The Bettendorf Chamber of Commerce will host a City Candidates Forum on Wednesday, October 14, at the Bettendorf Public Library.  The forum will begin at 7pm.  Dave Millage, Chamber Government Committee Chair, will be our moderator.  Open seats this year are in the 2nd, 4th, and one at-large.  Candidates are:

  • Scott Naumann, 2nd Ward Alderman

  • Greg Adamson, 4th Ward Alderman

  • Patricia Malinee, 4th Ward Alderman

  • Judy Gackle, Alderman-At-Large

  • Ronald Solt, Alderman-At-Large

  • Tim Stecker, Alderman-At-Large

The event is sponsored by The Electric Doctor and Russell Electric and is open to the public.

House Minority Leader Boehner joins bi-partisan coalition supporting Federal Reserve transparency

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA - H.R. 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, yesterday surged past the 200 co-sponsor mark, nearing a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill, introduced by Congressman Ron Paul (R- TX), now has 207 cosponsors including 51 Democrats.

Signing on to the bill yesterday were Republican Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and influential Rules Committee Ranking Member David Drier (R-CA). The bill has gained 28 co-sponsors just in the month of June.

Congressman Paul's legislation is aimed at pulling back the curtain from a secretive and unaccountable Federal Reserve.  Congress and the American people have minimal, if any, oversight over trillions of dollars that the Fed controls.

With recent bailouts and spending decisions shining a spotlight on the actions of the Federal Reserve, more and more pressure is bearing down on Congress to take action and demand accountability and transparency.

Minority Leader Boehner joins a group of legislators from across the ideological spectrum.  These Representatives include Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), head of the conservative Republican Study Committee, and Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), former head of the liberal Progressive Caucus.

"Americans from every walk of life, across the country, are speaking out and demanding transparency at the Federal Reserve," said Campaign for Liberty President John Tate. "Members of Congress, whether they are conservatives, moderates, progressives, business Republicans, libertarians or blue dog Democrats, are listening to their outraged constituents and coming together to support H.R. 1207."

"The American people have had enough. Enough of an out of control Fed, enough of run away government spending and enough of the secretive Federal Reserve practices that won't even allow us to know where our money is going." continued Mr. Tate. "And the message is getting through loud and clear as indicated by the overwhelming support for this legislation across the country and in the halls of Congress."

To view a full list of co-sponsors, please click here.

H.R. 1207, would open up the Fed's funding facilities, such as the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility, and Term Asset-Backed Securities Lending Facility to Congressional oversight and an audit by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office. Additionally, audits could include discount window operations, open market operations, and agreements with foreign central banks, such as ongoing dollar swap operations with European central banks.

CONTACT: Jesse Benton
June 10, 2009                           703-347-6886, 202-246-6363
On May 21st, many leaders of national organizations dedicated to the defense of Liberty and the Constitution are retracing the 1910 travels of the global financiers who quietly gathered at a private resort at Jekyll Island, Georgia to covertly plot the creation of what we know today as the privately-owned (and unconstitutional), "Federal Reserve System."

Next week, Freedom leaders travel by train from New Jersey to that notable location to join their organizations in support of the upcoming historic "Continental Congress 2009" initiative.  CC2009 will be a multi-week, assembly of Delegates from the fifty states to formally document for the nation a century of Constitutional violations and the federal Government's patent refusal to be held accountable to the Law of the nation.  Among the violations are the Treasury and Fed bailouts which use public monies for unlawful expenditures for private benefit. 

The CC2009 Assembly will recommend specific actions the People can take to peacefully restore Constitutional Order.  These actions may well include a nationwide call for the People to (lawfully) withdraw all financial support from the government until the Constitution is fully obeyed.

To learn about the little-known, 900-year history and profound power of the Petition clause, visit

Nancy Brandt, Andover, Illinois

FY 2010 Appropriations requests listed on Braley's website

Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) today announced funding requests for job-creating projects in Iowa as part of the FY 2010 Appropriations process. All Braley's funding requests are now posted on his website, increasing the transparency of the appropriations process. The requests will be considered by the Appropriations Committee and the House for inclusion in FY 2010 appropriations bills.

