Turns Attention to 2012 Elections and Holding 2010 Victors Accountable


The Tea Party Express issued the following statement regarding the 2010 election victories by tea party candidates across the nation:


"The Tea Party Express congratulates the scores of tea party candidates who won campaigns across this country, including hundreds of candidates who were supported by the Tea Party Express and our membership.


"The biggest victory might be the fact that the impact of the tea party movement was so strong that everyone - even many Democrats - started adopting the messaging  and positions of the tea party movement.


"There weren't all that many candidates running on the platform defending tax-spend-bailout policies or big government excess, such as ObamaCare.


"In one race where a candidate turned against the tea party principles, and was closely linked to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the candidate lost.  That candidate was Congressman Walt Minnick (D-Idaho) who had been endorsed by the Tea Party Express in the primary.  After he turned against the Tea Party Express, rejecting our endorsement, accepting the endorsement instead of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and refusing to commit to the repeal of ObamaCare, the Tea Party Express endorsed his Republican challenger, Raul Labrador.  After a late blitz of radio and TV ads by the Tea Party Express opposing Minnick and supporting Labrador, Minnick found himself voted out of office once the election returns came in.


"There were a few races where tea party candidates came up short including Senate races in Delaware and Nevada.  In those races, the tea party candidates had to battle both the Republican and Democrat political establishments during their quests for election victory, and this is exactly as it should be.


"We cannot simply say that the Republican Party's preferred candidate should be the tea party candidate.  Winning Republican control of the Senate at the expense of the platform and principles of the Republican Party is no victory.  Our nation got itself into the mess we face because Republicans sold out their principles and joined Democrats in supporting the policies of tax-spend-bailout.


"The tea party movement will continue to hold both political parties accountable as the 2012 elections approach, and we at the Tea Party Express look forward to building on the election gains of Tuesday, to further strengthen and build the constitutional conservative constituency in the House, Senate and White House in 2012."

As a primary source of information for the public, we are sure that you will be interested in the attached press release announcing the first annual Spirit of 1776 Summit.

As detailed in the release, the Spirit of 1776 Summit is a gathering of all Americans, Tea Parties, 9/12 Projects, and other groups or individuals that want to take action in support of a smaller and constitutionally limited government, less spending, and a return to the principles and values of our founding fathers.

Should you wish to speak to the coordinator of this summit, or require additional information, call 641-455-1917 or via email at greggcummings@yahoo.com.  This press release may also be downloaded from our website, at www.spiritof1776summit.com.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Gregg Cummings




What: Iowans For Accountability Scott County Supervisors Candidates
Presenting Research to Tea Party of the Quad Cities Monthly Meeting

When: Tonight, Monday Oct 25th at 6pm

Where: Wise Guys Pizza, 2408 E 53rd Street, Davenport, IA 52807
Who: John Riley, John Green, Jesse Anderson - IFA Candidates

DAVENPORT, IA Oct 25th - After presenting their findings last week (see below), the Iowans For Accountability candidates were invited to make their presentation to the monthly meeting of Tea Party of the Quad Cities attendees, happening tonight at 6pm.  The IFA effort is the first time in Scott County history that a Non Party Political Organization (NPPO) has been formed and nominated independent candidates for the ballot. All three candidates, vying for the three open Supervisor seats, will be available for interviews at the meeting.

Click here for Candidate Profiles and Position Statements

IFA Exposes Alarming Scott County Financials

Independent Iowans For Accountability Supervisor Candidates Present Research on Ten Year's Tax and Spend History, SECC911's Hidden Costs and Proposals For Transparency and Accountability Moving Forward

IFA Concludes Board of Supervisors Either Don't Know or Don't Care

DAVENPORT, IA - OCTOBER 20, 2010:  On Tuesday, two weeks to the day prior to the election, candidates for Scott County Supervisors, running on the Iowans For Accountability (IFA) ticket, along with members of the IFA Central Committee, hosted a news conference at the Downtown Davenport Public Library. (The video archive of this news conference is online at YouTube here.)

The public, as well as the media, were invited to attend and meet and question the candidates after the presentation.

The 30 plus page IFA presentation projected on the screen Tuesday, is available online at www.ScottCountyIFA.com or downloadable as a pdf by clicking here.

