Tell Boehner and Schilling to Represent Working Families and Not the Richest 1%

Note: Cry Baby Boehner Sheds 'NO Tears' for Sensata Workers.


[Colona, Ill] - Constituents, who for months have been clamoring for serious attention from Congressman Bobby Schilling to what matters most to them now - crucial economic issues impacting ordinary working families, seniors and others not in the richest 1%, will pay a visit to Schilling during an exclusive lunch fundraiser in Colona this Thursday where special guest and luncheon keynote is Speaker of the House John Boehner.

"Speaker of the House John Boehner is coming to the heartland but for all the wrong reasons," says Deborah Johnson of Congressional District IL 17.  "He's coming to raise money for Rep. Bobby Schilling when he should go and visit Sensata workers who are about to have their good jobs shipped overseas on Bobby Schilling's watch.  Sensata workers have the right to cry, Boehner doesn't because he supports Schilling whose lack of leadership has allowed this to happen. Where is the compassion for the people who are about to lose everything while Boehner and Schilling dine at a 100 dollar a plate lunch. Shame on all of them!"

Voters have called on Schilling and all of our elected officials to support an economy that works for everyone. Schilling has made it clear that he will support the extension of the Bush tax cuts, as well as the same "trickle down" economic policies supported by Romney which have failed in the past.  Working families cannot support a candidate who will continue to widen the gap between the richest 1% and the middle class.  We need a congressional representative in our district that will stand with the 99%.  We need to elect a representative to Congress who stands firmly with the 99%.


"99% Voters" from IL 17 Congressional District Say "No" to Mr. 1% Candidate Bobby Schilling and Tell Boehner to Visit U.S. Workers who will soon see their jobs shipped overseas.

WHAT: The 99% will rally in support of crucial middle class economic issues such as ending tax handouts to the wealthy, increasing the minimum wage, creating jobs and protecting Medicare as we know it

WHEN: 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 18, 2012

PLACE: Tennant Truck Lines, 20812 E. 550th St., Colona, IL

VISUALS: 99% voters rallying

NOTE: This effort by 99% Voters in the community and members of Action Now Illinois is NOT authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



Rep. Bobby Schilling a "No Show" Per Usual

Freeport, IL - Residents of Congressional District IL 17 thanked candidate Cheri Bustos for visiting 'Bainport' today and for her continued support of Sensata workers' fighting to save their jobs from outsourcing to China by Bain Capital.

Sensata has emerged as a flashpoint in the controversy over Romney's ties to Bain with the company's employees asking Mitt Romney to intercede on their behalf and save their jobs. Their cries go unanswered and Romney seems to be simply ignoring these workers.

For months, residents too have been calling on Rep. Bobby Schilling to stop the export of these U.S. jobs overseas and their pleas have obviously fallen on deaf ears.

"We now know firsthand what a Romney/Schilling economy looks like, losing good U.S. jobs," said Deborah Johnson a voter in IL 17. "We need someone to speak for us in Washington D.C. and Cheri Bustos has shown us time and time again that she is a leader and speaks for the 99% instead of the richest 1%. Cheri needs to win this election and I will not rest until she is elected."

In September, the workers began to camp outside the plant to protest Bain's decision to ship their jobs to China and increase the pressure on Mitt Romney. Romney still receives income from Sensata Technologies. The workers say will they stay on-site in until they are heard and in the hope of illustrating the dangers of re-electing Bobby Schilling and of a Romney economy.

Washington, DC - Participants in the Bring the Vote Home initiative today thanked Representative Dave Loebsack (IA-2) for supporting Iowa seniors by speaking out about the value of home healthcare services for the state's Medicare beneficiaries.

Bring the Vote Home is a nationwide initiative to help senior, disabled and homebound Americans and their clinicians cast their votes this election year. Iowa's home healthcare community, which represents 24,000 Medicare home health beneficiaries and 3,550 skilled home health clinicians, is taking part in this national effort.

Bring the Vote Home is also offering lawmakers an opportunity to express their views about home healthcare via the initiative's website at

"The advantage of being home with your loved ones can make the world of difference in positive health outcomes," said Representative Dave Loebsack (IA-2) in a statement on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. "This isparticularly important in rural areas like many parts of my district, wherethere often are fewer providers and choices when it comes to nursing care. As we work to find cost savings, it is important to keep in mind that home health care providers deliver quality, effective health care to our seniors and helps to keep Medicare costs down."

