Dr Joe Seng and Mark Riley have agreed to debate on 21 October at St Ambrose University (see attachment).  The format and moderator are still being worked out by the candidates, but they have agreed to the time and place.  Please feel free to contact either campaign for any further information.  Riley at 563-579-0408 and Seng at 563-391-1627.  Additionally Mark Riley will be appearing at the legislative forum sponsored by the school board on 19 October at
Central High at 0630 pm.

During his weekly video address, Chuck Grassley discusses legislation he co-sponsored that would require Congress to give final approval before major federal regulations can take effect.

Senator Grassley:  "I would like to visit with you about the runaway federal government bureaucracy. Consequently, this week I joined a group of senators introducing a bill that would require Congress to give final approval to major federal regulations before those regulations can take effect.

The new bill responds to growing regulatory burden and its negative impact on job creation.  The Constitution vests all legislative power in the Congress, which is the branch most accountable to the people.  Yet, year after year, Congress passes legislation that delegates more power to the executive branch.  In doing so, it also fails to assess the full impact of those laws and how that power is used.  As a result, federal agencies are increasingly bypassing Congress and imposing new regulations that Congress never intended.  Unfortunately, these regulations often have grave consequences for average Americans that don't appear to be explored or are ignored by the federal agency.

For instance, a tidal wave of new regulations is hitting the private sector with health care reform and other big pieces of legislation like the financial system regulation.  The uncertainty about the real impact and cost of these new regulations, along with the uncertainty of looming tax increases, make it much harder for employers to make commitments to create new jobs and hire workers.

The financial burdens of new regulations are estimated to be in the many trillions of dollars.  The Heritage Foundation estimates that the rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide alone could reach nearly $7 trillion in the next 20 years.  This is a cost that Americans simply can't handle.

This bill is a step in the right direction.  It will help establish greater accountability for major regulations handed down from the executive branch.  And, it will restore some badly needed checks and balances in our system of government that have been eroded."


Independent Candidate for Governor Makes Appearance at Wise Guys Pizza, Davenport, Monday Evening at 6 p.m.

SEPT 27, 2010 - DAVENPORT, IA - Jonathan Narcisse, the independent Iowa Party candidate for Governor, will address the monthly Tea Party meetup this evening, and take questions from those in attendance. The public is invited to attend and participate.

The mission of the Tea Party of the Quad Cities is:  "To provide the most effective forum for constitutional awareness and citizen vigilance for its members and their families, friends and neighbors."

The Tea Party oft he Quad Cities meets the last Monday of each month, in Iowa, at the Wise Guys Pizza located at 2408 E 53rd Street, Davenport, IA 52807.

Narcisse will expound on his published ideas and strategies for overhauling Iowa government via tax reform, education reform and establishing efficient, transparent and accountable state departments.

Narcisse will be available for interviews before and after the Tea Party of the Quad Cities meeting.  Contact 515-770-1218 to confirm availability.

Cyndi Diercks, organizer for the Tea Party of the Quad Cities stated in an email announcement invitation to tonight's meeting that, "As you well know the choices we have been given for Governor of the State of Iowa are Chet Culer and Terry Branstad. I know I am not happy with either choice, and I do know that many of my friends aren't either. The good news is we do have another choice, his name is Jonathan Narcisse."

The River Cities' Reader recently reported that Narcisse's "bold plan has the potential to connect with voters who are dissatisfied with government and politicians.  

But whether you agree with Narcisse's assessments or his ideas is beside the point. In a gubernatorial campaign featuring two people who've already held the office, Narcisse is an essential voice because he refuses to nibble around the edges or accept the way things have traditionally been done. He gives voters the opportunity to consider core questions of governance and talk about fundamentals.

Narcisse's primary value in this campaign is demonstrating that starting with common sense exposes the problems of beginning with the status quo."

Narcisse continues his "None of the Above" campaign stating that,  "Iowans are not enthusiatic about a sixth Branstad/Culver administration. Despite the two waging the most negative campaign in Iowa's history an honest examination of their records, practices, policies and especially their contributors, confirms the differences between these two men are primarily stylistic not substantive. Neither has offered a concrete plan to address the critical challenges facing our state. If they have I'd love to read it," stated Narcisse.

"As a member of the Des Moines School Board I fought for our children, parents, teachers and taxpayers and spoke truth to power without compromise. Iowans are hungry for that type of open, honest and accessible leadership that will place their needs and the needs of their children and this state above partisan and special interest politics. I bring that to the table," stated Narcisse.