The group outlined how and why IFA formed and was placed on the ballot in August of 2010, a first of its kind event in Scott County's history ? and potentially in Iowa's history.

IFA found that historically the Scott County Board of Supervisors have avoided scrutiny, surrendered authority and grown government.

IFA reported that over the last ten years population has grown 5% but annual taxes collected have ballooned 76% and expenditures have grown 59%, since 2000 to over $70M.

IFA also outlined how the Board of Supervisors justified creating the SECC911 consolidated emergency dispatching project as saving taxpayers $4.6M over 20 years. IFA compared and contrasted what taxpayers were told by the Board in 2007 with what the results have been in 2010. Such results include $28M in long term debt, a special levy not subject to caps on taxes and no ceiling on future indebtedness, and a 20% increase in property taxes.

IFA Chairman Michael Elliott stated that, "We are hopeful that voters will embrace the refreshing contrast to politics as usual with IFA.  These three candidates have the skills and experience to be stewards for the county taxpayers. We want to see a change from rubber stamping proposals and spending. For decades now, this lack of engagement by the two-party status quo board members has put Scott County in the hole. We need leadership focused on lifting us out of it as opposed to digging us deeper into debt."

The candidates and attendees discussed the frustrations with the lack of consequences for such poor management of the county's resources. "If a local business or even a major corporation ran their business like this, heads would roll," said candidate John Riley, from Blue Grass. As an self-employed structural engineer, Riley has worked on dozens of municipal projects over the years and has experience keeping construction costs in balance.

The challenges and questions about the emergency communications equipment, including over 1400 $5,500 radios for a county with less than 500 employees, were brought up by candidate John Green, a heavy equipment operator, mechanic and contractor from Davenport. "I want to know more about where these radios are being deployed, who is using and not using them, and what are the details of the county's contract with Racom," Green said.

IFA central committee member and researcher Diane Holst stated it was her understanding that each radio came with a $28/month "tower fee" and that while the $28M in the 19 year bonds included amounts for service contracts, those were only good for 3-5 years and "those costs will eventually have to become part of ongoing operating expenses."

Co-chair of IFA, Mike Angelos stated, "That adds up to close to half a million dollars per year for those radio contracts."

LeClaire native and chief operating officer for his family's agribusiness, Jesse Anderson, also an IFA Supervisor candidate on the ballot, outlined his vision for a zero based budgeting policy moving forward. "If this SECC911 has such a mandate for spending that has been outsourced to a new taxing authority, and is going to cost us an additional $8M per year, then we need to find ways to cut expenses elsewhere. I'd like to see us get our expenses down to 2005 levels, that was the lowest level we have been at in the last ten years."

Anderson commented on a quarter million dollar SECC grant contingent provision for geothermal technology that was rescinded as the grant process took too long for construction efforts saying, "They took a gamble on our dollar and lost. They didn't get the grant they had hoped for and now we're stuck with the bill. This is why we need zero based budgeting; It's the fiscally responsible thing to do."

The IFA presentation also included ways an IFA led board of supervisors could protect taxpayers and create more transparent and accountable government. These dozen ideas were presented as a slide show and discussed at the news conference. ?
Some of the proposed measures include :
  • Zero based budgeting to reduce expenditures
  • Ensure remedies for any front line responders concerns with new SECC911 equipment
  • Increase awareness and publicity for board meetings, including implementing a Public with Business line item on the agendas
  • Webcast all public meetings and improve search ability of public documents on the website
For the full text and graphics of the presentation visit www.ScottCountyIFA.com or click here and download the presentation PDF.

A "Meet the Candidates" profile sheet is available at the website or by clicking here to download the PDF.

For more information on Iowans For Accountability visit www.ScottCountyIFA.com

MOLINE, ILLINOIS - WQPT, Quad Cities PBS will tape a debate between the candidates for the 17th Congressional District to air on Wednesday, October 27th at 7:00 p.m. and will repeat at midnight.


Representatives for each of the candidates met at the WQPT offices on October 21st to finalize plans for the taping.  The debate will be taped on Tuesday afternoon at Fusion Communications and the debate will air the following day in order to not interrupt "God in America" a multi-series program airing Tuesday evening on WQPT.