"Each one of these projects will help save or create jobs in Iowa and will directly benefit the people I represent," Braley said. "These programs will help build new roads, redevelop blighted areas, educate workers for new jobs, make healthcare more affordable, and boost renewable energy. At this time of economic crisis, these programs will help spur economic development and grow our local economies. That's why I'm fighting to get these projects funding.

"Transparency and accountability are important to the appropriations process. I've supported the most extensive reforms to this process in history since I was elected to Congress, and that's why I'm posting all my funding requests online for Iowans to review."

Braley used two key criteria to determine his requests:

  • Saving or Creating Jobs: Projects will save or create jobs in Iowa, helping to boost the economy and put Iowans back to work.

  • Meeting Critical Needs: Projects are common-sense programs that help a significant number of Iowans meet a critical need.

A list of Braley's earmark requests can be viewed at or by clicking on "FY10 Appropriations Requests" under the "Issues" menu of Braley's website.

 CHICAGO (March 23, 2009) - The Illinois Reform Commission (IRC) will hold its fifth Town Hall meeting on Thursday, March 26 at Augustana College in the Franklin W. Olin Center for Educational Technology Auditorium, Rock Island, IL (733 35th Street) from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 

The meeting will include a moderated public discussion followed by an open question and comment period. Political Science faculty members Dr. David Dehnel and Dr. Paul Weissburg will serve as moderators along with Augustana student Joshua Morgan.

The IRC Commissioners scheduled to attend include :

· Patrick Collins, IRC Chairman; Partner, Perkins Coie LLP

· Brad McMillan, Executive Director, Institute for Principled Leadership, Bradley University

· Shelia Simon, Clinical Associate Professor of Law, Southern Illinois University School of Law

Members of the public and the media are invited to attend.

For more information about the Commission and to see the schedule of upcoming meetings, please visit


The forum, organized by the City Club will effectively break the media blackout on viable third party candidates running in the presidential race. Third party candidates in the debate include Independent Ralph Nader, the Green Party's Cynthia McKinney and the Libertarian Party's Bob Barr.


"As long as Americans are denied the opportunity to hear from all the candidates we cannot pretend we have unbiased election coverage or fair elections," said Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin.


"No Bailouts" Presidential Candidate To Tell Voters The Rest Of The Story.   Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin ( will address economic issues in a debate  scheduled for Thursday, October 30th at 4:30 PM at the City Club of Cleveland, 850- Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio.



This week on "Perspective" host Susan McPeters talks with Illinois State Representative Mike Boland about the upcoming Constitution Convention vote in Illinois. This edition of Perspective airs Sunday, November 2, at 10:00am on WQPT, a broadcast service of Black Hawk College located in Moline, Illinois.
Join Congressman Bruce Braley with Keynote Speaker Senator Dick Durbin this Saturday, October 18th for the Congressman's annual fundraiser.


A.J. Segneri

Whiteside County Green Party






Quad Cities - The Illinois Green Party has another congressional candidate, and his name is Troy Dennis. Mr. Dennis is a resident of Mount Zion, IL where he has worked as a restaurateur and small business owner in logistics.


Mr. Dennis is the only opponent against incumbent Phil Hare. Mr. Dennis is an informed citizen who is tired of the whole system. I am tired of the pandering, lip service, corruption, disregard for the constitution, and the destruction of ideals. Mr. Dennis has a website, which is Mr. Dennis is also not taking PACs, lobby money, or corporate contributions.


Illinois Green Party

   In the military, we always make sure we never leave a man behind.   But in society, we are quick to jeapordize the individual for the greater good of the collective!   In a Democracy, the majority is always right, and the laws reflect their will.   But is a majority of people always right, or is that really just mob rule?   Our Federal Constitution under Article IV Section 4, guarentees each state in the union a Republican form of Government, not a Democracy.   A Republic is a Government of laws, not of men.   Laws created in order to ensure protection to the individual, not a group.   In a Republic, society never leaves a citizen behind!   No one can infringe on the Individual's rights to Life, Liberty or Property so long as he/she allows the same respect for others.   Here is a Freedom Creed I believe every American should hold close to their heart, for it is the only belief that ensures that we never leave a man behind again!
