Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement after calling on congressional leaders and President Obama to begin discussions immediately about how to move forward and address the unsustainable long-term deficit and debt and get our economy back on track. Included in this week's vote to avert the fiscal cliff was a two month extension of the Budget Control Act's artificial deadline that would put sequestration in place. While Washington once again kicked the can down the road, Loebsack is urging congressional leaders and the president to come together and find a way to set our economy on a path forward.
"When the legislation to address the fiscal cliff was passed, I called on Congress and the President to immediately begin discussions about how to prevent our economy from sliding backwards and best move forward to resolve our long-term deficit and debt problem. Today, I renew that call because, as we have seen time and again, eleventh hour negotiations do not lead to solutions that benefit the American people or the economy.
"As we begin the 113th Congress, the number one priority that must be addressed is boosting our economy and the new jobs report released this morning served as another reminder that we cannot wait around. We have to chart a path that will lead to long-term economic prosperity for hardworking Iowans."
A copy of the letter Loebsack sent can be seen here.