The hour-long debate will be moderated by Jim Mertens, news anchor for WQAD.  Mr. Mertens will be the host of a new public affairs program on WQPT titled "The Cities," that will begin airing on November 25th at 6:30 p.m.


WQPT has been receiving questions from the public through their website.




WQPT is a media service of Western Illinois University.

# # #

Independent Iowans For Accountability Supervisor Candidates Present Research on Ten Year's Tax and Spend History, SECC911's Hidden Costs and Proposals For Transparency and Accountability Moving Forward

IFA Concludes Board of Supervisors Either Don't Know or Don't Care

DAVENPORT, IA - OCTOBER 20, 2010:  On Tuesday, two weeks to the day prior to the election, candidates for Scott County Supervisors, running on the Iowans For Accountability (IFA) ticket, along with members of the IFA Central Committee, hosted a news conference at the Downtown Davenport Public Library. (The video archive of this news conference is online at YouTube here.)

The public, as well as the media, were invited to attend and meet and question the candidates after the presentation.

The 30 plus page IFA presentation projected on the screen Tuesday, is available online at www.ScottCountyIFA.com or downloadable as a pdf by clicking here.

The group outlined how and why IFA formed and was placed on the ballot in August of 2010, a first of its kind event in Scott County's history ? and potentially in Iowa's history.

IFA found that historically the Scott County Board of Supervisors have avoided scrutiny, surrendered authority and grown government.

IFA reported that over the last ten years population has grown 5% but annual taxes collected have ballooned 76% and expenditures have grown 59%, since 2000 to over $70M.

IFA also outlined how the Board of Supervisors justified creating the SECC911 consolidated emergency dispatching project as saving taxpayers $4.6M over 20 years. IFA compared and contrasted what taxpayers were told by the Board in 2007 with what the results have been in 2010. Such results include $28M in long term debt, a special levy not subject to caps on taxes and no ceiling on future indebtedness, and a 20% increase in property taxes.

IFA Chairman Michael Elliott stated that, "We are hopeful that voters will embrace the refreshing contrast to politics as usual with IFA.  These three candidates have the skills and experience to be stewards for the county taxpayers. We want to see a change from rubber stamping proposals and spending. For decades now, this lack of engagement by the two-party status quo board members has put Scott County in the hole. We need leadership focused on lifting us out of it as opposed to digging us deeper into debt."

The candidates and attendees discussed the frustrations with the lack of consequences for such poor management of the county's resources. "If a local business or even a major corporation ran their business like this, heads would roll," said candidate John Riley, from Blue Grass. As an self-employed structural engineer, Riley has worked on dozens of municipal projects over the years and has experience keeping construction costs in balance.

The challenges and questions about the emergency communications equipment, including over 1400 $5,500 radios for a county with less than 500 employees, were brought up by candidate John Green, a heavy equipment operator, mechanic and contractor from Davenport. "I want to know more about where these radios are being deployed, who is using and not using them, and what are the details of the county's contract with Racom," Green said.

IFA central committee member and researcher Diane Holst stated it was her understanding that each radio came with a $28/month "tower fee" and that while the $28M in the 19 year bonds included amounts for service contracts, those were only good for 3-5 years and "those costs will eventually have to become part of ongoing operating expenses."

Co-chair of IFA, Mike Angelos stated, "That adds up to close to half a million dollars per year for those radio contracts."

LeClaire native and chief operating officer for his family's agribusiness, Jesse Anderson, also an IFA Supervisor candidate on the ballot, outlined his vision for a zero based budgeting policy moving forward. "If this SECC911 has such a mandate for spending that has been outsourced to a new taxing authority, and is going to cost us an additional $8M per year, then we need to find ways to cut expenses elsewhere. I'd like to see us get our expenses down to 2005 levels, that was the lowest level we have been at in the last ten years."

Anderson commented on a quarter million dollar SECC grant contingent provision for geothermal technology that was rescinded as the grant process took too long for construction efforts saying, "They took a gamble on our dollar and lost. They didn't get the grant they had hoped for and now we're stuck with the bill. This is why we need zero based budgeting; It's the fiscally responsible thing to do."

