans may make the difference in a close election

"The African Americans for Obama Council is comprised of leaders in their communities who are role models for all Iowans.  They will play a crucial role in engaging and involving African Americans from Waterloo to Davenport to Council Bluffs in the election," said Iowa State Director Brad Anderson. "We believe every community is important and believe the African American community in Iowa is crucial to our reelection efforts."

President Obama and Mitt Romney offer African Americans and all Americans two fundamentally different visions of how to run the country.  Mitt Romney embraces the same failed economic policies that led to the economic crisis that disproportionately hurt the middle class. President Obama is focused on creating jobs and restoring economic security. He understands that too many Iowans have been hurt by a decade of declining wages and unemployment and he's fought for policies that give everyone a fair shot and the opportunity to succeed.

"President Obama's Affordable Care Act reduced health disparities for 41 million African Americans and his Recovery Act law kept over one million African Americans out of poverty in 2010," said Tiffany Johnson, President of the Iowa Democratic African American Caucus. "Under Romney's plan, 2.2 million African American families will see their taxes go up, and every millionaire in America would receive a $250,000 tax cut. Mitt Romney embraces the same failed economic policies that led to the economic crisis that disproportionately hurt the middle class and African Americans."  

In November, Americans, will be focused on the clear economic choice between the President's vision for moving our country forward - ensuring an economy built to last and economic security for the middle class- and Mitt Romney's vision, which would take us back to the same failed economic policies that brought on the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.  


African Americans for Obama is the latest group of Iowans committed to moving our country forward by reelecting President Obama in November. The campaign has already released Latino, Rural, Veterans and Women for Obama committees.  


The members of the newly formed Iowa African Americans for Obama Council include :

  • Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, State House Representative, Des Moines
  • Austin Bailey, Firefighter, Council Bluffs
  • Rep. Debra Berry, State House Representative, Waterloo
  • Marscine Brown, President of NAACP Burlington
  • Alderwoman Sheila Burrarge, Alderwoman, Davenport
  • Wayne Clinton, Story County Supervisor, Ames
  • Brenda Drew-Peeples, Attorney, Davenport
  • Jacquie Easley, Diversity Director at Mercy Medical Center, Des Moines
  • Rev. Abraham Funchess, Waterloo Commission on Human Rights Director, Waterloo
  • Willie Glanton, Community Activist, Des Moines
  • Lt. Mayor Quentin Hart, Lt. Mayor of Waterloo
  • Tiffany Johnson, Iowa Democratic African American Caucus President, Des Moines
  • Rev. Rogers Kirk, Community Organizer, Bettendorf
  • Rep. Helen Miller, State House Representative, Fort Dodge
  • Rev. Steve Perkins, Community Organizer, Waterloo
  • Dolph Pulliam, Director of Community Outreach at Drake University, Des Moines
  • Faye Scott, Community Organizer, Waterloo
  • Rev. Henry Thomas, Community Organizer, Des Moines
  • Don Wilder, Community Organizer, Marshalltown
  • Twyla Woods, Community Education, Des Moines Public School, Des Moines
  • Shekinah Young, Public Information, City of Des Moines, Des Moines
  • Treyla Lee, Consultant at Lee & Associates LLC, Sioux City
  • Bobbretta Brewton, Community Organizer, Des Moines
  • Tyla Cole, Community Organizer, Davenport
  • Rev. Michael Coleman, Community Organizer, Waterloo
  • Rev. Cymaron Dawson, Community Organizer, Cedar Rapids
  • Rev. Damian Epps, Community Organizer, Cedar Rapids
  • Robert Johnson, Organizing for America Volunteer, Des Moines
  • Shontavia Johnson, Professor at Drake Law School, Des Moines
  • Khara Washington, Attorney at Lane & Watterman LLP, Davenport
  • Jamie Woods, Organizing for America Volunteer, Davenport
  • Lori Young, Organizing for America Volunteer, Des Moines
  • Paulette Wiley, Community Organizer, Des Moines


September 4, 2012 - Charlotte, North Carolina

Delegates and fellow Americans, it is an honor to be with you this evening.

And it's an honor to represent the great state of Illinois, the home of President Barack Obama!

Tonight, I want to talk to you about a scary subject for many, many Republicans. I want to talk about facts.

You know, I watched the Republican National Convention last week.

And I heard a lot of things that are simply not true.

One of our founding fathers, President John Adams of Massachusetts, once said that "facts are stubborn things."

