Democracy Under Attack is a project of the Unity Coalition for Israel. The national membership has become deeply concerned watching the inroads made by proponents of Shariah law. Gradual introduction of restrictions on the freedoms America and other democracies enjoy through our constitutional guarantees is taking place.

This apprehension is reflected in the groups' wish to determine and measure the extent to which lawmakers are familiar with this encroaching threat to our liberties. It seems increasingly apparent that decision-makers are being asked to make a choice: whether or not to compromise the Constitution by accommodating Shariah law, thereby forfeiting many of our liberties.

The organization feels that a most important question must be asked of all legislators, and especially of the new Supreme Court nominee, Elana Kagan: "What is your opinion of the role of Shariah law in the United States, specifically in relation to our Constitution?

In order to accomplish this the UCI and DUA organizations are sending a questionnaire to all members of the Congress, and asking legislators to address the same question to Ms. Kagan. This question is on the docket for today's Senate Hearings for the Supreme Court appointment.

The question is urgent because Shariah law has already pervaded Britain and poses an imminent threat to the United States. It threatens the basic rights of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and greatly limits women's rights. Honor killings, mutilation of limbs, and female genital mutilation are routine. Shariah compliant finance is practiced by more that 300 national banks in the United States alone. Some proponents have even said they would like to see the establishment of the Caliphate (a centralized governance under a single Islamic leader). Throughout the United States as well at throughout the rest of the world many advances in this direction have already taken hold.

Michigan and Pennsylvania are two Shariah targeted states, as is New York with the controversy over the 15 story mosque being built at ground zero. A bill has recently been introduced by Rep. Rex Duncan in the Oklahoma state legislature to prevent Shariah law from being introduced and enforced in that state. Many feel that this will serve as a guide for other states to follow.

The opinions of our legislators are critical in formulating a position that will guide US policy in the years to come. Our coalition members agree that when one compares the traditions of Western thought and the development of freedom and human rights the conflict between Shariah and Western legal tradition becomes immediately apparent. The foundation of our nation is based on the notion of religious freedom and the firm establishment of the concept of other guaranteed freedoms as an overarching goal. The very first line of the First Amendment of the US Constitution is clear: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

We feel that to attempt to reconcile any one political/religious system of law with the Constitutional framework of the United States would be contrary to these concepts and would be Unconstitutional. To allow one political/religious system to gain an advantage by introducing its structure of laws into the Constitutional system of the United States, or by replacing portions of it altogether, would result in the worst kind of abrogation of both the spirit and the letter of Constitutional law.

The legislators responses will become a matter of public record and appear on our website, in the section called "Shariah Scoreboard." We feel that this is an issue central to the future of our country, and will be extremely relevant to voters in the November 2nd election.

The Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) is comprised of more than 200 Jewish and Christian organizations representing millions of Americans. Since 1991 they have been active in supporting freedom in the US and Israel.

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) are leading a bipartisan group of senators in urging the House of Representatives to take up legislation to end the automatic pay raise system for members of Congress.  In a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, 20 senators asked that the House vote on a bill passed by the Senate last year requiring members of Congress to pass legislation if they want to give themselves a pay raise.  Currently, members of Congress receive an automatic pay increase unless they pass legislation to block it.  The Senate bill ending automatic pay raises would save roughly $80 million over ten years.  Feingold has regularly introduced legislation over the last ten years to end the system.  The letter was cosigned by Senators Barrasso (R-WY), Bennet (D-CO), Brown (D-OH), Casey (D-PA), Coburn (R-OK), Collins (R-ME), Dorgan (D-ND), Enzi (R-WY), Gillibrand (D-NY), Isakson (R-GA), Johanns (R-NE) Klobuchar (D-MN), McCaskill (D-MO), Merkley (D-OR), Murray (D-WA), Snowe (R-ME) and Vitter (R-LA).

"While many Americans are struggling to find jobs, members of Congress still get a raise unless they act to stop it," Feingold said.  "I'm pleased Congress acted to give up its raise next year but it's time to end this system once and for all.  The House should follow the Senate's lead and end this back-door pay raise system."

"The automatic pay raise sends a bad message to the American people who are already cynical about government. There's no reason, in any circumstance, that members of Congress should automatically receive a bump in pay, but it's a slap in the face to do it when people across the country are tightening their own belts," Grassley said.

A copy of the letter is available here and the text is below:

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Speaker of the House

H-232, US Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

We urge you to bring up for a vote legislation passed by the Senate last year, S. 620, that would end the system of automatic, annual pay raises for members of Congress.  Passing this bill would save roughly $80 million over ten years, and help demonstrate that Congress is willing to tighten its own belt as we work to reduce record deficits. 