The IFA presentation also included ways an IFA led board of supervisors could protect taxpayers and create more transparent and accountable government. These dozen ideas were presented as a slide show and discussed at the news conference. ?
Some of the proposed measures include :
  • Zero based budgeting to reduce expenditures
  • Ensure remedies for any front line responders concerns with new SECC911 equipment
  • Increase awareness and publicity for board meetings, including implementing a Public with Business line item on the agendas
  • Webcast all public meetings and improve search ability of public documents on the website
For the full text and graphics of the presentation visit www.ScottCountyIFA.com or click here and download the presentation PDF.

A "Meet the Candidates" profile sheet is available at the website or by clicking here to download the PDF.

For more information on Iowans For Accountability visit www.ScottCountyIFA.com
Who: Jonathan Narcisse, Iowa Party Candidate for Governor

What: "When In the Course of Events..."

Why Iowa Needs a Constitutional Convention

Broadcasting Live from Des Moines Amplified's Studios

When: THURSDAY OCT 21st - 1:15 PM  & 9:15 PM

Where: Des Moines Amplified
700 Locust Street - Suite 303 (Skywalk Level)
DesMoines, IA 50309

Watch Live Broadcasts at: www.NarcisseForIowa.com

Public: Invited to be live studio audience

Media: Narcisse available for interviews prior to each broadcast

DES MOINES, IA - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2010 | In the middle of its 99 county tour, the Narcisse For Iowa's Common Sense Express, a wrapped 30' RV, will be in Des Moines all day Thursday. The campaign will be hosting two live webcasts at the state of the art facilities of Des Moines Amplified in downtown. The public is invited to be part of the live studio audience at both the 1:15 pm and the 9:15 pm broadcastings.

Viewers of today's broadcasts will hear the independent Iowa Party gubernatorial candidate's case for why Iowans should vote "Yes" for the Constitutional Convention question on this year's election ballot.

Drawing on the Declaration of Independence, and echoing the famous phrase, "When in the course of human events..." Narcisse will outline at the 1:15 p.m. broadcast the grave challenges Iowans face from a corrupt and mismanaged state government. At the 9:15 p.m. broadcast, Narcisse will be expanding on his published solutions for Iowa and white boarding his plan for fixing state government.

"Iowans have an opportunity every ten years to implement a Constitutional Convention," says Des Moines native and independent publisher Jonathan Narcisse. "This is an opportunity to repair what we the people of Iowa have allowed to break and in today's broadcasts we will outline how Iowans can do what history has mandated a free people must do in order to restore a sound and honorable government."

This week, Narcisse published his 8 page newspaper Iowa Values: Common Sense Solutions. It can be be viewed online at www.NarcisseForIowa.com

Both broadcasts from the Des Moines Amplified studios will be accessible live and archived at www.NarcisseForIowa.com

The public is welcome to be part of the live studio audience at both broadcasts.

Des Moines Amplified is a cutting edge social networking facility that helps people blend their offline and online worlds together. Over 120 of the most interesting people in Des Moines use the facility in the skywalk above the Greater Des Moines Partnership. More info at http://www.worldwideamplified.com/

Des Moines Radio Appearances Today:

Johnathan Narcisse will be on the following Talk Shows on Thursday October 21st.

10:07 Am Jan Mickelson- http://www.whoradio.com/pages/pp_janmickelson.html

10:30 AM KMA Radio- http://kmaland.com/

2:30Pm The Bradshaw Show on Wow FM - http://www.983wowfm.com/default.asp

Narcisse Background:

Jonathan Narcisse is a former Des Moines School Board member, publisher and editor of multiple publications, radio show host and community advocate. During the early part of the decade he authored a 3,500 page report analyzing the condition of African-Americans in Iowa's 99 counties, and headed statewide health and education initiatives.

In 2009 Narcisse published "An Iowa Worth Fighting For: A Ten Step Vision Plan for 21st Century Governance." Narcisse evaluates the history of state expenditures versus population, reducing state government, corruption and accountability, tax reform, education reform through parental control and academic entrepreneurship, local control and property rights, public safety and drug interdiction and immigration reform.  The full text of this can be found at www.AnIowaWorthFightingFor.com

He has received more than 400 national, state and local honors and awards including recognition from the Bush (Sr.), Clinton and Bush administrations and the Branstad, Vilsack and Culver administrations. He has finished second twice in national chess competitions and is a multiple state champion. He also had a 17-0 record as a semi-pro boxer while living in the Washington, D.C. area.

