CHICAGO -- Former Secretary of State, National Security Adviser, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell endorsed President Obama for re-election today. Powell cited the President's leadership in bringing us back from the brink of economic collapse, ending the war in Iraq, his plan to end the war in Afghanistan, and his strong record of fighting terrorism as reasons for his endorsement.

Watch Colin Powell's endorsement HERE.


ROSE: Will you endorse President Obama this race?

POWELL: Well, you know I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012, and I'll be voting for he and for Vice President Joe Biden next month.

ROSE: That's an endorsement for President Obama for re-election?

POWELL: Yes. And let me say why. When he took over the country was in very, very difficult straits, we were in one of the worst recessions we had seen in recent times, close to a depression. The fiscal system was collapsing. Wall Street was in chaos. We had 800,000 jobs lost in that first month of the Obama administration and unemployment would peak a few months later at 10%. So we were in real trouble. The auto industry was collapsing. The housing industry was starting to collapse, and we were in very difficult straits. And I saw over the next several years stabilization come back in the financial community, housing is now starting to pick up after four years, it's starting to pick up. Consumer confidence is rising. So I think generally we've come out of the dive and we're starting to gain altitude. It doesn't mean we are problem solved, there are lots of problems still out there. The unemployment rate is too high. People are still hurting in housing. But I see that we are starting to rise up. I also saw the President get us out of one war, start to get us out of a second war and did not get us into any new wars. And finally, I think that the actions he's taken with respect to protecting us from terrorism have been very, very solid. And so I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on. With respect to Governor Romney, I have the utmost respect to him but as I listen to what his proposals are especially with respect to dealing with our most significant issue, the economy, it's essentially let's cut taxes and compensate for that with other things. But that compensation does not cover all of the cuts intended or the new expenses associated with defense.


The day after a strong final debate performance, Democrats are building upon the historic grassroots organization we built in Iowa in 2008, including our 67 Obama for America offices and hundreds of well-trained, experienced volunteer-led neighborhood teams in every corner of the state. As a result of that strong foundation and enthusiasm for President Obama, today we are ahead of where we were at this time against John McCain - and ahead of Mitt Romney. Unprecedented early voting numbers show enthusiasm for the President and the strength of OFA's organization, while Republicans were caught completely unprepared for early voting.


Iowa Democrats Maintain a Significant Lead in Early Voting


·         Topline: Democrats have a huge lead in early voting, and that lead is growing every day.  Ten days ago, for example, Democrats led by D +52,681 in total ballots cast, and today that advantage has increased to D +54,968.


·         Winning Across the Board: Democrats lead on every early vote metric - Vote by Mail requests, mail ballots returned, in-person ballots cast and total ballots cast






Vote by Mail Requests



D +63,211

Mail Ballots Returned



D +47,682

In-Person Ballots Cast



D +7,286

Total Ballots Cast



D +54,968






Vote by Mail Requests



D +15.3

Mail Ballots Returned



D +19.2

In-Person Ballots Cast



D +8.3

Total Ballots Cast



D +16.4


·         Winning by More than 2008: In 2008, Barack Obama won Iowa by 9.5 percentage points.  At this time in 2008, we led by D +57,004 in mail ballot requests, D +29,513 in mail ballots returned and 44,686 in total ballots cast.  Our early vote advantage this year is bigger than it was at the same time in 2008.


·         Snapshot: In-Person Early Vote

o   Democrats are leading Republicans 36,668 to 29,382 in in-person early vote.

o   Students are voting early in record numbers, including 477 students voting at Cornell following the President's speech on October 17th - 1/3 of the student body.


·         Registration: One of the untold stories of the ground game in Iowa is OFA's historic voter registration effort this year.  Democrats lead Republicans in registered voters by D +17,486 (D 689,794 vs. R 672,308).  In the last three months alone, 16,257 registered Democrats were added to the rolls compared with just 2,428 Republicans.  As a result, the Democratic registration advantage increased from D +3,657 in August to D +17,486 today.  The Democratic advantage continues to grow every single day as new voters register, and will continue growing right up through Election Day. Since August, Democrats have added 22,406 active voters to the rolls and Republicans have added just 5,924.