"Our campaign also brings to the table real solutions. As I travel around the state, whether I meet with citizens, civic and political leaders or media I white board solutions. I show how we address the challenges of this state and how to pay for those solutions. In these times Iowans want to hear pragmatic ideas and common sense solutions."

The four pillars of the Narcisse for Iowa governance agenda are consistent with the values and priorities of Iowans:

* Creating accountable, efficient, and transparent government;
* Restoring a "World Class Plus" educational system;
* Rebuilding a low tax, free-market, prosperous state economy;
* Create a healthy Iowa by leading by example to fight lifestyle and obesity induced disease

Jonathan Narcisse is a former Des Moines School Board member, publisher and editor of multiple publications, radio show host and community advocate. During the early part of the decade he authored a 3,500 page report analyzing the condition of African-Americans in Iowa's 99 counties, and headed statewide health and education initiatives.

In 2009 Narcisse published "An Iowa Worth Fighting For: A Ten Step Vision Plan for 21st Century Governance." Narcisse evaluates the history of state expenditures versus population, reducing state government, corruption and accountability, tax reform, education reform through parental control and academic entrepreneurship, local control and property rights, public safety and drug interdiction and immigration reform.  The full text of this can be found at www.AnIowaWorthFightingFor.com

He has received more than 400 national, state and local honors and awards including recognition from the Bush (Sr.), Clinton and Bush administrations and the Branstad, Vilsack and Culver administrations. He has finished second twice in national chess competitions and is a multiple state champion. He also had a 17-0 record as a semi-pro boxer while living in the Washington, D.C. area.

He has a son, Johnce, and two daughters, 14 year old daughter, Integrity, an 11 year old daughter, Perseverance and three grandchildren.

Narcisse, who lives in Des Moines, will is touring the state for the second time in two years, visiting with grass roots organizations, churches and the media.  Narcisse is circulating petitions to be included in the next two gubernatorial debates.  More info on that effort is available at www.DeabateIowa.com. Details on Jonathan's grassroots campaign can be found at www.NarcisseForIowa.com.  Media can contact Jonathan directly at 515-770-1218, or at info@narcisseforiowa.com.

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Think Tank Releases Findings of Statewide Poll on Top Economic Issues

ROCK ISLAND - The Illinois Policy Institute will visit the Quad Cities on their Turnaround Tour, a campaign focused on practical, common-sense solutions to rein in out-of-control spending, expand government transparency, remove government roadblocks to creating a more friendly business climate and reform the bankrupt state pension system. The Institute will also release findings from a statewide poll that discusses spending, taxes and other issues. The tour will include rallies with local leaders and educational forums with candidates for the state legislature to discuss their solutions to the state's fiscal problems.

Details on Candidate's Forum

WHO: Kristina Rasmussen, Executive Vice President of the Illinois Policy Institute, Moderator

INVITED: Richard Morthland, Candidate 71st House District

CANDIDATES: Dennis Ahern, Candidate 71st House District

WHAT: Turnaround Tour Candidate's Forum

WHEN: Wednesday, September 29th, 7:30 - 9 pm

WHERE: Holiday Inn Rock Island Hotel and Conference Center

Venice Room

226 17th Street, Rock Island, IL

For additional information on this event, visit:


About the Illinois Policy Institute

The Illinois Policy Institute is a nonpartisan research and education organization dedicated to making our state a beacon for liberty and prosperity for all citizens. As a leading voice for economic liberty and government accountability, we engage policy makers, opinion leaders, and citizens on the state and local level by promoting free market principles and liberty-based public policy initiatives for a better Illinois. To learn more about our organization or review our policy briefs, please visit our website at www.illinoispolicy.org.


CHICAGO - September 7, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today issued a statement regarding the passing of former state representative and Illinois Department of Natural Resources Director Joel Brunsvold.

"Joel was good man and a devoted public servant whom I have known for many years.

"During his 20 years in the Illinois General Assembly, he served residents of the Quad Cities with great energy and commitment. Then, as director of the Department of Natural Resources, Joel led efforts to build the World Shooting Complex in Sparta - which has been a great thing for the state of Illinois.

"Joel was an avid outdoorsman who cared about the environment and the outdoors. We will miss him greatly."


Campaign Finance Reform Task Force to Study Campaign Contribution Limits

CHICAGO - August 30, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today announced appointments to the Campaign Finance Reform Task Force. The Governor signed Senate Bill 1466 into law late last year, creating the task force to examine campaign contribution limits.