He has a son, Johnce, and two daughters, 14 year old daughter, Integrity, an 11 year old daughter, Perseverance and three grandchildren.

Narcisse, who lives in Des Moines, will is touring the state for the second time in two years, visiting with grass roots organizations, churches and the media. 

# # #



MOLINE, ILLINOIS - WQPT, the media service of Western Illinois University, will be hosting a debate between the candidates for the 17th Congressional District in Illinois. Roger Davis, Phil Hare and Bobby Schilling will tape the debate in the afternoon of either October 25 or 26 and it will air that evening or on Wednesday, October 27.  The candidates or their representatives will meet with WQPT to finalize dates and plans.

WQPT is asking the public to send in their questions to wqpt@wiu.edu by Friday, October 22nd. "We hope the public will provide questions to be asked of the candidates" said Rick Best, WQPT General Manager.  The debate will be moderated by Jim Mertens. Mr. Mertens will be the host of WQPT's new public affairs program "The Cities", which will begin airing in November.

# # #



WHAT: News Conference & Presentation


WHO: Iowans For Accountability (IFA) - 2010 Scott County Supervisors Candidates: John Riley, John Green, Jesse Anderson

plus IFA Central Committee Members


WHERE: Davenport Public Library - Main Downtown Branch - Basement Film Room

WHEN: Tuesday Oct 19, 2010 at  3:00 p.m.


WHY: Announce Results of IFA Research & Subsequent Recommendations Regarding County Budget, Spending, SECC911, Taxes, Board Activities and More

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA - October 7, 2010: The Narcisse For Iowa Campaign published its "Ten Keys To Rebuilding Iowa's Economy" today and released it to the media and public at a live webcast news conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


The 11 page report is published at www.NarcisseForIowa.com and is also available at  http://narcisseforiowa.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/10StepsToRebuildIowasEconomy.Oct7_.2010.pdf


Jonathan Narcisse, the independent candidate for governor, running on the Iowa Party ticket, began the 12 p.m. news conference by taking questions from reporters.  His forty-five minute presentation, summarizing the Ten Keys To Rebuild Iowa's Economy, was broadcast live via the internet and is archived at www.NarcisseForIowa.com.

Narcisse is in Cedar Rapids today as part of the Iowans For a Fair Debate's effort to add substance to the second of three exclusive two party gubernatorial debates.  The candidate will be hosting a news conference at 9 p.m. tonight to address the 7 p.m. debate happening at Coe College. The 9 p.m. event will be live web cast and will include a round table with former senatorial candidate Christopher Reed.   Between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Narcisse is available for one on one interviews.

Contact:  515-770-1218  or 563-650-0120


Summary of the 10 Keys to Rebuilding Iowa's Economy

An Engine, Not A Motor


Over the past three decades Iowa's economy has been powered by a motor, not an engine.

Motors are powered from without. Iowa's economic motor has been powered by out of state enterprise, such as Wal-Mart and Microsoft, recruited here by statehouse politicians lacking a true understanding of the state's role in building an economy. They accomplished the political priority of creating jobs, but they created those jobs at the expense of Iowa's taxpayers and Iowa based businesses.

Iowa based businesses, particularly in our food industry, not only created jobs, but they invested in the local little league, stimulated local commerce and put their money in local banks.