Why OFA's Ground Game Matters


·         OFA Iowa has 67 offices across the state, with hundreds of trained team leaders, leading thousands of volunteers.  OFA has volunteers in all 99 counties.


·         Democrats are winning the battle for early non-midterm voters.  Democrats lead Republicans among non-midterm voters in mail ballots requested, total ballots cast, mail ballots cast and in-person ballots cast.


Among Non-Midterm Voters Only






Vote by Mail Requests



D +31,558

Mail Ballots Returned



D +14,317

In-Person Ballots Cast



D +4,731

Total Ballots Cast



D +19,048






Vote by Mail Requests



D +23.1

Mail Ballots Returned



D +24.4

In-Person Ballots Cast



D +21.6

Total Ballots Cast



D +23.6


The Romney Campaign is Struggling in Iowa


·         "I see the early vote numbers, and I grimace a little bit. ... It feels like an Obama state." - former Iowa Republican Party political director Craig Robinson. [National Journal, 9/21/12]


·         Recent GOP early vote numbers do not show momentum, they simply show that the Romney campaign did a mass, "1-million person" mailing, according to GOP Romney operative Matt Strawn.


·         Early Republicans tried to push early voting as Rep. Paul Ryan reminded Iowans during an event in September.  Iowa Republican operative Matt Strawn told a reporter in September, "Anybody that tells one of our volunteers that they're supporting Mitt Romney, you bet we want that vote cast as soon as possible."  Yet as numbers started to show a large gap between Democrats and Republicans the change their message as Megan Stiles- Communications Director for the Republican Party of Iowa said on October 1st, "Republicans tend to actually prefer to go to the polls and pull the lever so to speak on Election Day."

EAST MOLINE, IL- Senator Mike Jacobs, Representative Pat Verschoore, and House Candidate Mike Smiddy will be hosting a Democrat Rally and Spaghetti Dinner from 5 - 8 p.m. on Thursday, October 25, 2012. Guest speakers, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, will be on hand to support and endorse the local Democratic candidates.

What: Democrat Rally and Spaghetti Dinner

Hosts: Senator Mike Jacobs, State Representative Pat Verschoore and Illinois House Candidate Mike Smiddy

Speakers: U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White

When: Thursday, October 25, 2012, 5 - 8 p.m.

Where: Moline Vikings Club, 1450 41st Street, Moline, IL 61265



DES MOINES-- In a close election, Obama for America - Iowa continues to rely on its grassroots operation to carry the President across the finish line. That's why supporters across the state will gather again tonight to watch President Obama lay out the clear choice in this election at the last presidential debate of the campaign. In continuing to use the debates as an opportunity to bring supporters together, Obama for America - Iowa is hosting 67 watch parties in neighborhoods across the state. OFA's supporters are continuing to use the debates to engage their family and friends on the choice in this election between two visions for our country: one that moves us forward with an economy built from the middle-out or one that moves us backwards with an economy that writes off our middle-class and returns to the same failed top-down economics of the last decade.  Iowa's early vote started on September 27th and ends November 5th.


To attend a watch party in Iowa, please review the information below:


Monday, October 22, 2012

8:00PM CST



Des Moines Debate Watch Party

WHERE: Cooney's Tavern

3708 Beaver Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50310


Cedar Rapids Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Cedar Rapids Office

2857 Mt. Vernon Rd SE.

Cedar Rapids, IA



Iowa City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Iowa City Office

321 Market St, Suite 106

Iowa City, IA



Sioux City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Sioux City Office

4106 Morningside Ave

Sioux City, IA



Council Bluffs Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Council Bluffs Office

1851 Madison Ave, Suite 200

Council Bluffs, IA



Waterloo Debate Watch Party

WHERE: 220 East (Art Gallery)