Bring the Vote Home is a collective effort by home healthcare community leaders to offer the nation's 12 million home healthcare patients - including 3.5 million Medicare beneficiaries - the opportunity to vote this election cycle.  Because Medicare beneficiaries must be homebound to be eligible for Medicare's home healthcare benefit, it is challenging for them to travel to polling spots.  Bring the Vote Home offers both home health patients and their clinicians access to online tools and educational materials with detailed information on how to officially register or obtain an absentee ballot.

"We are dedicated to ensuring that our patients, our clinicians and our entire community have a voice this election season to ensure senior care issues are front and center," said Kim Foltz, Executive Director & CEO for the Iowa Alliance in Home Care. "We thank Representative Loebsack for recognizing the great value home healthcare brings to our state's seniors, the Medicare program and the healthcare delivery system as a whole."



Bring the Vote Home is a nationwide citizenship project coordinated by the Council for State Home Care Associations, Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare, and other home health community members to help America's approximately 12 million home healthcare patients, including 3.5 Medicare beneficiaries, and skilled healthcare professionals exercise their right to vote in national and state elections this November.  To learn more, visit

DES MOINES - In a close election, Obama for America - Iowa knows that the grassroots will make the difference. That's why supporters across the state will gather tonight to watch President Obama lay out the clear choice in this election for the second presidential debate of the campaign. Using the debate as an opportunity to bring supporters together, Obama for America - Iowa is hosting watch parties in neighborhoods across the state.

OFA supporters will engage their family and friends on the choice in this election between two visions for our country: one that moves us forward with an economy built from the middle-out or one that moves us backwards with an economy that writes off our middle-class and returns to the same failed top-down economics of the last decade. Iowans have already started casting their ballots in this year's election by voting early in person or by mail, which began on September 27th and will conclude on November 5th.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

8:00PM CST


Des Moines Debate Watch Party

WHERE: Cooney's Tavern

3708 Beaver Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50310



Iowa City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Iowa City Office

321 Market St, Suite 106

Iowa City, IA



Sioux City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Sioux City Office

4106 Morningside Ave

Sioux City, IA



Council Bluffs Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Council Bluffs Office

1851 Madison Ave, Suite 200

Council Bluffs, IA



Waterloo Debate Watch Party

WHERE: Jameson's Public House

310 East 4th Street

Waterloo, IA 50703


Davenport Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Davenport Office

1706 Brady Street, Suite 205

Davenport, IA


Mason City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Mason City Office

219 North Federal

Mason City, IA



Ames Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Ames Office

413 Northwestern Ave #103

Ames, IA



Burlington Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Burlington Office

900 Osborn St

Burlington, IA




Justin Long, Congressman Braley, President Obama and Bruce Springsteen to Highlight Early Voting at College Towns


DES MOINES - #CampusTakeover is coming! This week, an unprecedented early vote operation will take place on college campuses across the state.  At community colleges, private colleges and Universities, the Obama campaign is organizing voters for a record number of satellite voting locations between now and Election Day for students and the campus community.  Early voting is a simple and easy way to make sure young people have their voice heard in this election.


Actor Justin Long, Congressman Braley, President Obama and Bruce Springsteen will join #CampusTakeover events to encourage early voting and talk about key issues impacting young Americans like President Obama's plan to make college more affordable, expanding access to quality health care, equal rights and creating new job opportunities for graduates.


Long and Rep. Braley will visit campuses, phone banks and voter registration drives. The President will deliver remarks at a grassroots event at Cornell College on Wednesday, October 17.  Bruce Springsteen will appear at Ames on Thursday, October 18. Several campuses will also have special guest appearances by Green Man.


There is a clear choice in this election, particularly for college students.  Mitt Romney thinks that students should "shop around" or "borrow money" from their parents to help pay for college or start a business.  Under the Romney-Ryan budget, 221,000 Iowa students will see their college scholarships cut while the deduction for college tuition would be eliminated for 78,000 Iowa families. President Obama believes in the economic benefits of investments in education and that a college education should be in reach for as many students as possible.  That's why he has overhauled higher education financing by eliminating bank middlemen from college loans and used the savings to double funding for Pell Grants.



