U.S. Senator from Minnesota to address Braley supporters in Waterloo

Waterloo, IA - On Sunday in Waterloo, Rep. Bruce Braley will hold his 8th annual "Bruce, Blues and Barbeque" Iowa grassroots fundraising event. U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) will headline the event and address supporters.

Bruce, Blues and Barbeque is open to the public. Tickets are still available at http://www.brucebraley.com/BBQ or at the door. Cost is $15 for students, $30 for individuals, $50 for couples, and $75 for families.

Sunday October 14th, 2012

5:30pm -- Bruce, Blues, and Barbeque
UAW Hall, Local #838
2615 Washington St.
Waterloo, Iowa

WASHINGTON, DC -- Veterans and Military Families for Progress (www.vmfp.org) enthusiastically and proudly endorses Bruce Braley in the upcoming election for the 1st Congressional District of Iowa. Founded in 2005, VMFP is dedicated to ensuring that the rights and needs of veterans, active-duty service members (including national guard and reservists), and their families are understood by the American public, endorsed by our elected officials, and protected by legislation, regulation, and public policy initiatives.
Congressman Bruce  Braley is a strong supporter of our nation's veterans and active armed forces. While serving on the Veterans Affairs Committee Congressman Braley has clearly demonstrated his determination to work on behalf of  our nation's veterans by supporting legislation that would benefit all veterans in securing employment opportunities.  Congressman  Braley's strong commitment to the issues that are critical to veterans, those serving now, and their families is unsurpassed. His public support for priority funding of the Veterans Administration and his declared determination to provide for the establishment of a national veterans and military family policy give all veterans and their families especially those who are living in Iowa's 1st Congressional district hope that they will continue to have a Congressman who will vote in such a way as to keep faith with those who have served and sacrificed.
Because of his father's  courageous service  on Iwo Jima Congressman Braley  has a deep  personal understanding and commitment  to the men and women and families of those who have sacrificed for our nation. Through the knowledge and  experience that Congressman Braley has acquired while serving on the Veterans' Affairs Committee he has been instrumental in passing legislation to create jobs for veterans, improve the lives of countless disabled vets, and ensure that our military men and women get the benefits they've earned.

Mr. Braley's decision to support legislation for improving the treatment of veterans with traumatic brain injuries and PTSD, and his deep understanding of the need for providing and guaranteeing full health coverage for National Guard and Reserve personnel, demonstrate that he is a candidate who has the character and courage and personal family experience to do what is right for those in service to our country. We feel that veterans, active duty, military families, and in fact, all people of Iowa's First Congressional District will be well-served with Bruce Braley as their representative by ensuring that America remains strong in national defense and in fighting terrorism.

"I'm honored to have the support of the Veterans and Military Families for Progress," said Braley.  "I've worked hard in Congress to honor the service of my father on Iwo Jima by standing up for our veterans.  These brave men and women and their families deserve our unwavering support, not only when they're fighting for us abroad but when they return home."
Veterans and Military Families for Progress is a 501(c)(4) non-partisan, not-for-profit veterans' organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is a 21st Century organization made up of members located throughout the country, and from across the breadth of rank and military services, who served, are serving, or are family members of those who have heeded the call to serve their country in the U.S. military.
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Early voting has started, and here in Iowa, every day from now through November 6th is Election Day.

That means you can vote right away in person at early voting locations, or with a vote-by-mail ballot.

Find out how.

I cast my ballot early for President Obama because of what he has done to make quality, affordable health care accessible, to increase college affordability, to promote clean energy jobs and an extension of the wind production tax credit, and to show his commitment to our troops and their families -- all of which are so important here in Iowa and around the country.

With so much at stake for our country, you shouldn't wait to vote for President Obama and Iowa Democrats, either.

Every ballot cast early builds our momentum towards celebrating a victory on Election Night, so let's keep moving forward with President Obama and Iowa Democrats who are fighting for all of us.

The best way to do that is to join the tens of thousands of Iowans who, like me, have already voted in this election.