220 E. 4th St.

Waterloo, IA


Mason City Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Mason City Office

219 North Federal

Mason City, IA


Ames Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Ames Office

413 Northwestern Ave #103

Ames, IA



Burlington Debate Watch Party

WHERE: OFA-IA Burlington Office

900 Osborn St

Burlington, IA



Davenport Debate Watch Party and Sign Making Party

WHEN: 7:00 PM

WHERE: OFA-IA Davenport Office

1706 Brady Street, Suite 205

Davenport, IA




Group of Democratic, Republican and independent mayors want Braley back in Congress

WATERLOO, IA -- Citing his work to create jobs, strengthen the rural economy, and keep small town post offices open, a group of twenty eastern Iowa mayors have announced their endorsement of Bruce Braley for re-election to Congress today.  The mayors represent small towns and large cities, and are a mix of Democrats, Republicans, and independents.

Independence Mayor Carl Scharff, a Democrat, said, "Bruce Braley has successfully brought people together in Congress to create jobs.  His 'Back to Work Act' cutting taxes for small businesses helped create 100,000 jobs right here in Iowa.  We need Bruce Braley back in Congress."

Former Brandon Mayor Bob Bearbower, a Republican, said, "When the Postal Service wanted to close our post office, threatening the future of our community, Bruce Braley stepped in and fought for us.  He stood up to bureaucrats in Washington and kept our post office open, protecting our small town economy."

Mayor Chad Deutch of Evansdale, a registered independent, said, "Bruce Braley grew up in a small town, and he understands the unique challenges we face.  Bruce has fought for Iowa on the big issues, like jobs, healthcare, and the farm bill, but he's never forgotten where he's come from either.  He's always looking out for Iowa, and he'll keep working for us if he's re-elected."

The mayoral endorsements come as momentum behind Braley's campaign is strengthening.  Yesterday, the Des Moines Register endorsed Braley.  Last week, the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald announced their endorsement.

Today, Braley is launching a "Small Town Values" tour that will take him to communities in nearly every county in the First District over the next five days.  During the tour, Braley will discuss his small town upbringing in Brooklyn, Iowa, and his work to strengthen the rural economy and create jobs.

List of 20 Eastern Iowa Mayors Announcing Support of Bruce Braley

Dick Avenarius, Peosta

Former Mayor Bob Bearbower, Brandon

Buck Clark, Waterloo

Jon Crews, Cedar Falls

Chad Deutsch, Evansdale

Dave Fish, Belle Plaine

Bob Garms, Elkader

Alfred Hochkiss, Lamont

Adam Meyer, St. Olaf

Larry Murphy, Oelwein

Scott Peterson, Mt. Vernon

Dick Quackenbush, Jesup

Sandra Ricklefs, Center Junction

Darrell Rittmer, Sabula

Barb Robinson, Dundee

Jim Roling, St. Donatus

Carl Scharff, Independence

Curtis Thornhill, Onslow

Maurice Welch, Fairbank

Danny Zimmerman, Tama

# # #

DES MOINES - On Monday, OFA-IA and Massachusetts elected officials will launch the "Wrong for Massachusetts, Wrong for Iowa" tour to discuss Mitt Romney's failed policies, record, and lack of bipartisan collaboration as Governor of Massachusetts. Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone, State Senator Marc Pacheco, Melrose Mayor Robert Dolan and North Adams Mayor John Barrett will criss cross the state sharing firsthand experiences of Mitt Romney's failed record as Governor of Massachusetts.

Mitt Romney's policies as Governor were wrong for Massachusetts and they would have been devastating for Iowa. During Romney's term as Governor, the state fell from 36th to a dismal 47th out of 50 in job creation, while the U.S. economy continued to grow. By the end of Romney's term as Governor, the state lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs, twice the national average and the third worst record in the country.  Additionally, Romney raised taxes and fees on the middle class and businesses in Massachusetts while pushing through a tax cut that overwhelmingly benefited 278 wealthy citizens.  Under Romney, the debt burden per person grew to the highest in the nation. Romney cannot escape the simple fact that under his leadership, Massachusetts's economic performance was one of the worst in the country in all key economic measurements- including  job creation.