We appreciate your efforts to prevent members of Congress from receiving a pay raise in 2011.  While that was an important step, it is time to end a system that guarantees members a pay hike unless they act to block it.  The burden should be on members of Congress who believe they deserve a raise to pass legislation, not on those who want to block one.  Few of our constituents have the power to raise their own pay -- Congress should exercise this power openly, on the record. 

We thank you for considering our request and hope the House will soon take up S. 620.


Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI)

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA)

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

Senator David Vitter (R-LA)

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA)

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)

Senator Olympia Snow (R-ME)

Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND)

Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)

Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR)

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)

Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

Senator Michael Enzi (R-WY)

Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO)

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY)

Senator Robert Casey (D-PA)

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE)

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)


Senate Democrats Unable to Overcome Republican Filibuster

Washington, DC - June 18, 2010 - Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) released the following statement after the US Senate failed last night to pass the Biodiesel Tax Credit as part of the tax extenders package.  The bill fell when Senate Democrats were unable to overcome a Republican filibuster. All Senate Republicans and two Democrats voted against cloture.

"Six months after the House first passed the biodiesel tax credit extension, Republican obstructionism in the Senate is once again preventing hard-working Iowans from getting back to work," Braley said.  "It is completely inexcusable for Senate Republicans to play more political games while the hard-working employees of Iowa's biodiesel facilities remain out of work. I strongly encourage my colleagues in the Senate to put partisan politics aside, do their jobs and pass this tax credit as soon as possible."

Braley voted in December to extend the biodiesel tax credit. Although that legislation passed the House, the credit expired when the Senate failed to take action until March. The House voted again to renew the extension on May 28.

# # #

In a TV ad being aired today, Americans United for Change attacks Senator Grassley for his support for a resolution offered last week by Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.  The ad is the same as one that's been run by the group in other states, with the name of the senator being attacked changed.

The ad is false and misleading about the Murkowski resolution.  Here are important facts.

The Murkowski resolution (the language is below) simply would have overturned the EPA's endangerment finding.  The endangerment finding allows and requires EPA to promulgate regulations to limit greenhouse gases like traditional pollutants.  It doesn't affect anything other than greenhouse gases.

The issue ad shows pictures of the oil spill and, in Iowa, says that Grassley voted to let oil polluters off the hook.  That implies that the vote the ad is talking about had to do with oil pollution but, in reality, the vote had to do with EPA regulations of CO2.

In its Monday press release promoting the ad, the group calls on Senator Grassley to support the American Power Act, which is the Kerry-Lieberman bill that was written with BP at the table and which BP is strongly supporting.

BP is a major producer of natural gas, demand for which is expected to increase greatly with any CO2 limits because power plants will be forced to switch from coal to natural gas.  Under the American Power Act, BP will make a killing and Iowa families will pay more for their electrical bills, as well as for food and other goods.

Here is a comment from Senator Grassley:

"Under the controversial regulations that EPA is proposing and the proposed legislation, Iowa's economy takes an even bigger hit than the East and West coasts.  I voted for the 1990 Clean Air Act, and what EPA is trying to do today exceeds its authority under that law.  I'm fighting to give Iowa and the rest of middle America a say in environmental protection.  It's a matter of fair treatment and representative government.  These decisions should be made by Congress, where officials can be held accountable by the people, rather than by an unelected bureaucracy, in this case the same agency that tried to penalize farmers for the fugitive dust that kicks up from the tractor on windy days.  "

Here is the complete, exact language of the Murkowski resolution, which had bipartisan support, including from Senators Rockefeller, Bayh, Pryor, Lincoln, Landrieu, and Ben Nelson, but was defeated by the Senate last Thursday:

"Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Environmental  Protection Agency relating to the endangerment finding and the cause or contribute findings for greenhouse gases under section 202(a) of the Clean Air  Act (published at 74 Fed. Reg. 66496 (December 15, 2009)), and such rule shall have no force or effect."


Chuck Grassley was named the hardest working Member of Congress in The Hill newspaper today, based on a survey of lawmakers, aides and other officials.   The Hill wrote that Grassley's "work on government oversight remains consistent regardless of which party controls 1600 Pennsylvania Ave." Here's a link to The Hill's feature.