Between October 15 and October 29, there will be 53 satellite voting locations on college campuses. This week, 24 Satellite Voting sites will be set up at the following campus areas:


On Monday, October 15

·         Cero Gordo - 10AM to 3PM at NIACC Activity Center in Mason City

·         Johnson - 2PM to 8PM at University of Iowa Campus Recreational & Wellness Center 100 CRWC E230 in Iowa City

·         Story - 9AM to 3PM at Iowa State University Union Drive Community Center Room 136 in Ames

·         Story - 9AM to 3PM at Iowa State University Maple-Willow-Larch Room 01C in Ames


On Tuesday, October 16

·         Black Hawk - 9AM to 3PM at Hawkeye Community College - Brock Student Center in Waterloo

·         Hardin - 9:30AM to 3:30PM at Ellsworth CC - Formal Dining Room - The Gentle Student Union in Iowa Falls

·         Johnson - 9AM to 3PM at Kirkwood Community College in Iowa City

·         Linn - 11AM to 5PM Mt. Mercy University - Heritage Hall in Cedar Rapids

·         Scott - 9AM to 3PM at Scott Community College - Belmont Campus in Bettendorf

·         Scott - 10AM to 4PM at St. Ambrose University - Rogalski Center in Davenport

·         Story - 9AM to 3PM at ISU Carver Hall in Ames

·         Story - 9AM to 3PM at ISU Memorial Union in Ames


On Wednesday, October 17

·         Bremer - 10AM to 4PM at McCaskey Lyceum in the Saemann Student Center in Waverly

·         Linn - 11AM to 5PM at Cornell College Cole Library Room 108 in Mt. Vernon

·         Mahaska - 10AM to 2PM at Atkins Memorial Union - WPU in Oskaloosa

·         Muscatine - 9AM to 3PM at Muscatine Community College - McAvoy University Center in Muscatine

·         Poweshiek - 11 AM to 5PM at Joe Rosenfield '25 Center in Grinnell


On Thursday, October 18

·         Johnson - 9AM to 3PM at University of Iowa Memorial Union at Hubbard Commons in Iowa City

·         Johnson - 2:30PM to 8:30PM at University of Iowa Theatre Building in Iowa City

·         Linn - 10AM to 4PM at Kirkwood Community College - Iowa Hall in Cedar Rapids

·         Story - 9AM to 3PM at ISU Parks Library main floor in Ames


On Friday, October 19

·         Black Hawk - 12PM to 6PM at UNI Redecker Complex Center Residential Hall in Cedar Falls

·         Johnson - 12PM to 6PM at University of Iowa Burge Residence Hall in Iowa City

·         Johnson - 11AM to 5PM at University of Iowa Mayflower Residence Hall in Iowa City