Take a moment to find out where to vote early in your neighborhood:

Braley's working to cut middle class taxes; Lange plan could raise taxes on middle class

WATERLOO, IA -- The Braley for Congress campaign released a new television ad today contrasting Braley's record supporting middle class tax cuts with Ben Lange's proposed "two-tier" tax plan, which would threaten middle class families with a tax increase while millionaires pay less.
Lange wants to limit the number of federal income tax brackets to two: anyone making over $125,000 per year would pay 25 percent, and anyone making under that amount would pay 10 percent.  [Scott County Candidates Event, 9/28/2010; www.langeforcongress.com]
Unless Lange is willing to radically increase the federal budget deficit, his plan would endanger popular middle class tax breaks like the home mortgage interest deduction and tax credits for college and child care expenses.
In fact, the independent Tax Policy Center has warned against plans like Lange's, saying "...it is not mathematically possible to design a revenue-neutral plan that preserves current incentives for savings and investment and that does not result in a net tax cut for high-income taxpayers and a net tax increase for lower- and/or middle-income taxpayers..."  [Tax Policy Center, 8/1/12]
"Ben Lange's risky tax plan could bring the tax man to the door of thousands of middle class families while giving millionaires a huge tax cut," said Jeff Giertz, Braley for Congress campaign manager.  "The middle class is already struggling.  But Ben Lange would threaten tax breaks on college tuition, home mortgages, and child care.  Iowa families can hardly afford to pay for a new tax cut for the rich.
"Bruce Braley is working to cut taxes for small businesses and the middle class.  He passed a small business tax credit that put 100,000 Iowans back to work, and introduced legislation to cut taxes for 99 percent of Iowans."
Braley's ad can be viewed at the following link: http://youtu.be/CIi-5mnqlko

DAVENPORT, IA - How important is the Latino vote? "According to the Pew Hispanic Research Center, there are 52,000 eligible voters in Iowa who are Latino, making up roughly 2.3% of the state's voters," said Alvaro C. Macias, Programs and Events Chair for the Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GQCHCC). "With many races being so close, the Latino vote may prove to be the deciding factor. From our local races to the presidential election, the implications may be huge."
To help Iowa voters to know where the candidates stand on issues that matter to our region, the GQCHCC, St. Ambrose University, and Scott Community College proudly present the 2012 Candidates Forum. This free public event will be held 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 7, at St. Ambrose University's Rogalski Center, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport.
The GQCHCC has been working with St. Ambrose University and Scott Community College to give students an opportunity to get involved in creating questions for this landmark event.
Confirmed participants include :
- For U.S. House Representative District 2: Rep. Dave Loebsack (D), John Archer (R)
- For State Senate District 46: Senator Shawn Hamerlinck (R), Chris Brase (D)
- For State Representative District 89: Rep. Jim Lykam (D), Bill Edmond (R)
- For State Representative District 90: Rep. Cindy Winckler (D), & Mike J. Riley (Nominated by Petition)
- For State Representative District 92: Rep. Ross C. Paustian (R), Frank B. Wood (D)
- For State Representative District 93: Rep. Phyllis Thede (D), Mark Nelson (R)
- For State Representative District 94: Rep. Linda Miller (R), Maria Bribriesco (D)
- For State Representative District 97: Rep. Steven Olson (R), Ted Whisler (D)
In addition to these confirmed participants, other local county candidates will also be present. Additional event highlights include the presentation of flags by the Mexican American Veterans Association and the singing of National Anthem. The event will feature an on-site voter registration table, coordinated by Davenport's League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council No. 10.
For more information about the event, or the Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, visit www.gqchcc.com or call (309) 797-8650.

No Labels Commends Illinois Lawmaker's Commitment to Problem Solving

This week No Labels gave its official Problem-Solvers Seal of Approval to Rep. Bobby Schilling of Illinois' 17th district. The Problem-Solvers Seal is awarded to candidates or legislators who agree to join No Labels' emerging "Problem-Solvers Bloc," a group of House lawmakers who are dedicated to working across the aisle to find effective, principled and pragmatic solutions to our country's problems. Schilling has committed to join the bloc.
"In the gridlocked political climate we face today, we need more leaders like Schilling who believe that cooperation and solving problems are virtues, not signs of weakness," said No Labels Co-Founder Mark McKinnon. "Throughout his first term, Schilling has exhibited his willingness to work across the aisle and find common ground with members of the opposite party. He will be a welcome addition to No Labels' Problem-Solvers Bloc."

"Many thanks to No Labels for this recognition," said Congressman Schilling. "As a parent and as a small business owner, continually learning, trying new things, and working with all sorts of people is common-sense - common sense I took with me when the folks of the Illinois 17th asked me to represent them in Congress.     Our district's priorities -- like workloading the Rock Island Arsenal, passing a Farm Bill, reauthorizing our transportation and infrastructure programs, creating jobs at the vacant Thomson Prison, and more - aren't Republican or Democrat issues, but red, white, and blue issues, and I am committed to reaching across the aisle to help move our district, state, and great country forward.  I appreciate the mission of No Labels and will continue working on a bipartisan basis to get our economy back on track and get folks back to work."
The Problem-Solvers Bloc represents No Labels' effort to create a new center of gravity in Congress, where those legislators willing to work across the aisle can exert real influence. In today's Washington, Republicans and Democrats rarely meet with one another to discuss issues. With No Labels' new bloc, members will have a banner to gather under to develop real solutions. No Labels began constructing this bloc in mid-2012 and has already had tremendous success recruiting current and prospective members of Congress to join.
"Schilling's efforts to find common ground on important legislation like the recent farm bill have shown once again his dedication to problem solving and working across the aisle to get things done," said No Labels Co-Founder William Galston. "He has earned a full seal of approval from No Labels for his willingness to work across party lines to achieve long-term solutions to the issues facing the American people."
No Labels is a grassroots movement of Democrats, Republicans and independents dedicated to the politics of problem solving. For more information on the Problem-Solvers Seal of Approval or to arrange an interview with a No Labels co-founder, please contact John Rigby at press@nolabels.org or (202) 588-1990. To learn more about No Labels, please visit http://www.NoLabels.org.