Today's first-place ranking follows Grassley being named number 16 on a list of 100 most influential people in business ethics for being "a leading voice in the Senate speaking out against corruption and financial fraud."  The Ethisphere Institute said in December, "Even before the financial crisis of last year, Grassley's name always seemed to come up in financial fraud stories.  He is aware of what's going on and is aggressively going after those that commit fraud."  The Institute describes itself as "a leading international think-tank dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in business ethics, corporate social responsibility, anti-corruption and sustainability." Here is the link to its Ethisphere article.

Bill Cunningham to Serve as Director of Communications
CHICAGO - June 8, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today named Bill Cunningham as Director of Communications. Cunningham is replacing Director of Communications Robert Reed, who is returning to the private sector.
"Bill comes to us with a wealth of experience from the Cook County Sheriff's Office and I look forward to working with him," said Governor Quinn.
Cunningham previously worked at the Cook County Sheriff's Office for nearly two decades. During his tenure, Cunningham served as Deputy Press Secretary, Director of Communications and ultimately Chief of Staff.
"I am honored to be joining the Governor's team and I am pleased to have this opportunity to work for the people of Illinois," said Cunningham.
Cunningham, 42, is a graduate of UIC and resides in Chicago.

Grassley Seeks Accounting of Treasury, IRS' Use of Whistleblower Information on Potential Tax Evasion

WASHINGTON -- Senator Chuck Grassley today asked the Treasury secretary and IRS commissioner for an accounting of what U.S. government officials have done with information provided more than three years ago by a whistleblower regarding tax evasion.  The U.S. Department of Justice acknowledged that former UBS employee Bradley Charles Birkenfeld's information was pivotal in exposing a multi-billion dollar international tax evasion scandal involving a private Swiss bank, yet it may be that the IRS is doing very little with the information yielded from this effort.

Grassley said the information provided by Birkenfeld includes the names of UBS AG employees and their e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers, which could be used to identify their clients in the United States.  Swiss legislators today took a step to unravel a U.S.-Swiss treaty that would allow for the disclosure of more client information to allow U.S. officials to review cases for potential enforcement of U.S. tax laws.

"The action by Swiss legislators today to try to unravel an international treaty emphasizes the need for U.S. authorities to exhaust the information they have on U.S. taxpayers who use offshore accounts to evade taxes," Grassley said.  "Honest taxpayers deserve to know what's happened with what could be very valuable leads, and if it's nothing, they deserve to know why.  It's a matter of tax fairness and law enforcement.  And the IRS shouldn't wait for international agreements to fall into place when tax evaders can be identified through other appropriate tools."

In December 2006, as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Grassley won enactment of his proposal to make the IRS whistleblower program more effective than before in cracking down on tax cheats and collecting taxes owed to the Treasury.  Improvements included offering more generous financial incentives to whistleblowers.  Since then, he has monitored implementation of the improvements and urged expedient, effective handling of whistleblower information.

Grassley was the lead Senate author of the 1986 whistleblower amendments strengthening the federal False Claims Act, which have become one of the nation's strongest tools to identity and prevent fraud against the Treasury.  To date, those provisions have helped to recover $22 billion for the federal Treasury that otherwise would have been lost to fraud.  The False Claims Act does not cover tax fraud; hence the need for an effective IRS whistleblower office.  Additionally, Grassley succeeded in getting enacted a federal incentive for states to adopt whistleblower provisions as part of state laws on false claims as part of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.

The text of today's letter follows here.

June 8, 2010

The Honorable Timothy F. Geithner

Secretary of the Treasury

Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, DC 20220


The Honorable Douglas L. Shulman


Internal Revenue Service

1111 Constitution Avenue NW

Washington, DC  20224

Dear Secretary Geithner and Commissioner Shulman:

I am writing to express my concern about continued tax evasion by taxpayers using secret Swiss bank accounts, particularly accounts at UBS AG.  Swiss lawmakers voted today to block the treaty the United States hammered out with Switzerland last year.  While I understand that today's vote in the lower chamber of the Swiss Parliament is not the final word, I am worried that the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") is doing next to nothing to identify tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers utilizing these accounts while waiting for ratification of the treaty.

It has been over three years since Mr. Bradley Charles Birkenfeld approached the Department of Justice, IRS and the Securities and Exchange Commission about potential tax evasion facilitated by UBS AG on behalf of U.S. clients.  The attached letter from Mr. Birkenfeld's attorneys outlines a number of steps that the IRS could have taken with the information he provided in March 2007.  It seems this information would allow the IRS to trace individuals in the U.S. that had UBS bank accounts.  In addition, this letter also provides information about UBS USA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of UBS AG, and its involvement in UBS AG activities here in the U.S.