Monday October 15

11:00 AM

WHERE:        Kirkwood Community College with Justin Long

The Café

6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


12:45 PM

WHERE:        Cornell College with Justin Long

Thomas Commons

Mount Vernon, IA


3:00 PM

WHERE:        OFA-IA Iowa City Office with Justin Long

321 E. Market St.

Iowa City, IA


5:30 PM

WHERE:        University of Northern Iowa with Justin Long

Maucker Union

Cedar Falls, IA


Tuesday October 16

12:00 PM

WHERE:        Hawkeye Community College with Rep. Bruce Braley

1501 E Orange Rd.

Waterloo, IA 50701


12:00 PM

WHERE:        Iowa State University with Justin Long

In the Free Speech Zone near Parks Library

Corner of Osborn Dr. & Morrill Rd

Ames, IA


2:45 PM

WHERE:        Simpson College with Justin Long

Kent Student Center

Indianola, IA 50125


Wednesday, October 17

9:15 AM CDT Doors Open

WHERE: President Obama Grassroots Event at Cornell College

Armstrong Hall Lawn at Cornell College

600 First Street SW

Mount Vernon, Iowa 52314



10:00 AM

WHERE:        Wartburg College with Rep. Bruce Braley

McCaskey Lyceum in the Saemann Student Center

100 Wartburg Blvd.

Waverly, IA 50677


Thursday, October 18

Time TBD

WHERE:        #CampusTakeover Event with Bruce Springsteen

Ames, IA



Friday, October 19


WHERE:        University of Northern Iowa with Rep. Bruce Braley

Redecker Complex Center Residential

Redecker Drive

Cedar Falls, IA 50614
Dubuque Telegraph-Herald
October 14, 2012

The election campaign for Iowa's 1st District seat in the U.S. House is a rematch of 2010, when incumbent Democrat Bruce Braley squeaked past Republican Ben Lange by just 2 percent of the vote.
The tight finish two years ago and the close battle under way should not surprise anyone. Whatever the voters decide on Nov. 6, the 1st District will be represented by a hard-working, constituent-centered congressman.
Though they differ on many issues, Braley and Lange offer their respective strengths and a mutual commitment to serve the people of the district, state and nation.
After deliberation and discussion on the pros and cons regarding each candidate, the Telegraph Herald Editorial Board recommends the re-election of Bruce Braley.
Though the candidates and district number are the same, this race is not the same. A big reason is that the 1st District is not what it used to be.
Due to redistricting after the 2010 census and Iowa's loss of a House seat, the 1st is larger and reconfigured. It drops Scott County (Davenport) and adds Linn (Cedar Rapids). It drops Clinton County but adds 10 counties that are not presently represented by Braley. All this means that, for roughly half the voters of the reconstituted 1st District, this will be the first time they will choose between Braley and Lange.
Since being elected to Congress six years ago, Braley has established himself as a leading advocate for military veterans.
He championed the Andrew Connolly Veterans Housing Act, which addressed the adaptive housing needs of veterans. Well before the act became law, Braley worked hard to help Connolly, a military veteran battling multiple health and physical issues after returning from duty overseas, and his family secure housing that accommodated his disabilities. Connolly died before Braley's bill became law in August, but other veterans in similar circumstances should have a somewhat easier time of it because of this legislation.
Another Braley bill with military and Dubuque connections is the Holley Lynn James Act, which brings about reforms better protecting the victims of domestic and sexual assault among service personnel. James, whose family resides in Dubuque, was murdered by her husband while both served in the military.
Braley's efforts have gone beyond helping men and women in uniform. He has pushed hard to reduce the outrageous inequity Iowa suffers in Medicare reimbursements. He battled what might prove to be a lost cause -- keeping small, rural post offices open. He has advocated for student safety through Kadyn's Amendment, to help authorities to more strictly enforce traffic laws concerning stopped school buses.
There is more to Braley's record, and those are the areas where Lange zeroes in on the Democrat. Braley voted for stimulus spending (and borrowing) during the darkest days of the economic recession. Lange, of Independence, tags Braley with the disputed charge that President Obama's $716 billion cut in Medicare funding, which Braley supports, will hurt seniors' access to services. (Lange does not necessarily agree with the GOP platform of scuttling Obamacare -- at least not without a sound plan on what would replace it.)
We share Lange's deep concern over government spending. (He notes that "no one party is to blame" for this mess.) Braley says he has voted for $3 trillion in spending cuts. If so, then he needs to vote for more cuts. This can't continue. Braley calls for bipartisan conversation on solving the huge deficit, including entitlement programs. If he returns for a fourth term, constituents should watch carefully to see if there is more action than talk from Congress, and Braley in particular, toward reducing the fiscal time bomb awaiting our children and grandchildren.
Bruce Braley has been a strong advocate for the citizens of the old 1st District of Iowa. We believe he will do the same if voters of the new 1st District return him to Washington.
Editorials reflect the consensus of the Telegraph Herald Editorial Board.

# # #

CHICAGO–Obama for America announced today that President Obama will travel to Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire and New York next week, following the second presidential debate.  On Wednesday, October 17, President Obama will campaign in Cedar Rapids, IA and in Athens, OH, and in Manchester, NH on Thursday, October 18. Also on Thursday, President Obama will deliver remarks at the 67th Annual Alfred. E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York City.

Details on the President`s events in Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire and New York City are forthcoming.


DES MOINES - In a close election, Obama for America - Iowa knows that the grassroots will make the difference. That's why supporters across the state will gather tonight to watch Vice President Joe Biden lay out the clear choice in this election for the only Vice Presidential debate of the campaign. Using the debate as an opportunity to bring supporters together, Obama for America - Iowa is hosting watch parties in neighborhoods across the state. OFA supporters will engage their family and friends on the choice in this election between two visions for our country: one that moves us forward with an economy built from the middle-out or one that moves us backwards with an economy that writes off our middle-class and returns to the same failed top-down economics of the last decade. Iowans have already started casting their ballots in this year's election by voting early in person or by mail, which began on September 27th and will conclude on November 5th.