"This task force is an important tool that will ensure that our election process reflects the will of the citizens of Illinois, not the influence of special interests," said Governor Quinn.

The Campaign Finance Reform Task Force will study the impact of contribution limits and make recommendations following the 2012 and 2014 elections. The task force will also conduct an in-depth study on the feasibility of implementing public financing for statewide, legislative and judicial offices and will make those recommendations by Sept. 30, 2012.

The task force, consisting of 11 members appointed by the Governor and the Illinois General Assembly, will issue a final report by March 10, 2015. The new appointees include :

Lindsay Hansen Anderson will serve as the chair of the Campaign Finance Reform Task Force. Anderson lives in Chicago and is Governor Quinn's legislative director/legislative counsel. Prior to joining the Quinn Administration in February 2009, Anderson was an attorney at the law firm McGuireWoods. She worked in the State Government Relations practice group, providing clients with the development and execution of strategic legislative plans. Also in that role, she advised clients on how to comply with complex campaign finance laws.

William McNary lives in Chicago and is currently the president of USAction, one of the largest national federations of independent state organizations. He is also the co-executive director of Citizen Action/Illinois, the Illinois affiliate of USAction. In addition, McNary serves as a board member of Public Campaign, a national nonprofit, non?partisan organization dedicated to sweeping campaign reform that will lessen the role of special interest money in elections.

Joseph Seliga of Chicago is an attorney and partner with Mayer Brown LLP. In his current role, Seliga helps lead his law firm's campaign finance practice by advising candidates, public officials, individual contributors and corporations on the laws and regulations related to campaign disclosure requirements and political contribution limitations.

Today's appointments reflect Governor Quinn's longtime commitment to increasing ethics and accountability in state government. The Governor led the effort for the state's first constitutional amendment that will enable Illinois residents to remove a governor from office. Governor Quinn also signed legislation to strengthen the state's ethics laws, reform the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and to prohibit state funds from being used to finance gubernatorial portraits of individuals who have been impeached.


Public Invited to Meet NM Governor Gary Johnson and Iowans For Accountability Candidates for Scott County Supervisor

Informal Discussions This Wed, Sept 1st At Thunder Bay Grille - 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

DAVENPORT, IA - Organizers of the local liberty alliance SuperLiberty.com are working with the Our America Initiative to host an informal discussion (beginning at 4:30 p.m. at Thunder Bay Grille) with the two-term governor from New Mexico, Gary Johnson, as part of his second visit to Iowa.  The two term governor will be touching on issues such as the federal deficit, civil liberties, war on drugs, taxes and more. (Details included below.)  

In addition, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., immediately following the Governor's departure, the three independent candidates for Scott County Supervisor on the Iowans For Accountability (IFA) ticket, will be on hand to discuss the new organization's platform and issues.  

John Riley (Blue Grass, IA), John Green (Davenport, IA) and Jesse Anderson (LeClaire, IA), along with members of the IFA's Central Committee, will be available to discuss what motivated them and over seventy concerned taxpayers from 39 of the 63 precincts (62%) in Scott County, to form the first Non Party Political Organization (NPPO) in decades, just in time for this November's election.

"Governor Johnson's strong record on efficient government and a fiscally accountable tax policy should be an inspiration to all the tax payers of Scott County," stated Michael Elliott, SuperLiberty.com founder and IFA Chairman.

"This is an excellent opportunity for Iowans who wish to hold our public officials accountable to learn directly from someone who has been in the trenches, and has done so with such success," said John Riley, candidate for Scott County Supervisor.

Questions regarding the IFA candidate appearance or election campaign can be directed to Michael Elliott, Chairman, (563) 570-5395 webmaster@superliberty.com;  or Michael Angelos, Secretary, (563) 324-4716 aristonresearch@q.com.

Iowans For a Fair Debate | DebateIowa.com
Iowans For A Fair Debate Drive Launched
With Narcisse In the Gubernatorial Debates, Iowans Gain An Issues Based Election

DES MOINES, IA - August 27, 2010 | Independent gubernatorial candidate Jonathan Narcisse, running on The Iowa Party ticket, has established a new drive called "Iowans For A Fair Debate." Narcisse is soliciting support from Iowans to ensure he is included in the three scheduled debates between Governors Culver and Branstad. 

The drive, which consists of testimonials from community leaders across the state as well as an online and signed petition form available at www.DebateIowa.com, hopes to create a groundswell of popular support, resulting in inclusion.