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MUSCATINE, IA–Iowans for Tax Relief PAC has endorsed Mark Nelson of Davenport for State Representative.

Lindsay McQuarry, Policy Director for Iowans for Tax Relief, said today, "Mark Nelson is the pro-taxpayer and pro-growth candidate in House District 93. He understands that rising property taxes are hurting Iowa's homeowners, business owners, and workers."

McQuarry continued, "Mark is a strong advocate for reform of government pensions. He knows the state must correct its pension obligations now to avoid a financial crisis in the future. "

David Stanley, Chairman, and Rob Solt, President of Iowans for Tax Relief praised Nelson for "his dedication to protect Iowa's taxpayers and his strong support for amending the Iowa Constitution to limit state government spending and give the people the right to vote on tax increases."

Mark Nelson is a candidate for the Iowa House of Representatives in the November 6 election. He is a commercial real estate appraiser who specializes in complex appraisals and property tax appeals in the Midwest.

Iowans for Tax Relief PAC has worked to protect and defend Iowa taxpayers for 28 years. It is the political action arm of Iowans for Tax Relief.

Paid for by Iowans for Tax Relief PAC
We asked President Obama and Governor Romney four questions, including:
How will you use the power of your office to fight cancer and put our country on track toward defeating this disease?
They responded and I want to share their answers with you.

Watch my short video and see where your candidates for president stand on the cancer issues we fight for every day.

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack announced that Vonnie Hampel will serve as his new Press Secretary effective today.  Vonnie recently served in the same position for retiring Rep. Dan Boren and originally hails from Wisconsin.  She will serve as the main press point of contact while Communications Director Joe Hand takes a leave of absence from Loebsack's official congressional office.


"I am pleased that Vonnie has joined my office and is taking on this role," said Loebsack.  "As a fellow Midwesterner, Vonnie knows about hard work and dedication and I look forward to her working with the press and the people of Iowa.  She will be a great asset to my communications team."


Contact information for Vonnie follows.


E-mail: vonnie.hampel@mail.house.gov

Office: 202-225-6576

Cell: 202-302-9778


Democrats Will Make Clear Before Ryan's Stop Just How Bad Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Would Be For the Middle Class

Washington - With people in Iowa already voting, the Democratic National Committee and Obama for America announced that their DNC/OFA "Gotta Vote" Bus Tour will stop in Davenport, Iowa TODAY, Tuesday, October 2nd at 10:30 AM CDT - the same day that Paul Ryan will stop in Clinton and Muscatine.

Sandra Fluke will join local supporters to tell Paul Ryan his Iowa trip won't distract from his running mate Mitt Romney's recent comments about not being concerned about half the American people.

Did he mean seniors who worked their whole lives and now live on a fixed income? Was he talking about servicemen and women and veterans who have fought for our country? Maybe he meant students who are working to build a better future for themselves? Or was it people who have fallen on hard times and are looking for work? These are the people Mitt Romney says are looking for a hand out.

So as Paul Ryan stands by these remarks, folks in Davenport will send the message: Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are either massively insulting half of Americans or they're massively out of touch with our lives.

For this reason, Tate Donovan at the "Gotta Vote" Bus Tour stop in Davenport will stress how early voting in Iowa is a simple and easy way for voters to make sure their voices are heard in this election. Iowa voters can vote early in person as of September 27, and vote by mail. The "Gotta Vote" Bus Tour will encourage voters to take advantage of early voting and will help voters make sure they are registered to vote.

For more information, voters can go to www.gottavote.com and www.gottaregister.com.

WHAT: DNC-OFA "Gotta Vote" Bus Tour

WHO: Sandra Fluke and Tate Donovan

WHEN: TODAY, October 2, 2012 at 10:30 AM CDT

WHERE: Davenport OFA Office

1706 Brady Street, Suite 205

Davenport IA 52803