Thursday, October 11, 2012 @ 8:00 PM


Davenport Debate Watch Party

WHERE: Barrel House

211 East 2nd Street

Davenport, IA



Des Moines Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Ingersoll Office

2932 Ingersoll Ave

Des Moines, IA




West Des Moines Watch Party

WHERE: OFA- IA West Des Moines Office

3330 Westown Parkway Suite 15

West Des Moines, IA




Cedar Rapids Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Cedar Rapids Office

2857 Mt Vernon Rd SE

Cedar Rapids, IA




Iowa City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Iowa City Office

321 Market St, Suite 106

Iowa City, IA




Sioux City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Sioux City Office

4106 Morningside Ave

Sioux City, IA




Council Bluffs Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Council Bluffs Office

1851 Madison Ave, Suite 200



Council Bluffs, IA


Waterloo Debate Watch Party

WHERE: Jameson's Public House

310 East 4th Street

Waterloo, IA 50703




Dubuque Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Dubuque Office

3250 Kennedy Circle, Suite 6

Dubuque, IA



Mason City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Mason City Office

219 North Federal

Mason City, IA




Ames Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Ames Office

413 Northwestern Ave #103

Ames, IA




Burlington Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Burlington Office

900 Osborn St

Burlington, IA
(Moline, Ill) -- On Thursday, October 11, Quad City residents will join to support Congressional Candidate Cheri Bustos at WQAD TV station in Moline as Bustos debates Mr. 1% candidate Bobby Schilling.

"We have to stop Bobby Schilling (IL 17) from getting re-elected, not because he's a bad man, but because he does not understand the issues and instead votes for tax cuts for millionaires," said Lynda Harper, a Rock Island resident. "He calls himself a moderate but the truth is he voted with the Republican Party 92% of the time.  He won't sign the Bring Jobs Home Act and is currently allowing good jobs to be shipped overseas.  He hasn't stood up for seniors or children and says he will support a Romney/Ryan healthcare bill and economy --he is out of touch.  Whereas Bustos has promised to represent working families and make the richest 1% pay their fair share in taxes as well as keep middle class jobs here in the U.S."

For months, constituents of Rep. Bobby Schilling have asked him to back an economy that works for everyone but he just keeps rubberstamping a 'trickle down' economic approach that only makes the rich richer.  Schilling says he will support a Romney Economy and this means one thing: profits before people.

WHO:  99% Voters" from IL 17 Congressional District

WHAT: Rally to Support Bustos for Congress (IL 17) - Say "No" to Mr. 1% Candidate Bobby Schilling

WHEN: 5:45 p.m. Thursday, October 11, 2012

PLACE: In front of WQAD TV Station, 3003 Park 16th Street, Moline, Illinois

NOTE: This effort by 99% Voters in the community and members of Action Now Illinois is NOT
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

- 30 -

Burlington, VT - Today, Democracy for America (DFA), endorsed Christie Vilsack for Congress.  Vilsack, a native Iowan, will stand up for women's rights and make sure healthcare is accessible and affordable for all Iowans. Not only has Christie created a seven-point plant to make healthcare more affordable she has also created a plan to bring jobs back to the region.  Each plan she created is thorough and sound.

"Christie has a long history supporting and acting in the best interest of Iowans," said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. "By electing her to represent their interests in Washington, Iowans will have a strong advocate for the people - not the extremist tea party agenda.  She'll work to bring jobs back to America's Heartland and create a political climate where a Farm Bill can pass Congress without hurting those in need. Christie is the real deal and the right direction for the Hawkeye State."

Christie Vilsack responded to the DFA endorsement with enthusiasm:

Christie Vilsack: "Thank you to DFA for recognizing the importance of this election and the clear choice in front of Iowa voters.  I'm running for Congress because we need to rebuild the middle class and create jobs in small towns and cities like those in the 4th district.  The American people don't need another partisan fighter in Congress, they need someone who is willing to work across party lines to do the right thing for the middle class."

Link to this statement on democracyforamerica.com


Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.
