On Saturday, November 3, President Obama will deliver remarks at grassroots events in Dubuque, Iowa.

EVENT LOCATION: Washington Park (700 Locust Street, Dubuque, Iowa)

DOORS OPEN: 2:00 PM CDT, Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ticket Distribution Information for Members of the Public: Tickets are available for the President's event in Dubuque, IA. The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required for entrance. One ticket per person will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. To pick up your ticket, visit one of the following locations beginning on Thursday, November 1 at 3:00 PM CDT and continuing on Friday, November 2 at 9:00 AM CDT.

Roshek Building Lobby

700 Locust Street

Dubuque, IA

Dubuque County Democratic Headquarters

3250 Kennedy Circle, Suite 6

Dubuque, IA


Loras College (ticket distribution starts on Thursday at 3pm and continues on Friday at 11am)

Alumni Campus Center

1450 Alta Vista Street

Dubuque, IA


Thousands of Iowa citizens end up in court each year before a judge. Some file suit because they believe they have been wronged. Some are there because they are defending themselves against a legal claim. No matter how they end up in court, they want and deserve to know their case will be decided by a fair and impartial judge.

Imagine you are one of those citizens. Would you want to find out that the judge hearing your case received political donations from your opponent? Would you want to find out that the judge was more concerned about popular opinion than following the law? Would you want the judge to be intimidated by political threats? Would you want the judge to make a decision based upon his or her
personal prejudices regarding things like race, religion, gender or disability?

We need judges who are fair to everyone and who are not subject to the influence of politics, money, religion, popular opinion or a special interest group. Current efforts to undermine Iowa's judicial system by voting off judges who have kept their oath to decide cases based on the facts and the law are wrong. They put Iowa's current system of fair and impartial courts at risk.

When you vote, be sure to turn your ballot over and vote "yes" for all of Iowa's judges and help insure that Iowa's courts remain fair for everyone.


Matthew A. Leddin
Scott County Bar President

CHICAGO- On Thursday, November 1, Vice President Biden will travel to Iowa for grassroots events in Muscatine and Fort Dodge, Iowa.  While campaigning in Iowa, Vice President Biden will lay out the vision he and the President share to create an economy that's built to last versus going back to the same, failed top-down policies that crashed our economy. He and President Obama have a concrete and specific second-term plan to continue restoring economic security to the middle class. To view their plan, visit barackobama.com/plans.  The Vice President will also highlight the choice facing Americans in this election between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs and restore middle-class economic security.

Also in Iowa, the Vice President will also remind Iowans about early voting opportunities throughout the state.


Grassroots Event with Vice President Biden in Muscatine, IA

Estimated Event Time: 11:45 AM CDT (for planning purposes only)

Crowd Doors Open: 10:00 AM CDT

Where: West Middle School, 600 Kindler Ave, Muscatine, Iowa


Heading Into the Final Week Before the Election, Iowans Can Make Sure Their Voice is Heard By Voting Early


DES MOINES?This week, early voting will continue across Iowa.  The Obama campaign is organizing voters for a record number of satellite voting locations between now and Election Day. Early voting is a simple and easy way to make sure people have their voice heard in this election.


Iowans have the clearest choice they have faced in a generation. The President has offered a real and achievable plan that will create jobs, expand opportunity and ensure our economy is built to last - one that's built from the middle out, not the top down. We can't say the same about Mitt Romney. Over the next few years, big decisions will be made - on jobs and the economy, taxes, deficits, energy, education, war and peace. These decisions will have a huge impact on our lives and on our children's lives for decades to come.  On every issue, this isn't just a choice between two candidates or two parties - it's a choice between two fundamentally different visions for our country's future.


On Tuesday, October 30

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Westdale Mall located at 2500 Edgewood Rd., SW in Cedar Rapids

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Collins Road Theater located at 1462 Twixt Town Rd. in Marion

·         Johnson?11:00 AM to 7:00 PM at Iowa City Public Library located at 123 South Linn Street in Iowa City

·         Scott?10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Davenport Public Library-Eastern Ave. Branch located at 6000 Eastern Ave. in Davenport

·         Woodbury?8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Long Lines Family Center located at 401 Gordon Drive in Sioux City


On Wednesday, October 31

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Westdale Mall located at 2500 Edgewood Rd., SW in Cedar Rapids

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Collins Road Theater located at 1462 Twixt Town Rd. in Marion

·         Johnson?11:00 AM to 7:00 PM at Iowa City Public Library located at  123 South Linn Street in Iowa City