I. Tax Reform

   A. Corporate Tax Reform

   B. Property Tax Reform

   C. Sales Tax Reform

   D. Individual Income Tax Reform

II.  Community Capitalism Initiative


III. Investment in Vocational and Technical Education


IV. Illegal Immigration Reform


V. Youth Retention/Development Campaign

   A. Identify & Target Our Highest Achieving Students To Stay In Iowa

   B. College Retention Initiative

   C. Repeal Youth Minimum Wage & Modify Youth Labor Laws

   D. Youth Mentor/Apprenticeship Programs

   E. Youth Entrepreneur Initiatives

   F. Urban/Rural Resettlement Campaign

   G. Expanded Marketing of Iowa's Strengths


VI. Urban Development Initiative

   A. Neighborhood Stabilization/Revitalization

   B. Enterprise Zones

   C. L.L.C.s and Cooperative Ventures

   D. Urban-Rural Collaborations

   E. Responsible Use Of Tax Credits


VII. Rural Revitalization Initiative

   A. Rural Repopulation

   B. Enterprise Zones

   C. L.L.C.s and Cooperative Ventures

   D. Rural-Urban Collaborations

   E. Tax Credits

   F. Wire Rural Iowa


VIII. Re-Affirm Our Commitment To Family Farms And Agriculture


IX. The Responsible Use of Tax Credits


X. Define the Role of Government in Economic Empowerment


   A. Re-Organize State Economic Bureaucracy

   B. Create Pro-Business Government

   C. Develop Technical Support

   D. Get Government Out

   E. Gambling Reform


The 11 page report is published at www.NarcisseForIowa.com and is also available at  http://narcisseforiowa.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/10StepsToRebuildIowasEconomy.Oct7_.2010.pdf
WASHINGTON - Senators Patrick Leahy and Chuck Grassley this week asked for answers about the Department of Labor's continued interpretation of whistleblower provisions included in the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

The senators' letter follows reports that show that the Department of Labor has dismissed more than 1000 of the approximately 1,600 cases that have been filed by whistleblowers alleging retaliation under this law.  The cases were allegedly dismissed on the grounds that the employee alleging retaliation worked for a non-public subsidiary of a publicly traded parent company and was not therefore covered by the law.

"We strongly disagree with this legal interpretation. It erroneously excludes thousands of employees Congress meant to protect when it passed Sarbanes-Oxley and contradicts the spirit and intent of the overall legislation," the senators wrote.

The senators are the authors of the corporate whistleblower protection provision in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and have been outspoken advocates for whistleblowers following the Enron scandal.  The Senators have previously written to President Bush in 2002 objecting to interpretations made by White House staff following the signing of the law, to the Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman in 2004, and to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao in 2008 explaining the intent of the law.  While the current administration has pledged to review its handling of whistleblower cases under Sarbanes-Oxley, it appears that it is interpreting the law in a similar fashion.  The senators have asked for details of an ongoing internal review and how recent changes to the whistleblower provisions will be implemented.

Here is a copy of the text of the letter to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.

October 6, 2010

The Honorable Hilda L. Solis

Secretary of Labor

United States Department of Labor

200 Constitution Ave, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20210


Dear Secretary Solis:

We authored the corporate whistleblower provisions of the Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act, section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Since passage of the law in 2002, we have been frustrated by the executive branch's overly restrictive interpretation of these provisions.  It is our understanding that the Department of Labor has dismissed more than 1000 of the approximately 1,600 cases that have been filed by whistleblowers alleging retaliation under this law.

Many of these cases were dismissed on the grounds that the employee alleging retaliation worked for a non-public subsidiary of a publicly traded parent company and was not therefore covered by the law. As we made clear in our September 2008 letter to then-Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, we strongly disagree with this legal interpretation. It erroneously excludes thousands of employees Congress meant to protect when it passed Sarbanes-Oxley and contradicts the spirit and intent of the overall legislation.

We are optimistic that the recently passed Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will clarify any remaining confusion on this point.  Section 929A of the new law makes clear that the whistleblower provisions in Sarbanes-Oxley include "any subsidiary or affiliate whose financial information is included in the consolidated financial statements of [a publicly traded] company."  The legislation also extends the whistleblower protections in section 806 to employees of nationally recognized statistical rating organizations.

Additionally, we were encouraged to read in a July 22 article published by the Center for Public Integrity that Assistant Secretary of Labor David Michaels has ordered a "top-to-bottom" review of the Department's handling of claims brought under the whistleblower provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley.  We would like more information about the Department's progress in conducting this review, including the scope of the review process and the timeline for its completion.  We are also interested to hear about the Department's recent decision to provide employees who file whistleblower complaints a copy of employer responses to that complaint, and to learn why the Department previously withheld this information.

Whistleblowers are vital in promoting accountability and transparency, but they are also extremely vulnerable to retaliation.  They need and deserve the protection of the law, and they should be able to rely on vigilant application of the law by the Department.  Accordingly, we ask that you please work with staff from our offices to schedule a briefing on this important matter.


PATRICK LEAHY, Chairman                                         CHARLES GRASSLEY, Senator