But last week, as they nominated a very different man from Massachusetts, Republicans stubbornly smeared President Obama's excellent record of reforming welfare.

They went on and on, pretending that he weakened its work requirement.

Everyone knows that is a ridiculous charge.

Even the Republican author of welfare reform says Romney is wrong.

Fact-checkers have called this talking point "blatantly false," "a drastic distortion," "widely debunked," and "a mind-boggling act of untruth telling."

In Illinois, we know President Barack Obama.

We know his record.

And we know that President Obama has made sure that work is always part of welfare.

As an Illinois State Senator, Barack Obama spearheaded welfare reform in the Land of Lincoln.

And the fact is, under President Obama, states can get flexibility only if they move 20 percent more people to work.

Let me repeat that for our Republican friends: more people working, not less.

Then there's Medicare.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to take away the promise that makes Medicare, Medicare. They want to give seniors a voucher that caps what Medicare will cover, and then tell seniors they're on their own for what's left.

That would cost seniors thousands of dollars a year. And if they don't have the money, it could cost them their lives.

But that didn't stop Romney and Ryan from telling the American people that their plan won't hurt seniors. The fact is, it will.

President Obama's plan will protect Medicare, and protect our seniors.

Facts are stubborn things.

Now, when Paul Ryan got his turn, he blamed President Obama for a plant that closed under President George W. Bush.

Here's a fact:

When President Obama took office in January 2009, the Chrysler plant in Belvidere, Illinois, employed just 200 people.

Today, because President Obama saved the auto industry, that same Chrysler plant is employing more than 4,000 American workers.

There's something else the Republicans left out of their convention: any explanation of why they call Mitt Romney "Governor Romney."

We already knew this extreme conservative man takes some pretty liberal deductions. Evidently that includes writing off all four years he served as governor of Massachusetts.

And if you want to know how someone's going to govern the country, look at how he governed his state.

Mitt Romney promised Massachusetts three things: more jobs, less debt and smaller government.

Then he left his state 47th out of 50 in job growth, added $2.6 billion in debt and on his watch, government jobs grew six times faster than private-sector jobs.

What does Romney promise today?

More jobs, less debt and smaller government.

But he didn't do it then, and he won't do it now.

From day one, President Obama has told you where he stands, what he believes and what he is doing to make our middle class strong again.

America is moving forward under President Obama's leadership - and that's a fact.

Now it's our job in the next nine weeks to make sure that the American people know the facts.

Your vote is a valuable thing. Entrust it to someone who respects you enough to tell you the truth.

Join me in voting for President Obama and together let's make the will of the people the law of the land.

Thank you very much.


On Friday, September 7, President Obama, Vice President Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden will attend a grassroots event at Jessup Hall Lawn at the University of Iowa.


EVENT LOCATION: Jessup Hall Lawn, University of Iowa


DOORS OPEN: 1:00PM CDT, Friday, September 7


Ticket Distribution Information for Members of the Public: Tickets are available for the President's event in Iowa City, IA. The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required for entrance. One ticket per person will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. To pick up your ticket, visit one of the following locations beginning Wednesday, September 5 at 9:00AM CDT:


Iowa Memorial Union Box Office

University of Iowa

125 North Madison Street
Iowa City, IA


Obama For America, Iowa, Iowa City Field Office

321 E. Market Street

Iowa City, Iowa 52245


Obama For America, Iowa, Coralville Field Office

2781 Oakdale Blvd.

Coralville, Iowa 52241


Obama For America, Iowa, North Liberty Field Office

70 Circle Dr.

North Liberty, Iowa 52317


University of Iowa Penatcrest Lawn

(East side of Old Capitol Building)

21 North Clinton Street

Iowa City, IA 52242


The Braley Record: Standing up for our returning heroes

WATERLOO, IA -- Braley for Congress launched its third television ad of the 2012 campaign today, focused on Braley's record fighting for Iowa's veterans.