·         Scott?12:30 PM - 6:30 PM at Davenport Public Library-Eastern Ave. Branch located at 6000 Eastern Ave. in Davenport

·         Woodbury?8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Long Lines Family Center located at 401 Gordon Drive in Sioux City


On Thursday, November 1

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Westdale Mall located at 2500 Edgewood Rd., SW in Cedar Rapids

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Collins Road Theater located at 1462 Twixt Town Rd. in Marion

·         Johnson?11:00 AM to 7:00 PM at Iowa City Public Library located at 123 South in Iowa City

·         Scott?10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Davenport Public Library-Eastern Ave. Branch located at 6000 Eastern Ave. in Davenport

·         Woodbury?8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Long Lines Family Center located at 401 Gordon Drive in Sioux City


On Friday, November 2

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Westdale Mall located at 2500 Edgewood Rd., SW in Cedar Rapids

·         Linn?5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Collins Road Theater located at 1462 Twixt Town Rd. in Marion

·         Johnson?11:00 AM to 7:00 PM at Iowa City Public Library located at 123 South in Iowa City

·         Scott?10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Davenport Public Library-Eastern Ave. Branch located at 6000 Eastern Ave. in Davenport

·         Woodbury?8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Long Lines Family Center located at 401 Gordon Drive in Sioux City

WASHINGTON - As early voting continues in Iowa, the Democratic National Committee and Obama for America "Gotta Vote" Bus Tour returns to the Hawkeye state TOMORROW with stops in Des Moines, Ames and Council Bluffs to encourage Iowans to vote early and re-elect President Barack Obama.


Special guests for these stops include DNC Vice Chair & Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak, Montana Governor Bryan Schweitzer and former Iowa Lt. Governor Patty Judge.


Des Moines


WHO: DNC Vice Chair Mayor RT Rybak

Gov. Bryan Schweitzer

Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge


WHEN: 9:30 AM

Tuesday, October 30th


WHERE: Workers Memorial Monument

Corner of East 9th Street and East Grand Avenue near Iowa State Capitol

Des Moines, IA




WHO: DNC Vice Chair Mayor RT Rybak

Gov. Bryan Schweitzer

Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge


WHEN: 11:30 AM

Tuesday, October 30th



413 Northwestern Ave.


Ames, IA


Council Bluffs


WHO: DNC Vice Chair Mayor RT Rybak

Gov. Bryan Schweitzer

Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge


WHEN: 4:00 PM

Tuesday, October 30th



1851 Madison Ave.

Suite 200

Council Bluffs, IA



In the final days of the campaign, Obama for America Iowa is launching #IowaGrown, a week of events on the President's promises kept and his priorities for a second term. President Obama's commitment to growing our economy begins with a strong, thriving middle class grew right here in Iowa. Unlike Mitt Romney, the President has been consistent and clear about his vision and values because he knows his plan will actually create jobs and strengthen the middle class - and that recent history teaches us the right way to grow the economy is from the middle out, not the top down.

With eight days until Election Day, Vice President Joe Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama, former Governor Tom Vilsack, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, DNC Vice Chair and Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge will take this message across the state in the coming days.

President Obama has called for a new economic patriotism rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong, thriving middle class, reducing our deficit in a responsible way, continuing to grow our manufacturing and renewable energy industry and strengthening our education system by hiring new teachers. For more information on the President's plans, go to www.barackobama.com/plans.

Under his leadership, businesses have added 5.2 million private sector jobs over the last 31 months, the unemployment rate is at its lowest level since January 2009, consumer confidence is at a 5-year high, and foreclosures are at a 5-year low.

And where President Obama's campaign all started, Iowans are seeing our economy grow. His work to make smart investments in energy, education and training, growing small businesses, and promoting technology and innovation is paying off. Today, Iowa has 7,000 jobs in the wind industry, over 18,000 manufacturing jobs have been added and 6,200 education jobs were saved. The President cut taxes for Iowa small business 18 times and fought to save the auto industry, protecting 8,000 Iowa jobs. Because of his support for new trade agreements, Iowa farmers have seen record farm income

And this message is resonating with Iowans, as Democrats shatter early voting records. Currently Democrats have an over 57,000 early vote and over 70,000 vote by mail request advantage. Unprecedented early voting numbers show enthusiasm for the President and the strength of OFA's organization.