Mitt Romney has consistently misled voters on the campaign trail by touting his ability to work in a bipartisan fashion. Romney's record presents a stark contrast to his claims. Romney's office was rarely open to state legislators and Mayors. His style was reportedly marked by "disinterest in bipartisan collaboration" and "disengaged". As Governor, Romney often put his presidential ambitions ahead of his responsibilities to Massachusetts. The New York Times recently reported that during his four year term, Romney spent more than 400 days away from Massachusetts to cement his inevitable run for President.

President Obama has laid out a clear path to move our nation forward by investing in education, manufacturing, energy, innovation and infrastructure, and by reforming the tax code and paying down our debt in a balanced way that ensures everyone pays their fair share. President Obama has proven that he can deliver for the American people. He has rescued the auto-industry, ended the war in Iraq, and passed health care reform. Mitt Romney would return us to the same top-down failed policies that crashed our economy and hurt the middle class and would serve as a rubber stamp for Congressional Republicans' extreme agenda.


The Des Moines Register delivered a ringing endorsement of Rep. Bruce Braley for re-election to Congress in this morning's paper, saying "it's hard to think of many members of Iowa's delegation who have worked harder or smarter or who took his job more seriously."

Last Sunday, the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald endorsed Braley.

US House District 1: Bruce Braley
Des Moines Register
October 21, 2012

Bruce Braley has served three terms in Congress and clearly deserves another. It is hard to think of many members of Iowa's delegation who have worked harder or smarter or who took his job more seriously.
The Waterloo attorney has been intimately involved in a wide range of issues, from health reform to economic recovery to disaster relief. Unlike some lawmakers, Braley actually reads legislation and works hard to shape the final product to his liking before voting.
Braley's passion for working to help individual constituents in his district is obvious when he talks about Iowans he has helped, such as making homes adaptable for disabled veterans like the double amputees who fought in Afghanistan. "This is not an abstract thing to me," he said during a meeting with Register editors and writers.
Just as important, the Democrat understands the need to bridge the divide between parties, something he says he tries to do wherever he goes, including the House gym. "People don't trust each other," he said. Making progress is more likely "if you know and like the people you're working with."
Rather than getting mired down in the gridlock plaguing Congress, Braley focuses on finding areas of agreement to get something done. That included legislation making the writing in government publications easier for average people to understand. He also recognizes the importance of balancing the budget and has supported spending cuts as well as ending the country's involvement in Afghanistan.
Braley is being challenged for the second time by Independence Republican Ben Lange. Also a bright, young attorney with political talent, he has shown a more nuanced understanding of issues vital to the district this time around. Still, he relies too heavily on Republican talking points, and he falls short of making the case for ousting the incumbent.

# # #

On Wednesday, October 24, President Obama will kick-off his America Forward! Tour with a grassroots event in Davenport, Iowa at the Quad on the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds.


EVENT LOCATION: The Quad on the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds (2815 West Locust Street, Davenport, IA 52804)


DOORS OPEN: 8:00 AM CDT, Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Ticket Distribution Information for Members of the Public: Tickets are available for President's event in Davenport, IA. The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required for entrance. One ticket per person will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. To pick up your ticket, visit one of the following locations beginning on Monday, October 22, 2012 at 9:00AM CDT:


OFA-Iowa Davenport Office

1706 Brady Street #204

Davenport, IA 52803


OFA-Iowa Bettendorf Office

1630 State Street

Bettendorf, IA 52722


OFA-Iowa Blue Grass Office

114 South Mississippi Street

Blue Grass, IA 52726

Satellite voting begins for 2012 General Election

October 20, 2012

Roxanna Moritz, Scott County Auditor & Commissioner of Elections
563-326-8631 office
563-370-3915 mobile

Special Notice: Roxanna Moritz, Scott County Auditor will be available to the news media at the Fairmount Street Branch Library on Monday, October 22, 2012 at 11:00 a.m.

Scott County Auditor to Open
Four Satellite Voting Locations on Monday, October 22nd:

Vote in-person at Bettendorf Library,

Fairmount and Eastern Branch Libraries in Davenport and

Scott County Library in Eldridge.