The 30 second spot, titled "Repay", will air on eastern Iowa broadcast and cable television outlets.  The ad focuses on Braley's work in Congress on behalf of Iowa's returning veterans, from passing a tax credit for businesses that hire veterans to securing overdue combat pay for members of the Iowa National Guard who served in Iraq.
"My dad was barely eighteen years old when he landed on Iwo Jima during World War II.  He taught me what it means to serve," Braley said.  "The best way to thank a veteran for their service is to help them get a job when they come home, and that's what I've focused my work in Congress on.  'Support our troops' means standing behind them not just when they're fighting for us abroad, but after they've come home."
The ad focuses on two key Braley accomplishments for Iowa's veterans: (1) passing a tax credit last year for small businesses that hire unemployed veterans and, (2) after a two-year struggle with the Department of Defense, securing overdue combat pay for Iowa National Guard troops who fought in Iraq.
View the ad here:
A transcript of the ad follows:
BRALEY: He landed on Iwo Jima the same day that the flag was raised.  My dad was eighteen, and it's just remarkable that somebody who is barely out of high school could be put in a situation like that.
ANNOUNCER: Bruce Braley passed tax credits for businesses that hire our returning heroes and took on the Pentagon to get combat pay for those who served.
BRALEY: The best way to thank a veterans is by giving them a job to help people achieve their dreams.  I'm Bruce Braley and I approve this message.
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Congressman Braley made stops in DeWitt and Eldridge

Dubuque, IA - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) today made stops in Eastern Iowa to talk about the drought and Farm Bill in DeWitt and Eldridge, Iowa. On a farm tour of Bob and Mary Anne Braden's home, Congressman Braley discussed the impact of the drought and concerns dealing with the Farm Bill. He spoke with Democrats and Republicans about their worries if the Farm Bill is not passed, and what would happen to laws if the current Farm Bill fully expires.

"The Iowans I talked to today, Democrats and Republicans, are deeply concerned that the Farm Bill is not going to be passed. They are worried that all of the necessary protections the Farm Bill provides will be gone and laws will revert back to the 1949 Farm Bill. They know this is unacceptable, I know this is unacceptable, and we all wish the rest of Congress would understand just how important it is to get the Farm Bill passed as soon as possible."

Braley has started a discharge petition which would force the house to move towards a vote in the U. S. House. However, House Leadership refuses to move on the issue and bring up the bill.


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Johnston, IA, August 31, 2012 - The Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) Political Action Committee (PAC) has endorsed 72 state and federal candidates for the 2012 elections. Iowa Corn Growers Association PAC decisions are made by a bipartisan committee of ICGA farmer-members who consider candidates based only on their support of ICGA policies. Candidates are evaluated on corn policies such as ethanol, transportation, environment, farm bill, taxes, trade, and value-added agriculture, including livestock.

"Agricultural policy is critical to the future of our farming operations. The Iowa Corn PAC supports our leaders who have demonstrated their support for ICGA policy positions and priorities," said Mark Recker, a farmer from Arlington, Iowa, and Iowa Corn Growers Association PAC chair.

ICGA PAC decisions are made through an objective analysis including candidate responses to our survey, voting records, letters and other quantified evidence of support.  The ICGA PAC committee members include farmers from across Iowa, with an equal balance of party affiliation to ensure decisions are based only on corn growers' policies.

Endorsements for the 2012 federal election cycle include Congressman Leonard Boswell (D), Congressman Bruce Braley (D), Congressman Steve King (R), Congressman Tom Latham (R), and Congressman Dave Loebsack (D).

The Iowa Corn PAC also endorsed 67 candidates for the Iowa State Senate and the Iowa House of Representatives for the 2012 election cycle.

For Iowa Senate (13): Merlin Bartz (R), Jerry Behn (R), Thomas Courtney (D), Jeff Danielson (D), Dick Dearden (D), Joni Ernst (R), Randy Feenstra (R), Mike Gronstal (D), Shawn Hamerlinck (R), Tim Kapucian (R), Brian Schoenjahn (D), Steve Sodders (D), and Mary Jo Wilhelm (D).
For Iowa House of Representatives (54): Dwayne Alons (R), Chip Baltimore (R), Clel Baudler (R), Josh Byrnes (R), Dennis Cohoon (D), Peter Cownie (R), Dave Deyoe (R), Cecil Dolecheck (R), Jack Drake (R), Greg Forristall (R), Joel Fry (R), Julian Garrett (R), Pat Grassley (R), Bob Hager (R), Chris Hall (D), Curt Hanson (D), Mary Ann Hanusa (R), David Heaton (R), Bill Heckroth (D), Lisa Heddens (D), Lee Hein (R), Dan Huseman (R), Ron Jorgensen (R), Anesa Kajtazovic (D), Jerry Kearns (D), Dan Kelley (D), Jarad Klein (R), Kevin Koester (R), Bob Kressig (D), Jim Lykam (D), Mary Mascher (D), Kevin McCarthy (D), Helen Miller (D), Brian Moore (R), Dan Muhlbauer (D), Patrick Murphy (D), Steve Olson (R), Kraig Paulsen (R), Ross Paustian (R), Brian Quirk (D), Henry Rayhons (R), Walt Rogers (R), Kirsten Running-Marquardt (D), Thomas Sands (R), Renee Schulte (R), Jason Schultz (R), Jeff Smith (R), Mark Smith (D), Chuck Soderberg (R), Roger Thomas (D), Linda Upmeyer (R), Matt Windschitl (R), John Wittneben (D) and Gary Worthan (R).