Mitt Romney is in Iowa today and the fact remains: Mitt Romney's economic plans, or what we know of them, will threaten Iowa's economic growth. His opposition to the wind production tax credit and polices that would encourage companies to send jobs overseas directly threaten jobs for Iowa's middle class.

And despite the rhetoric, his embrace of the GOP's extreme wing throughout this campaign will certainly make it hard to work across aisle, just as he failed to do as Governor of Massachusetts.

Last week in Iowa, Romney promised "change", but Iowans know he will just bring us back to same top-down policies that got us into this mess in the first place. His economic scheme - fewer rules for Wall Street and more budget-busting tax breaks for the wealthiest - is the same failed formula that crashed our economy and devastated the middle class. No matter how hard Romney tries to hide the truth, his math just doesn't add up. It's mathematically impossible to pay for his $5 trillion tax breaks favoring the wealthiest without raising taxes on the middle class or exploding the deficit.

His five-point plan is a sham - independent economists say we will create the 12 million jobs he claims his plan will create anyway. And the studies Romney cites actually disprove his claims. One fact-checker called Romney's plan a "bait-and-switch." And as Governor, he left Massachusetts 47th out of 50 in job creation and first in the nation in per capita debt.

The President has come to the state, and talked directly to Iowans about a concrete and specific second-term plan to grow our economic security to the middle class and to avoid returning to the same policies that crashed the economy. Iowans understand the clear choice they have in this election, and that is why we feel confident about our campaign going into Election Day.

Check #IowaGrown on Twitter throughout the week for events and updates.

DES MOINES - Obama for America released a new video today featuring Vice President Joe Biden discussing how he and President Obama work every day to provide people with dignified opportunity to care for themselves and their families.

Since day one, President Obama and Vice President Biden have advanced policies and programs that help American families, working in partnership with faith-based and community organizations, including Catholic non-profits like Catholic Charities and Catholic Relief Services, to serve those in need. From fighting for health insurance reform so no family has to go bankrupt just because a family member gets sick, to supporting tax reform in which everyone pays their fair share, to ensuring every child has access to a good education, President Obama and Vice President Biden believe that we are our brothers and sisters' keepers. They strongly believe that looking out for all Americans is part of what defines us as a nation.

And as Vice President Biden made clear during the Vice Presidential debate, both he and President Obama believe there is no conflict between standing up for women's health and respecting religious liberty, and they are committed to upholding both principles. Meanwhile, Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan are wrong to use this core constitutional principle as a political football.  Religious liberty is not a Democratic or Republican idea - it's an American idea, and it always has been.

To view the video please click HERE. And for more information, please visit catholics.barackobama.com.



WATERLOO, IA - Today, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) will continue his "Small Town Values Tour" with a stop in Mt. Vernon.  Braley is travelling across the First District visiting small towns and rural communities throughout the week to highlight his work with Republicans and Democrats to create jobs and strengthen the rural economy.

Braley, a native of small town Brooklyn, Iowa, in Poweshiek County, will visit numerous eastern Iowa towns over the course of the tour.  He will visit with local officials, tour towns' business districts, visit local small businesses, and speak with residents.

"I grew up in Brooklyn, Iowa, where my mom was a school teacher and my dad worked at a grain elevator," Braley said. "Growing up in a small town, I learned to value a hard day's work and to help a neighbor in need. These are values I carry with me to this day when I go to work for Iowa in Congress."

Monday October 29, 2012

2:00pm Toledo
Tour Toledo Central Business District

with State Senator Steve Sodders
114 E High Street
Toledo, Iowa

# # #

God Meets Science

In the Presidential Election, the Two Don't Get Along. But Should They?

By: Daniel Friedmann

Do you believe that evolution should be taught in public schools, and that it should be presented as the only explanation for how the species arose?  Based on statements made in the past few years by President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney, it appears they both would answer "yes."

However, Romney's fellow Republicans don't all agree. For example, Republican Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia recently announced that evolution, embryology, and the Big Bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of hell."

Furthermore, Romney may have recently changed his mind since in the first presidential debate he stated, "We're all children of the same God" -- in stark contradiction to evolutionists' conclusion!

Meanwhile, only 15 percent of the US population believes in naturalistic evolution as the explanation for our origins!

And while the Catholic Church has stopped arguing against scientific findings such as the age of the universe or when life first appeared, it holds that whatever happened was guided in some way by God; in agreement with nearly half of Americans.