Narcisse, a successful Iowa business owner for more than two decades, has published statewide papers serving Iowa's African American and Latino communities, college campuses and educators; hosted or been a weekly guest on TV and radio shows in Waterloo, Ft. Dodge and Des Moines and was a weekly guest on "Deace in the Afternoon" on WHO Radio 1040 AM from the show's inception until February 2010 when he announced he would be a formal gubernatorial candidate.

Not the establishment's proxy

"We have to include Jonathan in the conversation. He is not the proxy for the establishment Branstad/Culver is. He speaks for Iowans lacking access to our current political system because they can't afford lobbyists or make big political contributions. Jonathan will speak truth to power and hold entrenched vested interests accountable," stated longtime Democratic party activist and neighborhood leader Fran Koontz of Des Moines, chairperson for Narcisse For Iowa.

Narcisse generated much attention at the Iowa State Fair where he spent several days meeting and greeting thousands of Iowans personally. He was undefeated in capturing the State Fair Chess Championship, garnered state wide media coverage for his tax and education reform proposals during his "Soap Box" presentation, and surprised pollsters from the Iowa Family Policy Center Action coming in second with 21.3% compared to Culver's 16%.

"During the debates we will hear both Governors pander. In the end, however, both are funded by the same powerful interests such as the Kirke gambling empire. Both have ignored the abuses of bad citizens like Jack DeCoster, a deriliction of duty that could now cost Iowa its standing in the egg industry.

Both advanced the same core policies in areas of governance ranging from how they accounted for state money to their failure to reform areas like education, health and human services and the justice system. Areas of government that command more than 90% of the state's general fund appropriations according to the state's 2009 Fiscal Facts booklet," stated Koontz.

"Jonathan is a man of passion and conviction with the courage to do what's right for Iowa and Iowans. Jack DeCoster would have been held accountable by a Narcisse Administration," exclaims Koontz. "Jonathan is also very data driven and solution oriented. He's not a single issue or headline driven candidate. His inclusion in the debate will mean Iowans will hear meaningful systemic answers to how we create accountable government, restore world class education, rebuild a strong economy and promote a healthy Iowa by example," stated Koontz.

McGreevy named inclusion drive chair

The Narcisse For Iowa campaign has named key leadership for the statewide debate inclusion drive.

Todd McGreevy, who publishes the River Cities' Reader newspaper and website, is based in Davenport and is a Central Committee Member of Scott County's Iowans for Accountability agreed to chair the debate inclusion drive for varied reasons but in part because, as a property owner in Downtown Davenport he feels Narcisse is providing real leadership on the issue of income tax and property tax reform.

"If elevating the community dialog or even increasing viewership is still a goal for the mainstream media outlets who are hosting the three gubernatorial debates this fall, it behooves the organizers to sincerely and publicly respond to why Jonathan Narcisse should NOT be in the debates."

The criteria for inclusion in the debates has not been published by the debate sponsors. Recent polling since the ballot deadline of August 13th has not included Narcisse as an option and no poll that his campaign is aware of has bothered to include even a "None of the Above" option. The televised debates are being held in Sioux City (Sept 14), Cedar Rapids (Oct 7) and Johnston (Oct 21).

"Beyond being on the ballot as an independent under the Iowa Party, Narcisse is eminently qualified to challenge the two incumbent governors in a debate forum. He's served on the state's largest school board with much noteriety and press coverage for his reformist investigations," says McGreevy. "His Iowa governance survey published in 2009 is entitled An Iowa Worth Fighting For. Rarely does a candidate document such detailed analysis and innovative ideas as a pathway to solve Iowa's problems.

"Without Narcisse in the debates, Iowans will hear nothing beyond tired partisan finger pointing. Iowans will hear no articulate, specific ideas for new transformative governance in Iowa. Without Narcisse, the incumbent governors will get a pass on addressing the issues of tax reform, zero based budgeting, and education -- for the rest of the campaign. The debates will be boring and predictable and Iowans will walk away with not one new idea.

"With Narcisse in the debates, there is sure to be a massive amount of interest, throughout the state, in a race that otherwise inspires no one," stated McGreevy.

Reed named inclusion drive co-chair

Walter Reed, who served as head of the Waterloo Human Rights Commission for a decade will co-chair the debate inclusion drive. Reed was appointed to the Iowa Corrections Board in 2000 by former Gov. Tom Vilsack and served in that capacity until 2005 when Vilsack elevated him to head the Iowa Department of Human Rights. He continued in that capacity under Gov. Culver until 2009 when he was appointed to fill the vacancy of Curtis Jenkins on the Iowa Parole Board by Gov. Culver.