Funding for contributions to candidates from the Iowa Corn Growers Association PAC comes only from voluntary PAC donations by ICGA members.  ICGA dues money cannot be used for PAC contributions.

# # #

With tonight' s Convention it is now official, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are the Republican nominees for President and Vice President. Tonight, I signed the official documentation along with Speaker Boehner and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to put Mitt Romney on the ballot.


Here in Iowa we have been working non-stop to elect solid, conservative candidates up and down and the ticket and most importantly ensure Barack Obama is a one-term President


With more than a dozen victory offices throughout the state, Iowa is a key swing state for Republicans this election. Our grassroots activists are committed to success but they cannot do it alone.


Please click here to make a donation and support Republican Victory this November.


Iowa is an absolutely vital state for Mitt Romney. Despite Barack Obama receiving over 100,000 more votes than John McCain in 2008, Republicans now hold the advantage in voter registration for the first time in over six years!


This is primarily due to the hard work and energy of our grassroots activists, volunteers and county leaders.


Together they understand that the success of our county parties, Congressional candidates and Mitt Romney's election will all be hard fought races with a tremendous amount on the line.


Please also think about joining our Patriot Club and pledge to support the Republican Party of Iowa with a small contribution each month.


Your financial contribution today will help us immediately get to work to defeat the Democrats in November, promote the conservative messages throughout Iowa, and restore America now.


Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication thus far and thank you in advance for your continued support of the Republican Party's efforts here in Iowa.




A.J. Spiker

Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa

Voters Demand that Rep. Bobby Schilling Supports an Economy That Works for the 99%

(Moline, Ill) - A diverse group of Quad City area and Peoria residents joined a protest against a Romney
Economy on Thursday, as the former governor accepted the GOP nomination. Across the country, activists now
calling themselves "99% voters" - low-wage workers, seniors, community activists, students and faith leaders -
roundly rejected the 1%-focused Romney Economy in favor of an economy that works for all of us.

Just returning from the RNC in Tampa, Cynthia Rivers of Peoria delivered a giant silver spoon, representative
of the 1%, to Republican GOP Headquarters today. "In Tampa, the 1% heard us. I'm not sure if it will do
any good but we asked them to make the richest 1% pay their fair share of taxes, raise the minimum, and quit
cutting our good jobs," explained Rivers as she taped the giant silver spoon to the Republican Headquarters

Today's protest in Moline was a clear message for Mitt Romney and Bobby Schilling to stop outsourcing jobs,
stop tax breaks for the rich, coupled with tax hikes for the middle class, stop cuts to education and healthcare
funding and stop refusing to raise the minimum wage.

Illinois which is, in part, represented by Bobby Schilling is home to 1,238,225 minimum wage workers, who
must struggle to provide for their families while Schilling and Romney will increase tax breaks and loopholes
for the rich. Parents who have to make the heartbreaking choice between buying groceries or taking a sick child
to the doctor know that a Romney Economy will not work for the Quad Cities, Peoria or the country.

"We are the 99% and they really do need to give us a minimum raise wage," lamented Sandra Leathers. "I told
them in Tampa and now I'm telling Romney and Schilling again to support the raising of the minimum wage."

Earlier in the week, both Sandra and Leathers, friends for 40 years, traveled to the RNC in Tampa to protest the
Romney Economy.

Nationwide and here in the Quad Cities and Peoria, members of the 99% rejected a Romney Economy,
welcoming home protesters from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. These voters want:
an increase in the federal minimum wage,

  • an end to tax breaks for the rich and corporations,
  • a renewed focus on creating good American jobs instead of layoffs
  • and outsourcing for profit,
  • and a Congress committed to representing all Americans, not just the richest 1%.

QC romney rally 8.30-4.jpg

Photo Caption from left to right:  (Moline, Ill)  Peoria residents Cynthia Rivers and Sandra Leathers, just returned from protesting at the RNC in Tampa tell Congressman Bobby Schilling to stand with the 99%.  They taped the giant silver spoon representing the 1% to the door of Republican GOP Headquarters in Moline, Ilinois Thursday.

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