For the past couple hundred years, the creation-evolution conflict has been a recurring point of contention in the United States, from the presidential election to what should be taught in schools. American science legend Carl Sagan tried to settle this conflict by calling both camps "non-overlapping magisterial" - in other words, science and religion each preside as the source of wisdom over separate domains.

However, most of us feel that Sagan's explanation is not right. In fact, it turns out that a significant portion of Americans believe science and religion can coexist when it comes to explaining our origins.

The problem between science and religion did not originate over the question of HOW we came to be ? creation vs. evolution ? but over the question of WHEN the Earth came to be.  The creation-evolution conflict was sparked when early geologists began to find evidence that the Earth was older than the Bible seemed to indicate.

Today science tells us that the universe is 13.7 billion years old and the earth 4.5 billion years old; seemingly in contradiction to the biblical creation timeline of six days, less than 6,000 years ago.

A couple years ago I found the blueprint for my house, a piece of rolled up paper with lots of lines that bore little resemblance to my beautiful three-dimensional home. I could not make heads or tails of the blueprint. That is, until I saw the scale: 1 inch equals 8 feet. Now I could compare the blueprint and the house - everything matched, at least as to what it was and how big it was.

Now, the Bible claims to be the blueprint for the universe; but has anyone bothered to look for the scale of this blueprint? I mean, the story is narrated in creation days (analogous to the role of inches on the house blueprint), but what are these creation days in the physical structure, the universe?

It turns out that the Scriptures contain the scale ? it has been found: 1 creation day is 1,000 X 365 X 7,000 or 2.5 billion years. That's right, the scale is really simple, it's been there all along,  and when you apply it to events in Genesis, it converts 19 events to the time we measure in science.

What do we get after converting these events? Agreement within measurement error; very old Scriptures contain the times for key events relating to the development of the universe and the appearance of life on Earth that science has only recently uncovered.

So if both science and the Bible agree on what happened and when it happened, why keep arguing?

Because there is still the HOW it happened. But having found agreement on the "when" and the "what," sheds new light on the issue. It is time to check out the scale, reread the biblical blueprint and stop the 200-year-old argument in politics, education....

Daniel Friedmann is the author of The Genesis One Code, and CEO of an aerospace company. He has a master's in engineering physics and 30 years' experience in the space industry, and has published more than 20 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He is also a long-time student of cosmology and religion.


Election Day is fast approaching, but your chance to vote and make your voice heard is already here. Thanks to early voting, you can cast your vote today ? well before Nov. 6. Your chance to have your say in the future of our country starts now, and it's more important than ever that young people like you make yourselves heard.

Early voting has made it easier than ever to participate in this election. At GottaVote.com you can find out how and where to vote early, and you don't have to worry about missing out on Election Day because you're caught up with a paper or cramming for a midterm. If you vote early, I promise you'll thank yourself for it when you wake up on Nov. 6.

And if you wonder whether your vote will really matter, I want you to remember that in 2008, Barack won North Carolina by only 14,000 votes. That breaks down to just five votes per precinct. This year, any battleground state could be just as close, and we'll need every single vote we can get.

In 2008, young Americans like you turned every piece of conventional political wisdom on its head. For years, we had heard that young people couldn't be counted on, and that they wouldn't turn out at the polls on Election Day. But you didn't just turn out on Election Day ? you volunteered and organized for nearly two years beforehand, and you built a national movement that made history.

You worked hard for this campaign because you knew that if you elected Barack, he was going to have your back. And over the last four years, Barack has never stopped fighting for young Americans.

Barack has helped make college more affordable so that no student has to turn down a college acceptance letter because they can't afford the tuition. He's done that by keeping loan interest rates low, doubling funding for Pell Grants, and setting up a tax credit for middle class families. Because of health reform, you can stay on your parents' insurance until age 26, women can no longer be arbitrarily charged higher premiums than men, and insurance companies will no longer be able to deny coverage for a so-called "pre-existing condition." Barack has also repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" so that every American can serve this great country no matter who they love, and he's stood up to attacks on women's health because he believes women should be able to make our own decisions about our health care.

Most importantly, Barack is rebuilding our economy based on the values that made our country great: fairness, hard work, and responsibility. We've now had 31 straight months of private sector job growth and the unemployment rate is at the lowest level since my husband took office. And while we still have a long way to go, our businesses have created more than 5 million new jobs right here in the United States of America.

Your vote is your chance to make sure we don't turn back on all of this progress. And now is the time we need you to help Barack keep moving our country forward. Go to GottaVote.com to find out how and where to vote today.