"As the Director of the Waterloo Human Rights Commission I became familiar with Jonathan's efforts across 99 counties documenting the state of African Americans in Iowa but also exposing the state's growing urban challenges."

In his 3,500 page report Narcisse identified solutions utilized by both state and local government officials. Even the White House developed a collaboration with Narcisee, following his statewide health and education hearings. "The initiatives enjoyed true bi-partisan support," says Reed.

"Now Iowa has become more urban than rural. The senseless violence that took place at this year's Iowa State Fair has garnered widespread media attention yet those of us that live in the heart of Waterloo, Des Moines, Davenport, Cedar Rapids, Burlington, Iowa City, know this type of mass chaos is taking place nearly every weekend in our urban centers. At times these mass incidents lead to serious gunplay," said Reed. "Yet the media and political leaders have ignored this ongoing urban crisis."

"Iowa's urban areas have real challenges beyond escalating youth and gang violence in areas like housing, unemployment, and education - every school district within Iowa's Urban Eight is officially failing, according to the Culver administration. And it is clear neither Governor Culver or Governor Branstad has solutions for these challenges if they even understand them.

"There is perhaps no Iowan that has a better grasp of the myriad challenges facing Iowa's urban centers than Jonathan Narcisse," stated Reed who cited the work done prior to the school board around the state which gained national attention for its reformist results.  "As a member of the Des Moines School Board, publisher in Des Moines and host of various urban based shows on KBBG FM in Waterloo he has proven to be an effective advocate for all Iowa's urban centers. His contributions are much needed in these debates," concluded Reed.

A former rival encourages inclusion

Des Moines School Board Director Dick Murhpy, president of the board while Narcisse served, shared the following statement regarding the importance of including Narcisse in the debates:

"While I will not endorse Jon Narcisse's candidacy for governor, I will support including him in the gubernatorial debates. In fact, I think it would be good for the campaigns of the other candidates and for Iowa voters to listen to what Mr. Narcisse has to say. The two major candidates have political machines that will be busy undermining their opposition. Mr. Narcisse has no political machine. He has to rely, merely, on defining and expanding issues about the future of Iowa.

"The two major candidates have not laid out a vision for the future of our education, our taxation, nor our health. Mr. Narcisse has. While his vision is of concern for me, at least he is focusing on important issues. Including him in the debates will force the other candidates to focus on the issues and not on each other. Include him and we will all have an issues based campaign," Murphy concluded.

Kirk supports ability to bring people together

The Rev. Rogers Kirk, Pastor of the Third Missionary Baptist Church in Davenport and President of the state's African American Baptist Churches endorsed Narcisse's candidacy in March of 2010. At the announcement he stated: "Narcisse has the ability to bring people together, and he has the right ideas to fix education and the economy in Iowa. This guy has what it takes. I know his faith. He's not one who quits."

Kirk said he's known Narcisse for about 15 years, when he became concerned about how minorities were faring in the state's education system.  Kirk has been active in Democratic politics. He was a member of President Obama's national ministry team and Scott County co-chairman of U.S. Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign in 2004.

Narcisse, during the Branstad Administration, served as the youngest chair of a state commission in the history of Iowa, the Iowa Commission on the Status of African Americans.  Last year he received a Pinnacle Award from the Culver Administration for his statewide contributions to Iowa.

He was also inducted, in December, as the youngest member ever in the history of the Iowa African American Hall of Fame. Over the years he's received more than 400 honors and awards including being recognized by the Bush, Clinton and Bush Administrations and by the Branstad, Vilsack and Culver Administrations.

Not a difficult decision

Considering the scope and depth of Narcisse's body of work, his familiarity with both the Branstad and Culver administrations and his broad appeal to both core democratic groups and social and fiscal conservatives, it is inexplicable to exclude The Iowa Party candidate from the debates.

"How can the sponsoring media, having reported on Jonathan in well over four hundred media reports this past decade, ignore his candidacy when it comes to the debates? Excluding Jonathan from these televised conversations would be a travesty and a disservice to all Iowans looking for an alternative to a sixth term of the Branstad/Culver administration," stated Koontz.

Narcisse, 47 years old, has two second place finishes in U.S. Chess Championships and went undefeated as a semi-pro boxer in the D.C. area with a 17-0 record. He is the father of three children Johnce, Integrity and Perseverance and has three grandchildren. Since August of 2009 Narcisse has completed one 99 county circuit in Iowa and is seven counties short of a second complete 99 county circuit.