Using this information to identify U.S. clients would appear to be more productive than simply pursuing agreements and treaties with the Swiss, especially since those avenues seem limited to specific individuals.  It does not appear that you would need a treaty, or other agreement with the Swiss government, to pursue the records of UBS USA.

As a result, I would like a detailed listing of all steps IRS has taken with the information that Mr. Birkenfeld provided.  Please note that I am not asking for information about any individual taxpayer so I do not expect section 6103 to preclude you from responding to my request.  I would also like to know what IRS is doing to ensure that, if and when it receives a complete list of UBS AG account holders, the IRS will not be precluded by the statute of limitations from auditing those individuals.

Today's vote in Switzerland only underscores the need for the IRS to encourage whistleblowers to come forward.  Mr. Birkenfeld blew the whistle on just one bank. What is the IRS doing to encourage more whistleblowers to come forward about offshore bank accounts?

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and ask for a written response by June 18, 2010.  Please contact me or my staff at (202) 224-4515 with any questions.


Chuck Grassley

Ranking Member

Scott County Republicans will be hosting a forum / debate for the two candidates vying in the June 8th primary to emerge as the Republican nominee for the First District Congressional race against incumbent Bruce Braley. The two candidates are Will Johnson from Dubuque and Ben Lange from Independence.

The forum / debate will take place in the Bettendorf High School auditorium on Tuesday, May 18 at 7 o'clock in the evening. The event is open to the public and there is no charge for admission.

The program involves a series of questions of a topical nature allowing the candidates to both express their views and challenge and differentiate their views from those of their opponents.

Each candidate's contact information is available at the following:

Will Johnson:

Ben Lange:

Scott County Republican Chairman Judy Davidson has stated in advance of the event: "We are looking forward to a spirited presentation by the candidates and are confident a strong contender will emerge from the primary to challenge Bruce Braley."

Scott County Republican Party contact information: Judy Davidson, Chairwoman

563-355-8887, or 
Deputy General Counsel John Schomberg Gets Top Legal Post
CHICAGO - May 17, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today named Deputy General Counsel John Schomberg as Acting General Counsel for the Office of the Governor effective May 21. Schomberg is replacing General Counsel Theodore T. Chung, who is returning to private practice.
"John Schomberg is an essential member of my office's legal team, and I look forward to working with him as Acting General Counsel," said Governor Quinn. "In addition, I want to thank Ted Chung for all he's accomplished as General Counsel and wish him every success in the future."
Schomberg has been with the Office of the Governor since 2009, when he was hired as Deputy General Counsel. During his tenure, Schomberg has been involved with the major issues the Governor's legal team has managed and worked on.
Prior to joining the Office of the Governor, Schomberg, 37, was an Assistant Corporation Counsel at the City of Chicago Department of Law and an Associate at Chicago-based Mayer Brown LLP (see attached background information).
Before being named General Counsel to Governor Quinn in February 2009, Chung, 43, served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, a Deputy Chief of Staff in the Chicago Mayor's Office, the First Assistant Corporation Counsel in the City's Law Department, and a partner at a private firm in Chicago.

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) issued the following statement today after learning that President Obama had nominated Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Elena Kagan is extremely qualified.  She has the intellect and experience necessary to serve on our nation's highest Court and her stellar legal credentials have been recognized by liberal and conservative lawyers alike.  She clerked for two judges for whom I have enormous respect - Judge Abner Mikva and Justice Thurgood Marshall.  I am also encouraged that in this nomination, the President selected a candidate from outside of the Judiciary.  Elena Kagan is recognized as one of the leading legal educators in our country.

"I am confident that, if confirmed, she will be an important voice on our Court for the rule of law and constitutional rights and values.  She will ensure equality and give proper effect to our most important statutes, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and Civil Rights Act, so our most vulnerable citizens receive the fullest protections of the law.

"Elena Kagan's nomination comes after a series of firsts in her career - first female Dean of Harvard Law School and first female Solicitor General - setting the stage for what may be only the fourth woman to serve on the Court in our history."

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) made the following comment after the President nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the next Justice on the United States Supreme Court.  Grassley is a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee which will consider the nominee.

"A lifetime appointment requires a thorough vetting and I expect Elena Kagan to receive fair, respectful and deliberative consideration.  The Constitution gives the Senate a tremendous responsibility to carefully review the President's nominees to the Supreme Court.   The Judiciary Committee must take time to ensure that the nominee will be true to the Constitution and apply the law, not personal politics, feelings or preferences.  With no judicial experience, it becomes even more important that we ask thorough questions to determine that Ms. Kagan truly understands the constitutional role of a Supreme Court justice."