DAVENPORT - Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz announced that starting Monday, October 22, 2012, in-person early voting will be available at several public library locations for the November 6, 2012 General Election. These locations will be open Monday through Saturday for the next two weeks. Times will vary depending on the hours of operation for each location. Each site will have all ballot styles available for Scott County voters.

"We provide early voting opportunities for those who have decided on how they intend to vote," Auditor Roxanna Moritz said. "This helps relieve waiting in long lines for voters and stress on our poll workers on Election Day. In addition, it provides increased convenience to voters who may be hard pressed to vote on Election Day."

"We selected the public libraries as voting sites due to their neutral, non-partisan standing in the eyes of most voters," Moritz added. "In the past we have seen significant numbers of voters utilize this opportunity to vote."

During the 2008 General Election 15,607 people voted early in-person at satellite locations in Scott County. An additional 4,027 voted early in-person at the Auditor's Office. Also, in 2008 16,792 people voted early by mail.

The specific sites include the Bettendorf Public Library, the Eastern Avenue Branch Library and the Fairmount Street Branch Libraries in Davenport and the Scott County Library in Eldridge.

For more information contact the Scott County Auditor's Office at 563-326-8631.



Bettendorf Public Library
2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
Monday, October 22nd - Saturday, November 3rd
Monday - Thursday, 12noon - 6pm
Friday and Saturday, 10am - 4pm
No Sundays
All Ballots Available

Davenport Eastern Avenue Branch Library
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport
Monday, October 22nd - Saturday, November 3rd
Monday & Wednesday, 12:30pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday, Thursday-Saturday, 10am - 4pm
No Sundays
All Ballots Available

Davenport Fairmount Street Branch Library
3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport
Monday, October 22nd - Saturday, November 3rd
Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, 10am - 4pm
Tuesday & Thursday 12:30pm - 6:30pm
No Sundays
All Ballots Available

Scott County Library, Eldridge
600 N. 6th Av., Eldridge
Monday, October 22nd - Saturday, November 3rd
Monday - Thursday, 12noon - 6pm
Friday and Saturday, 10am - 4pm
No Sundays
All Ballots Available

United States Attorney Nicholas A. Klinefeldt announced today that Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Debra L. Scorpiniti will lead the efforts of his office in connection with the Justice Department's nationwide Election Day Program for the upcoming November 6, 2012, general elections. AUSA Scorpiniti has been appointed to serve as the District Election Officer (DEO) for the Southern District of Iowa, and in that capacity is responsible for overseeing the District's handling of complaints of election fraud and voting rights abuses in consultation with Justice Department Headquarters in Washington.

The Department of Justice has an important role in deterring election fraud and discrimination at the polls, and combating these violations whenever and wherever they occur.

The Department's long-standing Election Day Program furthers these goals, and also seeks to ensure public confidence in the integrity of the election process by providing local points of contact within the Department for the public to report possible election fraud and voting rights violations while the polls are open on election day.

Federal law protects against such crimes as intimidating or bribing voters, buying and selling votes, altering vote tallies, stuffing ballot boxes, and marking ballots for voters against their wishes or without their input. It also contains special protections for the rights of voters and provides that they can vote free from acts that intimidate or harass them. For example, actions of persons designed to interrupt or intimidate voters at polling places by questioning or challenging them, or by photographing or videotaping them, under the pretext that these are actions to uncover illegal voting may violate federal voting rights law. Further, federal law protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to be assisted by a person of their choice.

In order to respond to complaints of election fraud or voting rights abuses on November 6, 2012, and to ensure that such complaints are directed to the appropriate authorities, United States Attorney Klinefeldt stated that AUSA/DEO Scorpiniti will be on duty in this District while the polls are open. She can be reached by the public at the following telephone number: 515-473-9300.

In addition, the FBI will have special agents available in each field office and resident agency throughout the country to receive allegations of election fraud and other election abuses on election day. The local FBI field office can be reached by the public at 515-223-4278.

Complaints about ballot access problems or discrimination can be made directly to the Civil Rights Division's Voting Section in Washington at 1-800-253-3931 or (202) 307-2767.