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Contact Information
Jonathan Narcisse / info@NarcisseForIowa.com / 515-770-1218
Co-Chair, Walter Reed / 515-771-7785
Co-Chair Todd McGreevy / todd.mcgreevy@gmail.com / 563-650-0120


Grace Hong Duffin Named Acting Secretary of Social Service Agency

CHICAGO - August 26, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today named Grace Hong Duffin as Acting Secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS). Hong Duffin has served as the department's Chief of Staff since 2009. She replaces Michelle R. B. Saddler who left the post this week when Governor Quinn named her as his new Chief of Staff.

"Grace Hong Duffin has been a faithful public servant to the people of Illinois, working to help our most vulnerable residents," said Governor Quinn. "As the helm of DHS, she will oversee the many important programs that low-income families throughout the state depend on every day."

Born in South Korea, Hong Duffin immigrated to the United States in 1975. She was raised in the Chicago area and received a Bachelor of Science in human development and social policy from Northwestern University and a Juris Doctorate from the Chicago-Kent College of Law. She also earned her Master of Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
"I look forward to working closely with Governor Quinn and his administration to provide effective and efficient services for vulnerable Illinoisans," said Acting Secretary Hong Duffin. "We will continue to look for ways to meet the current budget challenges while maintaining quality human services for those we serve."

Hong Duffin spent eight years working as an assistant state's attorney in the office of Cook County State's Attorney Richard A. Devine. She has also previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor for the Governor's Office and Chief Administrative Law Judge for the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Grace Hou was recently named to the position of Acting Secretary of DHS and declined for personal reasons. Hou will remain Assistant Secretary for Programs at DHS, a position she has held since 2003. Prior to joining DHS, Hou was the Executive Director of the Chinese Mutual Aid Association, a nonprofit social service agency that serves Chinese immigrants and refugees. Hou has a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from the University of Illinois and is pursuing a Master of Public Administration from the University of Illinois at Springfield.

Governor Quinn rounded out the DHS leadership team by naming Matthew Hammoudeh as Assistant Secretary for Operations. Hammoudeh previously worked as Acting General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor at the Illinois Department of Central Management Services where he assisted with DHS and other agencies with implementing accountability and fiscal initiatives that resulted in millions of dollars in savings for the state and significant improvements in agency operations. He has a Master's degree in biology from the University of Illinois and a Juris Doctorate from Chicago-Kent College of Law.


DAVENPORT, IA - August 24, 2010

Scott County residents assembled Tuesday evening in downtown Davenport and nominated three independent Non Party Political Organization (NPPO) candidates to appear on the general election ballot for Scott County Supervisor. There are three open Supervisor positions.

John Riley (Blue Grass), Jesse Anderson (LeClaire), and John Greene (Davenport) were unanimously supported by the thirty-five precincts represented by fifty six people attending the convention.

The group also unanimously supported the title for the NPPO as Iowans For Accountability.  In addition, the Iowans For Accountability debated a county-wide issues platform. Agreed upon were the following primary issues:

* Increasingly high property taxes
* Corporate & individual welfare
* Personal property rights  
* Unchecked spending
* Transparent courts
* Cronyism

Organizers will file the paper work with the Scott County Auditors office, Wednesday, the final day for filing for county candidates.

Candidate Profiles & Contact Information

John Riley
(563) 514-3388
Blue Grass, IA
Age: 63
Married, 6 children
Structural Engineer
Iowa State University graduate 1972 / Civil Engineering  
Vietnam veteran, US Army 1967-69; Purple Heart
Provided structural engineering services for:
New Scott County Court House and Jail
Seven story 7th Judicial District Building, Davenport
Nearly every school expansion in QC's
Ground Transportation Center, Davenport
Numerous commercial buildings in QC's
The only structure erected in over 100 years on the Arsenal Island, the Naval Marine Corps Training Center

John Greene
(563) 499-8786
Davenport, IA
Age: 51
Single parent, 2 children
Small business owner
Construction and landscaping company, 18 years
Heavy equipment technician
Former US Marine
Cancer survivor

Jesse Anderson
(309) 235-5813
LeClaire, IA
Age: 28
Married, 1 child
Operations Director, family run pet food processing company
Augustana College graduate, 2007 / Political Science
Experience in restaurant management with Isle of Capri, River Music Experience, and the QC Freight House

Iowans For Accountability
Chairman, Michael Elliott
(563) 570-5395

Secretary, Michael Angelos
(563) 324-4716

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